Does everyone hate their job this much?

xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
I can't take it anymore! I graduated a little over a year ago and was the textbook overachiever in college. Dean's list, tons of awards, straight As, ran the college newspaper, editor for the lit mag and yearbook, 5 internships/jobs during the 4 years, and always always always working and doing homework. I think I partied twice while in college! I was lucky enough to get a position 3 months after graduation but I HATE it. I'm completely underemployed and although I was told I'd have the opportunity to move up, have been denied despite asking on several occasions. Managers mark me as an essential part of the team and a wonderful employee for every performance review, though. I am SO bored. I've started coming in "late" (although not technically late -- still the first one here and I work 9-10 hours a day) and working from home (something we're allowed on occasion).

I've started to have a physical reaction to work. I frequently cry myself to sleep, am a ball of anxiety anytime I'm home because I know I have to go back, and often hide in the office bathroom crying. I have mini panic attacks while at work (sweating, shaking, skin crawling, etc.) and am generally miserable all the time. Like I said, I'm BORED. It's not a hard job but it's so mindless (basically a secretary position) and I can't take it anymore! I'm an ambitious young woman. I know so many who would be happy and grateful to have my job so I'm not trying to sound like the "entitled youth" of today, but I've busted my butt and have gotten nowhere!! It doesn't even pay well and I'm struggling beneath my student loans.

Since I graduated, I have applied to 700 (yes, SEVEN HUNDRED) positions. I had three interviews -- one for the job I have now and two for the railroad, which was sexist the first time and hired the VPs daughter the second time. I've applied to everything, from Wendy's to management positions. You either need 5 years of experience or can do an unpaid internship while still in college. Insane! I've called places back, sent thank you letters from interviews, changed my cover letters to suit the job I'm applying for and nothing has worked out. The career services folks at my college called me the perfect candidate and said I was doing everything right, even sending out my cover letters to the entire senior class to show how it should be done.

Is this how all people are? Miserable and having panic attacks all the time and not caring about anything else because they are so focused on getting out of their job and into a new one? Everyone tells me this is just how it is. I don't mean to sound like a spoiled brat but I literally feel like I'm going to die in five years because of this position!! Please tell me this isn't how the rest of my life will be!


  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    You should learn to deal with your stress better
    Try lifting heavy weights
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    You should learn to deal with your stress better
    Try lifting heavy weights

    Yeahhh, I do that.
  • hellohappylisa
    hellohappylisa Posts: 141 Member
    I'm 23, most of my friends graduated last year or this year. Most of them are IT guys and had no problem getting jobs. The rest of them...working at gas stations and grocery stores. This is the economy we're living in, better get used to it!
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    So you've had this job for 9 months?
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    So you've had this job for 9 months?

    No, over a year.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    A. learn to deal with stress better. I would recommend looking into mindfulness and/or doing yoga.

    B. Find a relaxing hobby, that can get your mind off work and fuel you for your work days.

    C. If you really hate your job too much, try to start your own business. This can be done while still working. It will take up a lot of your time, but I think you will find that being able to do what YOU want compensates for the stress of your "day-job".
  • scottbrown78
    scottbrown78 Posts: 142 Member
    Ive been where you are and am on my way there again if feels (my job is an amazing job people wait years to get on here but it is soooooo boring). Are you very good at what you do? I have had that problem and been "to valuable to lose" well guess what I don't work for that boss anymore. You need to figure out a way to cope, this is not the end of the world but, panic attacks and breaking down in the bathroom? Wow that sounds much deeper pain than a boring job.
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    A. learn to deal with stress better. I would recommend looking into mindfulness and/or doing yoga.

    B. Find a relaxing hobby, that can get your mind off work and fuel you for your work days.

    C. If you really hate your job too much, try to start your own business. This can be done while still working. It will take up a lot of your time, but I think you will find that being able to do what YOU want compensates for the stress of your "day-job".

    A. I do yoga but I guess it's not helping?
    B. What relaxing hobbies are there that are cheap? I work out. My passion is riding horses but it's way too expensive to keep up.
  • seaybl24
    Fortunately no - what was your degree in?
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    Welcome to adulthood my dear :) my first real full time job was great with the exception of my boss who was a lazy POS, and made the work day very difficult. Still stayed there for over a year, tough economy and a girls gotta pay rent.

    Why are you working 9-10 hours a day? If you're bored and it's easy it seems like you wouldn't be working such long days. Do what you can to keep the work day to 8 hours, get plenty of sleep, take a vitamin D supplement (makes a big difference for people who spend all day indoors).
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    It's the economy mostly. I work in a call center. I do not like working in call centers, though I'm good at it. My last job I felt that kind of anxiety and depression about. Exercise took out the stress. I get paid decently though, and I'd love to have something different. If it's just that it's boring, you may have to find a challenge doing something else in the meantime or look in a different field if it's more the monetary issue.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    I agree that you should try dealing with your stress better. A possibility is to go see someone to get help and talk about how your feeling. This sounds over the top from what I've heard and been through. I've gotten pretty pissed off at jobs, but not to where I'm crying or having any panic attacks. Despite what you've been told, no it's not normal. At least in my opinion it's not. I've never seen anyone act like that or seem like they would act like that despite how much they've hated their jobs. I've hated almost all of mine with a passion. I agree with HelloHappylis, we're in a rough economy, your going to have to deal with the job you have. Try looking on the bright side, you have a job. If you don't like it, try applying elsewhere while working there, and find the happy moments in life. It's not worth letting your whole life get ruined just because you hate your job. Most people hate their jobs.
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    Wow, you guys aren't being very supportive. I would say try to look in other states if you can move or other types of jobs. NO, people usually are not that unhappy with their job. Find a new one. Even lifting weights doesn't help that kind of stress.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I personally will be graduating in a couple of weeks (yay!).
    I have already tried to get a job and have been to loads of interviews, but I have found out that in this economy I will either not find work or end up in a miserable job that will make me miserable too.
    I have now decided to find work as an au pair instead, while I try to set up my own business.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    My job is boring, and I am under paid, but I don't hate it. I bring a great vibe to the office. And I guess the reason is, I am grateful. I am so grateful to have this job. I was laid off from my previous employer and collecting unemployment for the long haul. During that time my husband left the kids and I. NO companies would hire me, ZERO interviews. A single mom living in NYC with two kids and no job is SCARY. Finally, I think like two weeks before my unemployment benefits were due to expired, I landed this Translator position. It was a true blessing, even getting paid $10,000 less a year.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    So you've had this job for 9 months?

    No, over a year.

    So less than two. Two years doing a "boring" job has you crying in the bathroom? :indifferent:
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    Why are you working 9-10 hours a day? If you're bored and it's easy it seems like you wouldn't be working such long days. Do what you can to keep the work day to 8 hours, get plenty of sleep, take a vitamin D supplement (makes a big difference for people who spend all day indoors).

    I'm allowed 5 hours of overtime a week. I'm struggling as is so I try to make as much as I can.

    I'm also living with my parents and wouldn't be able to afford a place of my own with even 4 roommates. :(
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Perhaps you are already in the job you are destined to have. Or just keep collecting your paycheck while you can and continue searching for work you would really find mentally and financially rewarding.
  • nadz6012
    nadz6012 Posts: 126 Member
    I graduated in 2009 and I worked at CVS for a whole year before I was able to find a job, and that's even with a science degree. If you're an English major (just guessing here) it's going to be really hard, even if you're certified to be a teacher. Maybe it's time to look into a different career path?
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Honestly, the economy is bad and times are tough.. You should be glad to have a job. I don't care for my job, but it helps to pay the bills.. Sometimes you need to just put in your time and eventually you will get to where you want to be. Or you can try looking for jobs in another state and/or field of work... Hang in there! Life isn't always going to be easy, so you need to just find ways to manage your stress and get through the tough times... Good Luck!
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