Breastfeeding pics - Curious



  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    What I always found ironic was that people see a lamb suckling on its mother in a field and the initial reaction is awwwwwww how cuteeee but when some of the same people see a baby feeding from its Mother they are disgusted.
    You can't tell the difference between an animal and a human being? I don't see the irony at all. BTW It's not disgusting to me, it's just not something I want to relate to when I'm shopping, or eating my meal. It's like seeing a cow giving birth to a bull calf, and then having a human give birth to a baby(obviously an extreme, but it's a bodily function that I don't think everyone is comfortable seeing and should be as private as it can be[whether that's a blanket or just covering it up as much.)]

    A mother feeding her child is a natural thing. I have no issues with it . Most mothers show less while nursing than most women show at the beach.

    That's two different things though.

    My opinion could change if I ever have a child and I see what my wife has to go through. I know it can be hard trying to accommodate to everyone and having your baby eat every few hours. It's tough, they go through a lot.

    Did I mention you? No, did I say I couldn't see the difference between humans and animals? NO so don't take what I said as a personal attack as it wasn't, I stated my opinion on what I felt was ironic, 2 natural situations, one is cute the other is seen by some as disgusting., Saying that we are all mammals and have breasts for feeding our kids, society has made it into the mess it is now, something that women are harassed for and made to feel ashamed of. Yes I did feed my child, no I did not do it in public, that was my personal choice and not because I am ashamed but because I am big busted and lets say that's not an easy job :P

    Nothing personal man just a healthy discussion. :)

    People is a general term, so sorry if you weren't referring to me lol. I'm not saying woman should be ashamed either, I just think there's a limit to how public the breastfeeding should be.
    I'm curious as to how you plan to 'limit' breastfeeding in public. Legislation?
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    how bout just deleting FB altogether......seriously. life is so much better and real without it;)
  • utahsky
    I work in Labor and Delivery and we encourage breastfeeding. It's the most natural thing to do. I just think that as Americans we have this hang up. In other countries this is not an issue. People could be doing alot worst things in public.
  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    I have no issues with it. I think it's beautiful, and I did it with both my children.
  • Jongfaith
    Jongfaith Posts: 195
    who cares?
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I never had any photos taken but I wish I did now, when Daphne was a little baby and all sleepy at the boob she was sooo adorable.
    I would post it to FB like I post all kinds of awesome pics of my kids. Why the hell not? A lot of things are personal. Adults go out and have intimate dinners in public all the time ad get all gushy looking at each other, holding hands even. How disgusting! They shouldn't do that, it turns me off my meal.
    There is no big deal about breastfeeding. People who don't want to see it in public have issues and should maybe go see a shrink, find out what their problem is. Mommy issues? insecurities? whatever, not the hungry babies problem.
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    am ALLL for breastfeeding. I did with both of my children till they were 1. but i don't think it should be exposed or just to flaunt it. cover up ! kudos to you for doing an awesome thing for ur child. but hide ur boobies, cover up. yes it's a beautiful thing but you don't need the world to applaud you for doing it.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    I was a normal teenager.
    I think.
    My first view of a woman's breast was ... at church.
    A lady was breastfeeding her child in the pew.
    Now, I enjoy my wife's breasts during sexual interludes, just as much as the next guy.
    What's the big deal?
  • tetecia
    tetecia Posts: 75 Member
    I breastfed both of my kids. My first for 7months, and then i had to stop; lots of issues and other things. Then my second i breastfed until she was 19 months old and i had to stop because i was having way too many surgeries and i just couldn't physically take the demand any more. It was too hard to hold her any longer. I NEVER used a cover or a blanket either whilst nursing either of them. Do you understand how difficult it is to use those things when they start to move their hands?! lol. Plus, when my children were younger they didn't have the 'awesome ones' that they do now that have clips and ****. (not that it should matter any how)

    As for the OP, if you don't like seeing the breast used for it's biological purpose than simply look away. If a picture pops up on a newsfeed; scroll past it or block all pictures from said 'friend'. People make too big of a deal out of this. In America it's 'OMG! THAT'S DISGUSTING!!' for a breast to be used for it's actually purpose, but for some damn car show or a beer commercial a woman can walk around in a G-String and a little triangle and sting to cover her nipples and that's perfectly acceptable....most even consider it 'HOT'. But, heaven forbid we ACTUALLY use our body parts for what they are intended for.

    If you're too damned Prude to deal with seeing somebody nurse their child, then perhaps it's time you grow up. It is the mother's LEGAL right to nurse WHENEVER and WHEREVER they choose to. If they choose to share a picture of them being happy and content with their little one nursing, no big deal. You don't have to look at it. I see skimpy pictures of females ALL over FB and nobody says a damned thing about those.

    America needs to grow the hell up. Civilized? Civilized my *kitten*.
  • Kimbit83
    I'm curious...... if the photo had been her bottle-feeding her child, would this thread even be here?

    Breastfeeding is just a way to nourish a baby. I have photos of me nursing on my FB page. Being an instigator, I even changed my profile photo here to one from FB. Take a gander....boobs everywhere! Or not...

    Bothered by someone breastfeeding in public? Go ask her for a blanket....I'm sure she has a spare one she can lend you to put over your head until she's finished :)

    Feeding a baby should not be taboo.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    I breastfed both of my kids. My first for 7months, and then i had to stop; lots of issues and other things. Then my second i breastfed until she was 19 months old and i had to stop because i was having way too many surgeries and i just couldn't physically take the demand any more. It was too hard to hold her any longer. I NEVER used a cover or a blanket either whilst nursing either of them. Do you understand how difficult it is to use those things when they start to move their hands?! lol. Plus, when my children were younger they didn't have the 'awesome ones' that they do now that have clips and ****. (not that it should matter any how)

    As for the OP, if you don't like seeing the breast used for it's biological purpose than simply look away. If a picture pops up on a newsfeed; scroll past it or block all pictures from said 'friend'. People make too big of a deal out of this. In America it's 'OMG! THAT'S DISGUSTING!!' for a breast to be used for it's actually purpose, but for some damn car show or a beer commercial a woman can walk around in a G-String and a little triangle and sting to cover her nipples and that's perfectly acceptable....most even consider it 'HOT'. But, heaven forbid we ACTUALLY use our body parts for what they are intended for.

    If you're too damned Prude to deal with seeing somebody nurse their child, then perhaps it's time you grow up. It is the mother's LEGAL right to nurse WHENEVER and WHEREVER they choose to. If they choose to share a picture of them being happy and content with their little one nursing, no big deal. You don't have to look at it. I see skimpy pictures of females ALL over FB and nobody says a damned thing about those.

    America needs to grow the hell up. Civilized? Civilized my *kitten*.

    I :heart: you. :flowerforyou:
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    The more women seen breastfeeding in public the sooner people will stop thinking about it as anything other than normal. It is only in the so called "civilised" world that it is seen as provocative or disgusting.

    /thread over.
  • abigailmariecs
    abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member
    I have 2 pics of me breastfeeding my children, one with each. They have never been posted on FB and never will. That being said they are both framed and haning in our bedroom. Done from my SO's vantage point each one catches the connection I felt with my children while breastfeeding them. I did nurse in public and in restaurants but I also looked for out of the way spots and in restaurants I would request something in the back and I would sit so I faced the wall and not out into the dinning room. While it did not bother me to feed them in public I was also aware that many are uncomfortable with it so I attempted to keep it as low key and natural looking and feeling as posible.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Women are goddesses. Breast feeding is one of those moments.

  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    I did nurse in public and in restaurants but I also looked for out of the way spots and in restaurants I would request something in the back and I would sit so I faced the wall and not out into the dinning room. While it did not bother me to feed them in public I was also aware that many are uncomfortable with it so I attempted to keep it as low key and natural looking and feeling as posible.
    Kudos to you, and I'm sorry you felt you had to hide to protect the comfort of others.
  • dg730
    dg730 Posts: 62
    I'm curious...... if the photo had been her bottle-feeding her child, would this thread even be here?

    Breastfeeding is just a way to nourish a baby. I have photos of me nursing on my FB page. Being an instigator, I even changed my profile photo here to one from FB. Take a gander....boobs everywhere! Or not...

    Bothered by someone breastfeeding in public? Go ask her for a blanket....I'm sure she has a spare one she can lend you to put over your head until she's finished :)

    Feeding a baby should not be taboo.

    I love it! A blanket over their head. ha ha
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    For those who don't like seeing it while they're eating, perhaps you should go eat YOUR dinner in the bathroom. An infant has just as much right to eat in public as you do, whether you like the way they're being fed or not.
    Seconded. For those people, their dinner IS in the bathroom.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    It's just boobs people. Calm the fudge down!
  • jdennisj
    Being a male addressing this poster, I found that your hang up regarding a woman breast feeding to be somewhat disturbing. I looked at your profile and reread your initial discussion for this post and now understand why you have the problem - I am guessing that you are rather immature and upset with your so called "EX" friend. A female feeding her baby is one of the most natural things that can occur (please note that I did not distinguish between human or other animals). Look around the world that we live in, all mammals were given this ability and it goes against the laws of nature if they don't breast feed. Only human beings try to figure out ways not to provide naturally for their young by bottle feeding with chemically enhanced formulations. Why on earth would anyone object to this very natural occurrence.

    I do have a question for the OP - why would you post a picture of some scantly clad woman as your profile picture? It is obvious that the picture displayed is not your own when you see your other picture that is also included in your profile. What are you trying to suggest to others that see that image? Based on what I see from that image is more boob than a woman nursing her baby. I would also guess that you do not have a legal right to use the image that you are displaying and have probably violated copyright laws by displaying it. At least the picture that your Ex friend is using is probably her own.

    Sorry for the rant but this issue really upset the hell out of me - breast feeding is so natural that I don't ever feel anyone should object to it regardless how it is done, where it is done or when it is done. Just my two cents - after all you did ask for opinions.
  • HakunaMatata519
    HakunaMatata519 Posts: 141 Member
    I've been breastfeeding my son for almost 6 months. I went to an BFing awareness group when he was about 3 months old and got a professional pic taken and posted it. It was really tasteful, no nipple or anything. I don't think I would post a pic I personally took but the pic I posted seemed so beautiful and natural.

    Edit: Here we are... I think it's totally natural and though, yes, it is personal, it shouldn't be taboo.
