Top 5 gym pet peeves



  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    people like the OP

    I only talk to ladies that use the power rack, so you cardio queens are safe from me.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    I like walking on the treadmill and I will walk on the treadmill extra long just for y'all. Bite me.
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    I agree with pretty much all of the pet peeves here. I especially the getting hit on at the gym because to me, it happens when I'm at my most compromising positions (i.e. while performing a squat or a deadlift). Some douche decides he is going to stand almost directly behind me and choose the concentric phase of the exercise to hit on me. Really?? Creep.

    Oh! I also hate the loud, grunting guy who lifts heavier than he should with completely improper form insisting on giving me weight lifting advice that usually involves lightening my weight so "I don't hurt myself" simply because I'm a girl. Anyone else ever have that happen?
  • mom2sons02
    mom2sons02 Posts: 111 Member
    Ok, I'm gonna try to bring some freshness into this topic and bring up some peeves that haven't been mentioned 1,000,000 times.

    1) 35 lb plates - I hate these with a passion. They take up lots of space, and are easily replaced by the more common 25 and 10 lb plates

    2) 1/4 ROM - I will admit that I've lost strength due to not lifting in the past couple years, but it's so damn aggravating to see people benching/squatting with a very limited range of motion. It's not effective at all.

    3) Smith machine - I despise my gym for having so many of these craptacular devices. They easily double the number of squat racks and power cages where I lift. The Smith machine limits the body's natural movement, and is more likely to induce injury than a well-performed lift.

    That's as far as I'm getting for right now. Got myself worked up about these petty things!

    I don't know what any of those things are! Guess I need to get my fanny to a gym.
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    This one I HAD to mention:

    Ladies~~~~~you know the machines we use to work our outer and inner thigh.......the ones with the padding on the outside and the padding on the inside of the thigh area?

    The CREEPY guys that sit on the machines in front of you and just watch you workout on those machines!!!! Blech! :huh:

    I had a guy do that yesterday to me and I wanted to be sick! I could not finish using the machines....I had to get up and walk away.

    OMG THIS!!! I once had a guy wait until I was doing sets on one and he stood in front of me and chose THAT moment to start commenting on my looks! I was so creeped out!
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    3. When a guy comes up to me assuming I don't know what I'm doing or need help in some way. I really don't think they would do things like change the weights on the machine that i'm using so I will "find it easier" if I was a guy (without asking either!!). I want to push myself, and will accept politely worded advice if my form is bad or something. But you do not tell me how to do my workout, or how heavy I'm allowed to press, just because I'm a girl.

    I'm not alone!!!!
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    1. People drop weights

    2. People who throw down weights

    3. People who don't watch out for others when dropping/throwing weights

    4. People who think weight dropping is cool.

    5. People who unreasonably use "safety" as an excuse for being too weak to properly set weights down.
    This is partially why I like Planet Fitness ;) There's none of that racket at my club.....and if there is "serious violations" they usually get warned....and of course "lunk alarmed"....hehe.

    My biggest pet peeve is the "super setting" thankfully, my gym is a "smaller" gym....and they (PF) put an end to it....I'd see 1 guy using all 4 Smith-Machines at one time.....hogging all 4 machines, texting in between sets, etc.

    Cell phone use (texting) I don't mind.....but by no means do I want to see you reading CNN, MSNBC, etc.....while working Had a dude bring in the News paper....and read it, as he moved from machine to kind of annoying "waiting" for him to finish his sets.....since as I said, it is a smaller club, we don't have many "doubles" of the machines. But hoping that changes in the coming year....since our renewal is coming up.
  • Cassandrat83
    Yes, my biggest pet peeve is getting hit on at the gym. It just doesn't seem to happen enough... Ok, it doesn't happen at all. WTH?!? :cry:
    LOL!! Awwee, not enough sparkles obviously :laugh:
  • Big_Daddy6
    1. People drop weights

    2. People who throw down weights

    3. People who don't watch out for others when dropping/throwing weights

    4. People who think weight dropping is cool.

    5. People who unreasonably use "safety" as an excuse for being too weak to properly set weights down.

    Sometimes you really do have to kind of "throw" the weights. If you don't have a spotter and are going heavy on say the dumbbell press on the flat bench. If you don't leg go of it and coast it down to the floor you could tear something. Of course you should have a spotter in those cases but sometimes there is no one there that would qualify.......
  • GaryRuiz
    My biggest pet peeve was this one dog I had,but I had to give him away
  • loricasanas
    #1 The older ladies from the water aerobics class sitting right in front of my locker naked, and barely moving when I need in.
    #2 People walking right in front of me when I'm hitting the tennis ball at the gym wall.
    #3 Water ladies complaining that the locker room is too cold, when really it is so hot you can barely stand it if you actually worked out!
    #4 No soap in the shower.
    #5 People with musty clothes.
  • larisabones
    1. Girls that dress up in a the perfect matching gym outfit, with their hair and makeup done...and then walk the treadmill at a crawling pace.

    2. People that are drinking sugary flavored drinks instead of water. Really?!

    3. Men that are lifting weights that are clearly too heavy for them, and then slam the weights down and practically shake the building.

    4. The same men in #3, except those sounds they make. The ones that sound like they are giving birth.

    5. Germs, other people's sweat...and people not wiping their machines off!!!
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    1. This is not a place to socialize. I don't want to be your bro(UNLESS YOU HAVE SOMETHING USEFUL TO SAY.)
    2. Your form is terrible. YOUR WEIGHTS ARE TOO HEAVY.
    3. Not cleaning after yourself. What are you 2?
    4. Not being able to use the equipment because there's a line up that's as long as black Friday.
    5. Excessive grunting to the point I'm thinking someone's enjoying themselves in the corner.
    6. Not putting the weights back. Having to see 10 weights on the floor all disorganized. This is not your private gym. I don't care how big you are. **** you.
    7. Groups of 10.
    8. Ego up people's *kitten*.

    Couldn't just fit 5.
  • larisabones
    1. This is not a place to socialize. I don't want to be your bro(UNLESS YOU HAVE SOMETHING USEFUL TO SAY.)
    2. Your form is terrible. YOUR WEIGHTS ARE TOO HEAVY.
    3. Not cleaning after yourself. What are you 2?
    4. Not being able to use the equipment because there's a line up that's as long as black Friday.
    5. Excessive grunting to the point I'm thinking someone's enjoying themselves in the corner.
    6. Not putting the weights back. Having to see 10 weights on the floor all disorganized. This is not your private gym. I don't care how big you are. **** you.
    7. Groups of 10.
    8. Ego up people's *kitten*.

    Couldn't just fit 5.

    I agree with every single one of these, and got a good laugh! Hah! Thanks :)
  • chiaraziviani
    People who FART in the gym.. are you kidding me?! If you have GAS STAY AT HOME.
  • 8Spokes
    I think it's funny that there are so many pet peeves...and even more entertaining that I do some of those things. ;)

    Guilty: The gym is not a library. I make a little noise...especially when I'm leg pressing more than 3x my bodyweight for 20+ reps. If you don't like it, go to the "gym" w/ the "lunk" alarm thing.

    Also, if my form is bad or you have a suggestion to make my workout more effective- give me your tips! I'll swallow my pride to prevent injury, thanks! This is how I learned how to properly use cables to target my upper back and my back is ever so thankful.

    So, on to the peeves:

    1. Big fellas that think leaving 100lb plates on the leg press is OK- and there's a sign that reads "Do not leave weights on the leg press machine." 100lbs is my bodyweight, bro...put them back, dont be lazy.

    2. Folks who talk on the phone or text while holding up the ONLY squat rack, leg press, bench press...etc.

    3. People afraid to sweat or go heavy. Go hard or go home.

    Thankful for:

    1. Females that lift heavy!!! Way to go, ladies :)

    2. Fellas that see me staring at the 100lb plates, shaking my head and decide to volunteer to move the 100lb plates. Much appreciated!

    3. Compliments on my strength. Makes my day!

    4. People that take their workout seriously and don't waste time and/or gym space chatting or flirting.
  • Melissat33
    Well my hubby got in on this so will I:

    1. leaving ur sweat behind sop it up!!!! It's gross and I don't wanna have too clean up ur mess
    2.Barbie doll girls with their 2lb weights hair and make up the same when they leave as it was then they came (if u leave the way u came ur going something wrong)
    3. guys that wink at me I'm married I have 6 kids and I lift more weight then u do move on!
    4.people that think they know what their doing but clearly don't
    5. People that come to the gym just to say they go to the gym

    As far as making noise when u heavy lift there is no way around it if u ever heavy lifted u might know that!
    Also sometime dropping down weights is something u have know choice but to do its either that or tear a rotator cuff

    Things I love about the gym:

    1. When I lift more then some guys and put em to shame
    2. When I break my last record
    3. Having a great set of motivators! (my hubby and our friend/trainer)
    4. Hearing our friend/trainer yell DRIVE when ur last rep feels like a million pounds and u just wanna set the weighs down but u dont cuz there is motivation behind his words
    5. Having the best workout buddy in the works my hubby big_daddy6!!
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    Once I was doing regular aerobics/step/misc classes, and you'd bet I wanted a floor space where I could actually see what I was doing - which was why I arrived early. Choosing a good spot, "some ladies" (45-50 years, obviously owning the class...) told me that I needed to find another space - I had taken one of their spots, "they always stand there"!!

    I can tell you - it felt really good to tell them off :tongue:
  • naculp
    naculp Posts: 225 Member
    People who FART in the gym.. are you kidding me?! If you have GAS STAY AT HOME.

    Somebody has obviously never been training for a 10k or greater. There are times during longer runs where things start gurgling in your stomach, and well... It just has to come out. It's not like I want to share it
  • Brunner26_2
    People who FART in the gym.. are you kidding me?! If you have GAS STAY AT HOME.

    For real! Same goes for sneezing! Take that crap somewhere else!