

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I am a little over 200 pounds and would love to be 160...that is still on the overweight category (I'm 5' 7") if i like that weight i will just maintain

    My very best girl friend for life (lol) is 5'7" and she generally fluctuates between 170 and 180. She's definitely one HOT MOMMA! She does carry quite a bit of weight in her boobs though (34 DDD). :laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I am a little over 200 pounds and would love to be 160...that is still on the overweight category (I'm 5' 7") if i like that weight i will just maintain

    My very best girl friend for life (lol) is 5'7" and she generally fluctuates between 170 and 180. She's definitely one HOT MOMMA! She does carry quite a bit of weight in her boobs though (34 DDD). :laugh:

    That is so funny that is where i carry my weight..I'm 36D...omg i can't believe i disclosed that kind of information..I hope my daughter will not get on today..lol
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Jib - I like your new profile pic.

    Weigh in 209 0% loss from last week :ohwell:

    I have no idea why, but I cannot stop eating today, and it's not even time for TOM. What gives???
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Lildebbie.......... 0.52% (1.5 lbs)
    Llowry............. 0.63% (1.6 lbs)
    Coloradogirl ...... 1.5% (4 lbs)
    Positively_me...... 0.46% ( 1 lb)
    jlb123............. 1.32% (3lbs)
    jennbarrette....... 1.1 % (2.7 lbs)
    awestfall ......... 0.51% (1.2 lbs)
    MariSama .......... 0.72% (1.8 lbs)
    momma.............0.66% (1.8 lbs)
    mstahl................0.50% (1 lb)
    snowflakes........0.99% (1.4 lbs)
    Stephanie08......0.00% (0.0 lbs)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    kmoyers, Welcome You can just jump right in. We always have room for more. Someone already explained what we do so just check in and let us know how you are doing.:flowerforyou:

    ColoradoGirl, I am pretty sure it is safe to say you are our biggest loser. Give us the challenge
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    jlb, congrats on the test you passed:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Feeling a little frustrated. I was down 3 pounds a couple of days ago, which turned my ticker into a truth ticker. It is now a liar ticker again because I got up this morning and I was only down 1.8 pounds. Do not know what happened to the 1.2 pounds because I have stuck to the plan and exercised most days. :angry: Not quiting though My ticker is going to tell the truth this coming week.:laugh:

    Yeah, I have liar ticker too!!! I was 207 on Monday and now I'm 209 - what gives???? It's because I keep eating my exercise calories. And for no apparent reason today I'm SOOO HUNGRY!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Yeah, I have liar ticker too!!! I was 207 on Monday and now I'm 209 - what gives???? It's because I keep eating my exercise calories. And for no apparent reason today I'm SOOO HUNGRY!

    But MFP already has you set at an automatic calorie deficit so eating your exercise calories should definitely not make you gain weight unless you entered your daily activity level incorrectly or are way overestimating them.

    For example, MFP has me eating 1200 calories a day before exercise. I burn about 2200 just with my normal daily activity (breathing, walking into work & up the stairs, etc). I'm on track to lose 2# a week because I have a 1000 calorie/day deficit already (2200 burned - 1200 eaten = 1000 deficit). If I walk 30 minutes and burn 200 calories, then I'm at a 1200 calorie deficit (2400 burned - 1200 eaten = 1200). If I eat the 200 calories I burn, I'm still at a 1000 calorie/day deficit (2400 burned - 1400 eaten = 1000), which is on track to lose 2#/week.

    So, do you think it's possible maybe your metabolism was messed up because you weren't eating your exercise calories before? And now it's trying to adjust to the larger amount of calories? Maybe you're just retaining water (I would think that's most likely but of course I'm not expert! :wink:).
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    I think this challenge will work for everyone no matter where they are in their weight loss journey. I hope you like it! :happy:

    This weeks challenge is 30 Minutes of stretching Everyday.

    Whether that is 10 in the morning, 10 at lunch and 10 at bedtime. 1 or 2 minutes throughout the day or all 30 minutes in one setting.

    Make sure you are breathing through the stretch. If it is painful and or you can not hold it for 10 seconds.. you are stretching too much. If you can hold the stretch for longer than 10 seconds without feeling much you are not stretching enough. Just relax and do what you can. It will get easier with time.

    Neck (front, back, side, side)
    Back (Cat Stretch)
    Fingers and Toes

    Look in the mirror and tell yourself something positive about yourself everyday! (you can post it or just keep it to yourself, whatever makes you happy)

    So.. what do you think gals?:bigsmile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I think this challenge will work for everyone no matter where they are in their weight loss journey. I hope you like it! :happy:

    This weeks challenge is 30 Minutes of stretching Everyday.

    Whether that is 10 in the morning, 10 at lunch and 10 at bedtime. 1 or 2 minutes throughout the day or all 30 minutes in one setting.

    Make sure you are breathing through the stretch. If it is painful and or you can not hold it for 10 seconds.. you are stretching too much. If you can hold the stretch for longer than 10 seconds without feeling much you are not stretching enough. Just relax and do what you can. It will get easier with time.

    Neck (front, back, side, side)
    Back (Cat Stretch)
    Fingers and Toes

    Look in the mirror and tell yourself something positive about yourself everyday! (you can post it or just keep it to yourself, whatever makes you happy)

    So.. what do you think gals?:bigsmile:
    I love this challenge because its something I can actually do without killing myself.I needed to be stretching before exercise anyways but I haven't been and I think thats how I mess up my hamstring (that and falling on the ice).Thanks ColoradoGirl and Congrats on being the biggest loser.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    I think this challenge will work for everyone no matter where they are in their weight loss journey. I hope you like it! :happy:

    This weeks challenge is 30 Minutes of stretching Everyday.

    Whether that is 10 in the morning, 10 at lunch and 10 at bedtime. 1 or 2 minutes throughout the day or all 30 minutes in one setting.

    Make sure you are breathing through the stretch. If it is painful and or you can not hold it for 10 seconds.. you are stretching too much. If you can hold the stretch for longer than 10 seconds without feeling much you are not stretching enough. Just relax and do what you can. It will get easier with time.

    Neck (front, back, side, side)
    Back (Cat Stretch)
    Fingers and Toes

    Look in the mirror and tell yourself something positive about yourself everyday! (you can post it or just keep it to yourself, whatever makes you happy)

    So.. what do you think gals?:bigsmile:

    I like it too! maybe it will go ahead and motivate me into excercising!:happy:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    This weeks challenge is 30 Minutes of stretching Everyday.

    Neck (front, back, side, side)
    Back (Cat Stretch)
    Fingers and Toes

    ColoradoGirl - I :heart: :heart: :heart: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart: this challange! What a great idea!

    I'm going to head home now - so everyone please think motivating thoughts of me getting onto my elliptical machine and going AT LEAST 40 minutes!

    Love you girls!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    love the idea of stretches. Thanks ColoradoGirl!!!
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    I just feel off of the wagon and it ran over me!:sad: I was already over on my calories by 31 and just couldn't fight the cravings for chocolate any longer had a hot fudge sundae from sonic and now I'm almost 500 calories over! Why, Why did I do that?:huh: The guilt all the way through wasn't even worth it! :explode: So now what?:huh:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I just feel off of the wagon and it ran over me!:sad: I was already over on my calories by 31 and just couldn't fight the cravings for chocolate any longer had a hot fudge sundae from sonic and now I'm almost 500 calories over! Why, Why did I do that?:huh: The guilt all the way through wasn't even worth it! :explode: So now what?:huh:
    :flowerforyou: You're not off the wagon, you just tripped a bit that's all! You can exercise this off or you can cut back tomorrow! I would also suggest you get some safe chocolate around for you to use to satisfy your cravings! Something bite sized! I use a Ghirardelli chocolate bar one square at a time! One 60 calorie (varies depending on how dark you like your chocolate) piece of high quality chocolate beats out volume every time :bigsmile:
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    I just feel off of the wagon and it ran over me!:sad: I was already over on my calories by 31 and just couldn't fight the cravings for chocolate any longer had a hot fudge sundae from sonic and now I'm almost 500 calories over! Why, Why did I do that?:huh: The guilt all the way through wasn't even worth it! :explode: So now what?:huh:
    :flowerforyou: You're not off the wagon, you just tripped a bit that's all! You can exercise this off or you can cut back tomorrow! I would also suggest you get some safe chocolate around for you to use to satisfy your cravings! Something bite sized! I use a Ghirardelli chocolate bar one square at a time! One 60 calorie (varies depending on how dark you like your chocolate) piece of high quality chocolate beats out volume every time :bigsmile:

    Thank you, I'll try the chocolate. I suppose it would be better to have something like that handy.
  • Solandra
    Calories - 100 under
    Exercise - none, alas
    Water - 80 oz
    Proud of a good day at work, and looking forward to a day in the yard tomorrow plus stretching!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member

    Yeah, I have liar ticker too!!! I was 207 on Monday and now I'm 209 - what gives???? It's because I keep eating my exercise calories. And for no apparent reason today I'm SOOO HUNGRY!

    But MFP already has you set at an automatic calorie deficit so eating your exercise calories should definitely not make you gain weight unless you entered your daily activity level incorrectly or are way overestimating them.

    For example, MFP has me eating 1200 calories a day before exercise. I burn about 2200 just with my normal daily activity (breathing, walking into work & up the stairs, etc). I'm on track to lose 2# a week because I have a 1000 calorie/day deficit already (2200 burned - 1200 eaten = 1000 deficit). If I walk 30 minutes and burn 200 calories, then I'm at a 1200 calorie deficit (2400 burned - 1200 eaten = 1200). If I eat the 200 calories I burn, I'm still at a 1000 calorie/day deficit (2400 burned - 1400 eaten = 1000), which is on track to lose 2#/week.

    So, do you think it's possible maybe your metabolism was messed up because you weren't eating your exercise calories before? And now it's trying to adjust to the larger amount of calories? Maybe you're just retaining water (I would think that's most likely but of course I'm not expert! :wink:).

    Hmm you know what? I was manually setting my calories. So I may have set them too high! I think I need to go back and look at them . Thanks Jib!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good Evening All:

    Today has been a great day. What a fantastic job by everyone this week!

    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes
    Water: yes
    Proud: That I am 30 lbs. down thus far!

    Looking forward to the long weekend. Take Care.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    calories: 1253
    exercise: 30 minutes biking
    water: 64+
    Proud: Um, yes?

    I like the stretching challenge, yay!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Checkin in!


    Calories: Right on!
    Water: Almost!
    Excercise: 30 minutes eliptical, 30 minutes strength training. I'm pumped!

    Proud: I went to the gym today and I didnt even eat any of my excercise calories!