Breastfeeding pics - Curious



  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    I've been breastfeeding my son for almost 6 months. I went to an BFing awareness group when he was about 3 months old and got a professional pic taken and posted it. It was really tasteful, no nipple or anything. I don't think I would post a pic I personally took but the pic I posted seemed so beautiful and natural.

    Edit: Here we are... I think it's totally natural and though, yes, it is personal, it shouldn't be taboo.


    You rock, mama! :)
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    A couple of thoughts.
    1. Typically you see more cleavage and breast in most womens shirts than you do when a baby is nursing and covering most of the breast, and they don't seem to have a problem flashing those shots on fb or in profile pics. i.e. the original posters profile pic shows way more cleavage than a nursing mom could show unless she totally removed her shirt and purposely hung her baby off to the side to expose as much as she could.
    2. You can nurse a baby and tuck your shirt around closer to their mouth and nobody sees anything.
    3. God designed women's bodies to be ready to feed their baby whenever that baby is hungry, so why should I go selquester myself for fear of a camera.
    4. Although I don't actively take shots of me breastfeeding just to post them, there are pics in which I am breastfeeding. It doesn't bother me one bit.
    5. With all that said, I do not nurse my twins at the same time out in public. There is way to much skin shown and not enough arms to keep things covered. I do nurse them one at a time in public everywhere from the park, to the museum, to the store, to at church. So if you take a picture of me chances are I might be nursing one of the babies. They really like to eat!

    I agree! I was very shy about BFing with my first and it didn't go well. I struggled to BF her 6 months. My other 7 children were all BF for at least 12 months (one of them until 26 months). I grew up in Europe and it is much more tolerant of nudity there. I would much rather see a woman caring for her child than a half naked girl at a bar doing body shots off of random people (I have a cousin who posted those to FB, REALLY!!!!?).
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I've been breastfeeding my son for almost 6 months. I went to an BFing awareness group when he was about 3 months old and got a professional pic taken and posted it. It was really tasteful, no nipple or anything. I don't think I would post a pic I personally took but the pic I posted seemed so beautiful and natural.

    Edit: Here we are... I think it's totally natural and though, yes, it is personal, it shouldn't be taboo.


    You rock, mama! :)

    beautiful!! Happy momma and happy baby!
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    What I always found ironic was that people see a lamb suckling on its mother in a field and the initial reaction is awwwwwww how cuteeee but when some of the same people see a baby feeding from its Mother they are disgusted.
    You can't tell the difference between an animal and a human being? I don't see the irony at all. BTW It's not disgusting to me, it's just not something I want to relate to when I'm shopping, or eating my meal. It's like seeing a cow giving birth to a bull calf, and then having a human give birth to a baby(obviously an extreme, but it's a bodily function that I don't think everyone is comfortable seeing and should be as private as it can be[whether that's a blanket or just covering it up as much.)]

    A mother feeding her child is a natural thing. I have no issues with it . Most mothers show less while nursing than most women show at the beach.

    That's two different things though.

    My opinion could change if I ever have a child and I see what my wife has to go through. I know it can be hard trying to accommodate to everyone and having your baby eat every few hours. It's tough, they go through a lot.

    Did I mention you? No, did I say I couldn't see the difference between humans and animals? NO so don't take what I said as a personal attack as it wasn't, I stated my opinion on what I felt was ironic, 2 natural situations, one is cute the other is seen by some as disgusting., Saying that we are all mammals and have breasts for feeding our kids, society has made it into the mess it is now, something that women are harassed for and made to feel ashamed of. Yes I did feed my child, no I did not do it in public, that was my personal choice and not because I am ashamed but because I am big busted and lets say that's not an easy job :P

    Nothing personal man just a healthy discussion. :)

    People is a general term, so sorry if you weren't referring to me lol. I'm not saying woman should be ashamed either, I just think there's a limit to how public the breastfeeding should be.
    I'm curious as to how you plan to 'limit' breastfeeding in public. Legislation?

    It's legal to do. I can't do anything about it. Nor do I care enough to change the human rights legislation. It's not like I see it everywhere I go. Don't worry you don't have to choke the life out of me. I'll just live to deal with it. Woe, is me.
  • Ke11yJo
    Ke11yJo Posts: 141
    I've been breastfeeding my son for almost 6 months. I went to an BFing awareness group when he was about 3 months old and got a professional pic taken and posted it. It was really tasteful, no nipple or anything. I don't think I would post a pic I personally took but the pic I posted seemed so beautiful and natural.

    Edit: Here we are... I think it's totally natural and though, yes, it is personal, it shouldn't be taboo.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: I so wish I had pics of my two children like that ... brought tears to my eyes ... :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    if you can post pics of babies with bottles, then you should be able to post pics of babies breast feeding. its the same deal. actually breastfeding is the better deal. lol. no nipples tho.
  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    I've been breastfeeding my son for almost 6 months. I went to an BFing awareness group when he was about 3 months old and got a professional pic taken and posted it. It was really tasteful, no nipple or anything. I don't think I would post a pic I personally took but the pic I posted seemed so beautiful and natural.

    Edit: Here we are... I think it's totally natural and though, yes, it is personal, it shouldn't be taboo.


    Beautiful!! It is so funny that people get all shocked if a woman is feeding her baby in public yet they those same people would not have a problem with a scantly clad woman letting someone do body shots off of her. If it was a man attached to that nipple they are like "hell yeah" but if it is a baby they get all "oh gosh cover those things up or no one wants to see a child eating" that is just plain STUPID!! Breast are for feeding babies!!
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    "Nothing personal man just a healthy discussion. :)

    People is a general term, so sorry if you weren't referring to me lol. I'm not saying woman should be ashamed either, I just think there's a limit to how public the breastfeeding should be."

    you should be a comedian! that'd be the day someone would ever tell me where and when i can feed my baby! thats absolutly ridiculus. its not like smoking cigarettes in a restaraunt or some thing. its not harmful to other patrons. what should we sit in the bathroom and feed our babies in hiding? would you want to eat ur dinner next to a toilet?!!

    edit-quote didnt work for me.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    I had a professional shot of me breastfeeding my daughter and it is beautiful. I cherish that pix, but would not post on a public site. I just wouldn't want someone seeing my HUGE (at the time) breast, even if only the side. I am very vocal about breastfeeding though. I nursed both of my children for a year....BREAST IS BEST! Anyway, I nursed everywhere in public but with a cover. It is beautiful, but I prefer to cover myself. Out of respect for my husband, too, as I'm sure he wouldn't want me showing myself online or in person.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    It's a non-issue. It is a photo of boobs doing what they are meant to do, nourish a child. Society has sexualized them. Breastfeeding is a beautiful thing, a natural thing

  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157
    I don't like seeing it when I'm having dinner at a restaurant.

    Yes I can look away, but it's the crash scene effect where you sometimes can't help, but look.

    I think it should be kept between her and the child, but it's not my call to make as I'm 99% sure it's legal thing to do anywhere.

    As for the facebook picture, yeah I don't know why she would post that and think her friends would want to see it... ?

    Sounds like something you have personal issues with- issues you may choose to look into or not. (I think it has a lot to do with how we are raised, honestly.) Unfortunately MANY people still look at breastfeeding as something to be ashamed of and shrink into the shadows to do. It is sad that our society has made breasts hyper-sexualized to the point that that XXX is the only thing someone can think of when a mamma whips one out to feed her hungry baby- a baby I might mention that could care LESS about what might be convenient or for the passers by!

    Breastfeeding is totally natural, normal, and I WISH PEOPLE WOULD GET OVER THEIR CRAP AND SUPPORT MOMS WHO BREASTFEED. {deep breath} It is this kind of "eew, why would I want to see that?" attitude that pushes mom's with little to no support into bottle feeding because they are worried about the judgements they will have to deal with.

    I say, if a baby is hungry, feed them anytime, anywhere.

    It never weirded me out before I had kids, but once I HAD kids, I truly understood the absolute awesomeness that BFing is.

    If you don't have kids/never tried to BF/never successfully breastfed, then I can understand why you might not see this absolute awesomeness.
    But, please, even if it is difficult, TRY to put insecurities aside and support BFing moms. :)

  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157
    As long as its really a baby and not yet able to ask for it with words, it doesn't bother me.

    So- a child's nutrition should hinge on when they begin to speak?? This is VERY silly and closed minded.

    That is all I have to say.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member

    although I am pro-breast feeding and don't havea problem with it in public I was unhappy with Time magazine using this pic as their cover. I'm sure it was for the shock value. This pic does not show the loving, comforting nature of breast feeding but is more an in-your-face-I-can-breastfeed-whever-I-want-to pic. I have no problem with extended breastfeeding. I have breastfeed up to 26 months but the way Time magazine portrayed breastfeeding in this shot demeans the act and IMO sexualizes it. I would have perferred they showed a more nurturing photo. I also HATE the title of the article (Are your Mom Enough?). There are several reasons some people can not breastfeed. We should not be pitting women against each other. We should be lifting each other up. Time magazine epically failed on this one!
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    Sounds like something you have personal issues with- issues you may choose to look into or not. (I think it has a lot to do with how we are raised, honestly.) Unfortunately MANY people still look at breastfeeding as something to be ashamed of and shrink into the shadows to do. It is sad that our society has made breasts hyper-sexualized to the point that that XXX is the only thing someone can think of when a mamma whips one out to feed her hungry baby- a baby I might mention that could care LESS about what might be convenient or for the passers by!

    You peaked my interest and I asked my mom what she thought of breastfeeding in public. She said she didn't care. I asked my sister(23) and thought it was gross. I asked a coupe of my girlfriends(22, 20, 21) and thought it should be private.

    I don't think it is anything to be ashamed of. The passed couple pictures of breastfeeding don't remind me of anything sexual. But when I think of boobs itself my first thought is sexual and I think that's what is causing me to think of it as a "private thing." So you might have a point here. :smile:
    If you don't have kids/never tried to BF/never successfully breastfed, then I can understand why you might not see this absolute awesomeness.
    But, please, even if it is difficult, TRY to put insecurities aside and support BFing moms. :)


    And this is why I asked my friends, sister, and mom. The only one that didn't have a problem with it was my mom. Which has gone through motherhood. And is over 50.

    You never know when someone might bring up a good point to make you sit and think.
  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    I've been breastfeeding my son for almost 6 months. I went to an BFing awareness group when he was about 3 months old and got a professional pic taken and posted it. It was really tasteful, no nipple or anything. I don't think I would post a pic I personally took but the pic I posted seemed so beautiful and natural.

    Edit: Here we are... I think it's totally natural and though, yes, it is personal, it shouldn't be taboo.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: I so wish I had pics of my two children like that ... brought tears to my eyes ... :heart: :heart: :heart:

    what a beautiful photo! I the bond is so amazing, I know why mothers will post pictures...if you have never breastfed, you wouldn't understand why some mothers will want to share their experience! The love between the baby and the mother is something that you can see especially during nursing! I personally have photos of me nursing both my children, but I won't show them to anyone...just for myself and my hubby to have! But I don't have a problem at ALL with other women posting pictures. Its the best thing for babies, the best thing for moms, and the bond is so great sometimes its just hard to hide :)
  • morgaine108
    I am so happy to see so many positive responses to this. In the general public, it generally doesn't seem to be that way. Any time I read an article on a common news site about nursing in public or pictures, there seem to be about an equal number of naysayers and it always depresses me. Weeknd - Glad to see that the discussion made you think about it a bit. Honestly, it is a bit different if you haven't been a Mom. Even though my Mom nursed all of us and I saw it quite a bit growing up I was a big surprised the first time a friend of a friend very non nonchalantly started feeding her toddler. I didn't even notice her begin and then I looked down for a sec and he was there. It bothered me that it shocked me though, and now I know better. I nursed both my boys to 2 1/2 and they both quit all on their own with no prodding from me (other than them starting to eat more and more solid food). With my first I tried to hide all the time. It was frustrating, embarrassing, and hugely inconvenient. With my second, I had a 4 year old who is ADHD and mildly autistic to keep track of in addition to the little one and I didn't care anymore. My baby was hungry, and I needed to keep track of my other child.....and all the chaos that the two of them together entailed it was virtually impossible to get anything constructive done with the day if I tried to schedule outings around feedings.

    I posted one pic on my FB of my youngest nursing. Not alot showing, but I basically posted it during an awareness week. I am glad to have some pics of us bonding in that way. I don't show the pics to people often, but I wouldn't be uncomfortable to show one if someone was interested or the topic came up.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Considering your avatar shows more boob (along with many other women's avatars around here) show more of the female body and boobs than a breastfeeding mother does... I really couldn't care less... I couldn't care less if a woman did in the middle of a restuarant either... Perhaps if more women did it and did it in public it would be less of a taboo and people wouldn't feel the need to rubber neck it either.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I've been breastfeeding my son for almost 6 months. I went to an BFing awareness group when he was about 3 months old and got a professional pic taken and posted it. It was really tasteful, no nipple or anything. I don't think I would post a pic I personally took but the pic I posted seemed so beautiful and natural.

    Edit: Here we are... I think it's totally natural and though, yes, it is personal, it shouldn't be taboo.


    Seeing this makes me miss breastfeeding.... But not the nursing bras.
  • bennysammysofie
    my wife breastfed all our kids...still breastfeeding our daughter. I pray everytime she pulls em out in public that some moron would say something...pray pray pray! U girls keep feeding those babies the natural way! Heck, saves a **** load of money, thats for sure!
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    If a person has ever walked past a Victoria's Secret storefront without raising the flag of prudish indignation, that person shouldn't have a damn thing to say about breastfeeding.