Ladies, when you're at the gym...



  • natuhlay
    natuhlay Posts: 38 Member
    This is why I go to an all women's gym! I don't have to feel all self conscious because basically no one cares there and its fantastic LOL.

    I mean, everyone goes to the gym for the same reason.
    You just wanna get in, do what you gotta do, and get out. I wouldn't worry too much.

    He's starring at you without your makeup on anyways, so I'm sure he likes you just the way you are! :)
  • Iron_Maiden
    Iron_Maiden Posts: 326 Member
    I enter in Beast Mode and then leave accordingly. It would be a waste of my time to walk in feeling less than awesome, because I would be too worried about others and not focused on my workout.

    Here is what I think when I see people at the gym.

    Fit person: "Wow, I want to be like you one day"
    No-so-fit-person: "Good for you for taking care of your health"

    The end.
    God love you! You're the best!
  • cutiepieinchi
    I am sure I look a hot mess when im out running lol. I dont really care though :)
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I don't go to the gym to look pretty, I go to the gym to get all sweaty and sticky while burning off calories by doing cardio and strength stuff. I am pretty sure no one else cares that I dont look like a ravishing super model while working out, and if they do they are most certainly not the kind of people Id want to get to know better anyway ;-)
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    I have been a member of a gym for 18 years...its no big deal to me anymore to go there lookin any ol way. I am there to work.
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    hair goes into a top knot
    I admit to wearing waterproof mascarra

    but its not I personally do not feel a tad bit attractive or pretty !
  • anrev42
    anrev42 Posts: 331
    I work out alone....I don't really pay attention if people are looking at me or me looking at them. I'm there for a purpose....basically, go in and sweat! As long as I have my music with's ON!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    If you're looking pretty at the gym you're not working out hard enough. I always get a chuckle out of the girls who do their make up to go to the gym. You are pretty anyway so forget the makeup while working out. Plus most guys at the gym like the girls who are more focused on their workout then how they look. :wink:

    Classic post from woman who is busy looking around at women more attractive than herself instead of working out.
  • runrockclimb
    I think the real issue here is not how you look at the gym, but your general self concept. If you feel it takes make up to make you pretty, its not gonna matter where you are you'll be self conscious. I never wear the stuff. I think I've done full makeup once for a wedding I was in, and mascara and some lip gloss on a few occasions for concerts I play in, otherwise I don't touch the stuff. Not to say I don't feel self conscious sometimes, I compare myself, but everyone has someone who is pretty, faster, stronger, or whatever, than them. I'm working on loving me for me. Period. I like me, and I don't want to be around people who can't see my value unless I'm wearing makeup, not worth my time, and that includes myself.
    Besides, the guy you end up with, hes gonna see that side of you at some point, unless you sleep in full regalia and chances are he prefers that side of you to begin with. :-)
  • jensweighingin
    jensweighingin Posts: 168 Member
    I go to they gym after I wake up with barely controlled bed head and sweat enough for 3 people once I get there. It's a gym and I'm there for the sole purpose of working up a sweat. Aside from making sure I've brushed my teeth and wearing clean clothes when I get there and after my shower when I leave, I don't worry too much about what I look like while there!
  • sh4690
    sh4690 Posts: 169 Member
    Yeah, but then I think to myself "who want's to look pretty at the gym anyway, I am here to work out not to impress people"

    That was when I went to the gym anyways!
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    You go to the gym to work..not look pretty :wink:

    This. ^^^
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    I work out alone....I don't really pay attention if people are looking at me or me looking at them. I'm there for a purpose....basically, go in and sweat! As long as I have my music with's ON!

    Exactly what I do!
  • sassyusername
    sassyusername Posts: 32 Member
    This made me laugh! Just this morning I was headed to the gym thinking about how I might not be so irritable about it if I wasn't looking like such a hideous beast. So yeah, I'm a fellow gym beastie. I also don't understand those girls in full make-up with their long hair down. I have to have mine pinned back completely, otherwise it would drive me nuts.
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    as far as what other people think of me at the gym: my only goal is to be such a hot sweatie mess when I leave that I know I didn't waste my time there. I think the majority of people at my gym would think that's a pretty awesome way to leave the gym, and well if they don't then maybe they are there for the wrong reasons and I feel sad for them.
  • charl_hcafc
    Never go to the gym without my mascara on! Otherwise I just feel eye-bald. Don't bother with anything else though..
    I often see a few women with their hair down, which I don't understand one bit, my hair is either in a plait or tied back well out of my face.

    But we're there to just do our thing not look our best! And we're gonna sweat.. we are human after all!
  • elewo
    elewo Posts: 1
    This has been my weakness for aaaaages. I tell myself not to worry about my appearance but I just can't help it.
  • shanster23
    shanster23 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm always self-conscious at the gym. I'm self-conscious all the time. Whether I'm drunk and glammed up or sweating it out.
    It's a self-esteem thing I'm working on, haha.

    However. Being self-conscious is fine as long as it doesn't affect your workout!
    Last year I was so self-conscious that as soon as I started to sweat, I would finish up and leave.
    Now I just carry on anyway. Look sweaty and yucky with my lack of make up now and I'll be able to look even better later on after it all pays off! :)
  • violetpearl76
    I typically go after work so I already have some on. On weekends not really, maybe just mascara/liner as someone might want to take my pulse to check for signs of life if I don't.

    However, take notice of those all dolled-up; they're either not really trying very hard as they're there to find a mate...sad really as guys see thru this and if they're not the type of guy that does, then they're not worth your time....orrrrrr they just don't have the confidence to let go of the Maybelline for a lil while and focus on their physical health and well-being.

    What you should do is focus on YOU! Focus on the task at hand and that in itself will shine thru like no dolled-up face could ever do! Someone truly worth getting to know, whether it be as a friend or otherwise, will see what matters to you and that will come across as the healthy kind of confidence that we should ALL have!.

    Keep your chin up ladies! We're worth it!