Scared to Get Pregnant...



  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    Don't worry about it! As long as you watch what you and continue exercising, you will be ok!

    Of course if you lose control and give in to all of your cravings, you are going to gain weight... But this would happen even if you weren't pregnant.

    I had just lost about 80 pounds before I got pregnant with my son, and was terrified I was going to put it all back on. I followed a very healthy eating plan the entire time, and even had chocolate cake a few times (that was the thing I craved the most. lol).

    And guess what? A few weeks after giving birth to my son, I weighed less than my prepgrgnancy weight. :D
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I would love to experience the miraculous wonders of pregnancy and childbirth..however I have been running from the possibility everytime I think of how much weight I would gain. I've heard some people have gained 90 pounds! Seriously??!!?? I've also heard it's ridiculously hard to get off. The basic motto is either you've got "the snap back genes" or you don't. :( Is this true?
    If I'm reading this right, you are weighing the following options:

    Becoming a parent (one of the most important & rewarding jobs in the history of mankind if you ask me) & possibly having a slightly different body after losing the baby weight


    Never becoming pregnant but at least you'll look damn good

    Please tell me this isn't a real dilemma.
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    I've seen some women bounce back at times even "better" than before, their "secret" is eating the right foods, supplementing (calcium, fish oil, prenatal etc) and believe it or not having a healthy and consistent workout regimen.

    My sister is one of the lucky ones who looks even better after pregnancy. Before pregnancy she was at the right BMI, mostly eating healthy with the occasional junk and occasional exercise. Although she wasn't overweight, she would not have considered herself thin either. During pregnancy my sister followed a healthy eating plan which was recommended by the doctor. She never ate for two although in the later stages she did indulge in junk but made sure she didnt go overboard. She lost most of her weight within a month

    Unfortunately I been overweight most of my life so I just know that I won't have the same luck :)
  • shoniej
    shoniej Posts: 227 Member
    You seriously cannot look at it that way.... You will gain however much weight you want to gain. If you want to eat for 2, then expect to gain 60 pounds. Stay healthy and active through your pregnancy. I gained 27 pounds and lost it all within 3 months (then gained 20 pounds back from stress). I was very healthy and active the entire time but I satisfied my cravings (not in portions for 2 though).

    You have to look at the rewards though... I believe the rewards of pregnancy far outweighs the way you will look afterwards.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    pregnancy in general terrifies me into a cold sweat panic. and even if you do get the snap back genes- please tell me when you are expected to exercise? thanks.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    pregnancy in general terrifies me into a cold sweat panic. and even if you do get the snap back genes- please tell me when you are expected to exercise? thanks.

    You mean when do you exercise after you have babies? I've done 5am before everyone wakes up, or before work when they are at daycare, then skip lunch at work (if work allows).

    And yeah, I don't buy the "snap back" genes idea. Either you put the work into it to get back into shape or you don't.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    pregnancy in general terrifies me into a cold sweat panic. and even if you do get the snap back genes- please tell me when you are expected to exercise? thanks.
    I used to put baby in the stroller and walk everywhere. The heavy stuff that it's tough to carry from the grocery store went in it. Most gyms have daycare. My cousin used to use her kids as weights to lift. Friends and family (and fathers if they're around) will usuually give you a break.

    I had a job, was in school full time and a single mom and I had plenty of exercise time.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    pregnancy in general terrifies me into a cold sweat panic. and even if you do get the snap back genes- please tell me when you are expected to exercise? thanks.

    You mean when do you exercise after you have babies? I've done 5am before everyone wakes up, or before work when they are at daycare, then skip lunch at work (if work allows).

    And yeah, I don't buy the "snap back" genes idea. Either you put the work into it to get back into shape or you don't.

    i mean... when you get home from the hospital and the baby doesnt sleep for like 3 weeks and then it only sleeps an hour a day for the next three weeks and you dont have time to shower or eat and your mother in law is there and everything is wet and crying- when do you exercise?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    actually nevermind
  • mandalu292
    mandalu292 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm currently 12 weeks along with my first. For me, yes I want to be healthy for my baby, but it's not about ME anymore. All I think about is that little miracle in my belly and there isn't much else that matters. It's already worth every moment of feeling like crap, not having an appetite, not being able to sleep, and every moment of exhaustion. We just saw our little peanut for the first time this week moving and shaking all over in my belly. It's the best feeling EVER.

    I think everyone is different, but if you truly want to be a mother, you need to think about that little baby and not the weight gain. Being a mom is all about being selfless and doing what you can for that baby. Should you eat healthy while pregnant for the baby and yourself? Absolutely. But I wouldn't be so focused on the weight as long as you're taking care of yourself.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    pregnancy in general terrifies me into a cold sweat panic. and even if you do get the snap back genes- please tell me when you are expected to exercise? thanks.

    You mean when do you exercise after you have babies? I've done 5am before everyone wakes up, or before work when they are at daycare, then skip lunch at work (if work allows).

    And yeah, I don't buy the "snap back" genes idea. Either you put the work into it to get back into shape or you don't.

    i mean... when you get home from the hospital and the baby doesnt sleep for like 3 weeks and then it only sleeps an hour a day for the next three weeks and you dont have time to shower or eat and your mother in law is there and everything is wet and crying- when do you exercise?

    Oh yea, I mean after the first couple of months. You aren't supposed to do any exercise for 6-8 weeks anyway. And depending on the baby, they might not sleep for 8 months, not 3 weeks.

    Seriously though. Kids are awesome. Newborns kind of suck. But kids are awesome and worth all the weight gain, and the lack of sleep. My two year old was walking around the grocery store this morning just cracking up at himself because he had the hic-ups.
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    If you are ready to have a child and the situation is right, I say do it. If you are determined enough I think you can get back to where you want to be.
  • MotorCityFemmeFatale
    I would love to experience the miraculous wonders of pregnancy and childbirth..however I have been running from the possibility everytime I think of how much weight I would gain. I've heard some people have gained 90 pounds! Seriously??!!?? I've also heard it's ridiculously hard to get off. The basic motto is either you've got "the snap back genes" or you don't. :( Is this true?
    If I'm reading this right, you are weighing the following options:

    Becoming a parent (one of the most important & rewarding jobs in the history of mankind if you ask me) & possibly having a slightly different body after losing the baby weight


    Never becoming pregnant but at least you'll look damn good

    Please tell me this isn't a real dilemma.

    this was my question as well
    pregnancy in general terrifies me into a cold sweat panic. and even if you do get the snap back genes- please tell me when you are expected to exercise? thanks.

    You mean when do you exercise after you have babies? I've done 5am before everyone wakes up, or before work when they are at daycare, then skip lunch at work (if work allows).

    And yeah, I don't buy the "snap back" genes idea. Either you put the work into it to get back into shape or you don't.

    i mean... when you get home from the hospital and the baby doesnt sleep for like 3 weeks and then it only sleeps an hour a day for the next three weeks and you dont have time to shower or eat and your mother in law is there and everything is wet and crying- when do you exercise?

    Sometimes you don't. It depends on the person and the baby. With my last two, my day centered around the baby and if baby slept so did I. I was very, very sleep deprived. Exercise was out of the question. I didn't get "back in the game" until a year later. Still wouldn't give it up though!

    Snap back genes don't exist ... diet and exercise do.
  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157
    I would love to experience the miraculous wonders of pregnancy and childbirth..however I have been running from the possibility everytime I think of how much weight I would gain. I've heard some people have gained 90 pounds! Seriously??!!?? I've also heard it's ridiculously hard to get off. The basic motto is either you've got "the snap back genes" or you don't. :( Is this true?
    If I'm reading this right, you are weighing the following options:

    Becoming a parent (one of the most important & rewarding jobs in the history of mankind if you ask me) & possibly having a slightly different body after losing the baby weight


    Never becoming pregnant but at least you'll look damn good

    Please tell me this isn't a real dilemma.

    Yes- once you have a baby, these sorts of "dilemmas" will seem low in priority. Having a child changes you, for the better.
    Breastfeed because it is the right thing to do for your child, (and you will benefit physically as well), listen to your body, and though you wont get time right off to hit the gym, I promise you, you wont care. That little bundle of awesome will be 110% what you are concentrating on, and you will get time later on to whip yourself back into shape.

    I lost all of the 50lbs I gained with my first quickly and without really trying, and my second- well I gained 70lbs and am losing it now, 4 years later.
    But I will say-
    if having each of my children meant that I would have *actually lost a limb each time*, I would have them both again in a heart beat.
    Don't sweat it, your priorities will (should) change. :)

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  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    pregnancy in general terrifies me into a cold sweat panic. and even if you do get the snap back genes- please tell me when you are expected to exercise? thanks.

    You mean when do you exercise after you have babies? I've done 5am before everyone wakes up, or before work when they are at daycare, then skip lunch at work (if work allows).

    And yeah, I don't buy the "snap back" genes idea. Either you put the work into it to get back into shape or you don't.

    i mean... when you get home from the hospital and the baby doesnt sleep for like 3 weeks and then it only sleeps an hour a day for the next three weeks and you dont have time to shower or eat and your mother in law is there and everything is wet and crying- when do you exercise?

    Some children and some families are more difficult than others, but that was not my experience at all.

    And as someone said, you're supposed to take it a bit easy for a few weeks, anyway. You can still walk if you're up to it.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Gaining a lot of weight is not unavoidable. I gained 27 with my first, 32 with my second, and lost the extra weight within a year.

    What I've done to myself in middle age is much-much worse.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    P.S. Moms spend a lot of time walking up and down the hallways or the yard trying to soothe the crying baby. That's exercise, right?
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    You're hearing all the horror stories. I gained 25 lbs when I was pregnant and within 2 weeks after delivery had lost 35 lbs.
    It took a little longer for the swelling to go down but I was back into my regular clothes within a month.
  • MammaMouse
    Please don't let the fear of weight gain keep you from having a child.
    That being said, you can't just listen to the horror stories. Yes, if you give in to every bad pregnancy craving and don't keep up an active lifestyle, you will likely gain a lot of weight and have a difficult time taking it off. However, if you do it moderately (a candy bar here and there when you really really crave them is not the worst thing in the world), and stay active when you can, you will be fine. I was overweight to begin with and actually lost 10 lbs in the beginning before gaining 20. In the end, I was only 10lbs heavier than I was pre-baby, and the baby weight (plus extra) fell off within a week of having my daughter (and I don't have "snap back" genes, trust me). I just ate healthy and walked when I could. Nothing extreme, the pre-natal yoga dvd I bought is still unopened (and my daughter will be 3 in the new year), simply walking. And I probably still ate more cheeseburgers than I should have....
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    30 lbs is a very realistic weight gain during pregnancy. And keep active during, then after it won't be so hard to 'get back' into fitness again. I gained all of 20 lbs with my first baby, and it was gone by the time he was a month old. But I walked every day when I was pregnant and nursed for 3 months. My second baby, I gained closer to 40 and it took me a year to get back down. I wasn't nearly as active during my pregnancy, and she didn't nurse.