Top 5 gym pet peeves



  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    anything that slows me down.
  • caldon4523
    caldon4523 Posts: 227 Member
    Funny but I just came from the gym. When I go to the gym I wanted to do inverted sit up on a bench that couples with free weights. Someone had left a weight bar above the bench. No one was around so I proceeded to remove the bar. Then a guy comes up to me and tells me he's doing a circuit and is using that bench. I told him I didn't see any one using the bench but I was courteous and moved to another machine. But I was pissed! Him and his friends were hogging two or three machines even though there were only on one at a time. At least put a towel or something indicating you're on the machine. I would have walked away had I seen there was an indication someone was using it but again no one was around and I had just got there so I didn't see what others were doing. I've used this bench before and someone has left the weight bar on it which is why I assumed no one was using it. That's my grip for today!
  • caldon4523
    caldon4523 Posts: 227 Member
    Yes, my biggest pet peeve is getting hit on at the gym. It just doesn't seem to happen enough... Ok, it doesn't happen at all. WTH?!? :cry:

    Ha Ha Ha, made my day!
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    I hate it when people go to the gym in packs and all hang around socializing and dominating a whole section of the gym instead of actually working out.

    I don't know what it is, but just about every gym I've been to only has one power rack. I use a power rack every day that I work out at the gym (I go there specifically to lift weights). It drives me nuts when bros just stand around it chatting with their buds. Most of the time, they're doing lifts they could do at the squat rack (and there are way more of those around).

    I also get irritated by the ladies I see wandering around and not working out. They try to look busy, but they just stand around or walk slowly on a machine while they text. Also the other girls I see who just follow their boyfriends around the gym. I don't have a problem with couples wanting to work out together or being lifting partners, but when they just stand there talking while their boyfriend is lifting? :shrug: What is the point of going to the gym?!

    Oh and the people who don't wipe down their machines. Your head sweat all over the benchpress bench? No thanks, that's revolting.
  • Hmmm - my only pet peeve is people not wiping down the machines.

    While I'm not a proponent of walking around naked... it is a locker room. If you're offended, don't change at the gym.

    I'm a pretty social person so I like to socialize with the other 'regulars' at the gym, whether it be making small talk or discussing workouts. Before I moved, it was nice to have a support group of people at the gym that helped hold you accountable.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Oh, and the creepiest thing is when there is an entire empty row of treadmills, but a person that just walks in has to use the one next to me. I don't care if it's a hot guy or a grandma, give me some space in an empty gym.

    When someone picks the treadmill next to me I figure they're wanting to race so I'm like...


    I normally run outside so the treadmill is flipping easy. The dude next to me last Friday was puffing at 5.8 mph so I turned mine up to 7.8 mph and ran that for 20 minutes. Totally crushed his distance and calories burned. It's like a car pulling up beside you at a light. I have to out do them. Sorry if I crushed your perception of what fast was but you came over here, I didn't come to you.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    1. People who hog equipment or machines
    2. People on cell phones
    3. Kids - especially if they are slowing me down
    4. People who sit on the benches naked - GROSS!
    5. People who workout in jean or dress clothes (I don't get it so it annoys me but really I shouldn't care because it has nothing to do with me or my workout.)
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    People using machines with the cables and such and on every rep CLANKING the weight down REALLY REALLY loud!!! like, you're doing it wrong!! Not supposed to drop the weight every time!!

    And most everything else listed.
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    What are everyone's biggest pet peeves about the gym? Mine would be.....

    1. My biggest one is......When people (when I say people it's guys 99% of the time) talk to me. Leave me alone please, I'm not friendly, I'm not at the gym to make any new friends. I want to focus on my workout & go home. I purposely walk around the gym without making eye contact with anyone & I keep a stern look on my face & try & look as unapproachable as possible. But, the brave ones still bother me. Then when I tell them that I'm married they have the nerve to ask me where my wedding ring is! Why would I wear my beautiful wedding ring to the gym while I am lifting weights & can scratch it all up?

    2. People who hog machines while they are sitting there texting or talking on the phone. If you aren't using the machine then move!

    3. Don't hover over me while I'm using the machine, when I'm done it's all yours. But hovering over me is just going to piss me off & it creeps me out as well.

    4. People who don't wipe down the machines after sweating all over them, rude!

    5. When people try to hog 1-3 machines at a time. How is that fair?

    Ugh, #2, 3, and 4! Especially when there is a 30 min limit and they are on the machine for 45 minutes or more. Lame.
  • leighdiane91
    leighdiane91 Posts: 225 Member
    The one that bothers me the most is when women in the locker room hang out naked... I walk in there after a work out and there are two women toweling off naked having a great conversation..... in front of my locker.... I mean c'mon ladies! really?
  • eksproductions
    eksproductions Posts: 138 Member
    #2 & #4!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    When people hog machines and they are the only one of that kind in the place! I mean, COME ON LADY, there is NO reason to do the leg abductor for 25 MINUTES!!!! (YES, 25. I log my work outs, obviously, and that was the first machine I was going to use. She was on it. I finished everything else 25 minutes later, and she was still on it.)
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Our gym has rules - no kids, no phones.

    1. When people sit on circuit machines to do multiple sets. What is about about a circuit you don't get? Use all the machines in order and move on!

    2. MSNBC on the TV.

    3. Non-wiping users.

    That's pretty much it - the Y here is pretty good. I could careless if anyone talks to me. And the classes are great.
  • I only have one...the sweat people leave behind....yuk
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    people who judge me while I curl for hours
  • KS_4691
    KS_4691 Posts: 228 Member
    Oh I absolutely LOVE when cutesie girls go to the gym with their hair down, cutesie clothes, make up, and walk on the treadmill at 3.0 mph without breaking a sweat. You're obviously here to get a good workout. NOW GET OFF THE TREADMILL SO I CAN USE IT.

    I most definitely agree with this. There was a girl at my gym who showed up with SPARKLES on her face daily, hair done somewhat nicely and I don't recall her ever breaking a sweat. Ridiculous.

    Screw you guys, I look cute at the gym and work harder than almost everyone else in there. By the end of the workout, I'm sweaty but my makeup (usually) hasn't budged. I work out in the morning, and just wear my makeup from the previous day. When I lift, I leave my hair down. Apparently there's some huge judgmental female rule against this. It f*cking hurts my head to lie on a bench with a giant lump of elastic digging into my skull. I wear cute workout clothes. It takes just as long to put on something cute as it does to put on sh*tty clothes. Why does looking good equate to weakness/laziness? I'm stronger than a lot of the guys and I have actually broken a treadmill while running at its top speed. There's so much hate on this site about makeup at the gym.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Oh, and the creepiest thing is when there is an entire empty row of treadmills, but a person that just walks in has to use the one next to me. I don't care if it's a hot guy or a grandma, give me some space in an empty gym.

    When someone picks the treadmill next to me I figure they're wanting to race so I'm like...


    I normally run outside so the treadmill is flipping easy. The dude next to me last Friday was puffing at 5.8 mph so I turned mine up to 7.8 mph and ran that for 20 minutes. Totally crushed his distance and calories burned. It's like a car pulling up beside you at a light. I have to out do them. Sorry if I crushed your perception of what fast was but you came over here, I didn't come to you.

    In the summer, this happens a lot. I do the dreadmill when it rains. It's fun to race. But in the winter some marathon chick smoked me at 9 MPH for 30 minutes.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Agree with you for the most part. And don't forget the "grunters". The very loud grunters.
    Oh and the stinky people. Ya know, the kind that apparently wear the same dirty workout clothes to the gym w/o washing them.
    The worst is when the grunter is the stinky one.. aaaaand he's also the guy that hits on you. Yup, true story.

    Now with that said, I don't mind talking w/ people at the gym. As long as its welcome and doesn't cross the line (see stinky, grunter guy above). I used to work out at the same gym as Gilles Marini... (Dancing w/ the Stars/actor) I WISH he would've talked w/ me. :laugh:
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    Oh I absolutely LOVE when cutesie girls go to the gym with their hair down, cutesie clothes, make up, and walk on the treadmill at 3.0 mph without breaking a sweat. You're obviously here to get a good workout. NOW GET OFF THE TREADMILL SO I CAN USE IT.

    I most definitely agree with this. There was a girl at my gym who showed up with SPARKLES on her face daily, hair done somewhat nicely and I don't recall her ever breaking a sweat. Ridiculous.

    Screw you guys, I look cute at the gym and work harder than almost everyone else in there. By the end of the workout, I'm sweaty but my makeup (usually) hasn't budged. I work out in the morning, and just wear my makeup from the previous day. When I lift, I leave my hair down. Apparently there's some huge judgmental female rule against this. It f*cking hurts my head to lie on a bench with a giant lump of elastic digging into my skull. I wear cute workout clothes. It takes just as long to put on something cute as it does to put on sh*tty clothes. Why does looking good equate to weakness/laziness? I'm stronger than a lot of the guys and I have actually broken a treadmill while running at its top speed. There's so much hate on this site about makeup at the gym.

    I think there is a lot of hate for girls who wear makeup to the gym on every fitness site. Why people care about something that doesn't affect them is beyond me. I'm a make-up artist and if I am running to the gym right after work I don't always have time to take it off. Oh we'll, it doesn't effect my work out or anyone else.
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    The texting/talking on the phone!! If you are doing those things you aren't kicking you *kitten* hard enough.