5 Questions About Your Divorce

cupcakes_ Posts: 274 Member
1. Did you split amicably
2. Did you kill each other during the process
3. Was the divorce due to cheating
4. Do you regret your decision
5. Did you keep your married name?


  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    1. Did you split amicably? Yes. We're still friends.
    2. Did you kill each other during the process? No. We loved each other too much.
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating? No, I came out of the closet.
    4. Do you regret your decision? Wasn't my decision, but it was the right one.
    5. Did you keep your married name? I didn't take my wife's name.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    1. Did you split amicably
    For the most part yes, we had been together over 11 years and there was just NOTHING left, very little emotion existed there.
    At this point we each live our own lives and don't really even argue much anymore.

    2. Did you kill each other during the process
    Not at all, I did the papers myself, it actually took a few years from the time I started it and filed for legal separation to the
    divorce being finalized but we both moved on right away.

    3. Was the divorce due to cheating
    Yes, among other issues.

    4. Do you regret your decision
    Not for a second.

    5. Did you keep your married name?
    Yes because of my children.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    1. Did you split amicably :kinda, we're very amicable now. But both angry we're stuck in GA.
    2. Did you kill each other during the process :NOPE! And we lived together for 9 months during the process
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating :NO!
    4. Do you regret your decision :NONONONONONONONONONONONONO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    5. Did you keep your married name? Until I get remarried, yes since my children are young.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    1. Did you split amicably
    2. Did you kill each other during the process
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating
    4. Do you regret your decision
    5. Did you keep your married name?

    1. No
    2. I'm not at liberty to say
    3. No
    4. Hell no

    ETA: 5 - His name put made me redflag the no-fly list on a few busines overseas trips even years after we split....NO THANK YOU!
  • legs_n_bacon
    legs_n_bacon Posts: 478 Member
    1. Did you split amicably? He didn't, I did.
    2. Did you kill each other during the process? No, I had too much on him, it was easy peasy lemon squeezy.
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating? I wish!
    4. Do you regret your decision? I regret not doing it sooner.
    5. Did you keep your married name? No I made up a completely new one. My new name is Ivanna. Ivanna Humpalot.
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    1. Did you split amicably - At first no, but later yes. Now we are kinda sorta friends. :)
    2. Did you kill each other during the process - No, but I certainly wished it on him a few times.
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating - No, but cheating was one of the issues
    4. Do you regret your decision - I regret that it has caused difficulties for our child, but I don't regret the divorce
    5. Did you keep your married name? - I did until I remarried
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    Bump....very interesting thread
  • JohnMessmer
    1. Did you split amicably - Yes she went away for the weekend with a married man and I left the state.
    2. Did you kill each other during the process No, although I probably was about 10 words out of her mouth away from it.
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating - Yes
    4. Do you regret your decision - Not killing her? No, I don't think I would make it in prison. Divorcing the slut? Absolutely Not.
    5. Did you keep your married name? Yes, have always kept my name, lol.
  • ohmykai
    ohmykai Posts: 210 Member
    1. Did you split amicably - No, I wanted it, he didn't
    2. Did you kill each other during the process - In Process Now, and it has it's days.
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating - No
    4. Do you regret your decision - No
    5. Did you keep your married name? Yes
  • nascarted10
    nascarted10 Posts: 300 Member
    1. Did you split amicably - Worse ememies ever - the court ordered the kids to live with me and she never got over that.

    2. Did you kill each other during the process - yes

    3. Was the divorce due to cheating - No but it would have been better if it was.

    4. Do you regret your decision - Not at all.

    5. Did you keep your married name? - Sure - it wa smy name before her.
  • LaurySch
    LaurySch Posts: 277 Member
    1. Did you split amicably - nope
    2. Did you kill each other during the process - no, but no assets to divvy up and he was stupid enough to think that if he didn't make court dates that things would go his way!
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating - no
    4. Do you regret your decision - never
    5. Did you keep your married name? - yes, for my kids cause they were young. I often wish I hadn't though.
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    1. Did you split amicably____ yes, very much so.

    2. Did you kill each other during the process______ no, but almost killed each other before he moved out

    3. Was the divorce due to cheating______ no, money for the most part and lack of intimacy

    4. Do you regret your decision____ LOL.. nope! as bad as some of my dates have been, none of them have been so bad i wish i was still with my ex

    5. Did you keep your married name?_______ yes, easier with the kids, and unlike getting married and going to SS to get a new card with your married name, you have to go through the courts and pay to have your last name changed back
  • TheMommyWifeLife
    TheMommyWifeLife Posts: 194 Member
    1. Did you split amicably- ugh I left.
    2. Did you kill each other during the process - It almost came to that, to be honest lol
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating- no, due to him deciding to beat me one day then after i forgave him he told me i was useless
    4. Do you regret your decision - heck no! I did at first because i was thinking i was a horrible mom for it, but not anymore!
    5. Did you keep your married name? yes, but only because my daughters had my last name
  • millions0fpeaches
    millions0fpeaches Posts: 195 Member
    1. Did you split amicably? Yes, we're still really good friends. I'm a little peeved that he took my pink PS3 controller, but I guess I wouldn't have much use for it without the console... or a tv. *kicks rocks* at least I got everything else.

    2. Did you kill each other during the process? Um no, and if I had, I would not admit that here.

    3. Was the divorce due to cheating? No.

    4. Do you regret your decision? Not in the slightest. We're better friends now than we were while we were married.

    5. Did you keep your married name? Legally I still have his name because the divorce isn't finalized, but I will be changing my name back eventually.
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    1. Did you split amicably......No, then yes, then no, then yes, then no again because he went to jail and I refused to write and already ex-husband who has a girlfriend while he was locked up for his own stupidity.

    2. Did you kill each other during the process.....No I kicked him out - he stayed out of everything (his choice)

    3. Was the divorce due to cheating....No but yes.

    4. Do you regret your decision.......Nope

    5. Did you keep your married name?..........NO WAY! Sprinted over to the Social Security office right after court.
  • Carlyannabelle
    Carlyannabelle Posts: 621 Member
    1. Did you split amicably-For the most part, yes.
    2. Did you kill each other during the process.- Still in the process, there were moments though, but we are getting along good now.
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating- No...There just wasn't anything there anymore. We were more like roomates then husband/wife.
    4. Do you regret your decision - No.
    5. Did you keep your married name? Yes, because of my children.
  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
    1. Did you split amicably- NO!! I really do not like him.
    2. Did you kill each other during the process, No but the police had to be called.
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating, he cheated, but it wasn't why I left
    4. Do you regret your decision
    NEVER He is an awful person
    5. Did you keep your married name? NO Way!
  • SouthernSweetie74
    1. no
    2. no
    3. no
    4. no
    5. only because it's also my maiden name
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    1. Did you split amicably
    For the most part yes

    2. Did you kill each other during the process
    No, But the thought may or may not have crossed my mind.

    3. Was the divorce due to cheating
    4. Do you regret your decision
    5. Did you keep your married name?
    Yes, because my kids have this last name
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    1. Did you split amicably?

    As amicably as a break-up can be, I suppose. There was none of the over-the-top drama I see with some other divorces, at least.

    2. Did you kill each other during the process?


    3. Was the divorce due to cheating?


    4. Do you regret your decision?

    No. I was sad that the marriage could not last, and I was sad to part with someone I spent so much time with, but I have moved on to so much better things and a much healthier, happier relationship.

    5. Did you keep your married name?
