Ladies, How do I show my wife I love her?



  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Has anyone on this site been to a Love and Respect conferance with Emerson & Sarah Eggerich?

    I've not been, but I have seen the video....seriously eye opening as well.

    no, but we won the book at the marriage seminar this weekend, excited for a couple study with it! :)
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    Has anyone on this site been to a Love and Respect conferance with Emerson & Sarah Eggerich?

    I've not been, but I have seen the video....seriously eye opening as well.

    no, but we won the book at the marriage seminar this weekend, excited for a couple study with it! :)

    Awesome! Can't wait to hear what you think.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    1. Tell her you love her and NEVER assume she knows so that you don't have to say it.

    2. If she has something on her mind LISTEN to what she has to say.

    3. Compliment her every day.

    4. Take her on dates once and a while.

    5. Help around the house.

    6. Cook dinner for her.

    7. Take her to a movie that she wants to see even if you don't wanna see it.

    8. Read 5 love languages with her and learn about eachother.
  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member
    I agree with weighlossforb... Except the date thing. It shouldn't be once in awhile it should be weekly. My husband and I have been married ( almost 24 yr this March) We always have date night every Sat. We also make sure we put each other needs first in front of our own needs. There is not a day I don't tell my cute hubby that I love him and the same goes for me. He always tell me how much he loves me and how hot I am . ( I know I am not but my hubby thinks so and that is all that matters) He sexy to me

    Good luck with things and I hope it works out for you.

    PS... Plan I getaway with out her knowing it. ( pack her bags and anything she might need for a weekend or a over nighter) I LOVE it when my hubby does that. In fact he just did that for me at the end of Sept.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm sure this has already been said...but...every woman is different. Ask HER what makes her feel loved and listen carefully to what she says. Study her. Get to really know her. And don't be afraid to share yourself with her as well. She probably wants to know you as much as she wants to be known by you. That is true intimacy.
    The fact that you are even asking and interested means you are headed in the right direction. Good luck!
  • Natz203
    give a kiss every morning
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    The bible states that men are to love their wives as Christ loved the church. This is a tremendous calling for all men who claim to be Christian husbands. Without disclosing specifics, let me just say that, I try my best but sometimes I neglect my wife and fall short of her expectations. So instead of me guessing and falling short, what can I do to continuously affirm to my wife that I love her? What would you want most from your husband? Any suggestions?

    Ask HER. It doesn't matter what any of us think. Each individual has their own idea of what matters most to them... and that changes over time too.
  • JessieGurlJb
    the bible along with that states assigning her honor as the weaker vessel meaning shes not weak physically or mentally meaning you treat her a something precious like an expensive fragile piece of art or china or whatever you want to think of it as. Means she is cared for, loved, appreciated... this only works well though if she is willing to do her part as her husbands "compliment" as the bible puts it. A wifes behavior should better the self worth and reputation of her husband..
  • LeisureRunner
    Wash the dishes.
  • LilPinkNinja
    I would be happy if I was just told "I love you" every day! Not even kidding. When you're not told often, or much at all, you start to wonder...

    Now throw in one of those classic sweep-you-off-your-feet romantic kisses, and I'd be a happy wifey. :)
  • gonnasee33
    Buy the book 5 love languages

    Love her the way she need to be loved. There is no one size fit all here. For me Acts of Service is my love language.........for my bf is it physical touch. If I love him the way I want to be won't work because we do not speak the same love language.

  • Cassie8877
    Be SIMPLE! listen to the small things she says because 99% of the time those are the things she REALLY needs... unless your one of those females who has to have people buy you **** to make you happy...

    and great sex whenever she pleases! :) lol
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Steak and some head... works for me
  • pj12string
    pj12string Posts: 128 Member
    the bible along with that states assigning her honor as the weaker vessel meaning shes not weak physically or mentally meaning you treat her a something precious like an expensive fragile piece of art or china or whatever you want to think of it as. Means she is cared for, loved, appreciated... this only works well though if she is willing to do her part as her husbands "compliment" as the bible puts it. A wifes behavior should better the self worth and reputation of her husband..

    Wow, I wasn't expecting this. Great response, thank you.
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    the bible along with that states assigning her honor as the weaker vessel meaning shes not weak physically or mentally meaning you treat her a something precious like an expensive fragile piece of art or china or whatever you want to think of it as. Means she is cared for, loved, appreciated... this only works well though if she is willing to do her part as her husbands "compliment" as the bible puts it. A wifes behavior should better the self worth and reputation of her husband..

  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Steak and some head... works for me

    nuff said
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Have not seen it so far...

    Take her shoe shopping and enjoy it. If you can't, fake it.
  • fattypattybinger
    I can't believe this post has showed up again. Simple talk to herl
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    Ask her...and take her out dancing...or for ice cream...or shopping...or wash her dishes...learn her love language.

    And look at her while she's talking...not at the TV.
  • LisaDunn01
    LisaDunn01 Posts: 173 Member
    Every woman is different and what speaks, "I love you," can be different for each person. It could be doing chores around the house. It could be presents. It could be quality time (and quality time means different things to different people). A great book to read is called, "Love Languages" - written by a Christian whose name is Gary Chapman.