MFP Friending 101



  • blueeylb
    blueeylb Posts: 297 Member
    good point! i try to include common threads.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I accept all friend requests but I delete really quickly...

    In the past, I've accepted a blank friend request from a person with a private profile, only to read their profile and then delete them because I was sure that we wouldn't get along.

    It's one more click... not much work and I don't mind.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member

    Such passion over a friend request! :)

    Internet forums have a tendency to turn even the most mundane things into subjects of fervorous debate. :)
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    some people take this **** way too seriously

    Thank you!! Out of my list of friends may 6 have replied to my stuff? Shoud I unfriend everyone who hasn't?

    If people friend me, does that make me a "friend collector?"?
    How do you know whe friended who?

    How often do you want someone to post on your stuff? Every time you finish logging your food/exercise?
    Do you want people to just pat you on the back or encourage you to do better next time when ate 1 serving of veggies?

    Once a week enough? How do you keep track?

    This sounds snarky, but honestly, how much do you expect out of your mfp friends?
  • pigeonhugger
    pigeonhugger Posts: 81 Member

    Such passion over a friend request! :)

    Internet forums have a tendency to turn even the most mundane things into subjects of fervorous debate. :)

    ^^ this
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    I'm not a big fan of getting a friend request without a note with it. It says so right in my profile, so obviously you didn't read that before you sent one!
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    yeah!!! and also...getting a blank friend request and NO communication AT ALL after that. Makes me wonder what they wanted?:noway:
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    Just an FYI, I friended someone who I couldn't even SEE their profile. So if you put "leave a message in friend requests" and expect people to see that, but have your profile hidden, maybe now you know why people keep sending the bank requests. Granted I'm sure some folks would send them regardless, I'm just pointing out that if you make your profile only viewable by friends, non-friends can't see anything other than your profile photo.
  • cassiepv
    cassiepv Posts: 242 Member
    I don't understand why . Who cares ? What magical message am I gonna send you that makes you click accept ? If I find you it's obviously from a group or forum .
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member

    What's your requirement in a friend request?

    Ah. No wonder we're not friends. :laugh:

    I totally agree with you OP. :drinker:

    I get that some don't care who they accept but I prefer to be selective so my FL doesn't get huge. I have awesome friends and I like to be able to interact with them. Too many people on a FL can be distracting.

    Plus I don't want to waste all this fabulousness on someone that won't appreciate it.
  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member

    What's your requirement in a friend request?

    Ah. No wonder we're not friends. :laugh:

    I totally agree with you OP. :drinker:

    I get that some don't care who they accept but I prefer to be selective so my FL doesn't get huge. I have awesome friends and I like to be able to interact with them. Too many people on a FL can be distracting.

    Plus I don't want to waste all this fabulousness on someone that won't appreciate it.
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    Just an FYI, I friended someone who I couldn't even SEE their profile. So if you put "leave a message in friend requests" and expect people to see that, but have your profile hidden, maybe now you know why people keep sending the bank requests. Granted I'm sure some folks would send them regardless, I'm just pointing out that if you make your profile only viewable by friends, non-friends can't see anything other than your profile photo.

    This ^^ most rational thing anyone's said so far. I get that some people interact a lot and value the friendships found in mutual support and motivation, but you can still motivate and inspire without being that involved. I'm not a friend collector but I know I'm not as active on here as some people on my friend list, I still have the same aim as most people on here - get healthy!
  • sagefitnessfanatic
    It doesn't matter if you send a message or not. To me, it's obvious why you sent the FR - this is a fitness site. We obviously share a common goal : ). Now Facebook, where I have more personal information and family and friends' pix...yeah if we don't have at least one mutual friend (and even then I send a msg asking how do I know you), I need to know why you sent the FR.

    I do send messages with my MFP FR though...i realize some think it's polite (which it is but I don't think it's impolite if you don't). No biggie to me : )
  • kallisto208
    I so <3 you Sarah :D I need to make a trip to Tulsa one of these weekends soon lol
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    This sounds snarky, but honestly, how much do you expect out of your mfp friends?

    A lot more than some might expect. We like to play games on my wall, and I want to know that not only will you participate once in a while, but also that you won't get your panties in a twist or butthurt because someone said a dirty word or voiced an opinion you disagree with.

    Yes, MFP is my Facebook. It's crucial to my weight loss success that I WANT to come back here every day and log my food an exercise. If I were here JUST for those things, guess what?

    "SarahQT2012 has not logged in for 2 weeks!"
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member

    Such passion over a friend request! :)

    Internet forums have a tendency to turn even the most mundane things into subjects of fervorous debate. :)

    I know, what's up with that? I hope i don't get unfriended too much in December. I will try and remember to post i'll be super busy with 3 birthdays in our house , 2 major Christmas parties (one out of state) and then Christmas.
  • titi4j
    titi4j Posts: 97 Member
    sum form literassy ? *kitten*. ....I'm out
    You are hilarious!!!
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    what is the point of having "friends" here if you have no intention of supporting, getting to know, laughing, crying with, etc. what is the point? this is not myspace, it's not a place to just collect people.

    If I had loads of friends in real life with the same mentality, goals and disciplines, I wouldn't be here, it's simple. So why not just send a message, say hey, say why you think it would be nice to hang out here and then follow through?

    it's not that difficult.

    to answer the question, I expect a little interaction and support. I know that question probably wasn't for me, but there you go.
  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    Folks, we all know it's just good common sense to include a message with your friend request. So, please, stop sending me and my friends blank requests. There WILL be a test on this later. Class dismissed.


    What's your requirement in a friend request? Do they have to mention something you stated in your profile? Share a favorite exercise or similar diet? I know at least one person that requires answers to 3 random questions. I'm considering implementing a personality test.

    Personally, I just want to know you are literate and have some sense of humor. Bonus if you're a sarcastic *kitten*. I don't think I ask for much.

    I'm like the fat, geeky kid in high school. I'm not going to turn down what I don't see a lot of, so most friend requests are accepted.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    This sounds snarky, but honestly, how much do you expect out of your mfp friends?

    A lot more than some might expect. We like to play games on my wall, and I want to know that not only will you participate once in a while, but also that you won't get your panties in a twist or butthurt because someone said a dirty word or voiced an opinion you disagree with.

    Yes, MFP is my Facebook. It's crucial to my weight loss success that I WANT to come back here every day and log my food an exercise. If I were here JUST for those things, guess what?

    "SarahQT2012 has not logged in for 2 weeks!"

    You have over 160 mfp friends. How do you keep track of posting and genuinely encouraging each one of them? That's easily 90 mins just to do that!