Breastfeeding pics - Curious



  • Ke11yJo
    Ke11yJo Posts: 141
    You can't tell the difference between an animal and a human being?

    Human beings ARE animals.

    I think we all tend to forget that. Great point.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    OK, I am a mom of 3, and I am no prude, but when does a breast stop being a breast just because milk comes out of it?

    The question really is, when did a breast become more than just a breast that milk comes out of? Men will fetishize anything we choose to cover. It's time to stop freaking out about breasts, because it is seriously inconvenient for people who have to make sure that helpless humans get fed.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    For those who don't like seeing it while they're eating, perhaps you should go eat YOUR dinner in the bathroom. An infant has just as much right to eat in public as you do, whether you like the way they're being fed or not.
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    You can't tell the difference between an animal and a human being?

    Human beings ARE animals.

    A form of, yes. But we are not the same.
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    What I always found ironic was that people see a lamb suckling on its mother in a field and the initial reaction is awwwwwww how cuteeee but when some of the same people see a baby feeding from its Mother they are disgusted.
    You can't tell the difference between an animal and a human being? I don't see the irony at all. BTW It's not disgusting to me, it's just not something I want to relate to when I'm shopping, or eating my meal. It's like seeing a cow giving birth to a bull calf, and then having a human give birth to a baby(obviously an extreme, but it's a bodily function that I don't think everyone is comfortable seeing and should be as private as it can be[whether that's a blanket or just covering it up as much.)]

    A mother feeding her child is a natural thing. I have no issues with it . Most mothers show less while nursing than most women show at the beach.

    That's two different things though.

    My opinion could change if I ever have a child and I see what my wife has to go through. I know it can be hard trying to accommodate to everyone and having your baby eat every few hours. It's tough, they go through a lot.

    Did I mention you? No, did I say I couldn't see the difference between humans and animals? NO so don't take what I said as a personal attack as it wasn't, I stated my opinion on what I felt was ironic, 2 natural situations, one is cute the other is seen by some as disgusting., Saying that we are all mammals and have breasts for feeding our kids, society has made it into the mess it is now, something that women are harassed for and made to feel ashamed of. Yes I did feed my child, no I did not do it in public, that was my personal choice and not because I am ashamed but because I am big busted and lets say that's not an easy job :P
  • quietasariot
    quietasariot Posts: 198 Member
    If a woman can post a half naked picture of herself here OR on facebook, then I see no problem posting a picture of your kid nursing.
  • Ke11yJo
    Ke11yJo Posts: 141
    My youngest is 18 today ... my oldest almost 21. How I wish I had pictures of me nursing them <3 Would I share on Facebook? Probably not but a very very special memory.
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    What I always found ironic was that people see a lamb suckling on its mother in a field and the initial reaction is awwwwwww how cuteeee but when some of the same people see a baby feeding from its Mother they are disgusted.
    You can't tell the difference between an animal and a human being? I don't see the irony at all. BTW It's not disgusting to me, it's just not something I want to relate to when I'm shopping, or eating my meal. It's like seeing a cow giving birth to a bull calf, and then having a human give birth to a baby(obviously an extreme, but it's a bodily function that I don't think everyone is comfortable seeing and should be as private as it can be[whether that's a blanket or just covering it up as much.)]

    A mother feeding her child is a natural thing. I have no issues with it . Most mothers show less while nursing than most women show at the beach.

    That's two different things though.

    My opinion could change if I ever have a child and I see what my wife has to go through. I know it can be hard trying to accommodate to everyone and having your baby eat every few hours. It's tough, they go through a lot.

    Did I mention you? No, did I say I couldn't see the difference between humans and animals? NO so don't take what I said as a personal attack as it wasn't, I stated my opinion on what I felt was ironic, 2 natural situations, one is cute the other is seen by some as disgusting., Saying that we are all mammals and have breasts for feeding our kids, society has made it into the mess it is now, something that women are harassed for and made to feel ashamed of. Yes I did feed my child, no I did not do it in public, that was my personal choice and not because I am ashamed but because I am big busted and lets say that's not an easy job :P

    Nothing personal man just a healthy discussion. :)

    People is a general term, so sorry if you weren't referring to me lol. I'm not saying woman should be ashamed either, I just think there's a limit to how public the breastfeeding should be.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    OK, I am a mom of 3, and I am no prude, but when does a breast stop being a breast just because milk comes out of it? I get the whole Mother Nature, all-natural, "It's a beautiful thing" crap, but please keep it to yourself and cover up in public since not everyone shares your idea of bounty.

    A breast doesn't stop being a breast. But when milk comes out of it, we are reminded that the breast is there for more than just sex. Like many others have said, you see a lot more breast from people wearing clothing than you do from a baby feeding. I don't even have children, but I bristle at the idea of my friends who do being expected to feed their children in the bathroom. If people don't want to see the joyful bounty, look at the woman's face or look away. On Facebook, use the handy "hide post" feature, which has really helped me keep a few people who sometimes post things I don't want to see.

    Now I have "When does a breast stop being a breast" riddles running through my mind. Does a nipple stop being offensive when it is lacking a breast behind it? Is that why male nipples aren't offensive? Why is a male breast not a breast? Is a male breast not a breast because it DOESN'T make milk?

    It's nothing similar to giving birth in public. While giving birth is a natural process, it's just a bit louder and messier than a mother discretely feeding her baby. I don't know many women who would choose to give birth on a restaurant table though. And of course, if a mother is unlucky enough to have her baby in public, it really wasn't about you or anyone else there.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    babies have to eat too, but for goodness sakes, the least they can do is cover up with a blanket..we were on vacation this summer, and a lady whipped out her boob in the airport with no care or regard in the someone said, it is like looking at a car crash, you cant help but to look..i dont mind it being done, just have courtesy for others and cover up a bit PLEASE
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    FB is ridiculous. People don't even talk to each other face to face any more. I absolutely HATE when I see husbands and wives (or BFs and GFs) who are out to a romantic dinner FB POSTING EACH OTHER!!

    LOL . Are you serious?!? :laugh: :laugh:

    That's too funny.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    As long as I can see more than 3/4 of the breast I am fine with it. If it's mostly covered up then I'm like "meh".
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    OK, I am a mom of 3, and I am no prude, but when does a breast stop being a breast just because milk comes out of it? I get the whole Mother Nature, all-natural, "It's a beautiful thing" crap, but please keep it to yourself and cover up in public since not everyone shares your idea of bounty.

    When did the breast become something more than a tool to feed your child is the real question. First and formost your breast are there to feed your children, that's what they were intended for. It's the prudes and fear of seeing someone naked that has made them out to be something they were def. not intended for. As I stated before I did not feed my child out in public but I'm a pretty modest person. I think it's gone overboard with the OMG don't do that in public BS. People feed your kid where ever they decide to get hungry at and let the other people deal with their own insecurities.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    It doesn't really offend me, but I don't see the reason for posting it on Facebook.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    And this is why many people won't breastfeed. This stigma that it's something private or even dirty in some situations.

    It's natural. It's what MAMMALS do.

    I have tons of pics of me breastfeeding my children. They're awesome. Breasts aren't just for Playboy. Mine had a job for a few years ;)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    babies have to eat too, but for goodness sakes, the least they can do is cover up with a blanket..we were on vacation this summer, and a lady whipped out her boob in the airport with no care or regard in the someone said, it is like looking at a car crash, you cant help but to look..i dont mind it being done, just have courtesy for others and cover up a bit PLEASE

    You can help to look though. You really, really, really can. And if you can't, so? She's not defecating in public. Breastfeeding isn't messy, isn't unhygienic for bystanders, and isn't intrusive onto your personal space.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    I came here expecting pics of breasts. False advertising is not nice :angry:
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I don't see the issue. If you don't like, don't look. Babies gotta eat and there is no better way to feed one. Personally, my BFing was never photographed. But I do think that it is okay for others.
  • dg730
    dg730 Posts: 62
    I happened to realize on of my friends on FB became friends with one of my ex-friends. I saw that my ex- friend posted pics of her breastfeeding her baby on FB.

    Personally I think this should be kept between the mom and her baby, and not her mom, baby, and facebook.

    But I wanted to know others opinions of it..

    Shoot away!

    I don't think she did anything wrong. I have tons of pic of myself breastfeeding.
    As for it "being between mother and child" , are you crazy? They eat every couple of
    hours! I won't stay in my home for over a year to just so silly people won't have to see
    me and my boobs feed a baby. As for you ex friend more power to her! It take guts, to
    breast feed and it is very time consuming.

    Also the pic you have on your profile and a pic of a mother breastfeeding what's worse?
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    I was always too embarassed to do it without covering up BUT was secretly jealous of the women that could. It is such a beautiful, natural thing... I am proud of the women that are comfortable enough with their bodies to display this.

    Funny how we Americans pride ourselves on being so civilized and forward-thinking, but something as natural as a mother breastfeeding her child can become something dirty.

    American society has "issues" with boobs. I don't get it either.

    Unless they're selling cars. Or beer. Then they're AOK. :grumble:
    As long as its really a baby and not yet able to ask for it with words, it doesn't bother me.

    Oh, but it's even better when they CAN use words. Milk, mama! Other side please! Yep, I'm still nursing my toddler although down to once a day now :-)

    Hear, hear! I'm currently nursing my little boy that turned 2 in June... and he will breastfeed full term as nature intended (coincidentally--or not--a child's immune system is not fully mature until about five years of age. This is the time that a child will typically self wean with no pressures to do so. OK. I don't think it's coincidence; it's nature and survival). He has been able to ask for it with words since he was about 10 months. Really a ridiculous statement that 10 months is old enough to wean. The WHO (World Health Organization) recommends a MINIMUM of 2 years, and then however long mom and babe are mutually comfortable with the relationship. You can not force a child to nurse. A mom can't be forced to continue if she desires to quit. It's entirely up to them... and the stigma of "OMG, a BOOBY!" is really getting old... :yawn:

    ETA: I have also nursed my other children (with the exception of my oldest; I was young and naive and she was fully weaned at 6.5 months) full term. In fact, my boy that will be 5 in December still has an occasional snack. He has been mostly weaned since he started PreK in August. Just prior to that, he was nursing about every other day--a step down from once daily--which was a step down from twice daily--etc. All on his own.
    One reason women post photos of themselves breastfeeding on Facebook is that threads like this one still exist.


    Double amen.

    Amen. And Amen.