Ladies, How do I show my wife I love her?



  • karynspeace
    first thing in the morning before you get out of bed, touch her, kiss her, do something that lets her know you are still there.

    last thing at night before you go to bed, do the same thing.

    Intimacy means more than sex.
  • turboturtlepower
    Read the word to her. It's the best thing you can do for her as her spiritual leader. It's my favorite spiritual activity that my husband and I do together.

    The comments most people leave on here gives me something to pray about though. That's for sure.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Since this is still going... :smile:
    My husband and I follow a couple great Christian marriage blogs, which give us food for thought and help us keep the lines of communication open. I'm sorry I don't have actual links to share with you (typing quickly from my iphone), but search for The Generous Husband, The Generous Wife, and One Flesh Marriage. They both regularly link to other good Christian marriage blogs and resources.