Top 5 gym pet peeves

What are everyone's biggest pet peeves about the gym? Mine would be.....

1. My biggest one is......When people (when I say people it's guys 99% of the time) talk to me. Leave me alone please, I'm not friendly, I'm not at the gym to make any new friends. I want to focus on my workout & go home. I purposely walk around the gym without making eye contact with anyone & I keep a stern look on my face & try & look as unapproachable as possible. But, the brave ones still bother me. Then when I tell them that I'm married they have the nerve to ask me where my wedding ring is! Why would I wear my beautiful wedding ring to the gym while I am lifting weights & can scratch it all up?

2. People who hog machines while they are sitting there texting or talking on the phone. If you aren't using the machine then move!

3. Don't hover over me while I'm using the machine, when I'm done it's all yours. But hovering over me is just going to piss me off & it creeps me out as well.

4. People who don't wipe down the machines after sweating all over them, rude!

5. When people try to hog 1-3 machines at a time. How is that fair?


  • Serendipityunt
    Serendipityunt Posts: 120 Member
    I share #4 with you. I find it disgusting that someone just dripped sweat everywhere and let it stay there, instead of being courteous to others.

    Also dislike it when in the changing room, a woman will take up an entire bench with her stuff, blocking a whole set of lockers and place to sit for those of us wiped out from our workout.

    People who bring children into the gym and let them run around because the gym doesn't provide a daycare service.

    Oh, and the creepiest thing is when there is an entire empty row of treadmills, but a person that just walks in has to use the one next to me. I don't care if it's a hot guy or a grandma, give me some space in an empty gym.
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    I share #4 with you. I find it disgusting that someone just dripped sweat everywhere and let it stay there, instead of being courteous to others.

    Also dislike it when in the changing room, a woman will take up an entire bench with her stuff, blocking a whole set of lockers and place to sit for those of us wiped out from our workout.

    People who bring children into the gym and let them run around because the gym doesn't provide a daycare service.

    Oh, and the creepiest thing is when there is an entire empty row of treadmills, but a person that just walks in has to use the one next to me. I don't care if it's a hot guy or a grandma, give me some space in an empty gym.

    How foolish to bring lids to the gym & let them run around, I'm surprised that a gym would allow that for safety reasons. Oh & I'm right with you on that last one! I can't believe I forgot it lol! It's like when you are sitting on a park bench & there are several empty ones around & some random person comes & sits on the same one as you. Seriously? Personal space please!
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    All of yours I agree with. Especially the hogging machines while they text or just sit. On that note, there is a trend at my gym for folks to "save" machines.....they will put their crap on it and walk away, go get water, text.....ugh!

    The one thing that annoys me is in the locker room, other ladies hogging the ENTIRE bench to get ready.

    And, maybe it's awful, but the ladies who just walk around naked and just....hang out without their clothes on.....that kind of weirds me out. I change at the gym sometimes but it's pretty quick and I spend as little time as possible in the locker room naked. My gym has these ladies who just take off all their clothes...and then just hang out. Put their make up on, wander around the locker room putting away their towels or folding their gym clothes. It's just weird to me. Put your clothes on!!!!:noway:
  • goblynn
    goblynn Posts: 152
    #1 Peacocks! The mirrors are there so you can correct your form not gush over-yourself. That's what the mirror at home is for.

    #2 Sub-par Personal Trainers!! It bums me out to see someone who is clearly new to the gym get stuck with a trainer who isn't giving them the support they need AND isn't correcting/demonstrating correct form.

    #3 Negative Group Class Leaders- Getting up for group w/o at 4:45 is difficult enough without the instructor telling the class they feel tired! OR worse-- the latest of their child custody dispute. Please!!! MOTIVATE me.

    #4 Using a SUPER loud machine when exact one (but quieter is available). Our gym gets behind on maintenance and some of the tread mills squeal REALLY loud!!!! Hop off that sweetie, I can't focus.

    #5 Cellphone use- I don't want to hear your conversation! Hang up and work-out or go home. :)
  • martintanz
    Totally with you on 4 and 5. Disgusting and selfish people are annoying.

    Speaking of selfish, I saw an older guy changing into his workout clothes completely disrobe, than sit down on the bench by his locker completely naked. Yuck. If you have to sit down, put down a towel or something.

    Disagree with your #1. If guys are constantly trying to pick you up, you have my sympathy, but honestly, I like a gym where staff and members are friendly and supportive. 4 months ago, I quit a gym because I found the staff indifferent, and the other members cold and standoffish. The place had no energy. I don't like that sort of gym.
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    Totally with you on 4 and 5. Disgusting and selfish people are annoying.

    Speaking of selfish, I saw an older guy changing into his workout clothes completely disrobe, than sit down on the bench by his locker completely naked. Yuck. If you have to sit down, put down a towel or something.

    Disagree with your #1. If guys are constantly trying to pick you up, you have my sympathy, but honestly, I like a gym where staff and members are friendly and supportive. 4 months ago, I quit a gym because I found the staff indifferent, and the other members cold and standoffish. The place had no energy. I don't like that sort of gym.

    Well you are probably a very social person. I'm the total opposite, I'm not friendly & I don't like strangers trying to talk to me. I'm the same way whether I'm at the gym or the grocery store. Just like how we are taught as children not to talk to strangers, I have kept that policy through adulthood.
  • martintanz
    Totally with you on 4 and 5. Disgusting and selfish people are annoying.

    Speaking of selfish, I saw an older guy changing into his workout clothes completely disrobe, than sit down on the bench by his locker completely naked. Yuck. If you have to sit down, put down a towel or something.

    Disagree with your #1. If guys are constantly trying to pick you up, you have my sympathy, but honestly, I like a gym where staff and members are friendly and supportive. 4 months ago, I quit a gym because I found the staff indifferent, and the other members cold and standoffish. The place had no energy. I don't like that sort of gym.

    Well you are probably a very social person. I'm the total opposite, I'm not friendly & I don't like strangers trying to talk to me. I'm the same way whether I'm at the gym or the grocery store. Just like how we are taught as children not to talk to strangers, I have kept that policy through adulthood.

    Actually no, not especially social.
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    Totally with you on 4 and 5. Disgusting and selfish people are annoying.

    Speaking of selfish, I saw an older guy changing into his workout clothes completely disrobe, than sit down on the bench by his locker completely naked. Yuck. If you have to sit down, put down a towel or something.

    Disagree with your #1. If guys are constantly trying to pick you up, you have my sympathy, but honestly, I like a gym where staff and members are friendly and supportive. 4 months ago, I quit a gym because I found the staff indifferent, and the other members cold and standoffish. The place had no energy. I don't like that sort of gym.

    Well you are probably a very social person. I'm the total opposite, I'm not friendly & I don't like strangers trying to talk to me. I'm the same way whether I'm at the gym or the grocery store. Just like how we are taught as children not to talk to strangers, I have kept that policy through adulthood.

    Actually no, not especially social.

    Oh ok, I thought that because you mentioned that you didn't agree with me on #1.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    1. Old naked guys wagging their little dudes around in the locker room.
    2. 85 year old broads with implants
    3. Fat personal trainers
    4. Big chested bros with twig legs
    5. The fact that my gym NEVER has the baseball game on any of its TVs.
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    Oh I absolutely LOVE when cutesie girls go to the gym with their hair down, cutesie clothes, make up, and walk on the treadmill at 3.0 mph without breaking a sweat. You're obviously here to get a good workout. NOW GET OFF THE TREADMILL SO I CAN USE IT.
  • NiagaraCheryl
    NiagaraCheryl Posts: 56 Member
    My peeve is when people leave their stuff on a machine - water bottles, etc. I can't tell if it's just been forgotten about or if they're "saving" a machine. This morning there was a magazine left on my favourite treadmill. During my 1/2 hour on the treadmill beside it no one came to claim the magazine or the treadmill. Thankfully I work out at 7am so there are plenty of machines to choose from.
  • the_scream_queen
    Totally agree with you on people chatting/offering advice. I'm a New Yorker, and it's a way of life to leave each other ALONE. I hate people giving unsolicited advice at the gym.

    Definitely people who hog the locker room bench with all their crap and ladies who stroll around naked for an endless amount of time.

    People who hog the stretching area with a ton of weights and towels and all this stuff. The stretching area in my gym is super limited and we need all the space we can get.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    I can't stand getting hit on at the gym :( I never wear my wedding ring to the gym because I always swell a little, and don't like wearing rings in the shower afterward, so it's hard to get them off. It doesn't happen very often but when it does it's just so awkward. I don't know why the gym can be such a pick-up scene. I'm in there to do work and go home, not goof off and flirt ffs. And I'm nasty and sweaty - even if I were single? Why would I want to flirt when I'm all gross?

    I always use the treadmill or elliptical on the end (and I go in the late evenings so the rest of them are usually free) and it never fails - someone gets on the machine next to me. UM REALLY. All those other machines and you roll up right next to me? And usually it's some douche who is either wearing too much cologne or not enough deodorant.

    Ditto the not wiping off equipment after use. Nasty.

    People always do this at the gym - they try to OPEN the door to the bathroom when it's shut. Like I'm in there, trying to do my business. Why do you want in. The door is flucking shut so yeah, that's an indicator that you probably shouldn't try to open it.

    Also - and this is weird - but there is a guy that goes to my gym that wears literally the same clothes every time I see him. Every day. It's a stupid thing to judge because maybe he just doesn't have a lot of gym clothes, but I always wonder how often they get washed? It's gross.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Oh I absolutely LOVE when cutesie girls go to the gym with their hair down, cutesie clothes, make up, and walk on the treadmill at 3.0 mph without breaking a sweat. You're obviously here to get a good workout. NOW GET OFF THE TREADMILL SO I CAN USE IT.

    Oh yeah... I call them Gym Barbies :)
  • loveachallenge
    loveachallenge Posts: 62 Member
    All the above you mentioned! I went to the gym for years and finally said "F**K this lol. I am also antisocial when it comes to working out. I like to workout alone and without distractions. I decided to create my own home gym. In my garage I have a treadmill, I also am a long distance runner so all I need is the road (free). I have my bench, pull up bar and all kinds of weights. I don't need all those fancy machines when I can use my own body weight to work out. Pushups, pullups, squats, dead lifts, bench....and so forth.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    I work out at home, but i still have a few.
    1. if im running with my three dogs, for chrissakes dont try to stop me to say hi. these.behemoths outweigh me by 70lbs and one isnt friendly. and yet, after being lunged at and cussed out, i still have to drag my dogs away from thr same people.
    2. when i take my bar outside, its because i get tired of the clanging on our concrete floors. its not an open invitation for you to come onto my property to chat while i try not to throw heavy things at you.
    3. headphones=STFU. dont get offended when i walk right past you. i listen to otep or slayer most workouts and cant hear you.
  • nettersaurus
    Oh I absolutely LOVE when cutesie girls go to the gym with their hair down, cutesie clothes, make up, and walk on the treadmill at 3.0 mph without breaking a sweat. You're obviously here to get a good workout. NOW GET OFF THE TREADMILL SO I CAN USE IT.

    I most definitely agree with this. There was a girl at my gym who showed up with SPARKLES on her face daily, hair done somewhat nicely and I don't recall her ever breaking a sweat. Ridiculous.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    1. People drop weights

    2. People who throw down weights

    3. People who don't watch out for others when dropping/throwing weights

    4. People who think weight dropping is cool.

    5. People who unreasonably use "safety" as an excuse for being too weak to properly set weights down.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Oh this discussion is GREAT! I am so glad that someone mentioned getting on the treadmill next to you when there are hundreds of other treadmills open! I thought I was just being a ***** as I think this every time. Really...just leave me some room! This happened a week ago and the guy who was next to me reeked of cigarette stink. I couldn't take it and stopped my workout to move to another treadmill. Personal space, people!

    And talking so loud to the person next to you (or on your cell phone) that we all have to hear it. I don't expect the gym to be library quiet, but I don't want to hear about your date last night either.

    And those who think that wiping the equipment down with the same sweaty towel they wiped their face off with counts as cleaning! NO!!! You are just smearing your own sweat around. You need the paper towel AND the disinfectent to clean the machine.

    And this one is directed at the gym and not the of the TVs is always on a kid's station. Do you really think that the adults who come to the gym want to watch The Wiggles? No! Don't waste that TV on that crap. Put ESPN on that TV as well so that it is on more than just two of the TVs.

  • gxdragon
    gxdragon Posts: 23 Member
    Yes, my biggest pet peeve is getting hit on at the gym. It just doesn't seem to happen enough... Ok, it doesn't happen at all. WTH?!? :cry: