Is 25 too old to be single?



  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 532 Member
    Gosh... I really hope not. I'm 25 and single. Have been for years.
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    I married later in life, I always just figured that by the time I was getting married everyone else would be divorcing ;)
  • dalana84
    dalana84 Posts: 75 Member
    Absolutely not! I feel like generations before us expected "this at age -" "that at age -". Times have changed and things are different. I say embrace this time in your life and make the most of it. Work on you, pursue your passions and just love the life you have. Don't feel pressured by what others are doing around you, do what feels right for you. There is "age to be married by" unless you've set that particular goal for yourself and tend to achieve it.
  • jwh225
    jwh225 Posts: 45 Member
    As a wedding photographer for many years, 1000+ weddings, I would say NO! The average age of my clients is in the low 30's.
  • Take it from a guy who made a BIG mistake and got married the first time because I thought it was the "next" thing I should do. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. When you find the right woman, and you're certain she is the one you want to spend the rest of life with, then and only then consider getting married. Doesn't matter if you're 25, 30, 40. With the right woman, and the right time, then and only then. Otherwise wait. DO NOT RUSH into marriage.
  • dalana84
    dalana84 Posts: 75 Member
    I married later in life, I always just figured that by the time I was getting married everyone else would be divorcing ;)
    :laugh: :drinker:
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm 24(approaching 25 in February) and I want absolutely nothing to do with dating or relationships or marriage.

    I have friends who are either dating, getting engaged/married or pregnant and I don't envy them at all.

    I'm perfectly happy and capable of doing things on my own.. and I don't need another person mucking up my routine and life just so that I can be like everyone else.
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    According to that sage source of wisdom Granny Clampett:
    11 and 12, a girl's in her prime
    13 and 14, she's still got time
    15 and 16, she's almost done
    17 and 18, her pa needs a gun!
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    I'm 37 and don't expect to ever get married. I also feel like I'm behind somehow, but I think that comes more from feeling like I'm not actually an adult, because I still rent a house and struggle to get by. I think a lot of people feel that somehow, something is lacking in their own life. Life is funny like that. It doesn't mean it's true - just take your time, and live your own life. :)
  • thr33martins
    thr33martins Posts: 192 Member
    I don't think that ANYONE should get married before 30!! lol....I wasted so much time worrying about this in my 20s, then met my husband at 29, married at 32 and baby at 33! I am 39 and I am so grateful for the freedom and fun I had in my 20s, and also for the maturity I had when I got married. No longing, no regrets....just enjoy your life. It will open up before you in ways you can't even imagine.
  • I know this post has been going on for a while and I only read to original post to be honest, but I wanted to give my opinion: NO! 25 isn't too old to be single. Don't get in a serious relationship, and especially don't get married, unless you're absolutely head over heels for somebody and you know 100% that you don't want anyone else. Real love happens to you, it isn't something you really go out and make happen. So live your life, have a good time, go out with friends, and date different people casually. Put yourself out there, but don't try to make something happen. It's fun and helps you figure out what you really want.

    But to be honest I started doing that at 22 and one of the casual dates went pretty well and I ended up married at 24... lol. Still, most of my same-age friends are still single and not in serious relationships.
  • Taneil27
    Taneil27 Posts: 253
    No way! 25 is the best time TO be single ;)
  • When I first got engaged to my fiance I was 25-26 and I wasnt done with the childish games either, I still had that Player mentality and it was hard for me to let it go, but needless to say I almost lost a good girl and in fact I lost a good prtion of her, because of hpow good of a woman she was, i tried and tried to win her back, and I did...Im 31 now we are engaged again, but I have out grown the playful stage and is now in the growing up stage.....I say that to say wait until your ready to be done with the playing, one you dont wanna miss out on a hell of a woman, two.. you dont really wanna play with peoples hearts ( i learned the hard way)...and 3 if you try to force yourself to be a one woman man before your ready, you only gonna end up cheating or causing the woman alot of unnecessary pain, I say wait until u ready good brother...for your sake and the woman's....use your 20's to play and see whats out there, use your 30's to find the woman you wanna share your life with
  • Oh my goodness, 25 is certainly not too old to be single. If my kids decide to get married, I hope they wait until at LEAST 30 before getting hitched.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    You should get married when you meet someone worthy of marrying. There's no right age for it. I didn't even want to think about getting married until I was 30. I actually met my husband when I was 35...we got married a year later. In my experience, people who get married very young have a greater chance of divorce. Don't rush things.

    ^^^THIS. Got married at 31.
  • missymoga
    missymoga Posts: 217 Member
    No age is too old to be single if you aren't with the right person. 25 especially, you are soooo young! Enjoy your personal freedom and when the right time comes, someone will come into your life and change your relationship status :)
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    "Is 25 too old to be single?"

    Is 25 too old to be ANYTHING? Heck, you're young yet - go out and have fun!! :bigsmile:

    I always said, I hope I'm married by the time I'm 50. Missed that milestone - I'll be 52 on the eighteenth. :tongue:
  • Nope noting wrong with being single! even at age 25
    If you want to focus on you, then that is great!
    Try not to pay attention to those around you. If you are happy with what you are doing then so be it
    you don't need to be in a relationship just because society says you should.
    I do feel like you shouldn't shy away from people though, even if they are married and have kids
    you can still have a good bond with them even if you aren't at the same stage.
    just put yourself out there and make friends and live life how you want to
    and you never know, when you least expect it you might even find someone when you least expect it!

    Good luck! =)
  • vinnieti
    vinnieti Posts: 79 Member
    When I first got engaged to my fiance I was 25-26 and I wasnt done with the childish games either, I still had that Player mentality and it was hard for me to let it go, but needless to say I almost lost a good girl and in fact I lost a good prtion of her, because of hpow good of a woman she was, i tried and tried to win her back, and I did...Im 31 now we are engaged again, but I have out grown the playful stage and is now in the growing up stage.....I say that to say wait until your ready to be done with the playing, one you dont wanna miss out on a hell of a woman, two.. you dont really wanna play with peoples hearts ( i learned the hard way)...and 3 if you try to force yourself to be a one woman man before your ready, you only gonna end up cheating or causing the woman alot of unnecessary pain, I say wait until u ready good brother...for your sake and the woman's....use your 20's to play and see whats out there, use your 30's to find the woman you wanna share your life with

    Excellent advice
  • vinnieti
    vinnieti Posts: 79 Member
    I'mm 31 and single, people are staying single longer and longer now