Pizza: not THAT unhealthy?



  • miss_rierie
    Ah c'mon... the OP didn't claim pizza was bad. She said she THOUGHT it was. I did too. If someone had asked me to guess I would have never said pizza was 180 cals a slice unless it was a tiny one.

    The OP is actually agreeing with what you say about pizza, she is just saying she was shocked to discover it, that's all. I thought pizza was something I had to avoid when trying to lose weight but will now investigate various brands or make my own since reading this.


    And I'm not meaning to make a personal attack, I just mean that the way you're expressing yourself could be better -- I feel like you're not reading our posts properly, or you would have realised that YOU'RE ON THE SAME SIDE. :flowerforyou:
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I make my own pizzas with a light wholemeal wrap, light cheese and heaps of vegetables! Its about 300 calories for the whole thing and is the size of a large dinner plate. :smile: pizza can be healthy
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    I make my own pizzas with a light wholemeal wrap, light cheese and heaps of vegetables! Its about 300 calories for the whole thing and is the size of a large dinner plate. :smile: pizza can be healthy

    That sounds delicious! In fact I am going to find some wholemeal wraps at lunch time :)
  • dawnblu
    dawnblu Posts: 95 Member
    We used to buy the low fat pizza crusts already prepared but I find that I like fajita size tortilla shells or wraps better (if you like thin crust). The key is to dice the toppings really small so the crust isn't weighed down. I dice up lots of mushrooms and add just a little turkey pepperoni. A serving of pepperoni is about 17 slices I only use one serving for 4 pizzas and dice it up really small. You still get the flavor of the pepperoni with very little of the calories and sodium. Use 2% cheese and some grated parm to kick it up a notch, add italian seasoning and it's better than store bought. And since the crust is only 70 cals, I can eat the whole thing and not feel guilty at all... I think I'm gonna make these this weekend. :tongue:
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    You're making personal attacks, by asking me to explain why pizza is bad...****. We are arguing over pizza. This is stupid. I am not a person who usually eats pizza, and always had the impression all the cheese made it unhealthy. And salt.


    Cheese is not bad.
    Salt is not bad in moderation.
    This isn't madness you are suffering from Cognitive Dissonance.

    My point is, stop labeling arbitrarily that pizza is bad for you.

    Pizza in extreme excess, is probably not good for you.

    Pizza by itself, isn't unhealthy.

    THAT'S WHAT SHE'S SAYING. For Christ's sake. Most people assume that pizza is unhealthy. It is salty, greasy, fast-food. She's looked up the nutritional info and is expressing her amazement at how the only major problem with it, is portion control.

    Why did this argument even happen?

    For the record, I also get the feeling that you have a bit of a superiority problem.

    Again with the personal attacks.

    Someone is making an arbitrary claim, that pizza is bad.

    I am asking that person, with logic, to prove their claim.

    There isn't anything mean, or superior, about that.

    My point is, i get tired of people slapping the arbitrary "unhealthy" label on food, when

    they have no justification to do so.

    I am glad OP found out today, that pizza isn't as terrible as perceived.

    However, any kind of pizza, is not as terrible as perceived, not a specific brand type.
    FTR I agree with everything you've said. I must have a superiority complex too, since I appreciate dispelling myths about 'bad foods' and the assumption that salt and fat mean 'unhealthy'. In reality, salt is an essential mineral and fat makes for highly satiating food, and helps with some nutrient absorption. One lesson I recently learned was that a higher fat diet makes it easier to stick to my calorie limits, so I've actually upped my fat intake, making my macro percentages close to even across the board. Its ama,Ing how much that small change has eliminated cravings and keeps me full round the clock.
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    FTR I agree with everything you've said. I must have a superiority complex too, since I appreciate dispelling myths about 'bad foods' and the assumption that salt and fat mean 'unhealthy'. In reality, salt is an essential mineral and fat makes for highly satiating food, and helps with some nutrient absorption. One lesson I recently learned was that a higher fat diet makes it easier to stick to my calorie limits, so I've actually upped my fat intake, making my macro percentages close to even across the board. Its ama,Ing how much that small change has eliminated cravings and keeps me full round the clock.

    ;) It's cool as long as people understand that pizza is not Satan, I don't care.
  • keni88
    keni88 Posts: 22
    So not to stoke the fire of a really pointless argument, but by that your saying that i cant make the general assumption (label) that doner kebabs, or burgers are unhealthy.
    yes there are going to be exceptions to this rule, as there are with pizza, and serving size is definately a big issue (exactly the point being made!) but by definition and origination, they are not designed as health food! they are indulgent fast foods and therefore UNHEALTHY
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I used to eat a 1200 calorie plus pizza on a regular basis. That's more than half of my calories, then I would add fries on the side and maybe pick and mess at whatever leftovers we had. Then I would go looking for the Ben & Jerry's.

    If I am not in the mood for cooking and pizza is what I fancy, I go with one that is like 850 calories and still the same size as my old pizza's. Instead of pepperoni, small meatballs, different types of salami and a lot of mozzarella, it has mushrooms, spinach and ricotta cheese with a mildly spicy sauce which tastes amazing.

    Sometimes I like to make my own pizza, I use a Warburton's Square Wrap, I've used a small amount of cheese, but just recently bought ricotta which I will try. I usually put chicken or tuna on there along with onions, peppers and mushrooms. I use some pasatta and mix in some herbs and garlic powder. It usually comes at around 500 calories and it tastes great.
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Pizza can be really good for you or really bad for you depending on how it's made and the same size slice from pizza A can have 4x as many calories as pizza B. Which is why I tend to make pizza rather than order it in. I can control the ingrediants, the method and thus the calories.
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    So not to stoke the fire of a really pointless argument, but by that your saying that i cant make the general assumption (label) that doner kebabs, or burgers are unhealthy.
    yes there are going to be exceptions to this rule, as there are with pizza, and serving size is definately a big issue (exactly the point being made!) but by definition and origination, they are not designed as health food! they are indulgent fast foods and therefore UNHEALTHY

    This will be my last post. I promise.

    Everyone else can label whatever food they want as unhealthy or not, just don't preach it like it is a biblical truth.

    That being said, define fast food, what makes fast food unhealthy? What is clean in a food? What is dirty in a food?

    If you can't tell us specifically what is clean or dirty in a food, you probably shouldn't label it healthy or unhealthy.

    Regardless, exactly what i said prior, Unhealthy is a subjective term. I happen to believe burgers aren't "unhealthy".

    There is nothing in a burger that makes it unhealthy.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I had 1 little slice of a 10" cheese pizza and it was 131 Kcal. I couldn't even imagine what a slice off a Large meat pizza would be. Sorry, I didn't read this thread first. I KNEW better than posting on this message board.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I think the issue with pizza is the tendency to over indulge.

    for the most part, there's no "bad" food to me. i'm choosy about who i may buy it from, but you can always eat the "bad" foods in moderation once you learn how, unless your diet is super strict.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    A pizza and a beer is my Friday treat after my zumba and circuits classes - I LOVE it. Ticks a lot of craving boxes - salty, cheesy, crispy, chewy. I curl up on the sofa, plate on my knee, and tuck in.

    It tends to be a supermarket effort - I'm not a huge fan of takeaway ones as, like others have said before me, the temptation's there to polish the whole blimmin' thing off and they're massive. I reckon I'd give it a good it tends to be a smaller frozen one. Nutritionally sound? Eeeh, could be better. Excellent way to end a Friday? Damn straight!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    So not to stoke the fire of a really pointless argument, but by that your saying that i cant make the general assumption (label) that doner kebabs, or burgers are unhealthy.
    yes there are going to be exceptions to this rule, as there are with pizza, and serving size is definately a big issue (exactly the point being made!) but by definition and origination, they are not designed as health food! they are indulgent fast foods and therefore UNHEALTHY
    What's unhealthy about a burger? And no, pizza was not originally designed as indulgent. It was designed as street food for poor people who couldn't afford anything else to eat besides bread and sauce.
  • PinkHurricane88
    PinkHurricane88 Posts: 156 Member
    There are some pizzas that are healthier than others, especially when you considered the thickness of the crust. Also some people just can't stop at one or two slices and end up having half of the pizza or more. There are a lot of factors but you can certainly have pizza sometimes, just be sure to get the nutritional information so you know for sure what you are eating.

    Also I love making my own pizza, thin crust with grilled chicken, cheese, and usually a good bit of veggies. I also don't like red sauce so I substitute with light ranch or light alfredo, sometimes buffalo sauce too!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    So not to stoke the fire of a really pointless argument, but by that your saying that i cant make the general assumption (label) that doner kebabs, or burgers are unhealthy.
    yes there are going to be exceptions to this rule, as there are with pizza, and serving size is definately a big issue (exactly the point being made!) but by definition and origination, they are not designed as health food! they are indulgent fast foods and therefore UNHEALTHY

    I disagree with the above premise.

    The issue here is that an individual food item is not inherntly lipogenic or lipolytic by itself. You can only assess an individual food item as far as it's contribution to the entire diet.

    Looking at an individual food item in a vacuum without this context tells you very little.
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    All depends on what kind of pizza you get and where you get it from. Look at the calories for Pizza Hut....
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Define what you mean by unhealthy?

    something like 28% fat.

    What's your daily fat% goal? How different is that from the percentage in pizza?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I just stopped in to say that I love pizza.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member