Eating over 900 calories too hard?!



  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Thank you sobmch everybody! I've never gotten so many replies this fast on a forum. Well I am 5'1''. Although I realize I'm not overweight, I think for being so young I should be not only skinnier but living a healthier life. Since I hit puberty I haven't been able to wear a skirt in public.
    Sadly I can't buy peanut butter as I'm not from the US but all the other advice is great. Thank you.

    Keep in mind that your body is changing from that of a girl to a woman. Though you might have been very skinny before you hit puberty, that is likely no longer your ideal size. It might be worth going to a dietitian to get a greater understanding of what reasonable goals and expectations are for yourself and for girls your age.

    It definitely does take time getting used to your transforming body, but you may learn to love your new shape. I remember in my late teens wishing I was stick thin like I used to be, but now I realize that I have a normal shape for a woman. It takes a while to understand what should be "normal" for you.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I just discussed what I should weigh with my physician. He told be 114lbs for the first 60" of height and 10lbs for each inch over that is the beginning basics of determining a healthy weight he told me at 5'1.5" 130 would be a good place.

    I wonder what he's taking into consideration with that. Because I ran that calculation for my height I should weigh 169, overweight and closer to the obese category than healthy category. I was busting out of size 12/14
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    I just discussed what I should weigh with my physician. He told be 114lbs for the first 60" of height and 10lbs for each inch over that is the beginning basics of determining a healthy weight he told me at 5'1.5" 130 would be a good place.

    Going by that method, at 5'6" I should weigh 174 lbs. I'm sorry but either you misunderstood your doc or he's made an error somewhere. I found this online and it seems much more accurate:

    "Women, Medium Frame: 100 pounds for first 5 feet of height, plus 5 pounds for each inch over 5 feet. Add 10% for a large frame and deduct 10% of a small frame."
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Definitely try eating a handful of nuts when you get up as an easy way to boost those calories up. Change that coffee into a latte. Doing those two things would probably boost you up to 1200 calories without having to take time to eat or prepare a big meal.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    A glass of orange juice or whole milk is a few hundred calories. A piece of fruit or blueberries or a protein shake is healthy. Nuts!

    Frankly I love toast with butter and on after I've worked out. Not the healthiest but yummy and does give me calories when I need them.
  • cutiepieinchi
    I studied abroad in Brazil so I can understand the different meal times. Many people were just eating dinner at 9 or 10 so I had to get used to it. I also saw some of the buses there and they were insane! I do think that regardless you can get some more healthy fats in your diet. I can't judge your weight goal but my doctor always said to aim towards the middle of your weight loss zone.
    good luck!
  • juuliv
    juuliv Posts: 17 Member
    OK i don't want to sound demeaning but, your 18 you have a computer (apparently) and internet. You must have some form of money (iternet wouldnt be here) So anyone enterprising enough could ORDER peanut butter no matter if it was available in your country. I know it may not be as easy, but doable.

    As for your weight, your goal may be a bit small but then again, my sister in law is that size. I just wanna say she looks better at 115 than she did at 100.

    I can totally see why you would think I could order peanut butter. It's hard to explain, but I'll try: first of all, stores like walmart don't ship internationally. You have to enter a ZIP code for them to ship products to you, therefore, you hve to live in the US. (I don't know about Canada). Secondly, my country's economic policy right now does not allow the importation of goods. So I can't order a book, a computer or peanut butter. Sucks, right?

    But anyway I can do without the peanut butter. We have dulce de leche here, and I think it's just as caloric. And good :)
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    I don't know how so much of this thread came to be about the worldwide availability of peanut butter, but I don't think that's the important thing here.

    The important thing, as I see it, is that your image of yourself is off and it is causing you to develop some unhealthy habits, which is the opposite of what you say you want.

    The fact that you feel that you "can't" wear a skirt shows that you have a skewed body image. You aren't the least bit overweight and, even if you were obese like I am, you could still wear a skirt. You are self-conscious, not fat.

    A weight that you need to under eat to maintain is probably not a healthy weight for you. You are already a healthy weight for your height. In fact, you are at the low end of the scale for your height.

    If you want to change what you look like, I think you would be better off trying to build muscle and get fit rather than trying to get to a certain number on the scale.

    I also think you should try to accept that your are beautiful, right now, today. And that you don't have to change in order to wear what you want, when you want.

    Also breakfast is not the biggest meal of the day in America. Tourists always think that because they end up being served huge breakfasts on their vacations, but I don't think it's true for most people here. At least, not anyone that I know.

    Finally, your English is perfect. I would never have known it wasn't your first language.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    Yes I agree about the English! You've got more knowledge than many Americans I know!
  • juuliv
    juuliv Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you everyone!!

    To sum up I really appreciate all of your comments and advice. I will aim for a higher weight goal. And I will start thinking about when I can have free time to work out. I know it's not all up to the scale number, more like the opposite.

    And finally I know I'm not overweight! I just think I have the same desire to feel good about myself as everyone. I know for someone that is 150 lbs over their ideal weight, my issue means nothing. But I really want to start a healthier life.

    Thank you again!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    why do you want to weigh 100 lbs? that seems low to me...but who am I ::huh:

    i'd like to weigh 100lbs too. i;m 5ft and this would be a heakthy weight for me.

    perhaps the OP is the same?

    I'm 5 foot and want to go down to 100 too.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    If I can eat nearly 3,000 kcal in one meal, then you can eat over 900 kcal in an ENTIRE day. Get more caloric dense foods in your diet, increase calories and be healthy.
  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member
    IMHO, you are well within a healthy weight range for your height and age. I would focus on health, physical and mental. If you can't eat breakfast that early, just add a bit more milk to your coffee for protein and calcium, and have a few bites of fruit, nuts, or even a bit of meat left-over from dinner the previous night. For toning, one thing you could try while riding on the bus is Isometric exercise. Mentally focus in on a particular muscle group and tense the muscles in that group for 10-20 seconds then relax that muscle group. This works really well for abdominal and Gluteus muscle groups. If you are standing and have room, try mini-heel raises, these will tone your calves. Daily remind yourself that you are achieving your educational goals and that you love who you are becoming.
  • redlady82
    redlady82 Posts: 43 Member
    I think a lot of people are overlooking a cultural difference here and economics. Like you pointed out imports are not allowed and your travel is a little different. Add in some locro, the beans would really give some protein and extra calories or snag some faina and dip it in chimchurri the olive oil from that would add some extra calories for you as well. Have the faine with spinach and if you really need it throw some blue cheese on there. Stick to things that are easily obtained for you. Carbonada criolla would be a good option, the meat would be great protein and stew is filling. Just a couple extra options to try. And of course don't be afraid to get started on some cardio, jog if you can and try to find a way to get in some strength training or calisthenics. You could try squats and pushups with some running to help shape your muscles and you will see your body change if you pair this with adding some more calories to stay healthier than keeping them too low. Good luck!