Weight Watchers vs. MFP



  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    A bunch of my family did WW when the previous points system was new, and most of them had pretty good success on it (well, the ones who stuck with it, anyway.) I am a system-gamer, though, and spent all my grocery-store time reading labels and trying to figure out how to get more food for fewer points.

    This did not turn out well.

    If you just want something simple and don't spend any time thinking about it, I think it's probably a good program, but for me it's better to avoid the layer of obfuscation they put on top of "eat less, move more". (Actually, I don't recall any more moving on the program. I certainly didn't do any exercise, anyway.)
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    I think WW is great and never tried the online piece. I prefer MFP because I don't need or want the monthly weigh-ins with others. I've always been successful on my own with limited interaction with like-minded people.

    I've been on a LOT of diets and IMO

    all diets work that result in less intake vs output
    no single diet will work over a lifetime for everyone
  • LORA0504
    I believe either program works if you use it correctly. Ref free/zero point fruits and veggies, WW does tell you not to exceed four or five(can't remember) "free" servings a day and a serving is 1/2 cup. If you're just starting out it can be a good foundation and can help you learn to make healthy food choices. Healthier foods are lower in points so you naturally start choosing more of those healthy options. I was doing soley MFP but recently rejoined WW on-line and plan to do a closer comparison between the two. I agree that MFPs food database is awesome!! Also love the breakdown it gives you of food macros. Do what works for you and fits best with your lifestyle. Good luck!!
  • LORA0504
    P.S. Regarding using WW and then stopping WW and gaining the weight back; if you quit using MFP you will most likely gain back weight as well. It's a life long commitment and lifestyle change. No matter what we use, we will always need to be accountable for what we eat and how much we exercise.
  • Flawless_K
    Flawless_K Posts: 42 Member
    I love WW! Only on MFP for the community.
  • SlimReggieBack
    SlimReggieBack Posts: 121 Member
  • aussiemegs82
    I've done WW three times and each time I gained the weight back. I do think their program works (to an extent). If you are totally new to the idea of changing your diet then yes they can teach you about portion control and making better choices. I don't think they really give you information about changing your lifestyle as a whole though. It's basically implied that you will be dependent upon WW for the rest of your life (lifetime, maintenance, etc).

    I think the whole free foods idea is a bit of a disservice to the members. In theory it might work but people who tend to over eat are not going to grasp the "one serving" concept. They think oh it's free so I can eat 3 bananas or 2 cups of grapes. Even if they eat "free" foods all day long they are still consuming calories, carbs, sugars, etc.

    MFP really opened my eyes to healthy eating and fitness. WW, while touches on exercise, doesn't really push it. I think activity is an integral part of healthy living. Not just for weight loss but also for body conditioning (cardiovascular system, muscle tone, etc).

    I also think WW is very much over-priced. In my area its $43 per month for the pass, $20 per month online, and $12-$14 per week if you pay that way.

    I find the MFP community more supportive, informative, etc. I always felt slightly uncomfortable at the meetings (maybe that was just me...). I think the food and exercise database at MFP is much larger and easier to use. And the best part? MFP is FREE!!!!

    I was going to say pretty much the same thing on every point. lol. I did WW years ago and did lose weight. It was a good starting off point but I don't think it really educated me about the 'worth' of food due to the 0 points etc.
  • CanadianDot
    CanadianDot Posts: 93 Member
    I like WW...

    But I'm a poor college student. I just don't have the money when I yoyo so badly anyway.

    I like that MFP is free, and it's a helluva lot better than I thought it'd be!
  • Kaiukas
    Kaiukas Posts: 111 Member
    I prefer MFP because it deals with actual macros, nutrients, calories, etc, instead of some dumb point system created by middle aged women.

    And it would be so much smarter if it was created by middle-aged men :tongue:

    I do agree with the overall sentiment though :flowerforyou:
  • dutchman24
    dutchman24 Posts: 108 Member
    Been at WW, was going to rejoin when this site was reommended. I joined mfp and was so impressed that I just stayed here.I've now lost almost 40 pounds. I agree that using mfp is easier to log...and an added bonus...save $
  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    CarmenSandiegoInVA Posts: 235 Member
    Good for you sweetie. I have never done weight watchers. I've been on here pretty much since the beginning of my journey and I have had great results. As long as you put in the work, go for it. And if it's free even better. You got this and you will rock it.
  • stellabobella79
    stellabobella79 Posts: 44 Member
    I was on WW points plus system for a month and lost NOTHING. I was so upset and defeated and "rebelled" by not tracking anything and enjoying all the food I wanted for a few months.

    I was on MFP for a week and I lost 1.8lbs. (happy dance)!!!! I am so happy and hopeful that Ive found the right plan for me with MFP! The online up port is incredible and it holds me accountable. I now see that I abused my zero point fruits and veggies on WW. If I was hungry at night and had no more points? Hey how about I eat 5 apples (yes...seriously). Now I know that's like 500 calories with no protein. Instead if I'm hungry at night, I'll have a protein fiber bar for 200 calories and actually feel satisfied for the rest of the evening. My fitness pal FTW!