Top 5 gym pet peeves



  • _Alkaline
    _Alkaline Posts: 18 Member
    For all of you who said that someone gets on a treadmill next to you when there is an entire empty row--- my question to you is:
    Where do you work out?? Any gym I've gone to has been packed and there aren't many,

    For me a better question is when- answer : the AM! the lesser of the rush hours.
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I've read all these posts and waited to chime in because honestly so many of these things are things that don't concern you! Who cares what anyone else is doing? I'm antisocial as hell but when people talk to me I respond (that has tapered off because I wear HUGE red headphones my boyfriend gave me). I go in, wipe off the equipment before I use it, work out, and clean up after. I don't even look at other people because that means I'm not working. I will say I'm hesitent to go near the free weight section because while I can lift a decent amount for how overweight I am, I don't like being around the annoying jocks. I get my strength training at home or I take classes for it in the studios.

    What annoys me most about the gym is the parking lot! Don't lollygag down the middle of the road looking for the aisle you parked in, I would like to move my car and instead of moving to a side or using the sidewalk, you are standing in the CENTER OF THE LANE and I can't go around. I have to leave now lady, please move. People drive fast, there's motercycles everyone, and no one knows how to park. I park around the side of the building so I always get a space even if it means extra walking but omg I can't drive in or out of that lot!
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    1. When I can't lift the weight I want

    2. When my mp3 player pisses me off

    3. When I get phone calls while working out

    4. When I run out of time to finish my routine

    5. When I don't feel like I've done my best.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    1. When I can't lift the weight I want

    2. When my mp3 player pisses me off

    3. When I get phone calls while working out

    4. When I run out of time to finish my routine

    5. When I don't feel like I've done my best.

    I like the cut of your jib. What is a fake plastic tree though? Does that mean the plastic is fake plastic? What is fake plastic made out of?
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I'm bothered by loud machines, too. If the elliptical is squealing, PLEASE get off and tell the staff. (squealing machines is like fingernails on the chalkboard for me)

    Most of all, I was bothered by the fact that I had to give up time to drive there. Now I incorporate exercise into my day around the home and yard, plus I own workout DVDs and the Internet has a lot more.
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    1. taking weights and not using them(i.e circuit training with every dumbell from 15-40 lying around you)
    2. not racking weights(how is it possible to be lazy working out?!?!)
    3. little man grunting syndrome(if you ain't throwing up 300+ or cross fitting, stfu)
    4. not using towel(not only prevents staph, etc. but shows you're using the equipment)
    5. staring(unless you're a chick, that actually makes me a little stronger haha)
  • Nicolette_Karls
    I'm at college right now, and there are several things that agitate me about our gym.

    1) The people who think everyone wants to hear about their "wild weekend" and all the "hot girls" they got it on with. No one wants to know that; take it somewhere else.

    2) The people who bring all of their homework in, pick a machine, and basically don't use it. Bikes and ellipticals are the worst! I understand reading while actually exerting effort, but standing/sitting still while taking notes? We have libraries for that.

    3) The people who stop and stare at you while you workout. Yes, my face is extremely red. Yes, I am sweating profusely. Yes, I am breathing heavy. But I am not here for you to stare at, so get a move on.

    4) The guys who walk up in the weight room and suggest I lift something lighter. I know how to do weights, you can go away now.

    5) The people who turn everything into a competition. I hate going on a machine or into the weight room, and suddenly everyone wants it to be a competition. You can run faster? That's nice. You can lift more? That's nice, too. Go away please.
  • BirdieNYC
    BirdieNYC Posts: 26 Member
    I agree with everything!! Especially the nudity in the locker room. I get that it's unavoidable when you're changing, but c'mon, must you blow dry your hair topless? I mean, is that really necessary?? Oh, and if you're going to sit on the bench butt naked, PUT A TOWEL DOWN FIRST. Gross beyond belief.
  • blushingmama
    blushingmama Posts: 111 Member
    The personal trainers get on my nerves the most. They make up the most ridiculous exercises, take up way too much room & get in the way.

    And then when they want to rush me to get off the incline bench so their client can stand on two benches and do some ridiculous, unstable exercise their body would never naturally do. Go do some squats instead!

    Worse, when someone uses the squat rack to do bicep curls. Unexcusable! We have a huge variety of barbells...use that! I'm not squating without the rack, you can curl without a rack.

    The rest I block out. Earbuds in, music up loud, focus on my goal for the day and get out. I'm not there to socialize or make friends.
  • janesworld
    Guys ignoring the signs posted everywhere about NO SPITTING ON THE INDOOR TRACK. Gross! And sweaty machines.
  • blushingmama
    blushingmama Posts: 111 Member
    I lied, one more thing. Yes, I'm aware my bewbs bounce when I'm running. I'm self conscious of it as it is. I'm running to get the girls to shrink down. Staring at my chest makes me creeped out. Please dont be so obvious about it.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Another peeve is seeing someone who is heavier than me not doing the right things for their body. Saw a woman weight lifting A LOT of weight when it was obvious that she should be fat burning before adding muscle, but I don;t wanna say anythingcuz she might wanna be a heavy weight lifter and I don't wanna offend her but if shes trying to lose weight the way she was doing it was not gonna work :(

    I'm just guessing you don't know how strength training actually works......

    Maybe do some research before you make assumptions?
  • bmj27889
    I can identify with all of the peeves listed here. But my worst, I think, is the naked ladies in the changing room and those that hog the mirrors & hair dryers. ( I'm there early, before work, and any delays waiting in the changing room mean I have to stop my work out earlier)
  • phxricky
    phxricky Posts: 54 Member
    People who smell like cigarettes at the gym!! Effin nasty dude!! Specially on the treadmills you can smell them like 6 feet away.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    It all amounts to another great reason to get to the gym at 3:30 AM.

    No crowds. No posers. Everyone there is working out because why the heck else would you be there so freakin early?
  • phxricky
    phxricky Posts: 54 Member
    Steve how do you get the energy to be there so early?
  • skankamaggot
    skankamaggot Posts: 146 Member
    I hate all these "using the treadmill next to me" responses. Seriously? Maybe you're under the best TV or near the best fan. I get looks from people all the time for this one. One row of ellipticals, I know which ones squeak and which ones get the best breeze from the fan or have view of the clock. There are 6 TVs overhead, maybe I want to watch a certain show or game that's on. Just because there's only one person in that row I automatically have to go to a different machine?
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Steve how do you get the energy to be there so early?

    I want to get it done and that's when I can. Like most other things, it's pretty much about making the decision.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    1. Old naked guys wagging their little dudes around in the locker room.
    2. 85 year old broads with implants
    3. Fat personal trainers
    4. Big chested bros with twig legs
    5. The fact that my gym NEVER has the baseball game on any of its TVs.

    lol yes!!!

    especially no. 3 (I was getting there as a trainer, well, not really fat but not cut due to doctor prescribed diet that made me miserable),

    and no. 4. Nothing worse than no symmetry and some one's body dysmorphia disorder on display for all to see.
  • sin485
    sin485 Posts: 125 Member
    It all amounts to another great reason to get to the gym at 3:30 AM.

    No crowds. No posers. Everyone there is working out because why the heck else would you be there so freakin early?

    if only my gym was open at 3am :(