The moment that made you SERIOUS about losing weight?



  • spulley
    spulley Posts: 4 Member
    I finally said enough is enough, when I realized I was approaching the 200 pound mark. I had a set of twins 15 years ago and weighed 215 pounds when I had them. Lost down to my pre-pregnancy weight, just to gain it all back throughout the years. I realized I didn't want to be that person. I wanted to be healthy not only for me, but for my family. I also am a teacher and a coach and I wanted to set a good example of a healthy lifestyle to my players and students.
  • chinasaurus86
    I just have been overweight since about high school and i was finally tired of going to the store and hating all the clothes i tried on. nothing fit right. i also hated seeing myself in pictures, etc. i guess it was a bit of vanity thing, but if that's what it takes to lose the weight, for me personally, so be it lol.
  • TrashyAbercrombie
    TrashyAbercrombie Posts: 51 Member
    Seeing pictures of myself... not being able to fit into my favorite jeans anymore.. or any of my favorite brands of jeans for that matter!
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    When I looked at pictures of me and I thought to way do I want to be the "fat mom" that can hardly walk across the football field or anywhere for that matter. I love myself too much for that.
  • casswash2400
    casswash2400 Posts: 39 Member
    I have tried several diets and methods for several years wasting money on new gimmicks looking for that one answer and failed each time. While being pregnant with my fifth child, first girl, I told myself this is it, it's time to get my sexy back. My self esteem was was/is shot and I'm tried of walking around being depressed about my weight and what I look like, it was time for me to kick it into gear..
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    My best friend through most of college had one of those devastatingly high metabolisms and would eat breakfast/lunch/dinner of Skittles, booze, and pizza. But when I started to gain weight, she started to make backhanded comments. One day, I got sick and tired of the commentary, decided to get up off my rear end and do something about it, instead of feeling sorry for myself.
    (And I ditched that girl because she ended up being a source of negativity when I was gaining and when I was losing weight. Hmpf.)

    So I got serious about losing weight.

    PS. 40 pounds later, I'm a happy, happy camper :)
  • RockinSkiBunny
    RockinSkiBunny Posts: 152 Member
    When I saw a photo of myself and was like wow!! That and my knees and ankles were bothering me. I want to actually take a picture with my daughter that i can be proud to show.
  • JennInMA
    JennInMA Posts: 33 Member
    My first aahhhh HA moment came when I saw a video of myself from my daughter's first bday. I weighed 135 when I got preggo after I had her I bounced between 135 and 145. At her 1st bday party I was about 145 and freaked out at how gooey I looked in my mid-section. I swore at that point that I would get it together and lose what I needed to so that I could be healthy and a good role model for her.

    Fast forward to today - she is 4, my son is 9 months old and I weigh 137. I'm working on losing another 12lbs so I can weigh what I did when I met my husband in September, 2006.
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    I thought being 50-55 pounds overweight (on a 5' 2" lady with a super petite frame) wasn't a big deal. Then I met a chubby 5 year old who weighed 53lbs, and I realized I was carrying her on me 24/7. It blew my mind that a pudgy kid-sized blob of fat could possibly come out of my body.

    ...60+ pounds later... turns out I STILL have excess pudge to lose!

    I am 4 months post-partum and am having a similar revelation now. The different is I'm not carrying an extra 5 year old around...I'm carrying around enough weight to make up a petite adult (or almost make up a petite adult depending on the height and weight of that adult)...sad...
  • heathercicle
    heathercicle Posts: 91 Member
    About a a year after I graduated high school, I was a bit in denial of my health issues. I knew I was fat but didn't really want to put any effort into losing weight because I felt I didn't really need to. I don't know what I weighed then exactly but I remember telling myself that if I ever got over 200, I'd just quit... you know, the final kind of quit.

    Fast forward a few years and I really had not paid any attention whatsoever to my weight. I stepped on the scale at work because we were all going to work together as a team to lose weight together. I was at 209. I was devastated. It was made worse by the comments from my coworkers that I didn't "look" like I weighed that much. (Yeah, right...) Anyway, I loved my life and didn't want to just quit at 24 years old so I had to change. I knew any more weight would just take me closer to an early grave. (Mind you, I'm only 5'2" so 209 lbs is A LOT for my height.) It was so hard because my office mates started turning on each other and turned it into a challenge to beat each other. They made a new rule that said if you didn't lose, you paid a dollar to the lunch fund. If you gained, it was $2 per pound. I didn't lose for two weeks in a row so I bought my way out of the "team effort". I paid $2 for every pound I wanted to lose to reach my goal weight. I felt like the team was the least supportive thing for me at the time.

    So for me, it was mostly seeing the number on the scale but in combination with the comments I made to myself about giving up.

    Edit: I also want to add that the office "team effort" came at a good time since I had been recently diagnosed with IBS and was thinking of ways to change so that I would stop needing the medication I was told I would have to take for the rest of my life. I can happily say that I haven't taken that medication in over two years. :)
  • mdbs2004
    mdbs2004 Posts: 220
    Watching my 6 year old daughter eat a large bag of doritos.
  • ssnowdon76
    I was 6 years old when my dad passed away of a heart attack. He was 36 years old.

    The last 10 years I made excuses (or justified) why I wasn't doing more to take care of myself. I was never a big guy. I was always very athletic but I got complacent, lazy and ate for comfort or out of boredom. This past December I sat down and seriously looked at what I'd become and it came over me like a tonne of bricks .. I'm turning 36 years old .. my daughter is turning six. I have a wonderful family. Two beautiful children. An amazing wife. I needed to take care of myself. My children don't need to suffer like I did when I lost my dad at an early age. My wife doesn't need to deal with the emptiness and pain of losing a husband.

    10 months later. 100 pounds later. I'm the athlete that I was and I feel amazing.
  • lizherman3
    When I was having a lazy day and put on a t-shirt that usually is really baggy on me and realized it was really tight and uncomfortable.
  • Dianne1
    Dianne1 Posts: 19 Member
    I have an arthritic right knee and was to the point of using a cane and I love to walk so I had to do something. Now after dropping 28 lbs. so far I hardly know my knee is a problem. The Arthritis Society told me that for every lb I lost to multiply that by 4 and that tells you how many lbs. of pressure you have taken off you knee. So I have taken 112 lb.s of pressure off my knee. Amazing!
  • pogojr
    pogojr Posts: 83 Member
    The topper was at my annual ladies exam and my ob/gyn doctor told me that she would write a letter of recomendation for gastric bypass surgery if I wanted it. I wasn't there for my weight. That was November 2011. I waited until after Christmas to get serious, but I did lose a few pounds before my official start in January.
  • TriClaudia
    TriClaudia Posts: 51 Member
    The motivation was a little different than the actual kick in the *kitten* to get started. The motivation came in the form of a reward. I was selected for a work assignment that would take me to Peru, and I would have the opportunity to take a side trip to Machu Picchu. I knew it would be nearly impossible for me at almost 258 lbs. I dreaded the airplanes, etc. I fretted for several months about what I would do to prepare for this. I didn't want to miss out on something I'd wanted to see since I was in high school.

    As for the kick to get me moving -- It was mid-January, and I was feeding my dog. Admittedly I am very particular about his food and making sure he gets exercise. Ironic, right? Anyway, I was reading the ingredients in the Merrick canned food I buy for him, and I thought, "If I could eat like him, I'd be ok." At that moment, I was somewhat stunned by the contrast between the immense care I take selecting food for my dog, and the recklessness and complete neglect I practiced in choosing my own food.

    Some research brought me first to Bistro MD, which I still use. Then when I wanted to monitor my exercise and weekend calories I found MFP. I made the trip to Machu Picchu and was able to enjoy it. The airplane seatbelts fit. I completed my second sprint triathlon, and I'm nearly 50 lbs down from January 2012. Still on the journey.
  • pineappleroo
    pineappleroo Posts: 47 Member
    I got mistaken for my sister. She has always been obese.... I knew I had gained weight but that was the icing on the cake so to speak. Most of my life I was 100lbs lighter than her. Then and there I decided that that will NEVER happen again.
  • allnaday
    allnaday Posts: 54 Member
    A PICTURE combined with at certain number of the scale i like to forget.....
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    I have already vowed not to purchase any more larger clothing, which means my weight is only allowed to go down from here.

    I used to work with someone who always had that philosophy. She told me one time she was shopping with her daughter and she didn't fit in a pair of pants and she would have to go up a size. She didn't buy the pants, lost the weight, then bought the pants. I thought she was crazy and being too strict on herself. Now I realize that if I had the same philosophy I might not be obese. At the time she told me this, I was only 30 lbs overweight...I tried to something about it then but when I didn't see results I gave up and told myself I was happy and that I would get SERIOUS when I weighed 180-then 190. I finally became serious when I hit 218 and went down to 180-190...then I got pregnant...and now here I am at 228. I'm not giving up this fact I think I'm going to refuse to buy bigger clothes from here on out too!!
  • HippieMamaOf2
    HippieMamaOf2 Posts: 61 Member
    My doctor told me that I needed to lose a massive amount of weight before I can even begin the transplant qualification process. It was a real eye opener. I hope not to be on dialysis any longer than I have to be. I'm determined to lose this weight before my kidneys fail and start dialysis.