

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I just ordered my first work out tape! Well... I have vague memories of some 1980s aerobic tapes of the Richard Simon's era :smokin: LOL!!!

    I decided on the '10 minute solution Kickbox Bootcamp' Somehow 10 minutes seems a little more possible than some of the other stuff I've read about :smile:

    Due to financial limitations I'm trying to go slow and low tech on this stuff. Plus - I already have some cool exercise equipment I've gotten either free or for a good used price - like my elliptical machine. I found out that the resistance settings don't work but I can worry about that after I've mastered ZERO resistance!!!:embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: We have a 12 year old treadmill that still works well, a recumbent bike that works OK and two 'Home Gyms' - one that uses bands and another that uses weights. Unfortunately I have no idea how to use the band one and the weights one is it the room we rent out to a college student.

    Point is- I have a lot of options! Not to mention that when I'm in the 180s range I'll feel OK about starting to ride again! That's if Dreamy doesn't faint from shock when she sees me bringing a saddle out to the barn:laugh:

    jlb123 has me convinced I can try the C25K program this spring - Its unimaginable to think I could ever run for five minutes but I'm going to try as soon as I get down to 190 or less and the weather warms up! I'm hoping to run in the mornings (when it's finally LIGHT in the mornings) and run outside! I'll have to buy a decent pair of trainers too - right now I use Merill hiking shoes for the elliptical machine since they are in the best shape! Right now I use pj pants and old t-shirts for my work out clothes too! One nice benefit of working out at home:laugh:

    I lowered my goal weight all the way down to 115. I'm 5'3" and I have small bones. I've never weighed 115 as an adult but I think if I'm running and working on lean muscle it could be possible! (Hmmmm salt water is heavier than water - so saline breasts might be heavier than silicon... I'll have to investigate before the mastectomy!:ohwell: )
  • Solandra
    Happy day today:
    Calories - 600 under because...
    Exercise: 2.5 hrs of housework - my floors are mopped, waxed and swept, not in that order, including moving furniture, etc.
    Water - Over

    Today I'm proud that my floors are squeaky clean, and I made a trip to Whole Foods that will make cooking at home more of an adventure - a healthy one.

    Edit - however, I forgot to stretch - that will be happening before bed, I suppose...

    Hang in there, folks!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    jlb123- thanks for the support, I did read some of the posts at the begining like you had advised before and I understand that I do need to eat all of my calories, I guess just from all my other diets its been imbedded in my mind not to over eat and I am just scared too, even though everything (scientifically) is telling me to do it. I really had to work on re-training my brain. As of right now I am 400 calories short of my 1200 and i swear i ate a lot today! maybe ill have an apple as i watch the playoffs. Congrats on the running! thats awesome! ur an inspiration, seriously i hope to get to that level someday

    i am jealous of the beer and movie:)

  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Hi girls,

    Feeling a little down today. I havent cheated or anything but I just feel like Im doing this all wrong. I really am not doing well at reaching my 1200 calories, I think Im just so scared to eat 'that much'. I've been really down on my self the last 3 or 4 days and havent done my excercise. I think I had such a great week last week that this week's weigh in was kind of a dissappointment. I havent let myself quit and Ive stuck to it but its getting really hard and Im only on week 2! Oh well maybe Ill wake up in a better mood tomorrow. Here is my check in for yesterday:

    Calories- under by 200 :(
    Water (64oz)- got that in!

    Exercise- none
    Proud - I'm proud that I did not order out even though thats usually what we do on Fridays and Saturdays (trust me really wanted to!!)

    I'll be on later to check in for today..

    thanks for listening,


    Hi Cris!,
    I messed up yesterday AND today!:blushing: :sad: My husband took me out to eat for my birthday (Sunday) and I ate what I wanted only half though.:drinker: If your like me it took years to get to this weight but, If we keep striving it will come off. Good luck!
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Checking in

    Calories - over (Husband took me out for my birthday)
    excercise - none
    water - half
    proud - getting a wii for birthday. waiting for it to arrive

    stretches - not yet, planning on it though
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    jlb123- thanks for the support, I did read some of the posts at the begining like you had advised before and I understand that I do need to eat all of my calories, I guess just from all my other diets its been imbedded in my mind not to over eat and I am just scared too, even though everything (scientifically) is telling me to do it. I really had to work on re-training my brain. As of right now I am 400 calories short of my 1200 and i swear i ate a lot today! maybe ill have an apple as i watch the playoffs. Congrats on the running! thats awesome! ur an inspiration, seriously i hope to get to that level someday

    i am jealous of the beer and movie:)


    Cris, I know exactly how you feel. I, too, have to completely erase all of the terrible beliefs in my head about lower cals is better. But trust me, because I am revamping right now midswing and that is NOT fun, follow MFP's calorie goal. Get as close as you can to it. Look back at our current posts in this thread where some of the gals posted some good choices for filling up your calories. I loved that post and keep it on my fridge now. It's all about retraining our minds. You can do it. Keep trying! Especially since you have the MOST ADORABLE BABY ON THE PLANET! (your pic)

    jlb - I come on to tell you how cute your pic is, and poof it's gone! :laugh: CONGRATS on Wk5 day2!!! You go, girl! :flowerforyou: We have an indie movie theatre that serves beer, too. GOOD beer at that! I LOVE going to the movies suddenly! LOL

    mstahl - one word: horses. You have horses? I adore you. I used to go riding back in the day, oh about 300 pounds ago (LOL). One time I was riding and sang a high C and the horse bucked me off. :laugh: But seriously, girls, I do make a living with this voice! :laugh: Just not with horses! :laugh:

    Lisa, Happy Birthday (a day early!) :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I am not checking in yet because I am in the midst of making a delicious whole food dinner! Hope everyone has a great night.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    jlb - I come on to tell you how cute your pic is, and poof it's gone! :laugh:

    It's still on my profile, just not as my main image. MFP is my internet home page and every single time my bf would get on my laptop he'd make some comment about the picture being "saucy" or "sexy" which is so not what I was trying to be -- I actually took the picture to send my best friend because I just got new glasses & she wanted to see them (shes in VA right now) so I took one with my phone and then I noticed how much smaller my face was compared to the "before" picture I have on my profile so I posted it. Anyway, I guess I should have been flattered by the comments but really I was just annoyed. :laugh: And then I wondered if everyone else was going to think I was trying to be sexy. If I were trying to be sexy, I at least would've put on a little mascara & brushed my hair or something. :tongue:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    ok girls I have no idea abotu calories today but I think I did pretty well.I took my husband out to eat for his birthday today (his birthday isn't until Monday but he has to work Monday sooooooo) and I think I stayed within reason.I also got some waaaaayyyyy better food in the house today so I think I will start seeing results again really soon.My husband has already lost 25 pounds in a little over a month and that frustrates me how its so easy for him.He doesn't have to do anything but change his eating habits and the weight falls off.Me on the other hand I have to kill myself with exercise and practically starve to lose a pound.WHAT GIVES????:ohwell: :noway: Anyways my 15 year old daughter and I are going to start doing Yoga for Weight loss tomorrow after church services,my doctor released me to do Yoga only so I am hoping this helps make me feel better.Anyways I will make a new thread here in a few minutes because I probably won't have time to log on tomorrow although I will try my best to do so.I hope everyone has a blessed Sunday.Remember in Christ all things are possible.Love you Gals!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I didn't see 'sexy', I saw 'beautiful, proud, and hard work is paying off.' :flowerforyou:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I didn't see 'sexy', I saw 'beautiful, proud, and hard work is paying off.' :flowerforyou:
    I second that!!!!:heart::flowerforyou:
  • amarek
    amarek Posts: 16
    Thanks Momma2four and Mstahl! I agree with the calories. I need to work on getting all of my calories in. I read a thread somewhere in here that made a lot of sense. Thanks for the encouragement.

    I will add to my summary from now on. Thanks for the heads up :happy:

    Proud: I worked out tonight! 35 min on Elliptical. Yay!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    We've moved!


    A new week with a fresh start! Just go to the link for your next post!
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    i am over 200 and i need motivation to get some exercise...
    tips anyone?