Weird/odd physical traits--what are yours?



  • CopperGalaxy
    CopperGalaxy Posts: 27 Member
    My pinkies turn in the ways. Weird. I think the shape of your mouth makes you look like Lana del Ray. That's a good thing!
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    i have literally no boobs.
    kids sizes are too big. AA cup size is too big.
    and i'm 18, so they're done growing.... D:

    It's possible that they're done growing, but I didn't get mine until college and at one point I was up to a D cup. I'm 13 lbs away from my high school weight now and they're 38C. I'll keep my fingers crossed for the same for you! :)
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I have very small feet, but they are also very wide and high. So I can't wear fancy shoes, because my feet just don't fit into them.

    I also have an aquiline nose, but I like it - those are my favourite kind of noses. :-)
  • Cbarrese86
    I am LOVING this post! Everyone here is awesome for being so at ease with sharing their differences!

    My list is quite long, so bare with me :)

    -Dent in lower back (I saw someone else had posted this as well. Yay, a kindred!), but as my lovehandles get smaller, it's kinda getting less noticable, I guess.... maybe wishful thinging ;P
    -Very small toes.... like TINY
    -I was born with one ear, but the other one developed as an infant. My right ear is just a little smaller than my left.
    -Earlobes are connected to my head aka no earlobes
    -Big calves
    -My leg hair is so fine that it causes ingrown hairs on my calves, and the tops of my thighs
    -Long pointy witch nose
    -And a scar on my left eyebrow, so it looks like I have a bald spot
  • kelsey054
    kelsey054 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm perfect in every single way!!!

    No, but seriously I have a dimple on my right butt cheek and not my left! :D

    Pics or it didn't happen :bigsmile:

    Haha, overweight butts are not appealing to the eye!
  • Lantzbug
    Thin lips, huge fat earlobes, piggy nose, small slanted eyes. But after I hit my 30's, I really accepted myself for me.:glasses:
  • acuratlsd
    acuratlsd Posts: 228
    I got the Down Syndrom eyes from my mom's side of the family, plus a pointy nose and nappy spanish hair.
  • fitnessgal1985
    fitnessgal1985 Posts: 110 Member
    Oddest physical trait is being very very fat. I've learned to embrace my downturned mouth, giant ears, big eye brows, my five head and my tiny feet. But not being very very fat.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I'm legally blind in my right eye (hereditary) and when I'm very tired my eyelid starts to droop on that side and my eye starts to wander to the right.

    I have a group of freckles on my left collarbone that looks like a snowman.

    My breasts sit pretty low on my chest wall... It makes them seem a lot more droopy than they are.

    I have back dimples no matter what weight I'm at. They're really quite large.

    I have HUGE, muscular calves.

    Oh and last but not least I have a bone spur at the base of my big toe on my left foot. It's irritating but most people don't really notice it.

    It's curious that anyone finds me attractive.
  • VenusEnvy
    VenusEnvy Posts: 92 Member
    Everything about me is odd.

    - I'm tiny. My wedding ring is a size 2. I'm 5'1. I wear size 5 shoes and a size 2. But... I have 32DDs. Those girls are heavy. There is a reduction in my future.

    - The maculas of my eyes are a light spot instead of a dark spot. I've never met an eye doc who's ever seen that before. No one can tell me what it means. Maybe some day I will develop x-ray vision.

    - I have a rare disease that's only been seen 150 times. That's not 150 times in the U.S., thats 150 recorded cases. Ever. The residents fight to be on my case.

    - My wrists are a little larger than my hands and my thumbs are double jointed. I can slip out of any handcuffs. It is a great party trick.
  • RubySinclair
    RubySinclair Posts: 90 Member
    I have what Hubby calls "prehensile toes". I can spread them out like a fan! I can literally open jars, pick up even the tiniest speck from the floor, and....get ready to laugh....I can snap them like you can snap your fingers! LOL :laugh:

    I have these too, but only on my left foot and outer two toes on the right. I always thought my RIGHT foot had something wrong with it and the left was totally normal... until RIGHT THIS SECOND!

    Loving this thread for celebrating the things that make us unique!!!!
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    My toes, next to the little ,are turned in like my shoes are too tight. I was born like that... stupid genes from my moms side. It use to make me self consious but I dont care much any more :)
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Everything about me is odd.

    - I'm tiny. My wedding ring is a size 2. I'm 5'1. I wear size 5 shoes and a size 2. But... I have 32DDs. Those girls are heavy. There is a reduction in my future.

    - The maculas of my eyes are a light spot instead of a dark spot. I've never met an eye doc who's ever seen that before. No one can tell me what it means. Maybe some day I will develop x-ray vision.

    - I have a rare disease that's only been seen 150 times. That's not 150 times in the U.S., thats 150 recorded cases. Ever. The residents fight to be on my case.

    - My wrists are a little larger than my hands and my thumbs are double jointed. I can slip out of any handcuffs. It is a great party trick.

    What is the super rare disease? I am soO curious but understand your privacy if you dont want to share.
  • amylovescupcakes
    amylovescupcakes Posts: 146 Member
    My nostrils are different sizes. You can't really tell unless you are looking up my nose. :)
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I have a "devils horn" on my forehead kinda like how people have been getting body mod implants recently... Mines just a bone spur. Don't know when or how it happened and thankfully it's not really noticeable unless you run your hand over my forehead off to the right. *shrugs* kinda different I suppose.
    When I sit down with my legs stretched out and feet pointed straight all my toes curl up like I'm wearing heels, yet when I actually wear heels it's uncomfortable lol oh well.
    Finally I can't make a complete fist with my right hand cause it never was set right after I broke it in an accident :(

    If it is only one horn then that means youre sprouting a unicorn horn...
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I can actually touch my elbows behind my back.

    Ok so that sounds easy. Turns out, it's not.

    I'll be honest - I tried to do it! LOL

    LOL mine dont come close to touching
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    I have a huge forehead. I absolutely hate it.
  • Aurorakitty
    Really small hands,(kid sized :D)wrists (broken easily), ankles and feet, so I wear like size 4 shoes
    curve on back of head (anyone else with this shelf?),
    spine is twisted in two or three places,
    right leg is bent inward slightly
    my whole left side is shorter then my right
    lazy left eye (its not called that really but its stuck in left corner I didn't get surgery when I was a kid because then i'd be blink in that eye)
  • mybiketrip
    My 'index' toe is longer than my Big toe's_toe

    Morton's toe. :P
  • mybiketrip
    Mine is... bow legs.