The Gym Etiquette Paradox

Have you ever noticed that your tolerance and patience for others in the gym is directly related to your personal feelings for that particular "type" or "group" of individuals?

Using myself as an example....

I have very little patience for egotistical-meathead-gymrats (ironic, I know). If another meathead were to approach me in the gym and very politely ask if he may use the dumbells whenever I finish doing curls, I'd instinctively have a burning desire to punch him in the face, then pee in every corner of the weight-room, just so he'd know that everything in there is mine.

Conversely, little old women can do no wrong in my book. This is likely because I see every woman over 65 as my grandma; and if my grandma were anymore awesome, she'd likely go supernova. Fun fact... my grandma can beat-up Chuck Norris without even getting up from her Hoveround, nor dropping her Bingo card. True story.

So, why are we so much more patient with the groups of people we "like?" Why do meatheads make me physically angry for absolutely no reason, whilst little old ladies could take a dump on the walking-track, and I'd just stand there, smile and say, "Isn't Mabel absolutely adorable!?!? Good form on that one Mabel! Way to pinch it off! Have you been eating more prunes?? I can tell, well done!"

Natural selection probably explains my disgust for others like me. And empathy likely justifies the other.

Just something to ponder this morning, while you sit at your desk and try to fool your boss into thinking your actually working.

Happy Monday.
Keep being awesome.


  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I'm the same sexy young girls I just wanna shave there heads an feed them cake even if they look at me or walk near my section!!! But men can stand next to me all daylong if they want ahha x
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    I'm the same sexy young girls I just wanna shave there heads an feed them cake even if they look at me or walk near my section!!! But men can stand next to me all daylong if they want ahha x
    That's probably a sexual-competition thing.
  • VAMommyAgain
    VAMommyAgain Posts: 400 Member
    Best post ever!
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    Best post ever!
    I try. I give it until 10AM EST before it's deleted.
  • jonward85
    jonward85 Posts: 534 Member
    Love it man. You always make them great!
  • shellydd
    shellydd Posts: 156 Member
    competition. meathead(ball)s=competition for you. you want to make them look bad. little old lady=adore the ground you walk on. you have to keep that **** around to make you feel good.
  • I don't like arrogance, from any group. It seems like the groups you identified were separated out based on physical appearance, which doesn't typically set me off. I have strong physical dislike for anyone who acts with arrogance or lack of respect.

    Last week, two beautiful young girls were using the mats next to me for ab work while was doing rounds on the heavy bag alternated with core or leg exercises. One gestured to me and said "Show off" to her friend (clearly thinking that my earphones were actually playing music and I wouldn't hear). So uncalled for!

    I am least fond of meatheads in the gym. They seem a bit territorial, and I feel "watched" when I venture into the weight room, which is rare. Unfortunately, they can usually see me on the bag, which I use daily, and some have made comments that are overtly sexual and crude. It's just inappropriate.
  • Carrie3B
    Carrie3B Posts: 45 Member
    Haha--I guess I'm a people pleaser and nobody really aggravates me at the gym. My husband on the other hand, is annoyed by tons of the guys--esp the ones that grunt loudly and are cheese monkeys. There is one girl that is bizarre--she does all these CRAZY exercises, looks like she is pole dancing with the treadmill--dancing and swinging her legs up high. But I don't get annoyed--I just stare like it's a car accident haha! But I've always had the problem of wanting to like everyone and have everyone like me! Sigh!!
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    competition. meathead(ball)s=competition for you. you want to make them look bad. little old lady=adore the ground you walk on. you have to keep that **** around to make you feel good.
    Actually, most old ladies... and most people... are absolutely terrified of me. Not kidding. In fact, ironically, the only living things that are not initially scared of me are puppies and babies. I make adults cry... yet I can't peel puppies and infants off of me. I have no idea why.
  • pmcco
    pmcco Posts: 56 Member
    thanks for the laugh... and I love your grandma
  • gbbhey
    gbbhey Posts: 188
    Good Form Mabel! hahaha

    I do notice this too. I had a guy in there the other day (I'll call him the Cardio Gigolo) "helping" three girls with their workout. It seemed as if they were really wanting his help, but this guy just wanted to flirt and flirt and flirt. Maybe it was because I was on mile 6 on the treadmill, but it really ate under my skin.

    Also, I live in Korea, on a military base, where both Americans and Koreans use the gym. A few months ago, a Korean guy got next to me on the treadmill. I was running at 6.5 when I am absolutely sure he bumped his thing up to 6.6 - WTF!

    Saturday is my long run day, but it was raining. Back on the treadmill, taking it slow to pace myself. American dude gets right next to me, but I kept my pace and didn't even pay much a mind to his workout. I kind of forgot he was there, since I was so taken by the football that was on tv there.

    Bottom Line. I'm not racist, I swear! I just have a sense of patriotism and am competitive when it comes to that sort of that stuff. Kinda like I'm running for A'murica!
  • KristalandVi
    KristalandVi Posts: 44 Member
    I think it's just your animal instinct taking over, but that's just me. Really... If you're that much of a meathead, the "lizard brain" may well have more control than your higher thinking, and the smell of the other meatheads' testosterone just sets you into a rage.
  • KristalandVi
    KristalandVi Posts: 44 Member
    competition. meathead(ball)s=competition for you. you want to make them look bad. little old lady=adore the ground you walk on. you have to keep that **** around to make you feel good.
    Actually, most old ladies... and most people... are absolutely terrified of me. Not kidding. In fact, ironically, the only living things that are not initially scared of me are puppies and babies. I make adults cry... yet I can't peel puppies and infants off of me. I have no idea why.
    I dunno... You're kinda cute.

    and I think I could take ya. -insert flexing of non-muscles here-
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    competition. meathead(ball)s=competition for you. you want to make them look bad. little old lady=adore the ground you walk on. you have to keep that **** around to make you feel good.
    Actually, most old ladies... and most people... are absolutely terrified of me. Not kidding. In fact, ironically, the only living things that are not initially scared of me are puppies and babies. I make adults cry... yet I can't peel puppies and infants off of me. I have no idea why.
    I dunno... You're kinda cute.

    and I think I could take ya. -insert flexing of non-muscles here-
    Your argument is that puppies think I'm cute? You say that to all the boys.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Oops double
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Nothing bothers me at the gym
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Certain behaviors annoy me at the gym as well as anywhere else, but groups of people - no.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    So, why are we so much more patient with the groups of people we "like?" Why do meatheads make me physically angry for absolutely no reason, whilst little old ladies could take a dump on the walking-track, and I'd just stand there, smile and say, "Isn't Mabel absolutely adorable!?!? Good form on that one Mabel! Way to pinch it off! Have you been eating more prunes?? I can tell, well.

    Oh there it is! :)

    I like everyone at the gym except Wednesday night when it's really crowded- that makes me nervous.
  • Haha--I guess I'm a people pleaser and nobody really aggravates me at the gym. My husband on the other hand, is annoyed by tons of the guys--esp the ones that grunt loudly and are cheese monkeys. There is one girl that is bizarre--she does all these CRAZY exercises, looks like she is pole dancing with the treadmill--dancing and swinging her legs up high. But I don't get annoyed--I just stare like it's a car accident haha! But I've always had the problem of wanting to like everyone and have everyone like me! Sigh!!

    Ugh. Treadmill dancing. A lot of ballet dancers I know do this. It helps with speed and footwork. They will do floorwork at running speeds, and it is crazy to watch, but effective if you need to work foot turnover and coordination. I tried it once and face planted. Good thing my professional career ended years ago!
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    Nothing bothers me at the gym
    Except guys on the next treadmill. D'oh.
  • KristalandVi
    KristalandVi Posts: 44 Member

    Your argument is that puppies think I'm cute? You say that to all the boys.
    Well, yes, but that's beside the point.

    Actually, my argument is that your argument isn't quite correct. You may be the big, tough guy, but not everybody is terrified of you. There are some of us out there that would gladly get in your face if need be. There are people who grew up in an area where the "average" high school kid is over 6' tall and looks like they spend all day in the gym lifting weights.

    The scary ones are the little bitty wiry people. It's like magic - you can't SEE the strength, but you KNOW it's there.
  • kakklespakkle
    kakklespakkle Posts: 118 Member
    If another meathead were to approach me in the gym and very politely ask if he may use the dumbells whenever I finish doing curls, I'd instinctively have a burning desire to punch him in the face, then pee in every corner of the weight-room, just so he'd know that everything in there is mine.
    Thanks for making me literally laugh out loud!!!
  • shellydd
    shellydd Posts: 156 Member
    competition. meathead(ball)s=competition for you. you want to make them look bad. little old lady=adore the ground you walk on. you have to keep that **** around to make you feel good.
    Actually, most old ladies... and most people... are absolutely terrified of me. Not kidding. In fact, ironically, the only living things that are not initially scared of me are puppies and babies. I make adults cry... yet I can't peel puppies and infants off of me. I have no idea why.

    ...suddenly i feel like i've accepted a challenge. my dog and i will take you on......translation: your post did it's job!!
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    Haha--I guess I'm a people pleaser and nobody really aggravates me at the gym. My husband on the other hand, is annoyed by tons of the guys--esp the ones that grunt loudly and are cheese monkeys. There is one girl that is bizarre--she does all these CRAZY exercises, looks like she is pole dancing with the treadmill--dancing and swinging her legs up high. But I don't get annoyed--I just stare like it's a car accident haha! But I've always had the problem of wanting to like everyone and have everyone like me! Sigh!!

    Ugh. Treadmill dancing. A lot of ballet dancers I know do this. It helps with speed and footwork. They will do floorwork at running speeds, and it is crazy to watch, but effective if you need to work foot turnover and coordination. I tried it once and face planted. Good thing my professional career ended years ago!

    OK. You are appropriately named.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I can't take the poser guys. Lift 1 weight. Grunt, pose, look over pleased... Pick that weight back up, repeat.
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    ...suddenly i feel like i've accepted a challenge. my dog and i will take you on......translation: your post did it's job!!
    I get that a lot.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Nothing bothers me at the gym
    Except guys on the next treadmill. D'oh.

    Oh them yea. And the girl that comes in with full make up and perfect hair ( the one that never breaks a sweat even after an hour of working out)..Oh and the two girl-friends that workout together and dont shut the f*** up the whole time, there is no loud enough music that helps me with that.

    But other than that, nothing bothers me
  • TallyFlores
    TallyFlores Posts: 6 Member
    Like your feelings about other guys, who to your own (ironic) admission are similar to yourself, and the way it makes you devolve into a primate ("I'd instinctively have a burning desire to punch him in the face, then pee in every corner of the weight-room, just so he'd know that everything in there is mine") aren't about your own feelings of sexual competition.
  • lorjill
    lorjill Posts: 104 Member
    I'm at the gym at 4 am so its mostly the older working class, but if I go back for a class later in the day...mostly douchy meathead types. I enjoy my early morning "family" same people every day.
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    My tolerance and patience appear to be declining with each passing year lol. It's not any particularly group of people though (other than one of my neighbours!)