Baby fever...



  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Nope. Never had baby fever. I can't see why anyone would want to be responsible for bring a life into this screwed up world.

    Yikes. I guess to each her own.

    Go ahead, have a baby and come back in ten years, or even 5, and tell me I'm wrong. You are responsible for a life. Every moment of that child's life you will worry about all the dangers they face. Unless your the type that doesn't concern herself with the whole raising a child bit and just wants a mini-me to play dress up with.

    Wow. Someone has major issues....I have never heard anything so ridiculous. You are probably doing the world a favor by not reproducing. Thanks!!
  • Turtlehurdle
    My switch never turned "ON". Ever.
    When I was in my 20's all I thought about was my career and traveling. I didn't want to get married or have children until I was at least 30. So when I turned 30, I decided to try the whole "family" deal. Got married and had my daughter at 31. I am so happy I waited. Kids basically hijack your life and I mean it in a good way but yeah, they really do. I do love my daughter more than anything in this world but that being said I am not sure if I want another child. 1 child is a lot of work already. My switch is still not on "ON", never has been probably never will be.
  • 86rollyb
    86rollyb Posts: 72 Member
    My switch went on when my bff got prego on my wedding night... We waited another year to start trying and by then my baby fever was INSANE but when we got pg I kinda freaked. When ds was born I wanted to have another like that day... But we only just added #2 3 months ago. Most days I stillwant more... Good thing i have DH to reel me in b/c I'd probably have half a dozen by now, lol
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I was satisfied when I got one of each sex.
    I did not have a dad (he was killed when I was young), and no I really wanted a boy.
    I had 4 girls first!
    My children all love each other very much.
    I love my "big" family. I want to go play with them, do really physical things, so leaving the baby stage behind now is my preference.
    I would welcome another baby, but, I think I am ready to be done now:)
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    emotionally its always on...

    logically the 2 year old i do have drives me nuts adding an infant to the mix, plus not sleeping or getting a break would just about do me in.
    Take heart:) Believe it or not, you totally do survive all of that.
    LOL although it may not feel like it at the time!
  • crystelnicole
    Fever here... :/
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Mine is off, duct taped down in a hidden basement room behind a padlocked, reinforced steel door.
    Guarded by hungry, rabid wolves.....with flamethrowers.

    i hate the idea of pregnancy and children that i block and delete.preggo friends from my facebook. "congratulations! youre growing a parasite!" just never caught on.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Noticed that the folks responding are all within their reproductive years. I'm not, been through menopause and out the other side. I'm actually 56, but my switch is on, always is. I have 5 grandkids, so do I really want the responsibility of another baby? We are empty nesters and enjoy it. But there are days...and then I come to my senses, go play with the grandkids and get it out of my system for awhile. Crazy aren't I? :laugh:
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Oh HELL no!

    My biological clock is digital and there's no alarm set.

    I am never ever EV-ER going to have children.

  • kekevela
    kekevela Posts: 83 Member
    I have baby fever, too. I love my two sons ages 9 and 5, but in the years since my little one was born my brother and his gf have had two daughters and are prego again. Part of me would love to have a baby girl, but I don't know...maybe there would be too much time between the younger two.