Am I the crazy one?



  • TouchDownJesus
    The guys on here can be real deusch bags, but the girls on here that accept it aren't so classy either!

  • Iceman1800
    I don't get any inappropriate comments. That's it, I'm just gonna have to start getting my bewbs out!!
    I ask to see your boobs at least once a week....
  • ashleen7
    ashleen7 Posts: 258 Member
    I don't get any inappropriate comments. That's it, I'm just gonna have to start getting my bewbs out!!
    I ask to see your boobs at least once a week....

    Really?! I thought you just meant your hot friends! Look out on Friday!!
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    And if he was truly being a mean DB, why do you hang out with him anyway?

    So... does this mean your tolerance for douche baggery is very high, or would you cut your friends off for... let's say... a moment's indiscretion?

    It is very high. There is no way I could stand myself for an entire day if it were low.
  • TonkaDanteFriend
    TonkaDanteFriend Posts: 70 Member
    Hi OP.

    Welcome to the internet and enjoy your stay.
  • NotSoBigNeil
    NotSoBigNeil Posts: 215 Member
    After all these years, nothing would raise my eyebrows. As long as they don't dis crochet, they can say what they want. :)

    ^^^ :heart:
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    While I can see OP's general point, I wouldn't begin to consider telling other people how they should or should not behave with each other, either online or off. Now how they interact with *me*, that *is* my business, but I will deal with that more directly (if necessary).

    And yeah, I'm still not convinced that OP's motives are completely pure in this. But I won't tell him he shouldn't do this either...if he finds some maidens in need of rescue, who am I to judge?

    Nice job picking a side.

    I kid... I'm a kidder.

    So let me ask this question... you're out with your buddies... having dinner... drinks... laughs... the female server has been pleasant, attentive, and hasn't screwed up or spit in your order in any way. One of your buddies keep giving her a hard time... poking, chiding, and otherwise being a *kitten*. You say to your buddy, "Dude, stop being a ****." Are you telling him how to behave? Are you being a knight in shining armor? Are you being the tact police? Or are you just trying not to be a jerk to another human being?

    There's a difference to me between addressing a specific situation and addressing a general situation. In your hypothetical situation? Totally appropriate. In a non-specific forum post to everyone? Probably not.

    It would be like walking into that same bar the next day, standing on a chair, and announcing to all of the patrons about how you've seen some guys treat waitresses inappropriately in there in the past and you don't think that's appropriate.

    (Oh, and then added, "ladies, please form a line if you want to talk with me further about this." I mean, if you decided to be slightly less subtle in my analogy.)

    Good analogy.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
  • crazy8ts
    And if he was truly being a mean DB, why do you hang out with him anyway?

    So... does this mean your tolerance for douche baggery is very high, or would you cut your friends off for... let's say... a moment's indiscretion?

    It is very high. There is no way I could stand myself for an entire day if it were low.

    Couldn't stand yourself? Or the people you hang out with?
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    And if he was truly being a mean DB, why do you hang out with him anyway?

    So... does this mean your tolerance for douche baggery is very high, or would you cut your friends off for... let's say... a moment's indiscretion?

    It is very high. There is no way I could stand myself for an entire day if it were low.

    Couldn't stand yourself? Or the people you hang out with?

    Myself. :laugh:
  • Iceman1800
    I don't get any inappropriate comments. That's it, I'm just gonna have to start getting my bewbs out!!
    I ask to see your boobs at least once a week....

    Really?! I thought you just meant your hot friends! Look out on Friday!!
    you are one of my hot friends
  • Shrinking_Stacey
    My take on MFP.

    1. Women who were not really that good looking for the first 30 years of their life so flirting is new to them
    2. Men who were gigantic and married somebody gigantic and then started intermittent fasting and now they are slender and wanna spit game to cougars.
    3. People who count calories.
    4. People who count calories and love being able to say **** they couldn't on Facebook.

    If you're talking to somebody that you know is single and in your geographic area, take the conversation off MFP and let the creeps continue hitting them up on here.

    But I shouldn't reveal my secrets publicly ;)

    And I agree - some dudes are not being suave at all - it's pretty much the ish I see on "To Catch A Predator".

    Oh yeah, haters gonna hate.

    Agreed! I like a man who can call it like he see's it! :wink:
  • rondayvu
    That's a great cartoon , good find
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member

  • missymoga
    missymoga Posts: 217 Member
    My take on MFP.

    1. Women who were not really that good looking for the first 30 years of their life so flirting is new to them
    2. Men who were gigantic and married somebody gigantic and then started intermittent fasting and now they are slender and wanna spit game to cougars.
    3. People who count calories.
    4. People who count calories and love being able to say **** they couldn't on Facebook.

    If you're talking to somebody that you know is single and in your geographic area, take the conversation off MFP and let the creeps continue hitting them up on here.

    But I shouldn't reveal my secrets publicly ;)

    And I agree - some dudes are not being suave at all - it's pretty much the ish I see on "To Catch A Predator".

    Oh yeah, haters gonna hate.

    Spot on! And you made me giggle hehe :)
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    Inappropriate is my go to move, well that and spilling my drink on their shoes.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Or do some guys here post some pretty inappropriate ish to women on here?

    Look, I'm not exempt from making comments to folks that might make my mother blush, but I tend to save such things for women I've developed some sort of 'relationship' with... who know where I'm coming from... who know if I'm serious or joking... and who have likely offered a comment or two before i broached such a subject.

    But some of the things I see sent to my female mfp friends just makes me wonder... 'you kiss your momma with that mouth?'

    Do I know the nature and history of their relationships? No, not always. Doesn't mean your 'open' comment isn't being received as tacky... if not downright disrespectful.

    If you feel like I'm talking to you... then maybe consider if the ish you say to these random women online is something you would say to a friend IRL... (this, of course, is taking a leap of faith that you have actual female friends)

    *steps off soapbox*

    Wait a minute... is this EccentricDad???
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Or do some guys here post some pretty inappropriate ish to women on here?

    Look, I'm not exempt from making comments to folks that might make my mother blush, but I tend to save such things for women I've developed some sort of 'relationship' with... who know where I'm coming from... who know if I'm serious or joking... and who have likely offered a comment or two before i broached such a subject.

    But some of the things I see sent to my female mfp friends just makes me wonder... 'you kiss your momma with that mouth?'

    Do I know the nature and history of their relationships? No, not always. Doesn't mean your 'open' comment isn't being received as tacky... if not downright disrespectful.

    If you feel like I'm talking to you... then maybe consider if the ish you say to these random women online is something you would say to a friend IRL... (this, of course, is taking a leap of faith that you have actual female friends)

    *steps off soapbox*

    i totally get it! yeah i can handel hey sexy or damn you look good- but the strong censored sexual content is too much...i say if you dont mind then its ok--but i wouldnt just belt out porn talk to some one i didnt know on the fyl...thats just me.:huh:
  • iamshells
    iamshells Posts: 46 Member
  • SassyAshleigh
    SassyAshleigh Posts: 78 Member
    Let me know how your fishing trip goes.

    Ah, the beauty of it is, I don't live and die by my friends list...

    Grown men fish for sustenance... not for friends... and definitely don't need keyboard courage to talk to women.

    ^^^^^^^This ^^^^^^^ "Grown men fish for sustenance". I agree