Dressing revealing & Self Respect



  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I think women should dress in a manner that is comfortable to them.
    Not judge others for the clothes they chose to wear
    and support each other as women instead of tearing each other down

    over something as trivial as clothes.
    If it doesn't directly affect you, don't worry about it, don't judge it, just deal with what directly affects your daily life.
    If you don't like their avatar, block them and you'll never see it again. simple!
  • littlehedgy
    littlehedgy Posts: 192 Member
    I don't like to wear revealing clothes. I think some things should be reserved only for my partner. Skinny jeans and a push-up bra is about as scandalous as it gets for me. It's not about body shaming, religious beliefs or social stigma - just a personal preference.

    To me a conservatively dressed, confident woman in well-fitting clothes is much sexier than someone in a tiny outfit.

    I have always been fascinated by this idea. Genuinely interested, not being a brat haha. I have been a dancer for so long that I am used to using my body as a means of expression and a way to share my thoughts feelings and beliefs with others. To me bodies are beautiful and interesting things to be shared.

    Do you feel it disrespectful to your partner to reveal some of your body to others? Or do you just prefer that he/she be the only one to see you?
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    I don't think the way someone dresses has anything to do with self respect. It's about what they feel good in. When I was very thin I didn't wear revealing clothes at all. But I didn't have self respect either. The two don't always go hand in hand.
  • Cassie8877
    I think women should dress in a manner that is comfortable to them.
    Not judge others for the clothes they chose to wear
    and support each other as women instead of tearing each other down

    over something as trivial as clothes.
    If it doesn't directly affect you, don't worry about it, don't judge it, just deal with what directly affects your daily life.
    If you don't like their avatar, block them and you'll never see it again. simple!

    ^^^ like that
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    Before I started losing weight, I covered up more, not necessarily because I didn't want to show anything but because a lot of the "revealing" clothes were tight and I wasn't comfortable in tight clothes.

    Now, that I weigh less, I am more comfortable in formfitting/tighter clothes and in some ways, that goes along with more revealing.

    I think it's all about what makes you comfortable and other people shouldn't matter.

    I also have a hard time worrying about what other people thing, mostly because I still have a hard time mentally recognizing that I am not as big as I used to be. When I weighed more, I was always worried about what people would think of what I wore...that's kind of a tough mindset for me to shake even though it's not really an issue anymore.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I don't think its necessarily about self respect...

    I think more that if you put too much out there, you may suddenly find that other people are focusing too much on what is right in front of them (tits and *kitten*) rather than how smart or kind you are. I'm not saying it is right or fair - just that it is. If you are OK with it - dress to make yourself happy. Just don't get mad when someone looks =)
  • Litlbeast
    Litlbeast Posts: 340 Member
    If you got it, flaunt it.. Self Respect is in the eye of the beholder..


  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    Just don't get mad when someone looks =)

    Kinda like when girls show epic cleavage, not that there's a problem with that ;) , but get angry when people sneak a peak or two.
  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    A continuation on the thought:
    I dress for ME and occasionally for my beau. People are going to look and judge no matter what I put myself in. I deserve, just like every one else, to feel sexy. To put it in non-clothing context, I dyed my hair bright red, the next day a slightly older gentleman I worked with exclaimed, "Why did you do that!?" I promptly responded that it makes me feel sexy. Do I care that he doesn't like it? nope. I just waned peoples thoughts on how personal appearance and self respect intertwine.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I have yet to see any correlation between amount of skin shown and self respect or self worth.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm torn....

    On one hand.... wear what you like. I'm comfortable in short, tight and bright clothes.

    On the other hand, last year at one of my favorite neighborhood bars for their Halloween party, I had to roll my eyes at the women who wore the really slutty costumes for their contest and would hike up their skirt (not that it needed hiking) to show that they were wearing a g-string. And it's not what they were wearing, or not wearing that was the problem for me... it's was more like... if you're that comfortable in a g-string, why are you flashing your goods to win a hundred bucks at a tiny bar, instead of showing it on stage every night at the gentlemen's club for a LOT more cash? And... I would really prefer a little more between your juicy girlie bits and my boneless buffalo wings than a thin strip of elastic.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Although I'll never understand girls my age who wear dresses so short you can see their vagina :noway:

    Leave alittle something to the imagination...lol

    I mostly agree that the human body is natural and theres nothing to be ashamed of. But I actually have seen a girls vagina her dress was so short. So ladies....atleast wear undies....please.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    here's the thing, i have large breasts and a round butt and pretty close to an hourglass, so short of wearing a potato sack anything i wear can make me look sexy and be revealing, even if i'm not meaning it to be that way

    i wear a tank top on a hot day and it looks COMPLETELY different on me and seems to take on a whole new meaning than if a girl with A cups wears a tank top. i've had people think they can make assumptions about me and my morals based on my shirt choices on a day when it's over 100 degrees.

    i personally can't be bothered with worrying about other people's hang ups. if people are dumb enough to try and equate my self respect with the amount of cleavage i'm showing then thats fine. i refuse to waste energy trying to make strangers happy.
  • plus_chocolate
    I think the statement is bull. Personally I have a wonderful rack and I love wearing things that show them off a little. So many people have something to say about it and my thing is you can't see my nipple so shut up. Even wearing a tank top shows a nice amount of boobs. I say wear what you want and feel good about it. You respect yourself by the way you respond to the comments people say not how you dress. If I want to flaunt let me...geesh I am not laying down with the 1st dude I see.
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    I love women in business attire...I've seen it done very tastefully, yet sexy...this is what I found with a quick search, sorry I don't have or care to dig for pics of the ex's I dated. Anyhow, many of the outfits on this page can perhaps be revealing yet respectful.

  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I don't like to wear revealing clothes. I think some things should be reserved only for my partner. Skinny jeans and a push-up bra is about as scandalous as it gets for me. It's not about body shaming, religious beliefs or social stigma - just a personal preference.

    To me a conservatively dressed, confident woman in well-fitting clothes is much sexier than someone in a tiny outfit.

    I have always been fascinated by this idea. Genuinely interested, not being a brat haha. I have been a dancer for so long that I am used to using my body as a means of expression and a way to share my thoughts feelings and beliefs with others. To me bodies are beautiful and interesting things to be shared.

    Do you feel it disrespectful to your partner to reveal some of your body to others? Or do you just prefer that he/she be the only one to see you?

    I was a professional dancer for 10 years....so I get what you mean. I'm not in anyway ashamed of my body. Changing in front of people, having other people pull my clothes on and off in the wings of a theater, going to rehearsal in a bra and shorts.....really anything goes in that setting.

    In my personal life though, I prefer to be covered. Plus, I can't think of anything better/sexier than a beautiful lingerie set under a dress. It's like a sexy secret. I'm not puritanical by any means....just conservative.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Just something I've been thinking about a lot lately - I've heard some variation of this hundreds of times in my life, that covering up shows respect for yourself. I firmly don't believe that for a second. I love my body and my sexuality and I like the way I dress. I'm not even sure I understand the argument being made in that statement, to cover up and show some self respect, are the two really intertwined? Ladies, thoughts? Men, opinions?

    Also walking several feet behind your husband, keeping your eyes down, being obedient, keeping quiet and asking permission for everything shows respect for yourself. . . . . ahem.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    I see nothing wrong with the human body, male and female, they can be downright beautiful!

    BUT How you present yourself matters in this world.

    If you dress like a thug, I will automatically treat you like a thug until you prove differently.
    If you dress in the fashion of the latest call-girl trends,that is how you are presenting yourself to me. It is pretty simple.
    You have chosen to represent who you are externally in a way that may not be the real you at all.

    Now, can you show off your assets without showing your *kitten*? Absolutely. And if you have the goods! Rock-'em! But do it with class and style, not with the thinnest piece of fabric you could wrap around yourself and call 'clothes'.

    I have rocked the leather mini, and garnered attention without anyone mistaking my chosen profession as the world's oldest. It's more than just what you wrap up in, it is also how you carry and comport yourself.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    here's the thing, i have large breasts and a round butt and pretty close to an hourglass, so short of wearing a potato sack anything i wear can make me look sexy and be revealing, even if i'm not meaning it to be that way

    i wear a tank top on a hot day and it looks COMPLETELY different on me and seems to take on a whole new meaning than if a girl with A cups wears a tank top. i've had people think they can make assumptions about me and my morals based on my shirt choices on a day when it's over 100 degrees.

    i personally can't be bothered with worrying about other people's hang ups. if people are dumb enough to try and equate my self respect with the amount of cleavage i'm showing then thats fine. i refuse to waste energy trying to make strangers happy.
    I totally agree!
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I have yet to see any correlation between amount of skin shown and self respect or self worth.

    Agreed. I notice that most people in this thread are stating their opinons over whether it is 'sexy' or 'classy' to show skin vs. not showing skin, but almost no one is addressing the self-respect issue. That's because there is no self-respect issue! To the OP, I think it's a ridiculous idea too and it doesn't even make any sense. Everyone can, and will, have different opinions on how dressing a certain way makes a person look (sexy vs. skanky), but that still has nothing to do with how much the person respects themselves!