Fat and curves are NOT the same thing



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    But maybe their curves are because of their body fat % and they want to retain the curves that they have.


    If that's the case, then it it, like u said, fat & not natural curves. They can retain it, but thts a silly reason to stop one from being fit. Unless they don't wanna b fit, thn ooook

    Not grammar policing you but this is a bit hard understand, but you seem to be saying that if your curves are caused by BF then you are unhealthy.

    I am a low/lean/athletic, whatever the different charts call it, BF% but most of my fat is in my *kitten* - therefore making me 'curvy'. So I disagree (if that is what you are saying). If I want to stay at this BF% to retain said 'curves', how is that unhealthy or unfit?
  • FindingSexy
    FindingSexy Posts: 26 Member
  • MissMertz
    LOL I totally agree with this one!!! I'm a curvy person, but after weight gain.. I'm just "fluffy" (ok ok.. fat..) but I think once I get back down to a healthy size.. or even if I was able to become lean.. I would always be curvy just because of how my body is shaped.. I have a lot of bigger sized friends who gone on and on about how they are just curvy, not fat.. but truth is... they're overweight.. me included. I'd like to see my curves again.. no fluff and stuff for me :)
  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    I think a woman should describe herself in whatever way she sees fit, whatever makes her feel good about herself. BUT, if you are an unhealthy weight and you're choosing not to become healthy because of your "curves" or whatever you want to call it, then that's an issue. It's the same as with any other reason/excuse to not lead a healthy lifestyle...I myself at the moment have fat-induced curves, I'm hoping by the end of my journey I'll have healthy curves...we shall see.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    But maybe their curves are because of their body fat % and they want to retain the curves that they have.


    If that's the case, then it it, like u said, fat & not natural curves. They can retain it, but thts a silly reason to stop one from being fit. Unless they don't wanna b fit, thn ooook

    Not grammar policing you but this is a bit hard understand, but you seem to be saying that if your curves are caused by BF then you are unhealthy.

    I am a low/lean/athletic, whatever the different charts call it, BF% but most of my fat is in my *kitten* - therefore making me 'curvy'. So I disagree (if that is what you are saying). If I want to stay at this BF% to retain said 'curves', how is that unhealthy or unfit?

    U r fit! I would kill to have ur tummy! I'm talkin ppl who stay plump, kno what I mean?
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I think a woman should describe herself in whatever way she sees fit, whatever makes her feel good about herself. BUT, if you are an unhealthy weight and you're choosing not to become healthy because of your "curves" or whatever you want to call it, then that's an issue. It's the same as with any other reason/excuse to not lead a healthy lifestyle...I myself at the moment have fat-induced curves, I'm hoping by the end of my journey I'll have healthy curves...we shall see.

    This is what I mean ^^
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    LOL I totally agree with this one!!! I'm a curvy person, but after weight gain.. I'm just "fluffy" (ok ok.. fat..) but I think once I get back down to a healthy size.. or even if I was able to become lean.. I would always be curvy just because of how my body is shaped.. I have a lot of bigger sized friends who gone on and on about how they are just curvy, not fat.. but truth is... they're overweight.. me included. I'd like to see my curves again.. no fluff and stuff for me :)

    Yes, this is the point I was tryin to make. :)
  • Be_EmbracE
    Be_EmbracE Posts: 1,472 Member
    Yup kinda agreed. A curvy person whether fat or thinner the genetics is there bone structure n etc .. I hv always being curvy person though my body fats percentage now is 21.1%.
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    she would have to learn how to type / spell / punctuate properly first :bigsmile:
    So inform me of this:

    How does this immediately impact your life? Are you not able to make it to work because of this revelation? Are you going to write a book?

    Thank you! It was making my eye twitch.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    personally, when I hear someone say that they don't want to lose "too much" weight bc they will lose their curves, or bc they will get saggy skin, I hear excuses for why they do not want to put in the effort to lose weight.

    It's like saying I don't want to study too much bc then my brain will stretch out.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I have a natural hourglass figure, and have the same figure at any weight i've been, it just looks better when I'm smaller!

    I put on a lot of weight in my 2nd pregnancy, and now i'm 45lbs down. I still have the same 10 inch difference between my waist and hips that I had last year, only this year the measurements are each 10 inches down! I have always had big boobs too, although the thinner I get, the smaller they get, but I keep the same proportions.

    10 years ago when I was at my thinnest, I still had my curves, but was by no means fat.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I am also an hourglass and even when I was at my smallest I had curves, I had big boobs when I had a 19" waist and I always had hips and an bum, although when I was young I did not appreciate my behind, I am now told its one of my better bits...not entirely sure how to take that, so I am curvy, but when I was overweight I was FAT....I did not kid myself that my fat was curves, it padded me and HID my curves in actual fact, people now tell me I have a nice shape, nobody told me that when I was 60lb heavier
  • LeggyAmericanGirl
    LeggyAmericanGirl Posts: 285 Member
    Nice fat bashing topic. So common on these forums. Talking bout bullying atmospheres.

    Sagging skin is a concern. Let's be honest one of the motivations of everyone on here to get fit and LOOK GOOD. So yes stretch marks and sagging skins are valid concerns and worrying bout them doesnt make you bad person.

    I love these chicks that lose weight and then bash those that were their size.

    I have lots of friends that are thinner and fitter than the OP and they are supportive and not a JERK.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    oh yeah, curves ARE related to fat, not bones.. there is no waist bone....curves are based on where your body places fat stores.

    i mean have you ever seen a curvy skeleton?? :laugh:

    I have wide hip bones, so my hips will be "curvy" no matter how much weight I lose. When I was at my lowest adult weight of 103 pounds at 5'4", I still had a huge curve to my hip. Pretty sure the curve is even larger when I lose weight and no longer have fat because it really is because of bone.

    So yes, my skeleton would be curvy at the hips.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    so will women get bulky from lifting too much weight?

    LMAO why do I feel like ur a troll?
    No, they wont :P

    It depends on your idea of bulky. If you don't want to look anywhere near a body builder, you gotta know when to stop
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    Nice fat bashing topic. So common on these forums. Talking bout bullying atmospheres.

    Sagging skin is a concern. Let's be honest one of the motivations of everyone on here to get fit and LOOK GOOD. So yes stretch marks and sagging skins are valid concerns and worrying bout them doesnt make you bad person.

    I love these chicks that lose weight and then bash those that were their size.

    I have lots of friends that are thinner and fitter than the OP and they are supportive and not a JERK.

    Gee, hope this doesn't start a debate. Way to go OP, causing a *kitten* storm in the comments, lol. Howeverrr, I agree with the above comment. What OP is basically saying is, "You're not allowed to call yourself curvy, call yourself fat instead." I have no problem with the adjective fat, doesn't bother me any, however you probably knew what kind of reaction you were going to receive from this post no doubt. And to be honest, it's really none of your concern/business what other people chose to call themselves whether it be fat, curvy, chunky, whatever.

    I don't mean to be rude at all, that is how it comes off to me. Snide and condescending. Perhaps you should post something more positive and empowering instead of coming off as you are. This is a supporting site after all, isn't it? We're all here to HELP ONE ANOTHER. You're not giving anyone any new information, as was said before you might as well have posted something like "hey guys, muscle weighs more than fat!" Everyone on this website has probably done their fair share of research and is on this site because they want to lose weight, be healthy and look better. Try not to look down your nose at people and be more supportive, and don't say you aren't, because with this whole topic.. I mean, the title speaks for itself. C'mon now. Be nice.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Nice fat bashing topic. So common on these forums. Talking bout bullying atmospheres.

    Sagging skin is a concern. Let's be honest one of the motivations of everyone on here to get fit and LOOK GOOD. So yes stretch marks and sagging skins are valid concerns and worrying bout them doesnt make you bad person.

    I love these chicks that lose weight and then bash those that were their size.

    I have lots of friends that are thinner and fitter than the OP and they are supportive and not a JERK.

    Tho u may like to think I'm bashing, I'm not. I'm not bullying either. I am just saying tht sum ppl use tht as an excuse. They don't want to lose their curves. I was just pointing out that they wouldn't if they really were curvy. It's a poor excuse to stay overweight. People who want to stay softer, but are still healthy, then I am perfectly ok with tht. I just dont like the excuses.
    Thanks for pointing out I'm not thin or fit. I already know I'm not. I'm still fat. Nice to know I'm such a jerk when I get told how much of an inspiration I am all the time & I have AMAZING friends on my list. Yes, I must be a horrible person.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Nice fat bashing topic. So common on these forums. Talking bout bullying atmospheres.

    Sagging skin is a concern. Let's be honest one of the motivations of everyone on here to get fit and LOOK GOOD. So yes stretch marks and sagging skins are valid concerns and worrying bout them doesnt make you bad person.

    I love these chicks that lose weight and then bash those that were their size.

    I have lots of friends that are thinner and fitter than the OP and they are supportive and not a JERK.

    Tho u may like to think I'm bashing, I'm not. I'm not bullying either. I am just saying tht sum ppl use tht as an excuse. They don't want to lose their curves. I was just pointing out that they wouldn't if they really were curvy. It's a poor excuse to stay overweight. People who want to stay softer, but are still healthy, then I am perfectly ok with tht. I just dont like the excuses.
    Thanks for pointing out I'm not thin or fit. I already know I'm not. I'm still fat. Nice to know I'm such a jerk when I get told how much of an inspiration I am all the time & I have AMAZING friends on my list. Yes, I must be a horrible person.

    Not a horrible person but horribly inconsiderate maybe. Just because you've managed to reach your goal weight doesn't mean that you have the right to say what is/isn't an excuse. Just because someone says they want to keep their curves doesn't automatically mean they're making an excuse--maybe it's their way of expressing a desire to be healthy yet retain a feminine physique--how do you know the difference? You're saying you're okay with that but what if that's precisely what they meant?

    Also, no one called you "not thin" or "not fit" ...merely that there are thinner and fitter people who don't go around making people feel bad about their goals. You are saying she said something that she did not say.
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    Nice fat bashing topic. So common on these forums. Talking bout bullying atmospheres.

    Sagging skin is a concern. Let's be honest one of the motivations of everyone on here to get fit and LOOK GOOD. So yes stretch marks and sagging skins are valid concerns and worrying bout them doesnt make you bad person.

    I love these chicks that lose weight and then bash those that were their size.

    I have lots of friends that are thinner and fitter than the OP and they are supportive and not a JERK.

    Tho u may like to think I'm bashing, I'm not. I'm not bullying either. I am just saying tht sum ppl use tht as an excuse. They don't want to lose their curves. I was just pointing out that they wouldn't if they really were curvy. It's a poor excuse to stay overweight. People who want to stay softer, but are still healthy, then I am perfectly ok with tht. I just dont like the excuses.
    Thanks for pointing out I'm not thin or fit. I already know I'm not. I'm still fat. Nice to know I'm such a jerk when I get told how much of an inspiration I am all the time & I have AMAZING friends on my list. Yes, I must be a horrible person.

    No one said you're not thin or fit. Saying you shouldn't be fat bashing isn't the same thing as calling you fat.

    To all the people who are so concerned with what other people call themselves, if I walk around calling my 326 lb self "skinny", why would you care? You're going to wake up tomorrow, eat, go to the bathroom, go about about your daily duties, and go to bed. Your world isn't shaken because someone you don't think is curvy calls themselves curvy.

    Also, can we stop it with the netspeak?
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Also, can we stop it with the netspeak?

    Well, I think OP would need to use something other than her phone to post.

    And just to be on topic, I'm fat, not curvy.