SAHM 1/11-1-17/2010



  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    excellent trish! i love og--salad and soup are my fave. i cd eat endless amounts!

    i am going to end the day strong as well. i will get in some more water to get to 6 glasses. and i was only 300 cals over for the day. if i get around to exercising before bed, then i'll be even on cals.

    ate lots of fruit and some vege.

    hope you all end your Friday doing great!
  • curliegirl
    Great job Trish--funny I was at olive garden last night & well. . . I love your idea of the extra vegies & will remember it--I didn't realize they would do that. The breadsticks were too hard for me to resist.

    Stacey--I hate those days where hubby & I seem to be on different wavelengths or planets or something. Hope you all got it straightened out.

    Today started out to be a BAD day but got better. We did the road trip yesterday & visited the college. It was fun but tiring. Eating out is just no good. I love it but it is BAD on the scales. I had lost a lb and maintained it all week. Eat at BK & then Olive Garden & two lbs show up! Crazy since I was only over on my calories by 500. Sigh--it was the salt I am sure of it.

    Got up--clouds everywhere--no sunshine. Not helping me get up and going when I am exhausted! I had an activity with about 10 wonderful teens tonight to go babysit about 1/2 an hour away and had to arrange rides for that. Not fun to work out--but it did and without any fuss all all. Finally got really going about 1 this afternoon. I drank a ton of water in the morning. I think that is why I felt better. Didn't keep track but I know I made my 8 glasses.

    Kinda sad because I didn't walk today but I swear we walked at least a mile yesterday touring the college--it wasn't at my normal speed but my legs sure hurt! So I am going for a walk tomorrow since we don't have school to do.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    kim, i'm sure it is the salt. glad the water helped you feel better. amazing what that one simple substance can do!

    today is starting well. kids not fighting. dh and i straightened everything else yesterday so when he came home at 10pm, we were happy to see each other. :)
    have plans in place to exer this am before girl's gymnas at the Y. and will work out again later. yesterday house chores took priority; today it's exercise.

    hope you all have a lovely saturday!!
  • ericaquin
    ericaquin Posts: 68 Member
    Stacey- I hear you about the chores over exercise; that seems to be what might happen around hear today but I have it in my plans to go power walking after DS wakes from nap. DH is sick so the laundry and kitchen from all the cooking wont clean/do them selves.

    Kim- I hate it when road trip food leaves us with little healthy options but 2 lbs is not that bad!!!

    I read a discussion about diet soda and cake mix yesterday and so I just had to try it. I took betty crocker devil's food cake mix and added 12 oz of diet cherry pepsi. That is all, then mix and bake as directed. I made 24 mini cupcakes and each cupcake is 80 calories and they are delicious!!!!!!!! AND, the combination of diet sodas and cake mixes are endless.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    There is nothing quite like an awesome cherry chocolate combo!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    My accomplishment today: Jogging 1/2 way up the stupid hill. It's a quarter mile on a 5% grade. After I caught my breath, I jogged some more. Mainly I jogged on flat surfaces, and grinned when Maroon 5's "Harder To Breathe" came on cuz I just couldn't breathe. *Gasp, gag, save me!*
    Altogether it was a 1.63 mile jog/walk
    At least the air quality is improving.

    Oh, AND I earned enough calories for dibs at the movie tonight! Andy owes me from the last 3 times (they were out)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    went way over but don't feel like i did. but if you count my late night snacking....then yeah. i'm OVER.

    rough afternoon with the kids today. #1 cdn't keep it together and it caused #2 to be problematic. and then boy is just tired cuz no nap. u know how it goes.
    did not get in exercise. will go get my new eyeglasses tho.

    yay trish! you are so amazing with your commitment and enthusiasm! enjoy those dibs! :)

    to brighter tomorrows!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Sorry your day was not ideal, Stacey. Hope Sunday is better :)

    Nicole, is it normal to still be wheezing & coughing like you have bronchitis 6 hours after a run? Tell me this diminishes over time. It's kinda obnoxious. I'm getting a headache from the coughs.
    I am doing a 3-3 and 2-2 breathing beat when I run.

    I did want to note that I don't smoke, nor have any family or friends who smoke, and have never had a history of asthma.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Trish, yes that is normal in the wintertime!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    blasted kids! making me think they actually liked cinnamon rolls when all they really want is some frosting!:noway:

    and stupid mommy for not thinking that one thru!:laugh: (dh kindly threw away the last 2 1/2 of them!)

    have a great day everyone!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    just reporting in
    3 glasses h2o done
    walk/jog 2 mi with leslie done
    corep90x done

    now onto the chores. hope you all are having a lovely day!
  • ericaquin
    ericaquin Posts: 68 Member
    The cowboys play today and so my DH is dead to the world. Tempted to walk infront of the tv with no clothes on to see what he does (the kids are asleep). Got my walk in already with the entire family. Will try to get in 30 minutes on the elliptical or trampoline later today since tomorrow is weight in day. Hope it goes well; had a great week other then my chipotle slip up on wednesday night but I should have caught up to what ever damage that may have done.

    Enjoy your sunday
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Ok Trish- I Have more time to explain about the wheezing. When it's cold out, I sound like I have a smoker's cough. I don't smoke! I also sometimes (yes I am admitting this!:blushing: ) breathin through my nose and mouth at the same time, so some of that cold air hits the lungs. I did see that someone said on the running thread about ex. induced asthma...I'm not sure if I buy that yet. I don't think you will have any problem in the gym, when you run on the treadmill. Just my 2 sense!:tongue::flowerforyou:

    It's been a great weekend, so far, i hope everyon is having a great weekend too!

    WTG Stacey on the exercise!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I asked my 2 running friends at church today if what I experienced last night was normal. One refused to train in the cold, so she didn't know, but the other had trained in our cold before & she said it's normal. Tomorrow the neighbor girls are coming over to watch Grace so Andy & I can hit the gym! I will be able to see if it's the crappy air quality & cold, arid nature of our state, or if it is EIA.
    I had a very hard time NOT breathing from my mouth about 1/2 way up the hill. I was 90% sure my chest was going to explode unless I breathed through my mouth. That's probably what did me in. At that point I was at a 1-1 beat for breathing.
  • curliegirl
    Trish--sounds like you are really battling the breathing in the cold air--I could NOT run outside uphill in the cold. Keep up the great work!

    Stacey--I walked 2 miles today on the treadmill too! AWESOME!

    Erica--not sure I want a report on the husbands reaction to your "walk" in front of the TV!(grin)

    It's been a good weekend around here. My hubby had a long weekend off starting Thurs through today. We had to rip out our main bathroom a few months ago and the remodel is taking a while. Can't imagine why--the guy only works and has to take care of his family too. Can you tell I am in sarcasm mode today? So while he's been doing drywall I have been cleaning/clearing out. House looks good for the start of the week. We have a plan to move this year but there is so much to be done between now and then. It overwhelms me sometimes.

    Since I was cleaning house & such I didn't work out yesterday but definitely climbed enough stairs to count for something. Was bummed to see the scale this morning--still holding on to the 2 lbs that I gained when we were gone & ate so yucky on Thursday. So I walked today & will again tomorrow. Have planned my meals for the week & need to enter them on here. Haven't gotten my water in today so I am off to drink it up!

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    kim, glad you checked in. good job on the walking and stair climbing!

    trish, what about getting a gator to cover your nose and mouth--then the air gets warmed as you breathe it in. that's what i do for skiing.

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member

    Cuz THAT won't scare the bejeezers out of anyone I run past! ROFL. I like the idea though. Will have to look into it. Thanks, Stacey!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    nice pic trish! seriously, try garts or online for a normal one.

    here's the link for this week

    come chat over there!