Breastfeeding pics - Curious



  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    my wife breastfed all our kids...still breastfeeding our daughter. I pray everytime she pulls em out in public that some moron would say something...pray pray pray! U girls keep feeding those babies the natural way! Heck, saves a **** load of money, thats for sure!
    Finally someone who knows exactly how I feel. If some fool tried to prevent MY wife from feeding MY kid, somebody would be cleaning them off the floor with a mop. The need to protect your family is instinctual.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    My best friend died of breast cancer at age 36, on Mother's Day 2009.
    As her friends stocked her freezer with food and cleaned her house a few days before her double mastectomy, she and I were in the kitchen talking, and she told me that she regretted having NO pictures of her breastfeeding her three girls. I couldn't believe it. Really, not one picture? Why not?

    Yes, I do take pictures of myself and my children breastfeeding. Why wouldn't I? And why should I think that those pictures of my baby should be kept private? There is nothing wrong/sexual/gross about a mother feeding her child, however she chooses to do it. I see pictures of women proudly flashing their breasts all over facebook, MFP, the web, tv, billboards, magazines solely for the purpose of getting sexual attention. I could care less about sexual attention from strangers, but I'm mighty proud of my breasts for growing strong healthy babies.
    If I were on my home computer, I'd post some. They are some of the most beautiful newborn pictures we have.
  • Chapter3point6
    how bout just deleting FB altogether......seriously. life is so much better and real without it;)

    ^^^ THIS ^^^

    I just got done watching Friday's episode of Shark Tank, show on ABC. A woman shared a story of how she was fired because her boss wouldn't let her take a break to pump her milk. She sued and used the money to start her own business.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    On those mentioning "it's natural", "intended purpose of a breast" as an argument...
    How do you feel about people making love in public?
    This is certainly 'natural' and the "intended purpose" - how else do all those babies get made?

    I have seen this several times when at Glastonbury Festival and me; it doesn't bother me at all.
    But I suspect a lot using said arguments may feel differently.

    Also of note, I'm always surprised (but again, not offended) that you'll often see top-less women on advertising in 'continental Europe', similarly women will often go topless at beaches.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    It only bothers me when it's in-person and it's someone I know. Then I feel uncomfortable, like I'm watching something I shouldn't. But overall I don't have a problem with it.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Trying to draw a comparison between feeding a baby in public and making love in public (or using the bathroom in public--that's also a natural function), would be comparing apples to oranges.

    What we are talking about here is EATING in public. Is it normal for you and I to eat in public? Yes. Is it normal for a baby to eat in public? Yes.
    To say that an artificial nutrition source (a bottle) is ok, while the natural nutrition source (breast) is not ok is just... illogical.
  • juicy_cat
    juicy_cat Posts: 145 Member
    Lots of people put up photos of their babies eating. Not seeing the issue.

    I'm not saying it's an ISSUE. I'm asking for opinions on it because I'm curious.

    And I gave my opinion. It's a photo of a baby eating. No big deal.

  • juicy_cat
    juicy_cat Posts: 145 Member
    On those mentioning "it's natural", "intended purpose of a breast" as an argument...
    How do you feel about people making love in public?
    This is certainly 'natural' and the "intended purpose" - how else do all those babies get made?

    I have seen this several times when at Glastonbury Festival and me; it doesn't bother me at all.
    But I suspect a lot using said arguments may feel differently.

    Also of note, I'm always surprised (but again, not offended) that you'll often see top-less women on advertising in 'continental Europe', similarly women will often go topless at beaches.

    Good god this is the most stupid thing I have read in a long time...
  • Farburnfred
    Farburnfred Posts: 333 Member
    I have no issues with a woman feeding her baby. I kick myself that I EVER nursed my son in a bathroom stall because I didn't want some moron to make a comment.

    Me too :(

    I fed my children whenever they needed, I was discreet about it. But After the first few months was never embarrased about it and no women should ever be embarrased or made to feel that way about feeding their baby.

    One of the reasons that so many women struggle and sadly fail to breastfeed is that they have never seen it done until they feed their own, they have no idea how to position themselves and baby. If breastfeeding was seen everywhere then this would not be an issue.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Good god this is the most stupid thing I have read in a long time...
    Go on then - explain the error in my logic :).
    Trying to draw a comparison between feeding a baby in public and making love in public (or using the bathroom in public--that's also a natural function), would be comparing apples to oranges.
    I was not specifically comparing them, but the argument used to justify one.
    If you use the argument "it's natural" to justify one, it can reasonably be used to justify the other. Meaning that argument alone is questionable.
    What we are talking about here is EATING in public. Is it normal for you and I to eat in public? Yes. Is it normal for a baby to eat in public? Yes.
    To say that an artificial nutrition source (a bottle) is ok, while the natural nutrition source (breast) is not ok is just... illogical.
    On the face of it, it would seem illogical, until you add in that our society (UK and US anyway) considers exposed nipples to be taboo. At which point it seems quite logical that using a bottle would be ok, but doing something otherwise considered taboo would not.

    Again; me I have no problem with it. But I can quite see why someone that doesn't want breasts to be shown in other cases would expect the rule to cover ALL cases.

    I have been amused* at people who put topless pictures of themselves up on facebook after breast cancer or whatever and are then surprised and angry when they are taken down - taking a step back and understanding the rules our society works in gives a good sense of perspective.
    * Yes I know it's a serious subject.
  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    I breastfed all of our four children and I breastfed them long but I never put out pics of it. I wouldn´t put out a pic of myself with a fork in my mouth.
    But I never had a problem nursing them in public. I come from Europe, we have way less problems with that than in the US I think. We are exposed to nudity all the time without sexualising it all the time.
    Nursing can be done very discretely, no cover needed. It is a very natural thing to do, don´t see the big deal. That is what the boobs are for.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Good god this is the most stupid thing I have read in a long time...
    Go on then - explain the error in my logic :).
    Trying to draw a comparison between feeding a baby in public and making love in public (or using the bathroom in public--that's also a natural function), would be comparing apples to oranges.
    I was not specifically comparing them, but the argument used to justify one.
    If you use the argument "it's natural" to justify one, it can reasonably be used to justify the other. Meaning that argument alone is questionable.
    What we are talking about here is EATING in public. Is it normal for you and I to eat in public? Yes. Is it normal for a baby to eat in public? Yes.
    To say that an artificial nutrition source (a bottle) is ok, while the natural nutrition source (breast) is not ok is just... illogical.
    On the face of it, it would seem illogical, until you add in that our society (UK and US anyway) considers exposed nipples to be taboo. At which point it seems quite logical that using a bottle would be ok, but doing something otherwise considered taboo would not.

    Again; me I have no problem with it. But I can quite see why someone that doesn't want breasts to be shown in other cases would expect the rule to cover ALL cases.

    I have been amused* at people who put topless pictures of themselves up on facebook after breast cancer or whatever and are then surprised and angry when they are taken down - taking a step back and understanding the rules our society works in gives a good sense of perspective.
    * Yes I know it's a serious subject.
    Breathing is natural too. Good luck trying to procreate without breathing.
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    Regardless of whether it's "right" or "wrong", I personally felt that it was immodest to nurse in public without a cover. I wouldn't have been okay with exposing my breast in any circumstance so I worked to provide privacy for myself and make sure the baby was satisfied. I didn't have long to worry about it, at any rate, I dried up at 5 months postpartum.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't see it as any different than this:


    Breastfeeding is natural and beautiful. I would have no problem with a friend or family member breastfeeding at my house, in public or posting a photo on FB. I don't have kids or any maternal instincts towards human babies. I have no vested interest in it. But... WTF, it's just a boob. Everyone has them. That's what they were designed to do.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    To me, a lot of really personal stuff goes on Facebook. Not saying that I would do it, but considering the amount of other stuff people share, there's really not much difference to me.

    Couples kissing pics. Pics of mum and baby just after the birth. Bare pregnant belly pics. Baby bathtime pics. There's a ton of things that I've heard people argue that are "private" but still go on Facebook, even just talking about your personal life. No not everyone will want to see that, but have there never been any times that you don't really like reading / looking at what one of your friends posts? Don't like it that much, delete them IMO.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 440 Member
    (OK, so firstly I've been sick all weekend and am therefore extremely cranky so the part of my brain that usually censors my outbursts, bad language etc. isn't working so well. So apologies in advance if I come across as being, well, slightly aggressive here BUT... is 2012 so why the h*ll are we are having this conversation??? Seriously, breastfeeding is STILL a taboo subject for some people? What exactly would you like a mother to do with her hungry, SCREAMING baby? Should we just not leave the house at all until our children are weaned off breastmilk? Just lock mother and baby away? Sure. As for those who suggest nursing in a public toilet.... Oh dear god, I am lost for words here. Bottle fed babies have their bottles and equipment sterilised before use but breastfed babies? Well, we'll just shove them into a disease-ridden, foul-smelling WC for their sins. Seriously people, this is just embarrassing.

    It seems to me that this is more about what is appropriate to put up on FB and what is not. Why is it OK for 14, 15, 16 year old girls to put up pictures of themselves, dressed in nothing more than a few postage stamps and some dental floss, posing, duck-faced, as if they're lap dancers in training, but a mother feeding her child.... Put 'em away you awful woman, it's offensive don't you know???
    I don't like seeing it when I'm having dinner at a restaurant.

    Yes I can look away, but it's the crash scene effect where you sometimes can't help, but look.

    I think it should be kept between her and the child, but it's not my call to make as I'm 99% sure it's legal thing to do anywhere.

    As for the facebook picture, yeah I don't know why she would post that and think her friends would want to see it... ?
    The "crash scene effect"? What? It would appear to me that obviously the problem here is your discomfort with being unable to control the urge to look at a strangers' breasts as she's feeding her child. I'm 99% sure it's legal thing to do anywhere.
    I'm guessing you're <18 yrs old, no?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Look a woman breastfeeding in public. Scandalous:

  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I don't see it as any different than this:


    Breastfeeding is natural and beautiful. I would have no problem with a friend or family member breastfeeding at my house, in public or posting a photo on FB. I don't have kids or any maternal instincts towards human babies. I have no vested interest in it. But... WTF, it's just a boob. Everyone has them. That's what they were designed to do.

    *love* Cute kittens!
  • Chapter3point6
    Trying to draw a comparison between feeding a baby in public and making love in public (or using the bathroom in public--that's also a natural function), would be comparing apples to oranges.

    What we are talking about here is EATING in public. Is it normal for you and I to eat in public? Yes. Is it normal for a baby to eat in public? Yes.
    To say that an artificial nutrition source (a bottle) is ok, while the natural nutrition source (breast) is not ok is just... illogical.

    I would like to go on the record and say ladies I am totally ok with EATING in public. :wink: :tongue:
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    Does seeing cute baby animals nursing freak you out as well?