"Natural Flavor" ingredient exposed?



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Yes, food companies do research to find what is most pleasing to the palate and they add those things to their packaged foods. I suppose it's possible that for some it can be as addicting as narcotics, but I don't believe that is the norm. Personally, I think people are more addicted to the convenience than the taste. Or maybe it's the "head in the sand" ignorance that draws them. If you add all that sugar and fat to your own food then you can't say some evil company deceived you into eating it and made you fat.

    I agree that it's ignorance and laziness. People *are* dependent on convenience foods. Yes, let's not blame food manufacturers for our own choices.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    why I would respond with emotion and not logic or rational thought to something

    Because not everyone responds with logic and lack of emotional or personal experience to something. Clearly you are a thinker type and I am an emotional type. Am I evil? No. Are you? No. We just see the world in completely opposite ways. We both are just mirror images of each other in almost every way then. It might be best if you avoid my threads then for the sake of us arguing since we are so different. I refuse to change and so do you. So where does that put us? A stalemate, that's where. :flowerforyou:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    If you are trying to force me to be skeptical of everything I read then this is a battle not worth fighting.

    This sentence says it all.

    I'm late to this convo so maybe I missed something, but didn't the OP ask for other's opinions about the article. Even though he admitted to believing in it completely, didn't he ask if others were skeptical of it? So how is answering his question forcing him to be skeptical of what he reads.

    There is nothing worse than a troll who starts a debate, but then declares he is being attacked because he is losing it!

    I like everything about you, especially your adorably punny avatar.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    No, I actually don't agree. I eat a very balanced diet and I don't feel that seasoning my food translates to a mental or emotional dependence. Food is sustanance, I agree.....eat to live and all that. I still don't feel that I should have to eat bland, tasteless food in order to not be addicted to it.

    Food addiction, in a mental/psychological/emotional aspect, is exactly that. Psychological......and it has nothing to do with the taste of food.

    Just my opinion.

    I don't eat tasteless foods either but I was trying to compare extremes.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    why I would respond with emotion and not logic or rational thought to something

    Because not everyone responds with logic and lack of emotional or personal experience to something. Clearly you are a thinker type and I am an emotional type. Am I evil? No. Are you? No. We just see the world in completely opposite ways. We both are just mirror images of each other in almost every way then. It might be best if you avoid my threads then for the sake of us arguing since we are so different. I refuse to change and so do you. So where does that put us? A stalemate, that's where. :flowerforyou:

    Yes, except you are complaining in multiple forums on things that could easily be fixed by research, common sense, and maybe a tiny bit of skepticism ;)
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    There is no win or lose to this debate. As long as we aren't attacking ME personally I don't care if you disagree. But this disagreement is with the 60 minutes piece, not with me so stop directing your aggression at me!
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    EccentricDad is the ultimate troll. He got us good.

    The original post actually has some validity, ignoring the wording which can be misleading. Food that tastes better is harder to refrain from. It is not, however, addicting in any way. There is no withdrawal symptons for eating carrots instead of cake.

    However, there are hormones which cause the human body to crave sugary foods when glucose levels are low. This is not to be confused with addiction of over flavored foods because these cravings can be satiated by natural sugars, like fruit.

    Because of artificial and natural flavors, it takes a greater amount of self control, however since such a staggering amount of Americans are obese or morbidly overweight, it's fair to say they lack that self control (except for those who don't mind being fat).
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    why I would respond with emotion and not logic or rational thought to something

    Because not everyone responds with logic and lack of emotional or personal experience to something. Clearly you are a thinker type and I am an emotional type. Am I evil? No. Are you? No. We just see the world in completely opposite ways. We both are just mirror images of each other in almost every way then. It might be best if you avoid my threads then for the sake of us arguing since we are so different. I refuse to change and so do you. So where does that put us? A stalemate, that's where. :flowerforyou:

    Yes, except you are complaining in multiple forums on things that could easily be fixed by research, common sense, and maybe a tiny bit of skepticism ;)

    Stalemate sweetheart. I love being naive, optimistic, and trusting. Can't change me so stop trying :flowerforyou:
  • Ms_Steel

    And an "addiction" is by definition "Physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance, and unable to stop taking it without incurring adverse effects."

    Now please explain how this would NOT apply to food for every single living person. Since you've overcome your food addiction.

    ^^ This.....
    Last time I checked, all humans are "physically dependent" on food.

    My dictionary pull was actually proven on the mentally dependent aspect. You could eat something else than a high sodium, high saturated fat, high calorie burger; but your mental/emotional dependence on "taste" is what draws you to something like this, wouldn't you agree? I mean, given the choices between unseasoned chicken that was boiled and steamed veggies or a burger half the size of what's in this thread but just as tasty, hypothetically would you seriously choose the boring chicken/veggies platter? No, because you are mentally eating to reward yourself for your hard work.

    I think it's more about what people have convinced themselves they cannot have...In this example i would say why does the chicken have to boring? it could be seasoned nicely and i love steamed broccoli:heart: , so in many cases i would be more drawn to that choice...but once in a while I do like a good burger.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I get sooooooo sick of people referring to the need for sustenance as an addiction! As a recovering addict, I find it completely offensive! There is a huge difference between lacking self control when it comes to food and being chemically dependent on a narcotic substance.

    The confusion comes in because some of the principles that are used to help drug addicts can also help people in other facets of life, including self-control and self-discipline, which can be applied to weight loss. But there is NO such thing as a 'food' addiction.

    Completely agree! It makes me angry as well. :grumble:
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    It is not saying that the flavoring has addictive agents. It is saying that these flavorists try to make food taste so good that it is irresistible. So, it isn't addictive like crack, but more like pot for those that love pot.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    EccentricDad is the ultimate troll. He got us good.

    The original post actually has some validity, ignoring the wording which can be misleading. Food that tastes better is harder to refrain from. It is not, however, addicting in any way. There is no withdrawal symptons for eating carrots instead of cake.

    However, there are hormones which cause the human body to crave sugary foods when glucose levels are low. This is not to be confused with addiction of over flavored foods because these cravings can be satiated by natural sugars, like fruit.

    Because of artificial and natural flavors, it takes a greater amount of self control, however since such a staggering amount of Americans are obese or morbidly overweight, it's fair to say they lack that self control (except for those who don't mind being fat).

    You see, I'm not trolling. I'm just trying to offer some fresh perspectives here. The lot of you have your head "inside the box" and I'm just trying to help people see that it's not ALWAYS the obese person's fault on how they got where they are. My wife is just addicted (or rather prefers) the taste of these things that draw people to the empty calorie foods. I'm just trying to offer insight here.
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    Stalemate sweetheart. I love being naive, optimistic, and trusting. Can't change me so stop trying :flowerforyou:

    You can lead a horse to water but you can't stop it from pissing in the stream.
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,274 Member
    why I would respond with emotion and not logic or rational thought to something

    Because not everyone responds with logic and lack of emotional or personal experience to something. Clearly you are a thinker type and I am an emotional type. Am I evil? No. Are you? No. We just see the world in completely opposite ways. We both are just mirror images of each other in almost every way then. It might be best if you avoid my threads then for the sake of us arguing since we are so different. I refuse to change and so do you. So where does that put us? A stalemate, that's where. :flowerforyou:

    Yes, except you are complaining in multiple forums on things that could easily be fixed by research, common sense, and maybe a tiny bit of skepticism ;)

    Stalemate sweetheart. I love being naive, optimistic, and trusting. Can't change me so stop trying :flowerforyou:

    you should have ended this with this:

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    There is no win or lose to this debate. As long as we aren't attacking ME personally I don't care if you disagree. But this disagreement is with the 60 minutes piece, not with me so stop directing your aggression at me!

    I don't really see where anyone directed their aggression at you. You are trolling for aggression.
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    EccentricDad is the ultimate troll. He got us good.
    You see, I'm not trolling. I'm just trying to offer some fresh perspectives here. The lot of you have your head "inside the box" and I'm just trying to help people see that it's not ALWAYS the obese person's fault on how they got where they are.

    This is true in some rare exceptions, but as it is wholly false, it causes controversy and is therefore trolling because you refuse to educate yourself otherwise.
    My wife is just addicted (or rather prefers) the taste of these things that draw people to the empty calorie foods. I'm just trying to offer insight here.

    Stop using the word addicted, it is false and misleading. So once again, trolling.
  • SteveMoto
    SteveMoto Posts: 41 Member
    This is like complaining to a drug dealer because he gave your first taste for free. It takes two to tango. Don't put junk in your mouth.
    BTW Givaudan has Burger King (ever wonder how every single burger tastes exactly the same as the last one you ate their? - Givaudan!) and Yankee Candles as clients.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    There is no win or lose to this debate. As long as we aren't attacking ME personally I don't care if you disagree. But this disagreement is with the 60 minutes piece, not with me so stop directing your aggression at me!

    I don't really see where anyone directed their aggression at you. You are trolling for aggression.

    Sometimes you have to read between the lines. If you read and try to understand motives/intentions you will see plenty of people were. Not everything can be read literally. Example below:


    Typically people who wear Tapout shirts are just fans or people who want to "fit in". So even though this seems like an innocent comment, it's really an attack on the person wearing it. They call it "passive-aggression".
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    EccentricDad is the ultimate troll. He got us good.

    The original post actually has some validity, ignoring the wording which can be misleading. Food that tastes better is harder to refrain from. It is not, however, addicting in any way. There is no withdrawal symptons for eating carrots instead of cake.

    However, there are hormones which cause the human body to crave sugary foods when glucose levels are low. This is not to be confused with addiction of over flavored foods because these cravings can be satiated by natural sugars, like fruit.

    Because of artificial and natural flavors, it takes a greater amount of self control, however since such a staggering amount of Americans are obese or morbidly overweight, it's fair to say they lack that self control (except for those who don't mind being fat).

    You see, I'm not trolling. I'm just trying to offer some fresh perspectives here. The lot of you have your head "inside the box" and I'm just trying to help people see that it's not ALWAYS the obese person's fault on how they got where they are. My wife is just addicted (or rather prefers) the taste of these things that draw people to the empty calorie foods. I'm just trying to offer insight here.

    All foods have varying qualities of nutrition. There is no such thing as an 'empty calories'. The closest possible consumable with 'empty calories' is alcohol... which coincidentally is addictive.

    You are trolling. You started debate and then took offense when others disagreed with you. Now you are pretending that you have somehow done us a service by intentionally picking a fight.

    The true test of character is how others perceive you and not how you perceive yourself.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    why I would respond with emotion and not logic or rational thought to something

    Because not everyone responds with logic and lack of emotional or personal experience to something. Clearly you are a thinker type and I am an emotional type. Am I evil? No. Are you? No. We just see the world in completely opposite ways. We both are just mirror images of each other in almost every way then. It might be best if you avoid my threads then for the sake of us arguing since we are so different. I refuse to change and so do you. So where does that put us? A stalemate, that's where. :flowerforyou:

    Yes, except you are complaining in multiple forums on things that could easily be fixed by research, common sense, and maybe a tiny bit of skepticism ;)

    Stalemate sweetheart. I love being naive, optimistic, and trusting. Can't change me so stop trying :flowerforyou:

    Oh golly, gender passive-aggression! Keep on dragging me down with you by living in the same state and county as me (you don't vote, do you?).

    Haha, sorry, so uncalled for ;)

    Here we are back on topic:

    I disagree with the article. It's a blog. It's reiterating a news clip from one source, a source that arguably is known more for "trying to get ratings" than hard facts news. On that note, it's appealing to a larger, American market with this piece... oh, a FOREIGN company is getting us all addicted to food bad for us? Sounds remarkably similar to the arguments people have been making about fast food for the last decade or so... many of which the scientific community (those crazy witch doctors!) have said, "Well, really it's up to the individual what they eat... there's not a food addiction." Remember, emotional eating =/= food addiction. Also, the article uses terminology and links to other articles (on the same blog) using similar terminology that call everything into question: the use of the word "addiction" in a way that is not the actual psychological definition of the word.

    So, no, I don't take something from one source, with little valid or verifiable research, as fact. :)
This discussion has been closed.