

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok I am so sick of seeing all these commercials for weight loss or exercise equipment with skinny people in them.Why don't they put REAL PEOPLE in these commercials? I think America thinks that all women are suppose to be one size and only size SKINNY!!!!
    Well I have something to say and I hope it changes everyones mind on how we look at things.Why focus on a number,like size 2, when words like " healthier, energetic, Beautiful, Motivated, Inspired" can describe each of us individually so much better.Even the smallest changes can have big size benefits.Did you know losing 5-10% of your body weight and exercising a little bit everyday can help reduce your risks of developing diabetes and other health problems.I am going to start seeing my size as a reflection of how I feel about myself from the inside out and I am going to try to stop using the numbers to define me.Once you see the beautiful on the inside the outside will follow.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    I agree, awestfall. What makes people beautiful is their individuality, not their pants size. The moment I decided to love myself wholly and accept my curvy body, all of my emotional problems practically went away. I am beautiful no matter what size I am, size has nothing to do with beauty. And all of you are gorgeous too. I'll never be a size 10, my bones are so large. I'll be a larger girl my whole life, but when I'm able to be active I'll just love being me even more.

    Another gripe I have is why do sports/fitness stores only carry skinny sizes? I needed some gym clothes and D1ck's Sporting Goods had ONE RACK. ONE RACK of clothes for fat girls and all of it was long pants and hoodies that were black! If you skinnies think being fat is such a disease and undesireable, why isnt there equipment/clothes for us to get in shape? We need it more than you, twiggy! :explode: Gah. Okay, done venting! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Cris! You'll love the suppport this group has to offer. Today is friday which is our normal weigh in day. we measure how much we lose in a week in percentage (like on Biggest Loser) and then compare, and whoever loses the most gets to challenge everyone for the week..like, last weeks was to cut out processed sugars. Every day we check in with if we reached our calorie goal, our water goal and if we excersized, and then we list one thing that happened that day that we're proud of.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I agree, awestfall. What makes people beautiful is their individuality, not their pants size. The moment I decided to love myself wholly and accept my curvy body, all of my emotional problems practically went away. I am beautiful no matter what size I am, size has nothing to do with beauty. And all of you are gorgeous too. I'll never be a size 10, my bones are so large. I'll be a larger girl my whole life, but when I'm able to be active I'll just love being me even more.

    Another gripe I have is why do sports/fitness stores only carry skinny sizes? I needed some gym clothes and D1ck's Sporting Goods had ONE RACK. ONE RACK of clothes for fat girls and all of it was long pants and hoodies that were black! If you skinnies think being fat is such a disease and undesireable, why isnt there equipment/clothes for us to get in shape? We need it more than you, twiggy! :explode: Gah. Okay, done venting! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Cris! You'll love the suppport this group has to offer. Today is friday which is our normal weigh in day. we measure how much we lose in a week in percentage (like on Biggest Loser) and then compare, and whoever loses the most gets to challenge everyone for the week..like, last weeks was to cut out processed sugars. Every day we check in with if we reached our calorie goal, our water goal and if we excersized, and then we list one thing that happened that day that we're proud of.
    OK Mari you made me shoot oatmeal out my nose when I saw the comment TWIGGY!!!! HILARIOUS!!LOL LOL:laugh: :laugh: I agree though everywhere you go (besides Walmart) carries skinny workout clothes and the ones at walmart are usually just sweats.We want to look cute tooo while we are working out ya know.

    Welcome Cris! Mari right you will love this group of ladies they are so awesome!!!!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Muti tasking is not working for me this morning. I logged on over an hour ago and between phone calls and other interupptions I have finnaly read all the posts. 100% LOSERS this week!

    Welcome chris20056! A new challenge will be chosen today by this weeks biggest loser. Jump on in!

    awestfall: I couldn't agree more! Thanks for that reminder!

    Lildebbie.......... 0.52% (1.5 lbs)
    Llowry............. 0.63% (1.6 lbs)
    Coloradogirl ...... 1.5% (4 lbs)
    Positively_me...... 0.46% ( 1 lb)
    jlb123............. 1.32% (3lbs)
    jennbarrette....... 1.1 % (2.7 lbs)
    awestfall ......... 0.51% (1.2 lbs)
    MariSama .......... 0.72% (1.8 lbs)
    momma.............0.66% (1.8 lbs)
    mstahl................0.50% (1 lb)
    snowflakes........0.99% (1.4 lbs)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ok I am so sick of seeing all these commercials for weight loss or exercise equipment with skinny people in them.Why don't they put REAL PEOPLE in these commercials? I think America thinks that all women are suppose to be one size and only size SKINNY!!!!
    Well I have something to say and I hope it changes everyones mind on how we look at things.Why focus on a number,like size 2, when words like " healthier, energetic, Beautiful, Motivated, Inspired" can describe each of us individually so much better.Even the smallest changes can have big size benefits.Did you know losing 5-10% of your body weight and exercising a little bit everyday can help reduce your risks of developing diabetes and other health problems.I am going to start seeing my size as a reflection of how I feel about myself from the inside out and I am going to try to stop using the numbers to define me.Once you see the beautiful on the inside the outside will follow.

    I know, awestfall, it's really annoying. When I'm at a healthy weight I won't be skinny. I don't even want to be skinny. I expect to be a size 8 at the smallest. In fact, I honestly think skinny is gross (not that obese isn't also gross). But I'd rather see someone 20 pounds over weight than 20 pounds underweight (and research has shown the overweight person would actually be much healhier).

    I like a girl with a little healthy meat on her bones. :laugh: And to be perfectly honest, I think most men agree...

    I'm a size 16/18 at present and to be honest I think I'm pretty healthy at this point. Granted, if I keep up my healthy diet & exercise regime I won't be this big for long, but just because I am this big at this point doesn't necessarily mean I'm unhealthy.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! I like the idea of posting every day it will help me be accountable for what I do!

    Water, calories, excercise, and something Im proud of! Sounds good to me!

    Good luck everyone!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Welcome Cris20056, Look forward to getting to know you.

    awestfall, you are so right. My husband loves the curves. He sees really skinny girls and he says "yuck" cover up that is ugly. I asked him how much he wanted me to weigh, he said 150. I said that is still over weight for me. I am short. so he said no less than 140. I am planning on getting into the 130's. I think it would be a nice healthy weight for a woman who has had 4 children and about to be in her 40's come Sept. I am not out to capture "Hollywoods" version of what I should weigh, but something realistic and healthy. I live in California, but not in Hollywood :laugh: :laugh: and I would NOT want to live there.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh and the whole skinny people conversation made me remember a story one of my psychology professors once shared about his daughter... who happens to be Kristen Davis.

    Kristen auditioned for the show "Sex & the City" and though they wanted to cast her, they told her she needed to lose weight because all the other ladies they were casting were a size 0. She was a size 4. She was both happy and healthy at a size 4 and she stood up to them and refused to lose weight.
    Obviously, the outcome was that the director casted her as Charlotte anyway, even though she was a humongous size 4. :smile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Welcome Cris20056, Look forward to getting to know you.

    awestfall, you are so right. My husband loves the curves. He sees really skinny girls and he says "yuck" cover up that is ugly. I asked him how much he wanted me to weigh, he said 150. I said that is still over weight for me. I am short. so he said no less than 140. I am planning on getting into the 130's. I think it would be a nice healthy weight for a woman who has had 4 children and about to be in her 40's come Sept. I am not out to capture "Hollywoods" version of what I should weigh, but something realistic and healthy. I live in California, but not in Hollywood :laugh: :laugh: and I would NOT want to live there.
    My goal weight is between 130 and 140 I think I would be happy with that.I am short too so anything above this would be considered overweight.Technically it says for my height and bone structure I should weigh between 107-145 but I think anything below 125 I would look gross.I used to be 115 in high school and everyone made fun of me because my legs were so skinny.I got called bird legs and people asked me if I was anorexic (i wasn't but it still hurt) I am like you I think I will be happy with myself at around 130-140 pounds.Right now I would be happy to be under 200 .
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Oh and the whole skinny people conversation made me remember a story one of my psychology professors once shared about his daughter... who happens to be Kristen Davis.

    Kristen auditioned for the show "Sex & the City" and though they wanted to cast her, they told her she needed to lose weight because all the other ladies they were casting were a size 0. She was a size 4. She was both happy and healthy at a size 4 and she stood up to them and refused to lose weight.
    Obviously, the outcome was that the director casted her as Charlotte anyway, even though she was a humongous size 4. :smile:
    See isn't that crazy.I would love to be a size 4 again .I used to be in high school!!!! By the way Jbl I love your new pic you look amazing.You can really tell a big difference in your face .The weight is falling off of you and you look great!!!Keep it up
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    You can really tell a big difference in your face .

    I know, I really just realized it today when I saw that old picture of me. And I know that old picture (from May '08) wasn't even taken at my highest weight because at my highest weight, I couldn't wear those jeans anymore...

    I looked in the mirror while I was washing my hands & noticed I was missing a few chins. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Well, I guess I shouldn't say I'm "missing" them. :wink: Now I can take a picture from a straight on angle (instead of from above holding up my chin :laugh:) and not have multiple chins. What an accomplishment! :tongue:

    But thanks. :blushing:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    CW: 198.6
    Last week's weight: 200.4
    Lost: 1.8 lbs.
    TOM is visiting, so I'm hoping my weight drops even lower in a few days!

    Stats for yesterday 1/14/2010:
    Calories: 60 calories left over
    Water: 40 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: That I tried on a pair of size 12 jeans at Maurice's yesterday and the fit, so I bought them! Also, I didn't snack last night when I was bored and randomly looking through the cupboards. Eventually, I told myself to sit down because I wasn't hungry at all, just felt like I needed something to do. (See next paragraph).

    Last night I was also trying to decide what to wear to the Brad Paisley & Miranda Lambert concert tomorrow night. I tried on several "western" shirts that I haven't worn since 2004-2005 and half of them fit perfectly and the other half were TOO BIG! I love "shopping" at home!

    Sunday's planned project is to go through all of my clothes and give away everything that is larger than my current size. I do NOT want to go back to the size 16s and 18s, so I'm going to get them out of my house and refuse to buy those sizes again. It's funny I can fit in my sister's old jeans because both of us have lost weight and need to go down in size and my mom can fit into my jeans because she's losing weight. We're swapping clothes all over the place!
  • kmoyers
    kmoyers Posts: 18
    Is it to late to join, I just started this website a few weeks ago and just started doing the message boards?!?!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    hajohnson- Congrats on the weight loss! I cant wait to get to that point. Thanks for the motivation, cant wait to shop at home as well!

    Since I am new let me give you guys a little bit of history on my battle with weight.

    I have been overweight since I was probably 10 years old. At my highest I was 273lbs, which was my junior year in high school. Tired of not being asked out on dates and missing school dances because I couldnt fit into dresses, I decided to lose weight. I started the slim-fast diet Senior year of high school and lost about 75lbs. I went into college at a little under 200lbs, which to me was fantastic. Freshmen year of college I somehow managed to lose more weight (walking to class i guess) and from that point on I fluctuated from 180-190lbs. 2 years ago I started going over the 200lbs mark (200-210) and then found out I was pregnant with my son who was born Nov 2008. At time of delivery I weighed a little over 260lbs. I didnt lose ANY of the weight after he was born and when I started this new journey I was 255lbs.

    I hope to be 200lbs by my 6 year anniversary with my boyfriend on June 30th.

    I had a question for you all, I know I am new but please be honest. I have set a goal of eating 1,200 calories a day and 30 mins of excercise 4 days a week. I really hate excercising so even doing the 30 mins is an achievement for me. But my question is on the 1,200 calories. I have been eating somewhere between 950-1050. Is that bad that I dont get to 1,200? I dont want my body to go into starvation mode. I am not hungry and I eat 3 meals and usually a snack a day. Thanks for your input!


  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    My husband too loves the curves.. I just want to get back to what I weighed/size when I met him. So, my goal weight is a bit more than most of you ladies. My goal weight is about 180 and would be thrilled to get into a size 18 comfortably. Keep in mind I am almost 6ft tall and big boned. :wink: In fact I believe I was 5ft 10 in 5th grade. So, I have NEVER been a small gal nor will I be and I am ok with that. Growing up many of my friends were tiny little gals and I always felt like I was "FAT" because I listened to the boys telling me so. But, now that I am older and wiser (although, my teenagers will argue that one) I am happy with who I am and just want to be healthy! It is funny how peoples perspectives, goals and values change with age.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    I had a question for you all, I know I am new but please be honest. I have set a goal of eating 1,200 calories a day and 30 mins of excercise 4 days a week. I really hate excercising so even doing the 30 mins is an achievement for me. But my question is on the 1,200 calories. I have been eating somewhere between 950-1050. Is that bad that I dont get to 1,200? I dont want my body to go into starvation mode. I am not hungry and I eat 3 meals and usually a snack a day. Thanks for your input!

    The short answer is yes, it's very bad to not eat enough.
    If you're not hungry, add in some healthy foods that have higher calorie concentrations (milk, natural peanut butter, nuts, etc).
    Jump over to the General Diet and Exercise Help forum and read ALL of the posts that are pinned to the top of the forum. You'll learn a lot, I know I did! :smile:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    :happy: For those of you who aren't eating their calories- I am here to help!!!:happy:

    I walked with the guys today at lunch. It's a little sloppy here in NE Ohio as all our snow is melting and it's in the upper 30s. Due to this "nice" weather we walked outside in a big beautiful cemetery (which makes you think about health:smile: ) While we walked I thought about what high calorie, nutrient rich, foods you could eat to hit your minimum calories!

    1. Olives (oh YUM and so many kinds!)
    2. Avocados (a little salt and you're good to go!)
    3. Grilled cheese - high fiber bread with a quality cheese gives you calcium and plenty of calories!
    4. Salad dressing - if you're short calories use real dressing like extra virgin olive oil or flax seed oil on your salads (with a good vinegar or lemon juice)
    5. If you of legal age a little red wine never hurts :wink:
    6. Nuts! (I have a passion for smoked almonds!)
    7. Peanut Butter! (or almond butter etc... ) If you're a little low just eat a spoon full of PB before bed!
    8. Tuna Salad/ Chicken Salad/ Egg Salad - made with real mayo BAMB you're getting calories!
    9. Flax seed oil - It's packed full of nutrients -a spoonful is a little gross but it will grow on you!
    10. Whole milk/cream - use whole milk yogurts, add cream to your coffee, use whole milk with your cereal.

    Also - when adding high fat foods to your diet in order to increase your calories, make sure you add them AFTER a meal because otherwise they will make you feel to full to eat!

    Thanks for letting me dream - :tongue:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Is it to late to join, I just started this website a few weeks ago and just started doing the message boards?!?!

    Hello KMoyers! Welcome to the group! We check in once a day to list how we did on the following:

    Water (64oz)-
    Proud -

    You don't have to tell us exactly how many calories you ate- just how you did and the "Proud" part is where you list one thing that day you're proud of!

    Every Friday we weigh in and tell how much we've gained or lost and the percentage lost (you can say zero if you gained we aren't telling!). The percentage lost is computed by dividing the amount lost by the weight you were the week before and them multiplying by 100 for the percentage. (amount lost/starting weight)x 100= Number you Post :) There's a website that will do the math for you and someone will post that!

    Other than that we chat a bit and occasionally whine and always support one another!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Jib, I like the new pic..you can really tell the before and after...Congratlation thus far!!:flowerforyou:
    I think all of our husbands/boyfriends have something in common..they all like curvy wives/girlfriends...lol
    I am a little over 200 pounds and would love to be 160...that is still on the overweight category (I'm 5' 7") if i like that weight i will just maintain there...i am not trying to be skinny just what i think looks best on me. Hubby says i look fine where i am at ...but i don't like the way i feel.:frown:

    Cris, I am a big girl and i eat all my recommended calories (1,300), but i don't eat my exercise calories ( sometime i do - it all depends on the day i've had).

    Heather: Congrates on your weight loss:bigsmile:

    Check-in 1/15/10
    Calories: almost, i am a little under but i plan on making some biscottis and well i want to eat 2 of them..which puts me on target with my calories.
    exercise: yup! 30 minutes treadmill walking ( 4.0 speed)..moderate speed...i am still aching from yesterdays exercise that is why i took it easy today.
    water: yup, 64 oz and still counting...
    Proud: that i got on the treadmill 2 days in a row...

    I might not be on later...i have lots of cleaning to do before my semester begins on Tuesday...i have been slacking off these couple of days. Plus my mother in-law is coming for a 3 month visit..i have not seen her in 3 years..but she is a great lady.

    i will try to check in to find out the new challenge...i am still going to elliminate the surgar....i find i didn't need all that sugar...i feel so energized w/o it..amazing right!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Eerrrrmmm. Sorry I'm bored at work today. Every time I try to do something that's been on the back burner for the last few months I get interupted by an employee with some in depth payroll question because it's payday... Or I get interrupted by payroll with some in depth payroll question (shouldn't they know the answers? I mean, they're payroll... why are they asking ME why they've done what they've done? :tongue:) so I've given up on trying to be productive today past the "employee service" aspect of my job.

    Anyway, since I'm so close to the 50 pounds lost mark (!!), I decided to calculate the total percentage of weight I've lost. 17.11% ! That's 1/6th of me. Cut a pie (mmmm, pie) into 6 slices and take out a piece and that's how much of me is gone forever! :inserthappydanceiconhere: