SAHM 1/11-1-17/2010



  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    gm! trish--that's great that you tried--and YES cold air constricts your lungs and breathing is MUCH more difficult. like your friend said, just keep at it and you will get conditioned. also, if you finish the race--THAT's an accomplishment, just like nicole said. then you have a benchmark to work from for future races.

    jr-glad the babysitting worked out for you. :)

    kim--how wonderful that he's been accepted to so many schools!

    i'm nervous today. we have a mtg with the school to try to convince them to do iep testing for our oldest. she is special needs but it's complicated. my dh is taking the lead at this mtg, which takes tons of P off of me. still, i'm fretting. i just keep taking deep breaths and stretching.
    i have a sitter for the day so i'm going to get a mani/pedi today too--a treat and a soothing strategy. maybe i'll go to the library too. one of my fave places.
    i would like to do core today. don't have it scheduled in a time slot yet, so i'll have to see.

    and tomorrow needs to be major house cleaning!
    hope everyone has a great day!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Busy day today. Dunno how I'm gonna get it all done. Picking friend up at 11 to get some work done in the studio, and need to clean the house for company tonight, and somehow need to find time to workout/run. I hope I can get it all done by 5
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member

    Trish- Thank Steve for me! I think Francesca will thank him too!:laugh: :laugh: Which Linkin Park do you use? I like some of their stuff. Don't stress about the run...the important thing is to have fun. I am glad that you met a couple of people that did it. One thing to remember about the breathing when you run, especially in the cold, is breath in through your nose and out your mouth. I know it doesn't fell like you are getting enough air, but you really are. It actually controls your breathing so you don't hyperventilate. In the winter time it also warms up the air before reaching your lungs. The best thing to do, especially since you are just starting out, is to get into a breathing rythmn. For example, a 3-3 or a 3-2 and when you sprint a 2-2 or 1-1. Ok, this is what I mean. Time your breathing with your footfalls. When I do my longer slow runs, I breath in for 3 steps, and then out for 2 steps. When I am really pushing it at the end of a race or I am doing a sprint workout, I do in for 2 steps and out for 2 steps. I hope this makes sense.:flowerforyou:

    Stacey- I am sending you good thoughts today with the IEP. Kyle used to have one when he was in public school.

    Kim and Jr- Yay with the running! That banana squash bread sounds yummy!

    AAAAAANNNNNNDDDD Thank you ladies for suggesting switching up my food! I stepped on the scale this morning and I lost another pound!!!!! YAY!:bigsmile:
  • ericaquin
    ericaquin Posts: 68 Member
    GM. Just got back from visiting my parents last night. I had been there since Saturday with my 2 kids with out DH. Lets say I am not doing that trip again alone anytime soon! Surprisingly I was also very able to make good healthy choices the entire time I was down there because my mother shows her love through cooking and over feeding us and I put my foot down the minute I walked in the door. I even yelled (not really yelled) at her for offering up donuts, muffins which were 400+ cals at a pop, and homemade brownies. I wont lie, I have a donuts one night and a small brownie another night but I walked extra so I could have it. Now that I am home I can officially focus on my workouts. I use to be a power walking instructor when I was in college and is always my cardio of choice. It will probably take me a good week or two to get my shins and ankles back at it (they hurt and burn when I first start it back up). I am just debating now when I want to go, before nap time or after nap time because once I go DS will want to play on the playground in our development that we will pass at the end of the walk so I have to account for that time out as well. The reason why I have to debate it is because everything I do has to revolve around dd's feeding schedule (remember she is 6 weeks old) and my breast pumping schedule. I do the 2 back to back so its not that big of a deal. Can't wait to get out there today!
    Stacy- good luck at that meeting today. I am a teacher turned SAHM but I can't believe you have to convince them to do an IEP, that's a shame. Its our obligation as teachers (I feel in my eye's) to make sure that if we notice a child needs one, we make the recommendation and help create it with the necessary people. However, not every teacher and school district feels this way. Then again, every state is different when it comes to IEP's.
    Good luck to everyone staying on track today!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I used to do breathe in 4 steps, exhale 4 steps when I walked. Should I do a 3 step instead for running? It will be a fight to breathe through my nose. I always feel stuffed up (not congested, just ultra active nose filtering/bogeys), so breathing through my mouth always felt more natural, but I will try!

    For Linkin Park I have What I've Done, Leave Out All The Rest, and New Divide.

    Way to go making those smart food choices, Erica! I think that's half the battle.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thank you erica and nicole--your good vibes helped!
    they agreed to go forward with further evaluations/observations/assessments. that's all i wanted out of today. so then we'll have real DATA to see if she actually meets eligibility for services.

    she currently has a 504 in place, and it's very detailed, but in some ways it covers up the problem rather than truly changing the learning for her.
    so we'll see....

    and congrats to you both also on successes! dsn't it feel great to do the right thing??!!

    alright. off to indulge myself this afternoon. ahhhh
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Stacey, enjoy the pampering. Andy usually let me get a pedicure for my b-day :)

    Nicole, if you like funny songs, check out Go-Getter Greg & Love Me Dead by Ludo. Funny lyrics & great beat!

    Oh, you'd all be so proud of me! I'm cleaning off the counter (one of my New Years goals), and I'm actually throwing out food! *GASP*
    It's so hard, but I'm doing it. It's even good stuff like CHOCOLATE and SOUR stuff (my weaknesses)
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Yay Stacey! That's a great step in the right direction. I am looking forward to hearing about your pamper me day....I sure need one of those!

    Trish- You may want to step that up to 3-3 breathing. I know the slower I breath, the slower my steps are. Try it.

    Off to scrounge something for lunch....I can't wait for payday tomorrow, then grocery store!:bigsmile:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    pampering to the max! i got a pedi and didn't want the paraffin wax part so i got extra massage. LUXURY

    and then i got my nails vegascized! i normally keep my nails very short. but i had acrylics done today with a pink and white french manicure!! i had them "shortish" but they're still sorta long to me. maybe if i go to a solid color??

    i certainly don't intend to keep this up. it is so NOT in the budget. plus they're really not my style. (as you can see from my pics i'm pretty plain jane--t and cardigan and jeans/cords in winter and tank andshorts in summer).
    but i will enjoy giving the girls their nightly chills and running my nails thru their hair. and i thoroughly enjoyed the hours at the salon talking with interesting people and watching a chick flick on the tv there. :devil:

    off to make dinner! thanks all for always being so fun to talk to!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    cool website ds's kindergarten teacher recommended (for prek, k, maybe 1st??)

    all free
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Glad you enjoyed your pampering, Stacey.

    I was really bad tonight. I made a HUGE batch of sweet and sour pork, and Andy & I each had 1/3, with Grace having 1/2 of the last 1/3. It filled a giant bowl. It was mainly chow mein veggie mix in addition to 1 large chopped onion, and 2 very large chopped bell peppers. There was only a pound and a half of meat in there, but I feel like I overindulged. It was good though! I have a headache tonight & don't feel like working out. And I had an ice cream sandwich. Yeah... I was baaaaad. After company leaves, I am just going to have a hot shower & crash on the couch. I hope my poor choices don't affect my weigh in tomorrow too much.

    Andy has tomorrow off (yaaaay!) So maybe I can get a run in at some point. At least have a heated discussion with that hill!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I don't mean to start the day on a sour note, but I'm kind of upset. Weighed in today, and lost less than a pound. I stay under on my calories, am a water drinking machine, stay under on sodium, and work out regularly. WHERE IS MY 2 LB WEEKLY LOSS?! Grrr!
    I know I should be happy (at least it's not a 1 lb gain), but seriously... less than 1 lbs? COME ON!

    *sigh* Sorry. Guess I'll hang on to this grump & train that hill. Let the frustration fuel me up it. Stupid hill with your stupid incline.

    Busy day today. Andy's got to get some blood work done, then I'm picking up my friend to work on the studio, then Grace has her 18 month checkup, and we go to chiropractor at noon. At least it's pay day & my friend will stay & watch Grace so Andy & I can go to dinner by ourselves. One of my favorite sisters-in-law is coming tomorrow. I haven't seen her since Grace was 3 mos old.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    GM everyone!

    sorry trish--some weeks are like that.
    just a thought--since you are cranking out so many exer cals--maybe eat AT your cals, not under. or just stick w/yr plan for the next 2 wks and then change it up.

    need to clean--but forgot the kids are all home today. we'll go out for awhile and then i will put them to work later. muwahahaha
  • ericaquin
    ericaquin Posts: 68 Member
    Keep your head up Trish! I bet it was only because of what you ate the night before. I like to allow myself one meal a week to indulge a little. I do not do this every week but I allow it so when I need it I don't beat myself up about it. However, I weigh in on mondays which means that meal has to be eaten some time before Thursday because it will effect my weigh in if eaten after that. We are all human but YEA YOU STILL LOST!!!!!

    I envy you all for running. I can wear 3 sport bras and it is still uncomfortable for me to run. I wind up literally holding my boobs into my chest if and when I do run. Love my boobs, hate their mobility!

    DH is coming home early today, so excited since I was away most of last weekend and half the week. I am trying a new recipe out tonight, cashew crusted flounder. Spraying the fish with Pam olive oil, dipping it in crushed cashews and baking for 20 minutes. Fresh steamed green beans and a baked potato for DH. You can do the same with chicken, also great made with macadamia nuts.

    Got my walk in yesterday pre nap and doing the same today! I will be adding in strength training in next week. Just got Jackie Warner's new circuit training dvd in and Bob's Biggest Loser yoga for weight loss as well. Gotta love netflix!
    Have a great on track day everyone!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hi everyone! Trish...don't be hard on yourself...I was in those shoes last week remember? But I had stayed at the same weight and gained 2 lbs for 3 weeks...because of who knows? It is good to take it out on the hill. That is another reason why I love running and working out, a great stress reliever!

    Stacey...There is no such thing as child labor laws in the house.:wink::laugh:

    Erica- That cashew crusted flounder sounds awesome! Let us know how it turns out!

    Me...I am soon off to the library. Kyle has to do a research paper....some extra reading time for me!:happy:

    Shera- if you are lurking, I am going to be in Eureka on Monday...
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi girls! day going well so far. but VENT AHEAD

    dh came up with adorable idea for running spa day with the kids. we are having fun with it! when i called to thank him, said he was busy and HUNG UP on me!
    later i em'd him saying thanks for the great idea and the spa will be open later for "after hours services". wink wink And what does he do?? em me back and say he might not be home by then....
    arrggghhh! when do they learn that these things are just heart crushing! :cry:
    i know he's beyond busy w/work rt now which is good b/c it means he's getting paid, but still

    i know i'm being whiny. i know i married an eeyore. but just sometimes i wish he would remember that my feelings are more fragile and i wd love the sweet feedback.
    and yes, i do count my blessings that in so many respects he is a good husband and provider. just sayin....

    deep breath in/out. now to vacuum some more. oldest is paying me her mommy money for maid service (to vac her room). maid service is VERY costly! hehe
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    well, eeyore called--all better. it was just one of those em's that don't come across right.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Glad hubby was able to get off so you could have some sanity time, Stacey :)

    Today I badgered hubby into running the 5k with me (YAY!) and buying a year-round family membership to our local rec center. I have access to every piece of fitness equipment under the sun now!

    Nicole, what setting should I put the treadmill on to simulate a 5% incline like my hill? Any other equipment I should use, training up to the 5k? The TMs at the rec center seem pretty nice/newer models.
    Saw my chiro today & he encouraged me to work my pecs a little since they are good sized, and will help me with the recent shoulder problems I've been having.

    Going to Olive Garden for dinner, just hubby & I. Can't wait!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Stacey- ((hugs)) I married an eeyore too!

    Trish- There should be a button that you can set the incline to 5 %. I would either do manual, and when you are around the 2 mile mark, put it up to the 5% inlcine for that 1/4 of a mile, or just do the hill workout and make sure the incline is at 5%. Does that make sense?

    Edit: if you are going to be using the weight room, I recommend you do leg extensions and leg curls at least. Make sure you give your legs enough rest before the race, like 3 days before stop lifting.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Another triumph today. We had dinner at Olive Garden, and while I looked up what I was having 2 weeks ago (Parm crusted Tilapia with fresh veggies and pasta), I took further action to make it even better for me!
    1) I asked for extra veggies instead of pasta, with no salt.
    2) When the meal was brought (which they brought extra veggies AND pasta), I asked for a to go box. The waiter was surprised I wanted a box already, but complied. I put 1/2 my fish and all of my pasta in the box.
    3) The BIGGEST triumph. The entire dinner, I only ate 1/2 an Olive Garden breadstick. OHMIGOSH! You KNOW how hard those are to resist! OG has the best breadsticks.
    4) I hadn't had any water today, but I managed to drink 4 glasses of water. I think they were at least 16 oz each, so i got my minimum water in.

    I feel so proud of myself. Since it's still early, we're going to go get our groceries tonight. Andy wants to sleep in tomorrow before his sister comes so we can have a fun day together :)