Baby fever...



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Nope. Never had baby fever. I can't see why anyone would want to be responsible for bring a life into this screwed up world.

    Yikes. I guess to each her own.

    Go ahead, have a baby and come back in ten years, or even 5, and tell me I'm wrong. You are responsible for a life. Every moment of that child's life you will worry about all the dangers they face. Unless your the type that doesn't concern herself with the whole raising a child bit and just wants a mini-me to play dress up with.

    lololol did you just tell someone to go have a baby just so they can see what its like? go have one for 5 years just so you can see my point of view? lol- thats a terrible reason to have a baby.

    Its also lopsided! Go spend your twenties and thirties childless while Im doing the baby thing for five years and come tell me how Im doing it wrong hahahahaha
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    ^ Im not one of those people that looks down on you if you want to have children. For all I know, I may be a mother someday - but Im just not trying to rush in before Im ready if I even ever am part of the decision to do so.

    right now i just want to be healthy strong stable and happy above everything else first.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    My switch was ON from a very young age until after my 2nd was born and then it went OFF.

    Shop is CLOSED - lights out!!
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    Major baby fever around here lately.
    Everyone I know is either getting engaged or knocked up.
    I will admit that the desire to squeeze out a kid was almost instant (damn you, maternal instincts!) but it went away as soon as I had to spend 4 straight hours with my guy's blonde-monster-cousins.
    6 year old brutes make great birth control.

    Switch flips around on a daily basis.
    If it happens, I won't let myself be older than 30 (too many complications afterwards, my energy wouldn't be as high, I hated growing up with older parents)and I will be in the best freaking shape of my LIFE.
    If I'm 30 and still childless, I'm getting my tubes tied.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I have two. Baby fever is satisfied permanently.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I'm not sure why it's such a crime for people to not want children? My career switch is on and that's the most important switch on my board right now.

    I have no problem with people that have decided to not have kids...I have a problem with the person in this thread that insulted people that choose to.

    I respect your opinion to not have kids...respect mine to want them. :drinker:
    (I am speaking for myself here, I am sure you get comments from a$$hats that need to shut it) :flowerforyou:

    Never insulted anyone here.

    I wasn't saying you, I was just explaining why you may have seen some defensive posts in this particular thread...because someone questioned why sane people would want to bring children into the world.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Turned on gradually, turned off the second my second baby was born. NO desire to ever have more kids. 2 is PLENTY for us.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    As a babymaker my switch is always set to on. It can not be shut off. All guys are. They may not admit it but that's what the desire is. Procreate and make lots of babies

    lol so not true. not even a little bit.

    Its totally true... Any guy that tells you different is lying or isn't quite wired right. Its a built in primal instinct. It never really changes with age either.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Mine was off and I was definately never having any babies, then I started my midwifery training and thought actually thats not so bad, then i would see the women after a bad night and think no thats awful. Then i had a burst condom failed morning after pill bingo my son and a messy break up with his father (use that term very loosely). I was a mess throughout the pregnancy and my family kept laughing at me saying they couldn,t imagine me as a mother. Then he was born and i looked into his eyes, I fell in love instantly and knew i had made the right decision I wanted another one right away but as a single parent this was impossible. 8 years later and my twins were born and same feeling. Best decision i ever made would have had more but financially can,t afford it and the boys both have autism, ( passed on by my genes) this is not an issue but who is going to look after them when i am gone so couldn,t risk bringing more into the world. I wouldn,t change any of my children for the world although my daughter is being awkward tonight and I can,t wait for bedtime. I am now too old (41) and looking forward to getting my body back.
  • dg730
    dg730 Posts: 62
    Nope. Never had baby fever. I can't see why anyone would want to be responsible for bring a life into this screwed up world.

    Yikes. I guess to each her own.

    Go ahead, have a baby and come back in ten years, or even 5, and tell me I'm wrong. You are responsible for a life. Every moment of that child's life you will worry about all the dangers they face. Unless your the type that doesn't concern herself with the whole raising a child bit and just wants a mini-me to play dress up with.


    I is a troll, do not respond to them.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Mine was an instant switch on, followed three years later by an instant switch off. Suddenly, looking at other people's squishy babies and small humans running around didn't make me want to have one.

    We are still considering it "in the future."
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    Nope. Never had baby fever. I can't see why anyone would want to be responsible for bring a life into this screwed up world.

    Yikes. I guess to each her own.

    Go ahead, have a baby and come back in ten years, or even 5, and tell me I'm wrong. You are responsible for a life. Every moment of that child's life you will worry about all the dangers they face. Unless your the type that doesn't concern herself with the whole raising a child bit and just wants a mini-me to play dress up with.

    You are wrong, yes it's a screwed up world and yes whoever does bring a child into this world is a very selfish person, but I brought two and don't regret a moment of it. The love of that child fills you so completely that nothing else matters. You will miss out on the greatest thing life has to offer you. A part of you to love and nurture. Each and everyone of them born are your own personal miracle and your greatest achievement, EVER.

    But yeah to each his own.

    not everyone feels that way. i don't want kids. i don't get the hype. i'm child free by choice. not everyone HAS a biological clock.

    and you know what? w/ 7 BILLION ppl on the planet, that's ok.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    not everyone feels that way. i don't want kids. i don't get the hype. i'm child free by choice. not everyone HAS a biological clock.

    and you know what? w/ 7 BILLION ppl on the planet, that's ok.

  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member

    not everyone feels that way. i don't want kids. i don't get the hype. i'm child free by choice. not everyone HAS a biological clock.

    and you know what? w/ 7 BILLION ppl on the planet, that's ok.

    Massive hugs!

    ETA: the baby in my profile pic is my adorable niece :laugh:
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Gradual, very very gradual.
    For a long time it was firmly in the off position. When my husband and I got together we both did not want children, however, I did reserve the right to change my mind. A couple of years ago we had a discussion after a few drinks about having children, but he sort of left it up to me. I started thinking about it a lot. Serioiusly, for almost two years I thought about it constantly and teetered in the middle. I'd just get to the point where I would say I wanted kids, then I would change completely. I could never imagine getting to the point of actually making the decision to try.
    Recently that changed. We both have decided that we do want children and discussed timeline. Now the switch is fully "on". I catch myself watching mothers interact with their children and get that feeling. I'm still scared to death though :)

    ETA - I am totally with the people who decide not to have children. I agree its not for everyone. Oh how I hated those discussions with people trying to convince me to have children.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I always wanted children, even when I was going through an 'I hate boys' stage as a kid. I suppose that's always there, at a safe, background level.

    The baby fever has been worst when i feel ready but we haven't started trying yet. Once I'm trying it calms down a bit.

    I find this thread fascinating for all the reasons people don't want children and how people think parenthood MUST be. I don't spend all my time worrying, or give my child all of my attention all of the time. He needs to take risks, make mistakes, learn and grow, and part of that is learning that he can't have 100% of anyone's attention all the time. In the past the drudgery of daily life and larger families (on average) would have meant no parent expected to devote all their attention to a child. Why should it be any different now?
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member

    Not angry. Just take the resposibility for a kid seriously. I am a mother. There are thousands of children available in every state for adoption. People are just too selfish to open there homes up to a child that has already been born.

    It's kinda cute how much hate you have... Like a big ball of poop that walks around judging the size of other poop. Only you think your poop is pretty and scentless.

    lol I like you.

    And um... That's a very logical thought process about adoption, if adoption was free.

    Also.............. ok. :)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I was never particularly maternal, and always career-orientated, then just before I got married in 2008 I started thinking I wanted a baby and we decided to try after our honeymoon. I was pregnant the first month trying, which was a massive shock, and it took me a while to get used to, but once I saw my baby on the scans I fell in love, and he's 3 now and I love him to pieces and couldn't imagine life without him. We decided to try for a 2nd when he turned 1, so we also have a gorgeous and cheeky 17 month old daughter.

    Now I really want to try for a 3rd, but will wait until next year to try as my son starts school next Sept, so don't want to take my attention away from him then with a newborn. I'd rather he was settled first.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I'm 33 and childless. My switch has been on since my early 20s. Over the last few years it's gone from being on to flashing incessantly and emitting a deafening alarm that keeps me up at night. I fear I will never satisfy that switch and that I'll never willingly turn it off.

    I totally get where you are coming from. I'm in the same boat. My switch flipped in my late 20's. I spent my 20s focusing on my career and I don't regret it. But, being newly single at 30, I just don't know if it's going to happen for me. It's a sad realization.
  • anneerick
    anneerick Posts: 147 Member
    On On On!! Plus we'll have to replace the fuse soon cause its gonna blow.... lol. So, yes, I gots some baby fever!!