Does everyone hate their job this much?



  • Charliesuccess
    Charliesuccess Posts: 181 Member
    Sounds like you've tried everything except prayer....I know EXACTLY where your coming from...and MFP's on my list can attest to my job related stress as I posted daily about boredom and hating my deadend job...I prayed. Had people praying for me etc and the next thing I knew the flood gates opened and I am now very content with an awesome job and ample opportunity. Gods favor is unexplainable, I dont deserve it, yet he blesses....I know people will say this is a fitness sight not a Holy Roller sight...believe me Im no Holy Roller, but Im telling you what worked for may be worth a try?? Try it, if it doesnt work keep try something else. :flowerforyou:
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    I don't hate my job as much as I hate the way favorites are played around here. I've been here 26 years and my boss is about 12 years younger and has a really bad habit of talking down to me like I'm some newbie who doesn't know what I'm doing. I keep hanging in there because I've outlasted everyone else here except the owner.

    If I were you, I would look into changing positions. Stress is not good and I couldn't work if I stressed that much!
  • allisona28
    allisona28 Posts: 186 Member
    Check YOUR English...Prepositon at the end of a sentence???? WOW...Dean's list...Awesome!!! Welcome to the real world. You may need to change cities or states. Good luck !!!
  • JonMB
    JonMB Posts: 49 Member
    Everyone tells me this is just how it is.

    They're wrong. I have a career I love, and as a bonus I get paid well too! Little stress and lots of fun, plus I can work from home and have flexible hours. I'm in software development, btw, but there are many other positions like mine in other industries. Either way -- you deserve to create a life you love. That's really "how it is". Keep going and create opportunities!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    This is America; pick a job and become the person who does it
  • KrysGettinFit
    KrysGettinFit Posts: 131 Member
    I'm a little bit older than you are and I didn't finish college (community college, yes but don't have my bachelors). I have worked my butt off for the past ten years to get where I am now. I have had jobs where i got serious anxiety (sounds a lot like what you are going through) but unfortunately you do have to "suck it up". A lot of places won't even consider you if you have jumped from job to job. I know how hard it is and I would say go talk to a therapist or something of the sort and try to find ways to deal with it. You want to soak up as much experience as you can before you leave. I sincerely hope that it gets better and you find something you are happy in. Good luck.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    Honey I was laid off and took a job paying 11,000 less a year. Im no spring chicken at almost 50 years old. I say suck it up. You have your whole life ahead of you and you are way too young to be this miserable. Living with your parents gives you a safety net. Quit this job if you hate it so much and get something else. Fast food if you have to. What I take from your story is that you may think you are a bit too good for certain jobs. With age comes wisdom. If you were older you would truly understand the blessings that you have.

    Good luck on your search for the perfect job. I really hope you find it.

    Why do I come across as thinking I'm too good if I worked at McDonald's and applied to Wendy's? I don't mind being the low man on the totem pole at all. I actually think that's good so I can learn. But I'm literally doing a job a robot can do right now.

    All I'm saying is you could be a little more grateful for the blessings you have. A job. And right out of college. you do seem a bit entitled. And I know. I have a teenager and it takes everything within me to beat (not literally) this entitled mentality out of her. Its the generation. You are owed. No you're not. To have panic attacks and continue to stay on a job you hate isn't very wise. If its that bad leave it.. You have no idea what is in store for you. This may be your perfect job. But you are so busy complaining about it you don't see. Some times we miss the blessings because of the package they're wrapped in!
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    Ever thought about getting into real estate? It is an amazing and very rewarding job and you can be your own boss. I work for Keller Williams who I think is the best brokerage in the country to work for. If you'd like to chat about it, add me as a friend and send me a message.


    Hi Niles. I've thought of that as an option but know a few girls who went that route and are struggling to sell their houses. I guess the market will be picking up eventually. Have you seen anything similar (new workers coming in and really struggling)?
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    Check YOUR English...Prepositon at the end of a sentence???? WOW...Dean's list...Awesome!!! Welcome to the real world. You may need to change cities or states. Good luck !!!

    ...It's an internet forum. Chill?

    I have very strict writing guidelines at work that are regulated by the state. I can write. Thanks.
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    Honey I was laid off and took a job paying 11,000 less a year. Im no spring chicken at almost 50 years old. I say suck it up. You have your whole life ahead of you and you are way too young to be this miserable. Living with your parents gives you a safety net. Quit this job if you hate it so much and get something else. Fast food if you have to. What I take from your story is that you may think you are a bit too good for certain jobs. With age comes wisdom. If you were older you would truly understand the blessings that you have.

    Good luck on your search for the perfect job. I really hope you find it.

    Why do I come across as thinking I'm too good if I worked at McDonald's and applied to Wendy's? I don't mind being the low man on the totem pole at all. I actually think that's good so I can learn. But I'm literally doing a job a robot can do right now.

    All I'm saying is you could be a little more grateful for the blessings you have. A job. And right out of college. you do seem a bit entitled. And I know. I have a teenager and it takes everything within me to beat (not literally) this entitled mentality out of her. Its the generation. You are owed. No you're not. To have panic attacks and continue to stay on a job you hate isn't very wise. If its that bad leave it.. You have no idea what is in store for you. This may be your perfect job. But you are so busy complaining about it you don't see. Some times we miss the blessings because of the package they're wrapped in!

    How am I busy complaining about it? I posted on an anonymous forum. No one in my life knows about this.

    And no, I don't feel entitled. If I did, I wouldn't have applied for fast food and grocery stocking jobs.

    I'm very grateful for what I have. I guess it's not showing here, but I am. I promise I am. I thank my lucky stars every night. I just want a different situation. I don't care if it's lower than this.
  • allisona28
    allisona28 Posts: 186 Member
    Check YOUR English...Prepositon at the end of a sentence???? WOW...Dean's list...Awesome!!! Welcome to the real world. You may need to change cities or states. Good luck !!!

    ...It's an internet forum. Chill?

    I have very strict writing guidelines at work that are regulated by the state. I can write. Thanks.
    I know...I am sorry...I am mad because you are going through are young, smart and have a lot of family support!! Do not let this job get you down...IN ALL THINGS GIVE THANKS...I hate my job, too...I know how you fee...GO find that dream are not alone...I hope you have a great Friday and try to enjoy your weekend!!!! Allison
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I'm 23, most of my friends graduated last year or this year. Most of them are IT guys and had no problem getting jobs. The rest of them...working at gas stations and grocery stores. This is the economy we're living in, better get used to it!

    THIS!!!! Suck it up seriously, I have TWO degrees and work as an admin assist and make just enough to cover my bills including my loan and I've been done with college since 2005. I was part of the huge lay off when the economy took a giant crap on america and struggled to make ends meet. If you don't like your job quit, if you can't afford to than just shut it and deal with it until you find something that you like. Most places cannot even afford to keep their current employee's let alone hire new ones. You really do sound like a brat.....
  • kellyo15
    I'm sorry, only publicly posting the negative responses to comments and keeping the thank-you's private has made you come off in a negative way to someone reading through this post. It's fairly common on here to see people make a post, ignore anything helpful and just argue everyone they disagree with to no end. Next time, maybe try publicly posting the thank you's and ignoring all the posts you are unhappy about?

    As for excuses, you sound miserable at your job and any time someone tries to suggest something about finding a new job or new career you have an answer - it's (was) a great field for jobs, nobody else needs to get a master's to find a job, you're "very" good on paper (you honestly never see yourself in the same light as others), you weren't looking for a promotion but mentioned in your first paragraph that you've asked three times and been denied which gives off the impression that you were, you don't want to go to another field because you don't want to do something you don't like (which you are already). When people misunderstood you, you told them to learn to read. You said most people in school hated you because you were quiet (again, we never see ourselves in the same light as others and why would people hate you for being quiet? Many quiet people are very sweet, funny, and lovely).

    I am sorry if the job market is that horrible where you are, but why not try and do something entirely different if you are unhappy? If the rockstars in your field can't find jobs, why not keep it as something you're continually pursuing while doing something else to bide your time? Travel, see the world, get some different and unique life experiences, do volunteer work... I'd never settle for something that made me break into crying fits on a regular basis. Like I said, my university-educated job got monotonous and so I changed it and entirely started over. Just thought of it as a platform to get me where I'm supposed to be. Life's to short to waste your energy being unhappy all the time. Good luck.
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    I'm 23, most of my friends graduated last year or this year. Most of them are IT guys and had no problem getting jobs. The rest of them...working at gas stations and grocery stores. This is the economy we're living in, better get used to it!

    THIS!!!! Suck it up seriously, I have TWO degrees and work as an admin assist and make just enough to cover my bills including my loan and I've been done with college since 2005. If you don't like your job quit, if you can't afford to than just shut it and deal with it until you find something that you like. Most places cannot even afford to keep their current employee's let alone hire new ones. You really do sound like a brat.....

    This is the first time I've complained about my job. I'm sorry if that's bratty of me.

    And my company is increasing at a 40% rate. They are hiring and hiring and hiring.
  • TabathaAnn8
    I'm in a similar position, except I've been at my job for 8 years, I have applied to hundreds of jobs, including different departments, the only interviews I've gotten have been for those. I graduated from college while I was working this job with the hopes I would be promoted or find something new. It's extremely frustrating. I am told the same thing, I'm invaluable, I am a huge asset, they need me, but they just don't want to (or can't) pay me for what I do. I want to live a comfortable life with my husband and buy a house, maybe have children but we can't do that if I don't get a higher paying position. It is a lot of stress to be under.

    It helps me to know I am not the only one working through this. I have had days where I think I'd rather run my car off the road than go to this job. It's shocking and sad. I don't think it is the actual jobs we have I think it is the fact that we are working so hard to get ahead but we still feel as though we are sinking. I do recommend that if you have an EAP (employee assistance program) at your job you should take advantage of some psychological counseling. It will work wonders. Other than that I think we just have to keep trying to get something better. We may have to wait until this economy picks up (who knows when that will be???). Until then maybe try some volunteering on the weekends, and who knows that may lead to a better paying position. That is probably the next avenue I will try.
  • apponly
    apponly Posts: 11 Member
    OMG dude, not real estate, haha! Talk about running into the worst of the worst LOL

    I do agree if she's feeling so stressed out that she is getting sick she needs help immediately, especially if she's feeling stuck there to survive. Perhaps therapy, but even a confidential friend's support might help.

    I've been physically threatened and my personal vehicle was damaged when I stopped fraud by a coworker, I've been harrassed daily by more than a few mentally ill bosses and coworkers over the years, I've been cheated out of paychecks, and the "worker's horror" list goes on.

    However, when things got so bad at one job that I felt I could no longer endure, I took another job even though it seemed "beneath" my abilities. That was a job I really loved and kept growing in the company for many years until the company was sold. That new employer at the time already knew by grape-vine and reputation of the things I'd previously endured even though I did not openly discuss it, we were a very happy fit.
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    As for excuses, you sound miserable at your job and any time someone tries to suggest something about finding a new job or new career you have an answer - it's (was) a great field for jobs, nobody else needs to get a master's to find a job, you're "very" good on paper (you honestly never see yourself in the same light as others), you weren't looking for a promotion but mentioned in your first paragraph that you've asked three times and been denied which gives off the impression that you were, you don't want to go to another field because you don't want to do something you don't like (which you are already). When people misunderstood you, you told them to learn to read. You said most people in school hated you because you were quiet (again, we never see ourselves in the same light as others and why would people hate you for being quiet? Many quiet people are very sweet, funny, and lovely).

    I'm mostly responding to messages I've gotten. I'm sure they would prefer to keep them private.

    I'm sorry if I'm being overly defensive. I WAS told it was a great field for jobs. Really, no one I know who is successful in this industry/the industry I want to be in has a degree above a bachelors. I'm "very good on paper" because that's what I've been told by one of the top career services programs in the country. I've also been told I interview extremely well. Maybe someone's lying? I don't know.:ohwell: I didn't ask for a promotion. I asked about moving to another position with more responsibility but is essentially on the same level as this one. I don't see that as a "promotion." And if someone jumps to conclusions and assumes things about me that I already stated weren't true? I think they should learn to read!

    I am very much trying to change my situation, and have done a lot over night with the help of the kind folks here. I don't understand why the rest feel the need to bash someone they don't know.

    Thank you for the encouraging words.:flowerforyou:
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    I'm in a similar position, except I've been at my job for 8 years, I have applied to hundreds of jobs, including different departments, the only interviews I've gotten have been for those. I graduated from college while I was working this job with the hopes I would be promoted or find something new. It's extremely frustrating. I am told the same thing, I'm invaluable, I am a huge asset, they need me, but they just don't want to (or can't) pay me for what I do. I want to live a comfortable life with my husband and buy a house, maybe have children but we can't do that if I don't get a higher paying position. It is a lot of stress to be under.

    It helps me to know I am not the only one working through this. I have had days where I think I'd rather run my car off the road than go to this job. It's shocking and sad. I don't think it is the actual jobs we have I think it is the fact that we are working so hard to get ahead but we still feel as though we are sinking. I do recommend that if you have an EAP (employee assistance program) at your job you should take advantage of some psychological counseling. It will work wonders. Other than that I think we just have to keep trying to get something better. We may have to wait until this economy picks up (who knows when that will be???). Until then maybe try some volunteering on the weekends, and who knows that may lead to a better paying position. That is probably the next avenue I will try.

    Thank you for your kind words.:flowerforyou: I truly do hope you get into a situation you like much better than the one you're in now.
  • wifealiciousness
    wifealiciousness Posts: 179 Member
    I also skipped a few pages, but from what I've read I am surprised at how negative and mean people have been. But then I really shouldn't be as this is the internet....

    I was in a job (my second out of Uni) which I *hated*. There was nothing specifically wrong with it on paper. It paid ok, it was (kind of) in the sector I studied. But I really couldn't stand some of the awful people I worked with, I was bored and under-employed, I wasn't trusted to even write a letter without someone checking it to ensure it was ok to go out to the public... I was bored to tears, frustrated, cried myself to sleep and had a few panic attacks at work.

    I applied for a number of jobs (although I was quite selective as I didn't want to go out of the frying pan and into the fire), and got very few interviews. For one job that I was perfectly qualified for, I didn't get an interview. When I rang them and asked for feedback, it turned out that there were over 200 applicants for the job- so many of them would have been better candidates, through their experience, the quality of their application or maybe just having that one specific skill that the employers were looking for.

    My dream job came up, I applied and didn't get an interview. I was pretty guttedm but having spent 2 1/2 years looking for jobs, I wasn't particularly surprised. Then, out of the blue I got a call saying that someone had pulled out of the interviews and that I was first on their reserve list. Despite having to put together a presentation in half a day and being the 7th choice- I got the job. 5 years later, I've been promoted and am still happy. Although there are stressful days and bad days, I appreciate I am lucky to have such a great job and work for an organisation that I respect and that respects me.

    Those who are replying in the negative have probably not been in your situation- there's a difference between being indifferent about your job and really hating it to the point where it starts to make you ill.

    The good news is that you *do* have your whole life ahead of you, and that the right job will come along (or at least a better one!). Yes, the job-climate isn't ideal at the moment, but it's time to get creative. Can you volunteer in the sector you're interested in? Can you do any further study in something you enjoy? Is there any way of gaining extra experience? When you apply for jobs- be a bit more selective in what you apply for and be sure to take the time to tailor your application to the job you want. I do some recruitment in my job, and nothing turns me off more than someone who clearly just wants "A JOB" not "THE JOB" that we're advertising. In addition, it's tempting to badmouth current employers or say " I want this job because I HATE my current job"- this is irrelevent and a turn off, so be careful how you come across!

    Try to re-write personal statements afresh so they don't get boring- don't just cut and paste whatever you wrote for the last job, and always get a friend to read it over to ensure it makes sense and sells you well. Nothing worse than lookin at a job app when you can clearly see from someone's past work that they would be good for the job, but they don't make the shortlist (or if they get an interview, don't get the job) because they were incapable of selling their skills.
  • AnneM69
    OK, I know what you're saying, you are underemployed and this is causing you to have anxiety/panic attacks. These are two separate issues and nobody has addressed both of them.
    For the anxiety and panic, find a Dr. who you can talk to, and get some anti anxiety or anti depressant medication for the short to medium term, just to stabilize you, until the effects of your changes in behavior (which I will write about below) kick in. Also do you have some sick leave you could use, just to have a break from the workplace?
    To change your behavior and to fill your days, you can start doing creative writing while you're at work. There are a lot of websites that will publish you work online, I'm sure you know better than me where to find these websites, and how to connect with the people who run them. Also, use your time since you are being paid to be there and work on pieces of professional work (marketing and business case studies, anything else you know about) to put in your portfolio to show employers and professors if you decide to go back and do an MA.
    I have a friend in the UK who had a similar situation at her first job after graduating, she had a very similar sounding degree and job to you as well. She did most of what I've described above, and now she's finished her Masters and she keeps on putting links of Facebook to poems and short stories of hers that are being published on the websites I mentioned previously.
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