The moment that made you SERIOUS about losing weight?



  • Alicia7519
    What got me to get serious about losing weight was a couple of things that happened during the month of August. I went to a reunion of old friends. During these gatherings, we like to eat and drink a lot. I don't know what clicked, but all of the sudden I realized that I was the largest person of the whole group. I had noticed this on other occasions but this time it really bugged me. Another incident that made me decide to lose weight is that I saw a documentary that has to do with in Third World counties, a lot of children have problem with obesity. This embarrassed me because I can afford to eat well, yet I stuffed myself with junk food. Finally, I broke my leg almost three years ago, and was bedridden for four months. I lost 30 pounds. This incident made me very sedentary. I was in a lot of pain, so I would stay in bed. This past summer, I spent lying around a lot! All this caught up with me because I had pain in my hips. The last straw was when I could not make it from my classroom to my car which is an eight minute walk. This was ridiculous. I had to stop by my office to rest. This was ridiculous to be this out of shape.

    I joined MFP at the end of August. I started to see changes in energy within the first two weeks with regard to how I felt.
  • emzypemzy93
    I gained 50 lbs due to medication. I went on a camping trip and could no longer run (I used to always be the fastest). I came home and the scale said 80 kilos (176 pounds). It was at that moment i said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! TIME TO TAKE CONTROL! And then i joined myfitnesspal and I'm 3 weeks in and 13 lbs lighter :) still got a fair bit to go though
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    When I read an article called "Your Fat is Unequivocally Your Fault" by Jamie Lewis. I won't link to it here, due to it being extremely NSFW, but it's easy to find with a quick Google search of: Chaos and Pain Your Fat is Unequivocally Your Fault.
  • committowalk
    committowalk Posts: 59 Member
    My son is two and loves to run in the park. We'll run for about one minute and then I have to stop because I'm out of breath. I want to be able to play with him! I also want to take him swimming without being ashamed of myself in a swimsuit. I am 20lbs heavier than my pregnancy weight and have almost no pictures of myself with my son because I can't stand how I look in the pictures. I got a pedometer and have been logging my steps. So far I have lost 10 lbs through this and counting calories. I am losing weight to be healthier and not have my weight and lack of fitness hold me back from doing fun activities and playing with my son.
  • georgygirl
    georgygirl Posts: 104 Member
    When I was on the tilting Xray table last week and the nurse said ' hold on to the sides they are not really wide enough for the likes of you and me'! :embarassed:
  • Beethoven1827
    Beethoven1827 Posts: 102 Member
    Going wedding dress shopping with a good friend who's getting married next year, and dreading the day when we'd be going shopping for bridesmaids dresses. (She's petite in every way. I'm about 5 inches taller, and was probably more than 5 stone heavier!) Decided that that was it. Went and bought a diet book, and started on the diet two days later. Twelve weeks on, I've lost almost 2 stone (25lb so far), my waist has shrunk by 9" and I'm slimmer now than I've ever been since I got to know her! There's still a bit of a way to go to where I'd like to be, but I'm no longer dreading our shopping expedition! :smile:

    (I'm actually quite looking forward to it; I no longer live near this friend, so we haven't seen each other since my AAARRGGH day. I've told her my progress, but can't wait for her to see the difference!)
  • nibbynoo
    nibbynoo Posts: 250 Member
    I realised I had avoided men for 3 years out of the fear of getting naked and that I wasn't going to stop any time soon unless i changed something.
    And I'm 23, I should enjoy being naked god damn it!!
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    I knew for a long time I needed to lose weight but it wasn't until I was at work doing a shift at night, and my belly was sitting flush up against the desk. It was horrible, I was constantly uncomfortable and hated how I looked. That night I went home and made the pledge to change my lifestyle forever.

    In the 4 months since that night, I've run in a 5K race and have lost 47lbs, still have 50lbs to go, but I'm sticking to this and never going back.
  • Christylee76
    Christylee76 Posts: 138 Member
    Mine was when the worker couldn't get the ride to close on me at Six Flags..My huband and kids were already closed in and they had to get other workers to try and get it to close.With no avail, I had to exit the ride and it was mid summer,we had waited for 2 hours and it was packed..I could hear all the laughs and comments...I left in tears, but with a motivation of NEVER again!!
  • adpatrick92
    adpatrick92 Posts: 67 Member
    The moment I realized that my fiance deserved someone but better looking then I am, And I had a lot of depression built up inside me from my mom's death and etc that I said I have to stop living like this and finally be happy with myself. :)
  • lauren31085
    lauren31085 Posts: 35 Member
    When I slowly gained weight after having my 2nd baby, and this time the Army wasn't making me work out. I'm only 5'1'' and saw 139 on the scale, and so I knew I had no need to gain anymore weight. I looked at myself in the mirror and said, "This is the before, the worst it'll get" and now I'm working on an awesome after picture! I have hardly lost anything, but I'm toning up and SLOWly getting rid of my baby belly. It's not easy for me, but it's an awesome journey!
  • Lonestarlesa
    Lonestarlesa Posts: 33 Member
    It has happened a couple of times I suppose. The "biggie"( no pun intended) was the summer of 2006. I was over 300 pounds and I had to get off a roller coaster because I could nto be strapped in. I was humilated. I worked my butt off and was motivated for a long time. I got to 20 pounds away from goal. I was rocking it! :-)

    Then due to life circumstances I refocused and I gained back about 65 pounds...I too never realized how much I had gained back...larger clothes crept back into my wardrobe. I had the skinny chick give me the "go girl" shout out on a bike ride (I was shocked). I started working out in a gym, and even started teaching classes...every once in a last night..I get the shocked look in a students eyes of ...YOUR teaching! hurts and yet it motivates me.

    Kind of like a whip on the back I suppose. I have lost a total of 15 pounds since I just 50 more to go to be back to where I lost my mind.
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    Options's still kinda hitting me...I just keep thinking about this one issue in my'm American, and I have no health insurance... I live on a budget as well; so, if something seriously goes wrong with my body, I'm pretty much a goner (seriously, I would be left for dead...our health care system SUCKS...even if I had insurance, I probably wouldn't be able to afford to use it...what with having to meet deductibles and co-payments sister has health insurance but can't afford to use it...)...which means I SERIOUSLY need to be taking measures to be as healthy as possible so that I can live a little longer and watch my children as they grow... :(
  • HealthylivingTIG
    HealthylivingTIG Posts: 174 Member
    I hit 170Lbs. I did not like to see that number on the scale. I joined MFP back in May and did it for about 20 days.. logging only but no exercise. The weight did not come off as fast as I wanted, but honestly I was not 100% committed. In August, I was still at 170 and at one point the scale hit 175 (i think.. I have some how blocked that out of my memory so its a very blurry). That was it. I have been on my journey to weight loss and trying to eat better. I still struggle with sugary treats like chocolate, cookies ice cream etc. but I am doing wayyyy better and making sure to check calorie content and nutritional value. I am down 12lbs and I am loving the support of people who are on the same path. No one want to be unhealthy.. I certainly don't. I will not make any more excuses and I will be accountable. MFP gives me what I need to succeed.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I'm usually 130 and got into an auto accident where I couldn't walk for a year. I jumped to 165 and was in a size 11/12. Before I was a size 5. I was on blood pressure and cholesterol medication and I'm type one diabetic. I didn't want an early grave so I got on the bandwagon and lost 11 pounds so far. I'm going for 33 total pounds. Right now I'm at 153 and on my way....:noway:
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    Being"officially" overweight (BMI) as a 15 year old girl. I was wear a size 11-13 in the juniors section and a large shirt. I was so unfit that I couldn't bend over and get my finger tips past my knee caps. I was so depressed when I discovered that all the bullies were right and I was fat. I had heart troubles (which persist to this day, so clearly they were weight related) and I had an activity level of nill when it wasn't marching band season. In my head I thought "I have my whole life ahead of me and I am already overweight. What will I do when I get old and I'm even worse?"

    So I tried to eat better at high school, but there was too much junk being served in the cafeteria. (Pizza is not a healthy lunch?) I did manage to lose a bit of weight in the summers, but it always came back. I forced myself to be more active and that helped. I dropped to 145 and was back in the "normal" range through out high school.

    In college I made my own healthy lunches and took up self defense and pilates. Not only did I feel better, I could touch my toes and in one year I went back down to my happy weight of 135.

    Once I went away to college I maintained around 135 by exercising even though crappy cafeteria food was getting me. I didn't really change my diet except to eat more salad, no more soda and no more fast food. Over the summer's I'd dip to 125 because I was outside gardening and biking. I liked 125. I felt pretty and I looked awesome. However, even with pilates 6-7 days a week, Christmas cookies would send me back up to 135 during the winters. I just accepted it because I always managed to get back to 125 during the summer.

    I got into grad school and gained again, finding myself at 134 this winter. That was it, I was sick of it. I joined MFP but 1200 was too hard for me so I quit at 127 and just waited for my summer fall off. Then, after summer started, I used MPF seriously and got to my 125 without any trouble. However, this time I would maintain it.

    I am now hovering around 121-123. My goal is to keep this up over winter break. If I can stay below 125-127 with Christmas cookies and without an elliptical, I'll consider myself successful. If I can make it to 120 I'll consider myself amazing. If I can make it to 118, (my super ultra dream weight) I'll build a temple to myself.
  • Gurlyknockout
    Gurlyknockout Posts: 115 Member
    Looking at pictures of myself 4months after my DD was born, compared to now! I was almost at my before baby weight at 4months then 2yrs later due to disability I ballooned up. Yeah I will never be that big again!
  • Lalimama
    Realising that I have spent the first year of my child's life avoiding the camera so we have maybe 5 pictures together :sad: That really hurts and the thought of not being around to see her grow up is too frightening to not act on. Hoping against hope that this time I can do something about it
  • jenncampbell01
    When I had to get my wedding rings CUT off of my finger in order for them to be resized. It took a month for my finger to fill back in from the indention of the ring, and it hurt to realize that I was no longer the person my husband married.
  • nchern
    nchern Posts: 3
    I first realized how much weight I'd gained two weeks ago, when I was working on a short film and was not allowed to wear black/grey/navy (anything dark) as per the costume designer. Not only did I barely own anything not in those colors, but what I did own I hated how I looked in.
    My REAL moment was last Saturday, when I was preparing to go to the opening night of a Broadway show and I knew that the likelihood that I'd show up in the background of photos for Playbill and syndicated by the Associated Press was high. I had to spend my morning frantically running around midtown Manhattan shopping for something to wear because nothing I owned fit, including a dress I purchased a month ago that would've been perfect...had it not become at least a size too small.
    I have already vowed not to purchase any more larger clothing, which means my weight is only allowed to go down from here.