

  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Oh! forgot to post my weight this morning lost 1.6 pounds! YEA!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Remember to Cut and Paste
    Here is the calculator

    Weigh in for 1/15/10

    Lildebbie......... .52% (1.5lbs)
    Llowry.............. ?% (1.5lbs)
    Coloradogril ... 1.5% (4lbs)
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    If I don't lose tomorrow I will be beside myself with grief. And the sad part is, I know already I did not lose. NOT because of overeating, but because of undereating. Exercise calories? Pshaw. I can't even fit in the pre-exercise calories! Because I am HUGE, I get 2400 calories a DAY. A DAY, folks. On an average I eat 1700 of them. Things were fine until the last four weeks, where I started going round and round with the same four pounds. Another reason I know I did not lose- I don't FEEL like I have lost. You know, that wonderful feeling when your stomach doesn't feel bloated and instead it feels squishy. I don't have that. My stomach is distended like a third world country woman's stomach.

    I am too petrified to eat 2400 calories. And I bet most of us on here would be, too. And then, top it off with 700 exercise calories a day. Sometimes this is so overwhelming I want to cry. But what is my option - sit around at 400 pounds? Can't do that anymore. Didn't work well. So I just go day to day trying to make good choices and keep my calories high enough to not freak out my metabolism, which is so shot already from the hundreds of diets I have put it through, it's no wonder it won't let me lose any more weight. Add in ANOTHER two weeks of antibiotics for the second round of pneumonia and you have me: ultra-morbidly-obese-panic-stricken-angry-at-myself-for-getting-here-me.

    (I warned you.)

    Bluenote: please hang in there…it will get better :). Find out what’s best for your body whether it’s 2000 calories or 1400 calories..yea the website is suppose to help but also you body won’t lose if you don’t treat it right…it will tell you. I have been down the road of losing 2 pounds one week and then the following week I gain them..and it was this endless cycle..until I understood that my body needs this amount of calories and if I don’t give it what it needs then I won’t see the results I am looking for ( 1.5 a week).
    Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon..
    We are in this together..you are not alone..i thank everyone for their support on this journey…it is not easy to do this alone.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I think it's best to move on to week 5...if you feel it's too hard...don't go back..just run slower...i know that is hard to do but truly it really works...i am not running that fast..more like 4.0 - 4.5 and towards the end of the 25 minutes i made sure, the last 2 minutes, to crank up the speed to 5.5 - 6...and by that time i feel everything that Jillan chants...
    But i've got to say i feel so good afterwards

    The point is your body will tell you what pace is good for you...but also challenge your body..good luck and i know for sure you will achieve it:bigsmile:

    You're right. I moved onto week 5 day 1 and finished strong! :bigsmile: I did awesome through the first 2 run intervals and only started struggling a little for the last minute of the 3rd. I think I'm going to go ahead and do w5d2 Saturday even though that 8 minute run makes me nervous. :drinker: And I'm not even going to think about the 20 minute run that comes with w5d3. I'll try it if all goes well with w5d2 but running 20 minutes straight just seems nuts to me right now. :noway:

    Glad you were able to figure out your dilemma, Momma! :tongue:

    Jib, you are doing great! Don't think of what's ahead...that will only freak you out..I know you will suceed w5d2 with flying colors..remember..slow and steady..it's not a race.:bigsmile: You go girl:flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I agree with jen...when you loose weight and they take calories away from you , you will be wishing for those days :) I have not lost near the amount jenn did but when I started I had 100 more than i do now.

    Check in
    cals - 1755 - over normal cals, but under exercise calories
    water - nope...not nearly enough
    Exercise - 30 minute on wii at lunch
    Proud - We had lots of running to do and nothing to cook and we decided to go grab something, we said we would go to subway, then subway was right next to this italian place we love to go too..we looked at it and even though it sounded yummy, we opted for subway.

    you should be proud for making great decisions:flowerforyou: ...but beware some deli meat... have tons of sodium:noway:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning girls:

    I hope everyone is ready to be weighed...
    I didn't add the 5 pounds i gain during last weeks TOM...just what i have lost after Tom was gone ( 2 days ago) and the 5 pounds are gone with it..I wasn't expecting a lose because i NEVER lose right after TOm is gone...i was in shock:noway:

    Weigh in for 1/15/10

    Lildebbie......... .52% (1.5lbs)
    Llowry.............. ?% (1.5lbs)
    Coloradogril ... 1.5% (4lbs)
    Positively_me.. 0.46% ( 1 Lb)...I am happy with that..
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Quick check in before I eat my breakfast because I'm so hungry!

    I lost 3 pounds this week! 226.8 to 223.8. :bigsmile:

    Lildebbie......... .52% (1.5lbs)
    Llowry.............. ?% (1.5lbs)
    Coloradogril ... 1.5% (4lbs)
    Positively_me.. 0.46% ( 1 Lb)...I am happy with that..
    jlb123: 1.32% (3lbs)

    Way to go, Coloradogirl!! Biggest loser so far! :flowerforyou:

    In other good news, I freaked out & peed on a stick this morning and it was negative. :laugh: PHEW! :tongue: ...Which I'm sure will not be my boyfriends reaction when he sees the pregnancy test wrapper I just remembered I left in the trashcan but no pregnancy test because I brought that to work to throw away without thinking about that darn wrapper... I guess I'm in for a funny conversation later especially since when I said I was queasy last night he asked if I was pregnant. :laugh:

    I guess TOM's a week late in order to set itself up perfectly to ruin both my 3 day weekend for MLKjr day AND to ruin Valentine's Day (which falls on another 3 day weekend thanks to President's Day).
    I seriously don't understand how TOM manages to do it. It has ruined EVERY vacation day and holiday from work EXCEPT New Year's for the last 8 months. And the only reason it didn't ruin New Years was that it was so busy ruining Christmas week it couldn't keep it up for another week. Is a little time off work without cramps & bloating really too much to ask? :sad: :sad: :sad: (sorry)
  • Solandra
    Weight this morning was 250.2 - I also realized that the last time I recorded was just before Christmas. I'll post % change next week and count this week as week 1. Since TOM began yesterday, I'm hoping to do well this time next Friday.

    Water: 10 cups
    Calories: 119 under
    Exercise: Only if doing laundry counts.

    Proud of - all of my laundry is clean, all of my bills are paid, and we've eaten in for dinner every night this week (including tonight, dinner is already planned).
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    weigh in -
    last week - 246.5
    this week - 243.8
    lost - 2.7 pounds
    percent - 1.1 %
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member

    If I don't lose tomorrow I will be beside myself with grief. And the sad part is, I know already I did not lose. NOT because of overeating, but because of undereating. Exercise calories? Pshaw. I can't even fit in the pre-exercise calories! Because I am HUGE, I get 2400 calories a DAY. A DAY, folks. On an average I eat 1700 of them. Things were fine until the last four weeks, where I started going round and round with the same four pounds. Another reason I know I did not lose- I don't FEEL like I have lost. You know, that wonderful feeling when your stomach doesn't feel bloated and instead it feels squishy. I don't have that. My stomach is distended like a third world country woman's stomach.

    I am too petrified to eat 2400 calories. And I bet most of us on here would be, too. And then, top it off with 700 exercise calories a day. Sometimes this is so overwhelming I want to cry. But what is my option - sit around at 400 pounds? Can't do that anymore. Didn't work well. So I just go day to day trying to make good choices and keep my calories high enough to not freak out my metabolism, which is so shot already from the hundreds of diets I have put it through, it's no wonder it won't let me lose any more weight. Add in ANOTHER two weeks of antibiotics for the second round of pneumonia and you have me: ultra-morbidly-obese-panic-stricken-angry-at-myself-for-getting-here-me.

    (I warned you.)
    Blue note I know how frustrated you are believe me I am there with you this week.I believe one reason you may not have lost anything is because your still sick and your body is holding on to some water weight in case you get dehydrated from being ill.Two you know your doing everything right and your eating well balanced meals so I wouldn't worry.As far as exercise calories go my doctor informed me that at my weight (234) it was not necessary for me to eat my exercise calories because I need to burn more than I am eating to get the weight off.Once I get closer to my goal weight I can add in a few more calories because I will need more to maintain my new weight because I am smaller,active and need more fuel.(Instead of being fat,inactive,and always eating and the food having no where to go and turning into FAT) I hope this makes since.My doctor told me to keep my calories right around 1200-1400 calories a day even with exercise.I am not telling you to follow what I am doing but I do believe what you are doing is the right way.Keep it up we will both see results next week because we will be feeling better and I will be exercising again I HOPE!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Weigh in last week-235.2
    Weigh in today-234
    I guess I did lose something according to last weeks weigh in
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Weigh in for 01/15/10

    Lildebbie............ .52% (1.5lbs)
    Llowry................. ?% (1.5lbs)
    Coloradogril ...... 1.5% (4lbs)
    Positively_me.... 0.46% ( 1 Lb)...I am happy with that..
    jlb123: ................. 1.32% (3lbs)
    Jenbarett ............. 1.2% (2.7lbs)
    Awestfall ............. .51% (1.2lbs)
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Sorry, didn't put in percentage .63
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    I lost 1.8 pounds this week..I have a feeling it would have been more if I did some more excersise, but its still pretty good! 251.2 to 249.4! yay! Go Coloradogirl!

    Lildebbie............... 0.52% (1.5 lbs)
    Llowry.................... 0.63% (1.6 lbs)
    Coloradogirl ......... 1.5% (4 lbs)
    Positively_me........ 0.46% ( 1 lb)
    jlb123..................... 1.32% (3lbs)
    jennbarrette........... 1.1 % (2.7 lbs)
    awestfall ................ 0.51% (1.2 lbs)
    MariSama .............. 0.72% (1.8 lbs)

    Checking in for yesterday:

    Calories: A little over
    Excersize: lots of stairs and some walking
    Water: 9 or 10 cups! WOO! I was thirsty!

    Proud: That I'm continuing to lose and pushing through the days where my weight bounces back up. I can do this!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    jlb, congrats on the test you passed:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You are all a bunch of losers, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:love::love:

    Feeling a little frustrated. I was down 3 pounds a couple of days ago, which turned my ticker into a truth ticker. It is now a liar ticker again because I got up this morning and I was only down 1.8 pounds. Do not know what happened to the 1.2 pounds because I have stuck to the plan and exercised most days. :angry: Not quiting though My ticker is going to tell the truth this coming week.:laugh:

    Lildebbie.......... 0.52% (1.5 lbs)
    Llowry............. 0.63% (1.6 lbs)
    Coloradogirl ...... 1.5% (4 lbs)
    Positively_me...... 0.46% ( 1 lb)
    jlb123............. 1.32% (3lbs)
    jennbarrette....... 1.1 % (2.7 lbs)
    awestfall ......... 0.51% (1.2 lbs)
    MariSama .......... 0.72% (1.8 lbs)
    momma.............0.66% (1.8 lbs)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Wow ColoradoGirl, 4 pounds this week. That is wonderful!!!!! I know you have had a lot on your plate with the whole thyroid issue, way to go on this one.:flowerforyou:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Check-in for Thursday.

    Calories - throught the roof! :explode: WINGS AGAIN! I started with fried sweet potatoes... but I still ate ten wings (sooooo goooooood slurp:tongue: )
    BlueNote- :heart: I'll eat your calories for you!!!:heart: (I'm that kind of friend!)

    Water - under by 24 oz.
    Exercise - 50 minutes on the elliptical machine:bigsmile:

    Proud - while I ate more than I wanted to, I had less than half of what I would have eaten before this change of lifestyle! I'm happy that I'm on the right track and that one bad meal doesn't make me think I'm somehow "off" of some diet.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in! I'm down a pound from last week and I'll take it- I am doing the right things (most the time:laugh: ) and it will go down more next time!

    Lildebbie.......... 0.52% (1.5 lbs)
    Llowry............. 0.63% (1.6 lbs)
    Coloradogirl ...... 1.5% (4 lbs)
    Positively_me...... 0.46% ( 1 lb)
    jlb123............. 1.32% (3lbs)
    jennbarrette....... 1.1 % (2.7 lbs)
    awestfall ......... 0.51% (1.2 lbs)
    MariSama .......... 0.72% (1.8 lbs)
    momma.............0.66% (1.8 lbs)
    mstahl................0.50% (1 lb)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Can I join?! My name is Cris and I have about 100lbs to lose, although my goal and focus for right now is on losing the first 50lbs. I will get too overwhelmed thinking about losing 100lbs!

    Anyways, I started my lifestyle change on Jan 4th. My starting weight was 255lbs, I weighed in this morning at 246.3.

    How does this group work? I really want to join, I could really use the support!

    Goal 1- 200lbs by June 30 (6 year anniversary with bf)

    I got a ticker but I cant seem to get it to work when I post, how do I do that?!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Feeling a little frustrated. I was down 3 pounds a couple of days ago, which turned my ticker into a truth ticker. It is now a liar ticker again because I got up this morning and I was only down 1.8 pounds. Do not know what happened to the 1.2 pounds because I have stuck to the plan and exercised most days. :angry: Not quiting though My ticker is going to tell the truth this coming week.:laugh:

    Dont worry about it, Momma..I was all the way down to 249.2 on monday but I've been hovering around 252 -250 durring the week. I almost got back down to it today, so its just weight fluctuation. I'm sure the 249.2 was a fluke having to do with the olestra-induced sickness I had over the weekend... :noway: :blushing: