MFP Friending 101



  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Why would you want to be friends with someone who doesn't care enough to even say hello?

    That's what seems weird to me.

    Personally, I deny people every day for this simple breach of etiquette. I also clean out my FL a couple of times a week to keep it to people who are supportive, active, and awesome. *GASP*

    For everyone else, there's sarahwhynacht.
    Excuse me?

    Well, you did say you don't decline anyone....

    Yes, I did say that. HOWEVER, I do clean out my FL quite often and seem to follow similar rules as you. Don't worry, no FR coming your way from me - not that you will care anyway.


    Though that is part of the beauty of having such a huge network here; there's someone for everyone. Not every person's method works for everyone else & that's totally fine.
  • pigeonhugger
    pigeonhugger Posts: 81 Member
    i dont get friend requests :(

    ahhhh i just got a friend request.... without a message! ahhhhhhhh
  • xo_Sarah_xo
    xo_Sarah_xo Posts: 308 Member
    i dont get friend requests :(

    ahhhh i just got a friend request.... without a message! ahhhhhhhh

    Saw that coming a mile away...:wink:
  • embercakez
    **please add a brief message as to why you are adding me. no message = no add!**
    *also if you are looking for an anorexic or bulimic friend, I am NOT it! so do NOT add me!!!*

    those are the only two things I ask. you don't have to lift or eat like me...just be fun and supportive and eat!
  • pigeonhugger
    pigeonhugger Posts: 81 Member
    i dont get friend requests :(

    ahhhh i just got a friend request.... without a message! ahhhhhhhh

    Saw that coming a mile away...:wink:

    hahah predictable right. seriously though.. it was my first friend request haha
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    i dont get friend requests :(

    ahhhh i just got a friend request.... without a message! ahhhhhhhh

    Saw that coming a mile away...:wink:

    hahah predictable right. seriously though.. it was my first friend request haha

    Jokes on you because it was from me, and I am a certified creeper.
  • pigeonhugger
    pigeonhugger Posts: 81 Member
    i dont get friend requests :(

    ahhhh i just got a friend request.... without a message! ahhhhhhhh

    Saw that coming a mile away...:wink:

    hahah predictable right. seriously though.. it was my first friend request haha

    Jokes on you because it was from me, and I am a certified creeper.

    beggers cant be choosers :)
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    Why concern yourself over such menial things? I am just glad I am able to inspire others and be inspired, I don't need a message or a justification for a friendship.


    Why concern yourselves with what diet certain people are following?
    Why concern yourselves with what I'm wearing in my profile photo on Friday (or Thursday or any other day of the week)?
    Why concern yourselves with whether I do more cardio or lifting?
    Why concern yourselves with the number of friends I have or don't have & how I accumulate them?
    Why concern yourselves with how many glasses of water I drink or don't drink?
    Why concern yourselves with my food choices, whether I eat processed, clean or fast food 3 days a week?
    Why concern yourselves with my intake of alcohol?

    Why? Because we're all human...we all have things that are important to us and concern us and things we're passionate about. Some of us genuinely want to teach others what has worked for us and what science says is the best way to lose weight and get a healthier you. That's why...some of us care. Some of us just come to the forums to troll and make trouble...

    We're all human and we behave in strange ways sometimes. The OP has ever right to ask her question and state her way of doing things. She was simply asking for your thoughts. Lighten up people. :drinker:
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I don't really care about the messages, although I wish I knew where the messages go because I've gotten some really nice ones, and some really long ones. Mainly what I hate is when they judge my diet entries. It makes me what to close my diary, and then when I close my diary everyone asks why, we want to see it?
  • glenette1
    glenette1 Posts: 140 Member
    Personally, I really don't care. I will accept friend requests without a message but I like to keep my friend list small as I'm on here for a purpose (I have facebook for social media). I will accept someone because I assume there is a reason they clicked add friend to begin with. If I find we are not interacting, I will delete. It's that simple. No over thinking it.
  • ktillotson14
    Maybe it's because I'm new to MFP but I had nooo idea people took "friending" so seriously....
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    OP you are one of my friend favorites because you make me giggle.

    Seriously though, I don't know why it is a big deal.

    Yeah, but Zach, you're hot so.... there's that.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    A little message with their friend request would be nice. "Hi" or "I saw your post in x thread" etc.

    What really bothers me and gets a big fat denial stamp is when they leave no message, so you go to their profile and they never filled it out! Come on!! I'd like to learn 1 tiny thing about you before I approve.

    These people seem to be the ones who friend 100 people on their first day of MFP and then totally forget about this site and never log back in again.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    If someone sends me a request and has a profile page with NOTHING filled in or that is completely private, I usually decline. You can say a lot about yourself without revealing anything personal.
  • well put :)
  • brandyss
    brandyss Posts: 156 Member
    I except all requests message or not I always have the option to delete
  • joveen86
    joveen86 Posts: 121 Member
    @ OP Why oh why do you like *kitten*?? They're so mean !!
  • Sick_Beard
    Sick_Beard Posts: 407 Member
    Why concern yourself over such menial things? I am just glad I am able to inspire others and be inspired, I don't need a message or a justification for a friendship.


    Why concern yourselves with what diet certain people are following?
    Why concern yourselves with what I'm wearing in my profile photo on Friday (or Thursday or any other day of the week)?
    Why concern yourselves with whether I do more cardio or lifting?
    Why concern yourselves with the number of friends I have or don't have & how I accumulate them?
    Why concern yourselves with how many glasses of water I drink or don't drink?
    Why concern yourselves with my food choices, whether I eat processed, clean or fast food 3 days a week?
    Why concern yourselves with my intake of alcohol?

    Why? Because we're all human...we all have things that are important to us and concern us and things we're passionate about. Some of us genuinely want to teach others what has worked for us and what science says is the best way to lose weight and get a healthier you. That's why...some of us care. Some of us just come to the forums to troll and make trouble...

    We're all human and we behave in strange ways sometimes. The OP has ever right to ask her question and state her way of doing things. She was simply asking for your thoughts. Lighten up people. :drinker:

    To each his own, I just stated my opinion as requested.
  • ktillotson14
    Why concern yourself over such menial things? I am just glad I am able to inspire others and be inspired, I don't need a message or a justification for a friendship.


    Why concern yourselves with what diet certain people are following?
    Why concern yourselves with what I'm wearing in my profile photo on Friday (or Thursday or any other day of the week)?
    Why concern yourselves with whether I do more cardio or lifting?
    Why concern yourselves with the number of friends I have or don't have & how I accumulate them?
    Why concern yourselves with how many glasses of water I drink or don't drink?
    Why concern yourselves with my food choices, whether I eat processed, clean or fast food 3 days a week?
    Why concern yourselves with my intake of alcohol?

    Why? Because we're all human...we all have things that are important to us and concern us and things we're passionate about. Some of us genuinely want to teach others what has worked for us and what science says is the best way to lose weight and get a healthier you. That's why...some of us care. Some of us just come to the forums to troll and make trouble...

    We're all human and we behave in strange ways sometimes. The OP has ever right to ask her question and state her way of doing things. She was simply asking for your thoughts. Lighten up people. :drinker:

    To each his own, I just stated my opinion as requested.

    Such passion over a friend request! :)
  • joveen86
    joveen86 Posts: 121 Member
    Why concern yourself over such menial things? I am just glad I am able to inspire others and be inspired, I don't need a message or a justification for a friendship.


    Why concern yourselves with what diet certain people are following?
    Why concern yourselves with what I'm wearing in my profile photo on Friday (or Thursday or any other day of the week)?
    Why concern yourselves with whether I do more cardio or lifting?
    Why concern yourselves with the number of friends I have or don't have & how I accumulate them?
    Why concern yourselves with how many glasses of water I drink or don't drink?
    Why concern yourselves with my food choices, whether I eat processed, clean or fast food 3 days a week?
    Why concern yourselves with my intake of alcohol?

    Why? Because we're all human...we all have things that are important to us and concern us and things we're passionate about. Some of us genuinely want to teach others what has worked for us and what science says is the best way to lose weight and get a healthier you. That's why...some of us care. Some of us just come to the forums to troll and make trouble...

    We're all human and we behave in strange ways sometimes. The OP has ever right to ask her question and state her way of doing things. She was simply asking for your thoughts. Lighten up people. :drinker:

    To each his own, I just stated my opinion as requested.

    Such passion over a friend request! :)

    Hhahahaa ^^^^