What broke your camel



  • sarahg2290
    sarahg2290 Posts: 54 Member
    Not having any clothes to wear because I can't fit in them (and not wanting to buy a whole new wardrobe!)
  • robmcd88
    robmcd88 Posts: 85 Member
    Knowing there were only two things wrong with the way I looked (my face & my body), I figured I could at least fix one.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Christmas photos where I had a double chin. Lovely.
  • wordena
    wordena Posts: 177 Member
    When I realized I weighed more than my boyfriend (6 inches taller amd frickin svelte), and got fed up with thinking how I wanted to be thin.
  • nettersaurus
    Mine was being 2 lbs shy of 200 lbs and then suffereing a broken heart as a result.
  • SopranogirlCa
    SopranogirlCa Posts: 188 Member
    Tired of having three different set of clothes... big, bigger and biggest. And I don't want T2 diabetes.
  • bcw660816
    bcw660816 Posts: 326 Member
    I decided I didn't want to die when I started having pains in my chest area.
  • SopranogirlCa
    SopranogirlCa Posts: 188 Member
    I almost forgot... we are getting a pool next summer and "bathing suit" alert... also, I would love to ride horses again so lighter I must be!
  • leighdiane91
    leighdiane91 Posts: 225 Member
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Saw a picture of myself sandwiched (pun intended) between 2 skinny friends. I couldn't believe how much I let myself go. It was taken in May of this year and I never looked back, and never will.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    After I was diagnosed with Graves' Disease, I went in for my first appointment with the endocrinologist. He asked how I knew something was wrong, and I told him I lost 25 pounds without even trying. His response "That was probably good for you."

    Honestly, I was incensed at the time. But after some real soul-searching I realized he was right. :(
  • wordena
    wordena Posts: 177 Member
    Watching my parent's relationship struggle because of my mom's weight gain. Watching my Grandmother's inabilty to walk my entire life not because of old age but obesity.Stepping on the scale and seeing my BMI officially classified as obese, finally cinched it.
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    My brother was always the overweight one in the family and I was quite thin right up until my mid-20's (when a bunch of things happened to make me start gaining including medication that I no longer take and lifestyle change). I didn't have a scale. i knew I'd put on weight but didn't really realize how much. One day my brother and I got in a fight and he said I was "proportionately" just as fat as him, and he pointed out my double chin and belly roll. Then I saw pictures of myself someone took candidly of me at a party that same weekend and I saw how big I really was for the first time. I went out and bought a scale and stepped on - I was 190. I did NOT want to hit 200. My weight was 140 before I went on medication and that is my goal weight to reach now. Currently at 151 so getting close!
  • Ledgehanger
    Ledgehanger Posts: 125 Member
    Interestingly enough... there wasn't any one thing. I've known (obviously) that I should lose some weight, but it's never been a priority.

    I knew that carrying all that weight around could lead to problems like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, T2 diabetes, etc. - but I chose my parents well, so all my numbers were good.

    Then one day... it was a priority. Now three months later, I'm halfway to where I want to be. :smile:
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,123 Member
    Tired of hearing "you have a pretty face". Years of that statement can really wear a girl down....
    Yeah but you DO have a pretty face! Is that a bad thing?
    Thank you, but yeah...it usually is a bad thing....I do not enjoy hearing backhanded compliments.
    I understand. If it's any help, my compliment was legitimate and heartfelt... even if you're young enough to be my daughter... sigh...

    Looks is another area where guys are treated differently than gals. The expectations for us are completely different. When was the last time you heard of a woman who had "rugged good looks"?

    It is perfectly acceptable for a guy to have a face like a bowl of oatmeal with raisins so long as he's well built... and if a guy is overweight but has broad shoulders, big arms, etc... no-one would ever consider saying "Too bad you're overweight... You have such nice arms/shoulders!" The closest thing to the pretty face thing for men might be something like "Hey there, big guy!" acknowledging the weight...
  • JenniferSpindel
    JenniferSpindel Posts: 56 Member
    Every time I see a photo of myself, I think, "That's not me!" It finally clicked that if I am a skinny girl at heart, I should be one on the outside, too.

    Aha! Same here.

    Though my journey began when I realized that I no longer wanted to be in photos (I'm very photogenic) and that having sex with my boyfriend required lights off and easy, simple positions that required little effort on my part.

    I'm sick and tired of buying from the "Womans" section of stores... lots of ugly clothes... and the cute ones are too expensive.

    I'm two weeks in and dying... but I'm ready to stick to this this time....
  • healthynotthin
    healthynotthin Posts: 223 Member
    Going to college. Actually, when I first came here, I dropped my caloric intake to less than half of what it was at home, and I kept hearing "that's not healthy" over and over (I'm talking ~700/day) and I felt guilty about eating more until I started running. As soon as my muscles began to build I began to feel hungry and knew my body could handle a higher number of calories. Finally, where I am now, I'm working on getting my 1,200 kcals per day and getting over this disordered view of food day by day. Still running several times a week and focusing on eating healthy now!
  • abaugh143
    Looking at myself in the mirror and not being able to recognize the woman standing there.
  • apocalypsepwnie
    Having to listen to my BF's baby momma constantly ridicule him over the fact he was dating a fat chick now, having to listen to her constantly belittle me through him saying the only reason he stayed was because I earned a decent living. Oh. And having her deny him visitation rights to his daughter because she wasn't going to have his 'fat *****' of a girlfriend anywhere around her daughter. Because fat is contagious amirite?

    Soo yeah. Can't wait for the day when she goes on about the fat ***** again and I can say "HEY LOOK I DIETED, BUT YOU STILLLLL UGLY!" Lol. Ok, petty but I don't really give a damn.

    omg this. I get exactly this!

    My main reason that scared the pooper out of me was my nan being in hospital for the umpteenth time with a diet related disorder. She'd done all the dumb diets first, and then I did them. I was heading to be exactly her. I didn't want to miserable when I was older, sure she's made 80 but I'm nearly 30 and I don't ever remember her being completely well.
    I didn't want my family continually worrying I'd be in hospital or die when I was in there because I was either so big or had poor health. I'm healthy now but that can change at any time. Weight related disorders run in the family. I did NOT want to be next.

    My continuing motivations are derby, the boyfriend's x who says EXACTLY the things above and I want her to crap pants next time she sees me (she's losing weight too, albiet she's already tiny, but having no success so I want to be the one who has EVERYTHING she said I'm not allowed), a bit more derby and being the smallest I've ever been as an adult. I started highschool at 80kg...ish.
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    Arsehole Men - I went on a date He said "I was really pretty had a gorgeous face but needed to lose my *kitten*! and if anything was to happen between us that he'd have to ween himself into it" Another guy just plain outright ignored me after meeting me... One saying oh friends .. yaddie yaddie Blah to I said right F all you pricks I'll show you.. and I havent looked back