Top 5 gym pet peeves



  • scrapfrfun
    1. Women who wear their "perfume" to they gym......I can't say how many times I have wanted to say something to these women that their choice in perfume makes it really hard to breathe!
    2. People who don't wipe their machines down when they are done...I now wipe before I get on and after I get off, that way I know it's "somewhat" clean
    3. Women who think that they own the whole Group X classroom floor and when Zumba is going with 30 other women they decide to use a 10 x 10 box and will just run you over
    4. Women who don't wear underwear to the gym and they are in front of you in a Group X class and their workout pants are constantly riding up in their a** cheeks the whole class.....yes she is 6 ft tall and stands right in front of you and you can't miss it. GROSS!!!
    5. The gym having a FB page but NEVER updating or if you ask a question, never responding!
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    Another peeve is seeing someone who is heavier than me not doing the right things for their body. Saw a woman weight lifting A LOT of weight when it was obvious that she should be fat burning before adding muscle, but I don;t wanna say anythingcuz she might wanna be a heavy weight lifter and I don't wanna offend her but if shes trying to lose weight the way she was doing it was not gonna work :(

    You clearly have no freakin idea what you are talking about. Just because we are large (or obese) doesn't mean lifting (or lifting heavy) doesn't work for us. Lifting weights isn't all about big muscles. It has a place in EVERY persons w/o, no matter what their size is.

    /end rant
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Just thought of one:

    At my last gym, 15 min into a 30 min sauna a guy came in and grabbed a seat. No big deal.

    2 minutes later his teenage kid came and had a 3 min conversation with him, from outside the sauna, with the door open. Let all the hot air out.

    After telling him "in or out, quit letting the hot air out"

    5 minutes and two trips to fill up the water bucket, it was finally back up to temp.
  • leslielrd12
    leslielrd12 Posts: 115 Member
    Oh I absolutely LOVE when cutesie girls go to the gym with their hair down, cutesie clothes, make up, and walk on the treadmill at 3.0 mph without breaking a sweat. You're obviously here to get a good workout. NOW GET OFF THE TREADMILL SO I CAN USE IT.
    OMG THIS^^^ There is the one women who comes into my gym at night with prefect long blond hair, stands around and gossips, does the slow slow walking and sheds her hair on everything. Drives me insane. Your pretty, we get it. I happen to think I'm pretty and I still get sweaty. lol
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Oh I absolutely LOVE when cutesie girls go to the gym with their hair down, cutesie clothes, make up, and walk on the treadmill at 3.0 mph without breaking a sweat. You're obviously here to get a good workout. NOW GET OFF THE TREADMILL SO I CAN USE IT.

    I most definitely agree with this. There was a girl at my gym who showed up with SPARKLES on her face daily, hair done somewhat nicely and I don't recall her ever breaking a sweat. Ridiculous.

    Screw you guys, I look cute at the gym and work harder than almost everyone else in there. By the end of the workout, I'm sweaty but my makeup (usually) hasn't budged. I work out in the morning, and just wear my makeup from the previous day. When I lift, I leave my hair down. Apparently there's some huge judgmental female rule against this. It f*cking hurts my head to lie on a bench with a giant lump of elastic digging into my skull. I wear cute workout clothes. It takes just as long to put on something cute as it does to put on sh*tty clothes. Why does looking good equate to weakness/laziness? I'm stronger than a lot of the guys and I have actually broken a treadmill while running at its top speed. There's so much hate on this site about makeup at the gym.

    Before you go getting your panties in a knot, maybe you should read that we are both mostly judging the girls that get up to put themselves completely together before going to the gym and then DON'T BREAK A SWEAT. No one said that you had to look like a slob. I, too, go to the gym with the make up from the night before but I most certainly do not primp myself to go there. I don't care if your hair is down or up but it you look like you did it just to come to the gym and barely do anything, that's when you're being judged.

    I'm not wanting to get into the whole "makeup" controversy, as I personally don't care either way. I think its a non issue (I for one went to the gym after work and of course was wearing makeup). But I just have to say -- generally speaking-- Sleeping in your makeup and still not washing your face in the AM before going to sweat :huh: My skin is breaking out just reading about it! :laugh:
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    I never find women walking around in my locker room. I'm changing gyms!

    I hate posers. You're either there to accomplish something or not. To accomplish something you need to sweat/grunt and work hard. To pick up a date you need to go elsewhere
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    Another peeve is seeing someone who is heavier than me not doing the right things for their body. Saw a woman weight lifting A LOT of weight when it was obvious that she should be fat burning before adding muscle, but I don;t wanna say anythingcuz she might wanna be a heavy weight lifter and I don't wanna offend her but if shes trying to lose weight the way she was doing it was not gonna work :(

    How judgemental can you be! I'm overweight but I love lifting so it's lucky you don't say anything to these courageous women cause if it you said anything to me I'd accidentally drop a dumbbell on your foot. You don't know what their goals are - they could be a powerlifter etc. I'm not waiting till I lose the excess weight before I start lifting.
  • Evey_bee
    Evey_bee Posts: 77 Member
    I only really have 3 peeves.
    1. People not wiping down machines. Ack.
    2. people hogging like 3 sets of dumbbells, they can't use all 3 at once. Oh and then not putting them back.
    3. When a guy comes up to me assuming I don't know what I'm doing or need help in some way. I really don't think they would do things like change the weights on the machine that i'm using so I will "find it easier" if I was a guy (without asking either!!). I want to push myself, and will accept politely worded advice if my form is bad or something. But you do not tell me how to do my workout, or how heavy I'm allowed to press, just because I'm a girl.
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    Another peeve is seeing someone who is heavier than me not doing the right things for their body. Saw a woman weight lifting A LOT of weight when it was obvious that she should be fat burning before adding muscle, but I don;t wanna say anythingcuz she might wanna be a heavy weight lifter and I don't wanna offend her but if shes trying to lose weight the way she was doing it was not gonna work :(

    How judgemental can you be! I'm overweight but I love lifting so it's lucky you don't say anything to these courageous women cause if it you said anything to me I'd accidentally drop a dumbbell on your foot. You don't know what their goals are - they could be a powerlifter etc. I'm not waiting till I lose the excess weight before I start lifting.

    And also they might be being sensible and combining strength with cardio. You dont lose weight and then work on muscle, you do them together so they meet in the middle
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    Mine would be people who sit around and judge everybody at the gym for things that don't even affect them.

    Why do you care if somebody is lifting lighter weights than you, wearing makeup or walking slowly on the treadmill? Focus on yourself.

  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Another peeve is seeing someone who is heavier than me not doing the right things for their body. Saw a woman weight lifting A LOT of weight when it was obvious that she should be fat burning before adding muscle, but I don;t wanna say anythingcuz she might wanna be a heavy weight lifter and I don't wanna offend her but if shes trying to lose weight the way she was doing it was not gonna work :(

    You clearly have no freakin idea what you are talking about. Just because we are large (or obese) doesn't mean lifting (or lifting heavy) doesn't work for us. Lifting weights isn't all about big muscles. It has a place in EVERY persons w/o, no matter what their size is.

    /end rant

    The post that was ranted about is totally stupid and ignorant. It deserves several more rants. That is all.

  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I don't mind grunting and I grunt when I am lifting especially heavy, and I won't be stopping that anytime soon.
    The only grunters than bother me are the ones who clearly are not lifting heavy and grunting real loud for attention.

    You know, I think alot of the pet peeves are based on people not liking when people aren't serious in the gym bc they are either preoccupied, lazy, or vain.
  • Dawners98
    Dawners98 Posts: 120 Member
    I have to agree on everything - although no one's ever tried to pick me up at the gym, I would not be receptive anyway - and I must add (or reiterate if someone in 9 pages of comments has said it) that I hate it when people who stink get on a machine near me. Dude/Dudette, you effing REEK, gtfo. And I'm talking about the body spray/lotion/cologne people, not the normal sweat/bo we've all got going on after a good workout! I have a very sensitive sniffer and often have to leave a machine if someone's doused themselves in stink. Blech. :sick:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Mine would be people who sit around and judge everybody at the gym for things that don't even affect them.

    Why do you care if somebody is lifting lighter weights than you, wearing makeup or walking slowly on the treadmill? Focus on yourself.


    Wait! What?!?! DJ, wasn't it you that started this entire thread?
  • momoftwo75
    momoftwo75 Posts: 22 Member
    What are everyone's biggest pet peeves about the gym? Mine would be.....

    1. My biggest one is......When people (when I say people it's guys 99% of the time) talk to me. Leave me alone please, I'm not friendly, I'm not at the gym to make any new friends. I want to focus on my workout & go home. I purposely walk around the gym without making eye contact with anyone & I keep a stern look on my face & try & look as unapproachable as possible. But, the brave ones still bother me. Then when I tell them that I'm married they have the nerve to ask me where my wedding ring is! Why would I wear my beautiful wedding ring to the gym while I am lifting weights & can scratch it all up?

    2. People who hog machines while they are sitting there texting or talking on the phone. If you aren't using the machine then move!

    3. Don't hover over me while I'm using the machine, when I'm done it's all yours. But hovering over me is just going to piss me off & it creeps me out as well.

    4. People who don't wipe down the machines after sweating all over them, rude!

    5. When people try to hog 1-3 machines at a time. How is that fair?

    I agree with you on all, but #5 - are you talking about someone that is doing a circuit routine? I do resistance training 3x/wk and always do 2-3 circuits....I go in the afternoons when the gym is less busy so hopefully no one cares or is waiting on one of the machines I'm using. I do a combo of free weights/medicine ball/machines. And I go fast, I don't take long breaks in between. I'm there to do my routine and go home.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Lol I don't understand why so many women are so annoyed by getting hit on at the gym... I've had guys flirt with/hit on me at the gym (actually it's the only place this happens haha) I just smile, laugh and walk away. It's not really that time consuming or distracting. You should be flattered.

    ETA: I am also NOT a social person at all. I'm really anti-social and shy.
  • nixism
    nixism Posts: 258 Member
    The creepy old man who always says "21's 21's" to me when I am trying to get through my bicep 21's... then seeing him at a local cafe the next day and he says it again.... CREEPY MUCH!!!
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    Mine would be people who sit around and judge everybody at the gym for things that don't even affect them.

    Why do you care if somebody is lifting lighter weights than you, wearing makeup or walking slowly on the treadmill? Focus on yourself.


    Yea I was and I'm talking about things that other people do that affect your work out. People wearing or not wearing make-up doesn't hurt or interfere.

    Wait! What?!?! DJ, wasn't it you that started this entire thread?
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    Mine would be people who sit around and judge everybody at the gym for things that don't even affect them.

    Why do you care if somebody is lifting lighter weights than you, wearing makeup or walking slowly on the treadmill? Focus on yourself.


    Wait! What?!?! DJ, wasn't it you that started this entire thread?

    Yes, but I'm talking about things people do that interfere with my work out. Someone's make-up or lack thereof can't hurt anyone.
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    Lol I don't understand why so many women are so annoyed by getting hit on at the gym... I've had guys flirt with/hit on me at the gym (actually it's the only place this happens haha) I just smile, laugh and walk away. It's not really that time consuming or distracting. You should be flattered.

    ETA: I am also NOT a social person at all. I'm really anti-social and shy.

    I'm also super anti social & shy which is why it bothers me so much when strangers talk to me.