Does everyone hate their job this much?



  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    Perhaps you are already in the job you are destined to have. Or just keep collecting your paycheck while you can and continue searching for work you would really find mentally and financially rewarding.

    In the meantime, do you have a husband or boyfriend? Making him a sammich might help relieve your stress.

    I do have a boyfriend of 3 years. He's ready to propose but we can't afford any life together and he's living 12 hours away right now for his job. sammich for him?
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    My job is boring, and I am under paid, but I don't hate it. I bring a great vibe to the office. ...

    That's a super idea! Is it one of those kind that uses D-cell batteries or do you plug it into the wall?
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    A lot of it is the economy. There are tons of people in positions beneath them at the moment because there are more people than jobs at the moment. I do not like my job either, as it is also boring and just plain weird here, but I am thankful to have a paycheck that allows my independence.

    The way you will get through this is to focus on what you do have. You have a paycheck, you have your own money, car, etc., and this will serve as padding on your résumé even though it's not the greatest position. I went through the same things: anxiety, crying, even therapy and meds.... and I am still at this job 7 years later - and I'm alive, lol. I wanted to leave after week 3. But here I am. So I deal with it the best I can and believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Going through this will strengthen you even though you feel like crap right now. You have to have hope. Remember, it is not your circumstances that will wreck you, but how you decide to deal with them. Find your strength, girl, and remember that things can always, always be worse.. :flowerforyou:
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    700 positions??
    What sorts of jobs are they?
    I think you need to focus on a specific job, not send out so many cv's and use some of the follow up techniques they write about on life hacker.

    Perhaps move area?

    Threaten to quit?

    Quit, and move area.

    Sounds like you need to change something, and sharpish
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    No. I don't think this is normal. I love my job. It's absolutely awesome. Try to find something else if possible.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    Honestly, it sounds like you're used to being a special little snow flake for being the best at everything and what bothers you that you're not getting that recognition anymore.

    Part of having a job and moving up within a company is paying your dues and showing some character in the process. That means sometimes you have to put up with the less desirable duties and not whine about it. You haven't been at this job long -- if you don't like it -- keep looking but don't complain because there are at least 700 people who WANT your job and wouldn't whine about not getting promotions within their first year.

  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Work to live, don't live to work. Stop making this job the centre of your existence. Do your alloted hours and no more. See it as just a place you go to earn some money to pay the bills until you find a more fulfilling job.

    Keep looking, it will come along but you need to chill out about it you have only been working for 9 months you still have plenty of time to find a better position, trust me you will not die just because you don't enjoy your job.

    Sorry to say it but you do sound like you expect instant recognition and promotion. Chill out kick back a bit and let life lead you for a while. Most of us have to work for several years before getting a promotion.

    Be thankful you are employed, here in the UK jobs are like gold dust and competion is really fierce I have just landed a fairly decent job with great people and am enjoying it a lot. So NO not everyone hates their job as much as you seem to.
  • brett1117
    Sorry I love my career!! :) 7 more years until retirement
  • tinad120
    tinad120 Posts: 267 Member
    You shouldn't hate your job that much, or be that stressed about work. I am assuming it's hard to find a job because you got a degree with low job availability & high competition and/or you're not very good on paper or in interviews. Have you thought about going back to school and making a career change?
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    So you've had this job for 9 months?

    No, over a year.

    So less than two. Two years doing a "boring" job has you crying in the bathroom? :indifferent:

    I was crying in the bathroom within a month of being there.

    My job is to fill out the same 3 forms as many times a day as needed.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    Perhaps you are already in the job you are destined to have. Or just keep collecting your paycheck while you can and continue searching for work you would really find mentally and financially rewarding.

    In the meantime, do you have a husband or boyfriend? Making him a sammich might help relieve your stress.

    I do have a boyfriend of 3 years. He's ready to propose but we can't afford any life together and he's living 12 hours away right now for his job. sammich for him?

    Move in with him, find yourself a new job.

    Problem sorted. :)
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    No, this isn't how everyone's job is and it's not "just how it is". You should not be crying yourself to sleep over your job nor should it be causing you panic attacks. Keep looking for a better position. It may not have to be more money, but it should make you feel better.

    I got a job 5 months after I graduated. This isn't my ideal job, but it's not bad. I am not dissatisfied to the point where I think I need a different position. I don't mind getting up to come to work everyday and I am not anxious at all for the next work day. Some of my tasks are extremely boring, but I learn to live with it. Some days I wish my position weren't so boring like you described. However, the majority of my tasks keep me busy and my mind working. I like those that I work with and generally speaking I am happy with my job. I got a very small raise not even a year after employment. It's been one year recently and I don't think I will need to find another job anytime soon. BTW, I am a graphic/web designer at a university.

    In my opinion, your job should not be stressing you out. It should be helping you. I understand that there are instances where a job can be stressful and this is normal, but it shouldn't be constant. You should not feel anxiety over going to work. You should be okay with going to work.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Sounds like you've spent the last year learning what you don't want to do. Lucky you - it took me my first three jobs and over a decade to decide what I did not want to do.

    If you just graduated, you're young. A fresh start should be risky, hard work, but relatively easy at this point.

    But you also need to learn to be patient. A year in the workforce doesn't automatically entitle you to advancement. If the specific job is not offering you what you expected, re-evaluate your expectations.

    If you still think they are reasonable and your current employer is not appreciating you, then give it a test. Get a resume out there. If you start getting job offers right away, then you were probably right - your current employer doesn't appreciate you - find someone who does. If the job offers don't start a'flooding in, then you need to think seriously about whether your expectations are too high, and whether you are appreciating what you have enough.

    If you can't stand the amount of effort involved in your chosen career or don't enjoy it, maybe it's not the right career.

    Again, recent graduate, assuming you are young - your interests will change quickly, and you have a lot of patience to learn. Don't underestimate yourself, but think seriously about whether you are really that much better than everyone around you. Be honest with yourself.
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    I was in a terrible position with a company for nearly 5 years until I felt forced out and luckily found something. I had a coworker who was incredibly negative and like to bully and harass people. Things were ok when I started but went downhill fast. She'd been there over 35 years...and I had a boss who wouldn't do anything other that chide her on performance reviews (and the boss was her own piece of work too!). We had meetings with Employee Assistance (the whole team) and this woman would be terrible there in the meetings!! Just....negative and unfortunate and immature and rotten. She threatened to bring a gun to work once...but no one reported her out of guilty because we all knew she'd never be able to support herself if she got fired because she'd never get a job that paid as much at her age, with her demeanor and attitude and we were afraid of what would happen if she actually lost her job. Things got to a point where I would cry the whole way home every night. Id' call my close friends and family in tears during the day for someone to talk me out of walking out of work that day. I'd call in sick on days I just didn't feel like dealing with it. I would use all my PTO on periodic days off just to get a break. I honestly thought about killing myself in the middle of the office it was so bad. I applied for jobs left and right in other departments just trying to get the hell out of there. I sent my resume to I don't even know how many places. I redid my resume until just hearing the word resume made me gag. I don't have a degree, so finding something that paid as well as healthcare was so incredibly hard. After the aforementioned coworker ran into me with a motor powered cart, leaving me with a back injury and work comp finally denied me....I felt forced to get a lawyer and I chose to leave. Now....I work for a company where I get paid more but I have zero healthcare insurance (a nightmare considering my on going condition....not that it matters because my insurance there chose to deny me on the grounds that it was a work comp injury and even if my new job offered something, I would be ineligible because it's a preexisting condition). But I tell was terrible and I don't think it's supposed to be like this. Not this bad.
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    You shouldn't hate your job that much, or be that stressed about work. I am assuming it's hard to find a job because you got a degree with low job availability & high competition and/or you're not very good on paper or in interviews. Have you thought about going back to school and making a career change?

    1. My degree has very high job availability...or did, before the economy.
    2. I'm VERY good on paper.
    3. I'm not a people person so interviews are perhaps not my best, but I've only had three so who knows. I was told I did fabulously in two of the interviews. The other one, I ranked highest on the test score. I was given 5 minutes to speak in the actual interview so I'm not really sure about that one.
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    My son is 22 and still attending junior college. He made some bad choices, and has had to sit out a few semesters due to those choices. He was working at a local company (same one his dad worked at) and was making some pretty decent money. He was there over a year, then out of nowhere they let him go. They were doing company cutbacks, and since he was only permanent part-time he was the first to go. He has been out of work for a month, has put in over 20 applications and hasn't even had a nibble. He worked at a pizza joint for 5 years, and this job was in a chemical company. He is a dedicated employee, works hard, and he still isn't getting any bites. He thinks one of his options is going to be the military if he doesn't get something soon. Incidentally, my husband also was let go from his job at the same company after being a dedicated employee for 13 years.

    I understand that the stress of a job can cause physical side effects. And I don't think you are acting entitled, you worked hard to get where you are. Unfortunately, the economy has most of us over a barrel, and employment opportunities just aren't there. The best advice I can give you is to make the best of the situation, and continue to seek other employment. It's easier said than done, but sometimes even a crummy job is better than no job at all. Best of luck to you, and I hope you can make things work out to your advantage.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    Be thankful you are employed, here in the UK jobs are like gold dust and competion is really fierce I have just landed a fairly decent job with great people and am enjoying it a lot. So NO not everyone hates their job as much as you seem to.

    Job market is the uk seems to have picked up a bit as far as I can see, at least the it sector in the south is pretty buoyant.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Not everyone hates their job.

    I happen to love mine a lot. Of course, I've been working for over 20 years (16 of it in my field) me when I say that I've had a few that I didn't like.

    You are young and just starting out. Look at it as a stepping stone to something better.

    In the meantime, keep looking for another job and hang in there. Yes, the economy is bad but there are jobs out there.

    Also, if you are bored...let your boss know. Maybe he or she could come up with some other things for you to do that will challenge you a little more.

    I have people who currently work for me. If any one of them are bored (and as a result, hate their job), I find different things that will engage them and make it worthwhile for them.

    It's also good if you try to keep a positive attitude. Maybe think of things that you DO like about the job...rather than dwell on the things you hate about it.

    Good luck!
  • valorieflowers
    A. I do yoga but I guess it's not helping?
    B. What relaxing hobbies are there that are cheap? I work out. My passion is riding horses but it's way too expensive to keep up.

    Kayaking! It is fun and relatively easy if you go to low current locations. You can rent kayaks and/or take guided tours. You can buy one and everything you need for like $400 with very little maintanence.
  • SueMizZou
    SueMizZou Posts: 146 Member
    Having been the "boss" for a number of years I can tell you that success in school does not necessarily translate to success in the workplace. You may need a skill set specific to the industry, something that comes with time. You need to relax and be patient, a hard thing to do I know. Is there a job in your current organization that you would like to do, like to learn? Let the powers that be know it. They can't read your mind. Do you have a mentor? If not see if you can identify someone to help you focus on a career path. If this fails then it's time to move on. Work is not supposed to be painful.
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