5 Questions About Your Divorce



  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    1. Did you split amicably- good grief no, he threatened to chop off my head with a spade

    2. Did you kill each other during the process - it was vile, horrible, cost an effing fortune and he was an *kitten*, fought for the sake of it and told me he didn't care how much it cost him as he knew it would cost me money and that is what he wanted, it cost me almost £60,000 (60000 British pounds sterling = 96984.0000 US dollars)

    3. Was the divorce due to cheating - no, he was an *kitten*, I did cheat in the end and he divorced me for it after fighting my divorcing him for being a n *kitten*, no one cheats in a good marriage.

    4. Do you regret your decision - lmao....ummmmm......NO

    5. Did you keep your married name? I did until I married again, but only because of the children
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    1. Did you split amicably
    2. Did you kill each other during the process
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating
    4. Do you regret your decision
    5. Did you keep your married name?

    1. No. I wanted the divorce and he did not.
    2. He has a temper. There were times that I saw the headlines in my head. "Man kills family, then turns gun on himself.".
    3. Yes, but there were many other things.
    4. No.
    5. Yes and I changed it when I got remarried.
  • GibsonDarlin
    GibsonDarlin Posts: 202 Member
    1. Did you split amicably - yes
    2. Did you kill each other during the process - NO - we have kids we cant be bitter. We co-parent excellently
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating - yes - HIM
    4. Do you regret your decision - NO
    5. Did you keep your married name? Nope - remarried dropped my maiden name and my x name - neither men did anything in my life to honor their name.

    We were married for 13 years. Kids were 6 and 10. There were rough patches but we communicate raise our kids together and we ALL (new husband also) all sit together at sporting events.

    Forgiveness is not for THEM it is for you!!
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    1. Did you split amicably
    2. Did you kill each other during the process
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating
    4. Do you regret your decision
    5. Did you keep your married name?

    2.No, though the end result wouldve been the same so Im glad I didn't :D
    3.Yes/no - all kinds of other reasons
    4.Not for one second, wound up with a MUCH nicer guy who loves me for me, loves my kids from 1st marriage like they are his
    5.I did. At time of divorce my first 2 were 2 and 3 and didn't want to explain the whole "different last name" thing to everyone once they started school. Wound up regretting that many years later when I went to have a 3rd child. Was told baby would have my last name since I wasn't married (yet) to my bf, and I couldnt bear the idea of giving baby #3 the ex hubbys last name , so bf and I had a heart to heart, got married when I was 5mos preg, 11 years ago :)
  • GamerGurl729
    GamerGurl729 Posts: 286 Member
    1. Did you split amicably? Yes, we just got married way too young because everyone wanted us to more than we did.
    2. Did you kill each other during the process? Nope, we had a lot of respect for each other.
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating? No, just growing up and realizing we needed to go our separate ways
    4. Do you regret your decision? Not at all. He's a lot happier and so am I. I wish him the best.
    5. Did you keep your married name? Yes because I associated my maiden name with too many bad memories.

    This was my first marriage. I'm happily married a second time.
  • fitQueenbeast
    1. Did you split amicably
    2. Did you kill each other during the process
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating
    4. Do you regret your decision
    5. Did you keep your married name?

    1. NO and I knew it wouldn't be when he pretty much said he didn't want to pay for the house since he wasn't going to be living there anymore. So, I had to pack the kids up and move AND switch schools again after school had JUST started. From that point on, he tried to make my life a living hell. Didn't work. smh
    2. NO
    3. YES...and a child created in the process (smh)
    4. NO....NOPE...HELL NO!
    5. YES but only because I have too much business involved with it. I'll change it when I remarry one day.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    1. Did you split amicably - No
    2. Did you kill each other during the process - There were times where I wanted to.
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating - Not divorced yet, but almost ready to (separated for over a year), and YES, he Cheated. He is THE UNFAITHFUL TRAITOR
    4. Do you regret your decision - Still heartbroken that it had to come to this.
    5. Did you keep your married name? No
  • TDub83
    TDub83 Posts: 21
    1. Did you split amicably- No. I still regret that though. I feel sorry for her in many ways and wish she could find happiness.
    2. Did you kill each other during the process- No. There was plenty of anger to go around though.
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating- No. I found out after the fact that she was though. She actually married him 3 months after our divorce was final.
    4. Do you regret your decision- Sometimes I wish we could have worked things out better, but I believe it would've only ever been a wish.
    5. Did you keep your married name? Yes. She didn't though.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    1. Did you split amicably? It started OUT that way, but then he screwed up by marrying some woman he met online after only 2 weeks (and 5 days after the divorce was final). So until she left him a year later, we had some pretty nasty times..mostly concerning the kids. But all has been fine since she left.

    2. Did you kill each other during the process. I made the threat (not seriously) but he used it as an excuse to have me arrested. When I explained to the judge what happened, he let me go and warned my ex that if he wasted the cops time like that again, he would have him AND his wife arrested. And that was the end of that crap. :D

    3. Was the divorce due to cheating? Technically, no. (its a LONG story). But I told him to use it as grounds so it could be put through faster.

    4. Do you regret your decision. Sometimes yes...but most of the time no.

    5. Did you keep your married name? Yes...it was easier all around at the time, as my kids were still young. No one cared...except my ex's second ex-wife. :D
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    1. Did you split amicably - NO, NOT INITIALLY... BUT WE'RE WORKING ON IT.
    2. Did you kill each other during the process - I ALMOST KILLED HIM... JK
  • August_1958
    August_1958 Posts: 110 Member
    1. yes
    2. no, but it was ugly at times
    3. no
    4. no, but disappointed that it never worked out after all the years together
    5. absolutely NOT. I got his name because I married him. I felt it was the only right thing to do, to return it when we divorced.
    Plus... why keep it for your children's sake? 99% of the time, the female will remarry anyway and it will be changed in the future. And if you change your name back to your maiden name "in" the divorce, it does not cost anything to have it changed.
  • jkandktmom
    jkandktmom Posts: 1,010 Member
    1. Did you split amicably
    2. Did you kill each other during the process
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating
    4. Do you regret your decision
    5. Did you keep your married name?

    1. It started oout pretty good and then got really really bad.
    2. Yes. Honestly with all the fighting, bickering, anme-calling we killed anything we once shared.
    3. Yes. I forgave hime the first two times, three strikes and you're out!
    4. NO!!!
    5. No. I know a lot of people do for the kids but I just couldn't....
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    1. Did you split amicably
    2. Did you kill each other during the process
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating
    4. Do you regret your decision
    5. Did you keep your married name?

    1. No.
    2. I wanted to. And I thought he would do something to me or our dogs
    3. Yep. Then a few years after out divorce the woman that ended our marriage apologized to me. Said she had my ring (yes he gave her my engagement ring) and that she was going lesbo. We're good friends now, and no I'm not making it up. If it hadn't happened to me I swear it would have been a Jerry Springer episode.
    4. NO WAY!
    5. NO WAY! Now if you have kids, that is a reason to keep it, or so some people say.
  • phillieschic
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    1) Yes
    2) no
    3) Yes
    4) Not at all
    5) No. I don't think it's a good idea, even if there are kids involved.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    1. Did you split amicably ? Nope
    2. Did you kill each other during the process ? Nope
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating ? We were both guilty of that.
    4. Do you regret your decision ? Nope
    5. Did you keep your married name? Yep

    1. Did you split amicably ? Yep
    2. Did you kill each other during the process ? Nope. Never saw her again after she walked out the door.
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating ? I don't know. Don't think so.
    4. Do you regret your decision ? Wasn't my decision
    5. Did you keep your married name? Yep

    1. Did you split amicably ? Civilized. Not necessarily amicably.
    2. Did you kill each other during the process ? Nope.
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating ? She may have. Never caught her.
    4. Do you regret your decision ? Wasn't my decision
    5. Did you keep your married name? Yep
  • purpleroadrunner
    purpleroadrunner Posts: 252 Member
    1. Did you split amicably
    2. Did you kill each other during the process
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating
    4. Do you regret your decision
    5. Did you keep your married name?

    1. yes
    2. no
    3. no
    4. yes
    5. she took mine
  • lisag2007
    lisag2007 Posts: 130
    #1 - Not at the time, but we are now friends.

    Must have hit wrong button...see below for the rest.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    1. Initially it was heart wrenching, but we are on great terms now. I even like his new wife!
    2.Did you kill each other. . .I decided early on that I had to forgive him for the hurtful things he was doing and ask to be forgiven for the ways I failed him as a wife. Why? Because if we didn't forgive each other we'd be bitter nasty and continually hurftful. Our daughter deserved W-A-Y better than that!
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating. . .ultimately he fell in love with someone else and wanted out. But, if our relationship had been solid, he wouldn't have needed to look for love.
    4. I regret that I couldn't give my daughter an intact home. However, God blessed me with an amazing new husband and family and we are solid and our children have the best we can possibly give them. . .now.
    5. I kept my married name. It's a huge pain in the @ss to change names. And, my daughter had that name so it was just easier.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    1. Did you split amicably
    2. Did you kill each other during the process
    3. Was the divorce due to cheating
    4. Do you regret your decision
    5. Did you keep your married name?

    1. we are fighting constantly
    2. I want to kill him all the time especially when he calls and starts BS
    3. Yes, he decided that he wanted to get with some girl while i was working and supporting him. He was a diabetic and relied on me to give him every shot and prick his finger each time. I was his wife not his nurse then when he cheated on me, since we split he has been in the hospital over 25 times. And he has had this disease for years.
    4. I don't regret this decision at all, it was the best decision of my life because for the first time, I am happier.
    5.I still have his last name and now i am engaged no sense in changing to my maiden then getting married again and changing it again.