Fake Towing Shows... Why?



  • People find different things entertaining. Regardless of whether "reality" television is real or not, it's still entertaining.

    One of my favourite shows is RuPaul's Drag Race. I know for a fact that most of the drama is manufactured and a lot of it is scripted, but it's still fun to watch (especially when the people are still real and their talent is still real.) Drag queens yelling at each other and throwing drinks at each other? Come on, that's AWESOME.

    And yeah, some of those "reality" shows are really really really bad, but it's kind of like when some people drive past a car accident on the side of the road and they can't help but look. They watch the bad shows and hopefully they know they're bad and they're entertained and that's that.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Duck Dynasty!!

    Love that show.
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    I seen on Yahoo that there is a show comming out called "Celebrity Diving" like dancing with the stars but they are going off high dives??....I don't know about that, but at the same time might be entertaining to see some celebrity belly flops.
    Are they diving into concrete? I would totally watch that.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I haven't even been able to get through a full episode of one of those annoying fake towing shows. It's so boring.

    Even though I know that new Breaking Amish show is HORRIBLY fake (they've been away from their amish communities for years now) I still can't seem to stop watching it. :/
  • Fit_Vixen
    Fit_Vixen Posts: 201
    OMG!!! Thank you!!! My hubs watched those shows sometimes and I can't watch them with him. They just piss me off. I ask my hubs, how can you watch this garbage? It's to ridiculously staged. That & they all gross me out!!!

    You know which other show I can't stand? It's about a pawn shop, I forget the name & where they're located. But the owner is an older balding dude, yet happens to have long jerry curled hair, lol.
  • NikkiHann17
    NikkiHann17 Posts: 126 Member
    Can someone please explain to me why TruTV felt that there was a massive deficiency of "car-towing drama" in American broadcasting, such that they felt compelled to fill the void with inane, absurd, laughably staged "reality shows" that center around Neolithic imbeciles who pretend to tow cars for living?

    I am of course referencing:
    - South Beach Towing
    - Lizard Lick Towing
    - Operation Repo

    Why do we need a show comprised of this stupidity, let alone multiple shows? Is this what we as a society have come to? Asininely fake Jerry-Springer-like storylines about tow-truck drivers? Cubed? Really?

    For those who haven't yet witnessed these intellectual gems, basically the producers "recreate" real-life car-towing "drama" with an array of the worst high-school-drama-club dropouts, ever. Yet, these steaming piles of high-definition-doo are marketed as "reality shows." And please know, I don't want to underplay the "acting" in these wastes of bandwidth... these monkeys make Professional Wrestling look like Shakespearean tragedies.

    And ironically all on a channel that dares to call itself "TruTV." Are you kidding me?

    Ok, I feel better.

    Happy Saturday.

    I don't know about anybody else but my son and I are into Lizard Lick. Actually have pics with Amy and Ron. My cuz has picks with them at the shop in NC. For us though we just like the attitude of the characters. However the other ones suck a@@.
  • HarlCarl
    HarlCarl Posts: 266 Member

    People watch this kinda of show because they can sit back and realize...maybe their life isn't so bad after all. Sure, some/part/all of it is staged, but who cares.

    And you never know, if you watch long enough, you might catch the episode your neighbor is on....if not the one where they're knocking on your door!!!
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I haven't even been able to get through a full episode of one of those annoying fake towing shows. It's so boring.

    Even though I know that new Breaking Amish show is HORRIBLY fake (they've been away from their amish communities for years now) I still can't seem to stop watching it. :/
    I watch the towing shows, the log shows, the gator shows, the pawn shows, the pickin' shows...I just love them for some reason.

    But I did see Breaking Amish for the very first time last night, I was skimming through the stations and stopped on it. It's a decent show, I like seeing how the act and what they do with their lives.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member

    I don't know about anybody else but my son and I are into Lizard Lick. Actually have pics with Amy and Ron. My cuz has picks with them at the shop in NC. For us though we just like the attitude of the characters. However the other ones suck a@@.

    I love Bobby! He is a riot!
  • hersheythecat
    hersheythecat Posts: 128 Member
    Ok. Don't bash me, but my children and I watch Lizard Lick and have met them and been to their shop. They really are nice and funny in person. They are somewhat local to us ( 1 hr away). Just like American Idol. Scotty is from my state and we supported him by voting. (he had my vote anyways). But for the other repo shows, OMG enough is enough! There's only so many repo shows you can watch with getting sick of them.

    I agree with what you said... I went to school with Ronnie from LLT and the new "cousin". I can tell you that Ronnie has that type of boisterous personality - i.e.... he had a mohawk back in 8th grade. The "cousin" on the other hand was a lot smarter than the person he's playing. I know that they've had some interesting stories in real life thus the reason the show started. Now though I will say it's more dramatized than it should be.

    That being said, they are making a living for their family. They are showing different places in this area which is drumming up business for those areas as well as bringing people into the area just to meet them. I mean Lizard Lick is a one stop light area but soooo many people across the country know it now.

    I mean if you are going to bash towing then you might want to start with original "reality" tv like wrestling... by the way went to high school with one of them also.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I haven't even been able to get through a full episode of one of those annoying fake towing shows. It's so boring.

    Even though I know that new Breaking Amish show is HORRIBLY fake (they've been away from their amish communities for years now) I still can't seem to stop watching it. :/
    I watch the towing shows, the log shows, the gator shows, the pawn shows, the pickin' shows...I just love them for some reason.

    But I did see Breaking Amish for the very first time last night, I was skimming through the stations and stopped on it. It's a decent show, I like seeing how the act and what they do with their lives.

    The show is really dramatic which makes it interesting to watch. What sucks is that the blatant lies they continue to tell. Rebecca and Abe were already married with a child when they filmed the show. All of the cast members have left the Amish community YEARS ago and have already integrated into society far before it was filmed. Jeremiah has an ex-wife and children, Sabrina has a husband.
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    And you never know, if you watch long enough, you might catch the episode your neighbor is on....if not the one where they're knocking on your door!!!
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I haven't even been able to get through a full episode of one of those annoying fake towing shows. It's so boring.

    Even though I know that new Breaking Amish show is HORRIBLY fake (they've been away from their amish communities for years now) I still can't seem to stop watching it. :/
    I watch the towing shows, the log shows, the gator shows, the pawn shows, the pickin' shows...I just love them for some reason.

    But I did see Breaking Amish for the very first time last night, I was skimming through the stations and stopped on it. It's a decent show, I like seeing how the act and what they do with their lives.

    The show is really dramatic which makes it interesting to watch. What sucks is that the blatant lies they continue to tell. Rebecca and Abe were already married with a child when they filmed the show. All of the cast members have left the Amish community YEARS ago and have already integrated into society far before it was filmed. Jeremiah has an ex-wife and children, Sabrina has a husband.
    Ohhh, I thought they just left the Amish community! I'm not sure of their names yet, I know their names, but I have to put a face to a name...I know Jeremiah...he's the one that the Mennonite kissed while she was drunk..I think? That one girl was confusing, the one that was crying at the bar because her family was shunning her and she would lock herself in the bathroom but then she made a video of her being "crazy". I thought the girl with the dentures was a very nice girl, I felt bad for her.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I haven't even been able to get through a full episode of one of those annoying fake towing shows. It's so boring.

    Even though I know that new Breaking Amish show is HORRIBLY fake (they've been away from their amish communities for years now) I still can't seem to stop watching it. :/
    I watch the towing shows, the log shows, the gator shows, the pawn shows, the pickin' shows...I just love them for some reason.

    But I did see Breaking Amish for the very first time last night, I was skimming through the stations and stopped on it. It's a decent show, I like seeing how the act and what they do with their lives.

    The show is really dramatic which makes it interesting to watch. What sucks is that the blatant lies they continue to tell. Rebecca and Abe were already married with a child when they filmed the show. All of the cast members have left the Amish community YEARS ago and have already integrated into society far before it was filmed. Jeremiah has an ex-wife and children, Sabrina has a husband.
    Ohhh, I thought they just left the Amish community! I'm not sure of their names yet, I know their names, but I have to put a face to a name...I know Jeremiah...he's the one that the Mennonite kissed while she was drunk..I think? That one girl was confusing, the one that was crying at the bar because her family was shunning her and she would lock herself in the bathroom but then she made a video of her being "crazy". I thought the girl with the dentures was a very nice girl, I felt bad for her.

    Hahaha yeah, there's pictures of the girl with the dentures online in bikinis from years ago and she's the one who already had a baby with Abe, the 'nicer' guy. People are freaking out at TLC for lying so blatantly on the show.. everybody expects some scripting but they went waaaaay overboard with it by pretending that they just left the community and everything. On facebook if you look up "Breaking amish the expose" you'll see all of the pictures and stuff. Pretty ridiculous! I'm really shocked they haven't pulled the show yet.
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    This must be a younger-generational thing. Thank you girls for making realize I'm old.
  • HarlCarl
    HarlCarl Posts: 266 Member
    Or a repo show...

    Oh, yea....it NEVER happened to me...but this friend of mine...
    And you never know, if you watch long enough, you might catch the episode your neighbor is on....if not the one where they're knocking on your door!!!
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Jesus Gorilla, you did have alot of free time this weekend, didnt ya. Every other post is from you..and all the good ones too:)
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    This must be a younger-generational thing. Thank you girls for making realize I'm old.

    Just wise surely?
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    Jesus Gorilla, you did have alot of free time this weekend, didnt ya. Every other post is from you..and all the good ones too:)
    It did not take nearly as much time as I had hoped it would.
  • 13nicholas
    13nicholas Posts: 154 Member
    Way to burst my bubble people.