Anyone NOT eliminating food groups and still losing weight?



  • ericastock
    I absolutely refuse to eliminate a food group.
    I eat carbs..fruit, veggies, grains, potatoes, rice. I try to eat mostly whole foods, less processed but I will not go without carbs, and yes, I am losing weight.
    I eat protein, although I struggle to get enough some days. I don't enjoy meats as much as I do a good carb. So there I said it. Betcha someone after me says I will never lose weight, but I have and am, and will continue to lose
    I also eat fat, I try to limit it most days to what is already in the food, but use olive oil or even, gasp, have a bit of butter.
    It's not a diet for me, its relearning how to be satisfied and happy AND healthy.

    ^ I SO Agree - I am down nearly 30 pounds in 3.5 months doing this same thing. I like a wide variety of foods, so I have plenty of options to choose from, thankfully. I can't stick with this change if I feel I'm depriving myself of something - so I don't deprive! I just make better choices.
    As I get closer to my goal weight I may have to pay closer attention to ratios, but I still have about 35lbs to go, so I am not going to sweat what might be when I can be focusing on what's working now.
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    I haven't eliminated anything. I've lost 43lbs in 5 months.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Everything in moderation! I tried low carb, low sugar, low fat and everything in between and it never worked because knowing I wasn't "allowed" to have something just made me want it even more! So like most folks who try the gung ho approach, that would work for a little while and then I'd have a bad day and say "screw it, I need some chocolate and pizza!!".

    So when I started this once and for all weight loss back in January 2010, I was determined to still eat the things I like. I've tweaked some recipes, made slight changes in portion sizes and choices for take-out and made it work. And now, nearly 3 years later (note: this is the longest I've EVER stuck to a "diet") I'm almost to goal and still perfectly happy with the way I'm doing it. It'll take me a while longer to get to goal but slow and steady wins the race as I know I'll have a much more successful maintenance once I do!!
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    The only thing that bugs me is when people on here act like the only way to lose weight is overhauling your entire diet, eating only super clean, home made food. Not everyone can do that or chooses not to. You can lose weight with a calorie deficit and still enjoy your food every day.

    This. I've always felt this way, but haven't found many here who agree. :(

    I think the majority of people are like that. It's just that there is a vocal minority that disagrees.

    And for the record, been here for over a year and did not cut out anything. I did reduce some things (like tortillas, breads, fast foods), increased others (proteins), and have cooked more for myself - but in the process of that have tried and learned of some tasty new foods.
  • AbbsyBabbsy
    AbbsyBabbsy Posts: 184 Member
    I cut out soda because it gives me heartburn. I also avoid certain foods because either I or my husband has an allergy or a digestion issue. Other than that, it's fair game.

    I know it's very much not fashionable right now, but I eat starches! Potatoes, brown rice, and corn. I actually lose weight faster and am healthier in general when I eat lots of carbs. I do try to cook from scratch as much as possible and avoid packaged foods. Basically, I can eat whatever I want and lose weight as long as I don't eat too much of it. In some way that's a blessing, but in some ways it would be easier to identify the one macro causing my problems and go on an elimination diet. Elimination diets are very successful for some people, and I would be all over that if it worked for me.

    There are a lot of threads about named diets and elimination diets, but I think the majority on MFP practice simple calorie reduction. It's just not exciting to talk about.
  • smalleyez06
    smalleyez06 Posts: 132 Member
    I have not eliminated anything but trying to eliminate pop. In general it is not good for you and I notice when I do drink pop I add weight right away. I do limit or try to limit the amount of sweet I have and garbage food. I eat a serving size instead of just filling up my plate. I just try to make better choices and stay within my calories.
    Good luck and do what is right for you. This is something I am going to be doing for the rest of my life and excluding things is not what I want to do for the rest of my life,
  • LisaKunz
    LisaKunz Posts: 73 Member
    I've ADDED a food group: fresh fruits & vegetables. And I've also added whole grains to the carbs group.
  • shnicholas
    Just counting calories...eating everything. It's working.
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    I don't believe in eliminating whole food groups although I will admit I have been a vegetarian since I was 2. This was not done by choice and I would include meat if I could stomach it. I have never eliminated anything but I have limited fat, sodium, and some sugary carbs. I've lost over 116 pounds this way. Everything in moderation. :happy:
  • amytheute
    amytheute Posts: 1 Member
    I've lost 38 pounds without eliminating food groups. Exercise is key. Get a heart rate monitor - I own the Scosche Rhythm and it's an extremely helpful companion to counting calories because it actually tells you with great accuracy how many calories you burn.
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    I haven't given up any food groups and I've lost 30 pounds so far. For me, I eat everything in moderation and exercise a lot.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    It seems like most people giving weight loss advice recommend eliminating a food group (fat, carbs, etc.) as the "right" way to do it. But if you don't have a medical reason for doing so, I don't see any real reason to. Those of you who have lost a decent amount of weight, did you feel you had to eliminate a food group to do it, or did you still eat a little bit of everything and manage to lose?

    I lost my weight by not eliminating any food groups. I limit sugar for purely health/medical reasons.

    My success story here ===> and
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I eat what I want as long as it fits into my daily calories and I have lost 26lbs since March (that's with not regularly exercising btw). I had mini donuts and coffee for breakfast today ^_^
  • NewCyn
    NewCyn Posts: 153 Member
    I have REDUCED the amount of carbs I was consuming, but I have not eliminated anything. I still eat pasta, rice, bread etc. But
    choose a smaller portion and if Im still hungry eat more green veggies. It takes dedication but having a little bit keeps me from feeling deprived. Good Luck on your journey!
  • mike4him
    I eat everything. I just eat very little white sugar, processed foods and I am eating less and less meat..almost vegan just because the more I read and the more I eat I find that even chicken has become not as appetizing as many non meat items. My wife and I like to buy products that have 5 ingredients or less that are healthy at Walmart..We eat all day and lose weight and lose fat..We work out about 5-6 days a week and have really enjoyed running..We used to have all kinds of aches and pains and be sore often, but now that we eat a mostly plant based whole food diet..most all of our pains and sickness are gone! Wow..check out the book called Body by God to give you some ideas..go to healthy grocery stores or farmers markets and load up and talk to others like you are doing..llittle by little..we started changing our foods..and watching movies like Food, Inc..Forks over Knives..Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead really opened our eyes to so many of the bad foods we were eating when we thought we were eating well..My wife figured out she was dehydrated all her life and she was eating protein all the time because she was depriving her body by eating far too much sugar..we still have our half and half and agave in our coffee in the morning and enjoy 70-85% dark chocolate sometimes this covered in fruit or nuts are especially delicious..we converted to sprouted grain bread because even whole wheat bread converts to sugar..find it in your frozen food section of your grocery store or health food store..we use real butter on it..or natural peanut butter without any oils or sugars..Almond butter without oils or sugar..raw honey from local businesses and raw agave sweetener that has low glycemic index..we buy the whole wheat pasta from walmart for a dollar a box..these are a few for thought..
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    I've lost 6lbs in just over a month just from walking 60 - 90 minutes a day and staying under my calories. To be honest, I've not really cut anything out except for fizzy drinks and processed food.. I just have much less than I used to :smile:

    (edit for typo)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    It seems like most people giving weight loss advice recommend eliminating a food group (fat, carbs, etc.) as the "right" way to do it. But if you don't have a medical reason for doing so, I don't see any real reason to. Those of you who have lost a decent amount of weight, did you feel you had to eliminate a food group to do it, or did you still eat a little bit of everything and manage to lose?

    I lost my weight by not eliminating any food groups. I limit sugar for purely health/medical reasons.

    My success story here ===> and
    Are you capable of posting without spamming with your links?? Ever??
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    It seems like most people giving weight loss advice recommend eliminating a food group (fat, carbs, etc.) as the "right" way to do it. But if you don't have a medical reason for doing so, I don't see any real reason to. Those of you who have lost a decent amount of weight, did you feel you had to eliminate a food group to do it, or did you still eat a little bit of everything and manage to lose?

    Yes yes yes!! Nothing is off limits to me! This is a lifestyle, not some quirky weird fad diet. I've maintained a healthy weight all my life by eating a variety of healthy foods and exercising. Sometimes ice cream and french fries happen (wooo hooo thank god). But I don't make it a habit! I just make sure I log it and go right back to eating healthy at the next meal. Everything in moderation, no deprivation or starvation for me!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm not sure what you would consider a decent amount of weight or what you consider a food group, but I lost about 27 lbs and have mantained it for about 1.5 years. I did not eliminate grains, fruit, dairy, meat or anything else. I do limit the amount of added sugar, overly processed grains (white bread, pasta, rice) and saturated fat from meat and dairy I eat. And I make sure to eat plenty of plant based foods (vegetables, whole grains and fruit) along with lean fish/meats and healthy vegetable fats. And I exercise regularly, including aerobics as well as exercises for strength and flexibility.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    By virtue of changing what I'm eating overall, there are some foods that I eat less of now.


    -I try to get three servings of dairy in per day
    -I try to eat three servings of fruit per day
    -I try to eat three-four servings of veggies per day

    In the past, I'd eat a banana a few days a week, and if my Chinese food didn't have veggies in it, I really wasn't getting any. I counted the spaghetti sauce as a vegetable.

    I've found that I like fresh, raw veggies a lot more than I like cooked veggies. Try eating a lot of processed foods after eating all those raw veggies--there just isn't room.

    So, by concentrating more on nutritional quality, my choices have dictated that I eat less junk. I don't eliminate anything intentionally. I never said "no bread/low carb/gluten free, etc..."

    I also don't recommend that unless you have a darn good reason. Personally, I think anything like that promotes dieting mentality, which in turn promotes disordered eating and a disordered relationship with food.