Hurtful Names!



  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    Wilder beast
    fat b*tch
  • abbsjhux
    In grade 5 a boy at school called me a fat pig, i went home and cried for days and refused to go to school.

    My old netball team had two people called abbey so i was known as 'big abbey' and she was known as 'little abbey' we were basically the same height.

    I was sexually assaulted when i was younger and when my sister found out she said 'but who would want to touch you?'

    I was upset at my dad for some reason last year and when he came to talk to me about it all he said was ' are you crying because of your weight?'

    The many many times people have yelled out the generic fat names out of their cars

    Oh and just the other day my mums ex boyfriend called me a fat slut.

    My ex boyfriend set up a facebook page called 'Abbey is a fat whale'

    My last boyfriend and i were laying in his bed with err..not so many clothes on and he said to me 'You have nice curves' while he ran his hand down my side. It was actually a compliment but i got so upset about it.

    My weight has always been the thing thats gotten to me most, even when i was thin. I'll always remember these times and ill use them as my motivation.
  • tyraskanks_
    "Fat *kitten*" "Fat" and "Big Mama"

    and I think I might have been called a "Two-ton huskie" before too

    I'm not even a mother!
  • tyraskanks_
    Oh and "Mama's little football player"
  • tyraskanks_
    Oh and another hurtful one:

    "The pregnant girl"
  • tmbowen12
    tmbowen12 Posts: 175 Member
    I was bullied in middle school and high school I developed really well in the boobs department by 5th grade so the guys would call me boobica and in high school girls would throw their food at me at lunch and told me I needed to kill myself. Thats the mild i can say here. I didn't get fat till I was 23.
  • LakersBabii
    My Husband has been told hes a "Chubby Chaser".... well excuse me... I guess i'm Large and In Charge....

    But what I remember most was when I was in school, I was in a computers class and the chairs were small, So when I sat on them a little but of my theighs hung over the chair, So this guy used to call me Hang over!!!
  • tyraskanks_
    My Husband has been told hes a "Chubby Chaser".... well excuse me... I guess i'm Large and In Charge....

    But what I remember most was when I was in school, I was in a computers class and the chairs were small, So when I sat on them a little but of my theighs hung over the chair, So this guy used to call me Hang over!!!

    At least you had fun the night before if you had a hangover :P jk
  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    "you sure are a big boy" Really, that's fascinating... go *kitten* yourself...

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    I can't really think of any nicknames really.

    I just remember being called HUGE.
  • GiggityGiggity88
    GiggityGiggity88 Posts: 20 Member
    A few months ago, I worked with a teenage girl, who was pregnant. And ironically, the more weight that she gained the meaner she was to me. I'm sure she was just trying to make herself feel better by bringing me down...

    On her last day before maternity leave, she walked up to me and said, "what's up fat guy". She had said it quietly and I was so caught off guard that I was like, "what did you say?" and she repeated herself again. I just walked away because I was so stunned.

    Being called fat is bad enough. But being called "fat guy" when you're a female is not a good feeling.

    I had always strongly disliked her, and that comment made me hate her with a passion. She came back from maternity leave, one month later,( I'm assuming because she has the maternal instincts of a toaster and couldn't handle spending time with her baby) and as soon as she came back, I quit. I can't deal with that *****.

    When I get to my goal weight, I am going to stop by and pay her a visit.
  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157
    And, yes. A sweet lady at the grocery store (checkout and sometimes bagger) asked me when I was due with my next child, and I was not pregnant.
  • Bess_74
    Bess_74 Posts: 68
    This is all from high school when I was only 20 lbs over weight (and not the 150 overweight that I am now)
    *Fat *kitten*
    *Lard *kitten*
    *Bessie the Cow
    *people have moo'd at me
    *some one once offered to hook me up with some coke (as in cocaine) so I could lose weight
    *I would always be told by some one when Jenny Craig was having a sale
  • MiSo_SeXy
    MiSo_SeXy Posts: 210 Member
    Big fat pig.. Yep my grandfather was always a charmer -_- lol

    And the one I get most and I hate it..

    "Margaret Cho"
    Just because i'm fat n Asian blahhhhh
  • tjmist
    tjmist Posts: 45 Member
    "it's a shame.... you would be so pretty if you weren't so fat..."
  • rachelfaith92
    rachelfaith92 Posts: 202 Member
    Fatty fatty 2 by 4, cant fit through the kitchen door


    Parents threatened to put a lock on a fridge.. Stepdad called me fat *kitten*, fat *****

    I was eating lunch in the break room at work and a coworker was talking about someone who had the same name as me, all sitting at the lunch table, which sits 6, and mentioned her name, Rachel. She was going on and on and made sure to point out, "Oh you know Rachel, skinny Rachel?" While I was right there. I had already started MFP by then and had just started to lose weight. Keep in mind she goes rock climbing and hiking every weekend. Made me feel sick to my stomach and like I was a fat pig, because obviously I wasn't "skinny Rachel" the one she was referring to.

    I was maybe 8 years old sitting on my step grandpas lap eating a tortilla chip and he told me to stop eating because I'm getting fat.

    When I was 13 and going through puberty my grandfather had taken us out to dinner. Keep in mind my grandparents are the sweetest people in the world and adore me. However he cracked a joke that I cleared my plate and said he wouldn't want to be on a deserted island with you!
    Keep in mind I was going through puberty and gaining weight, so it was an awkward time. He used to joke like that and say that to us as kids growing up encouraging us to "clean our plates" so we could go play in the game rooms at restaurants or get dessert. I don't think he realized how much it hurt till he said it, and now he hasn't said it to me every again. I guess the look on my face said it all.

    Oh, and there's always "You have such a pretty face...." and they trail off and sigh.

    And I get told I look like Kelly Clarkson all the time. At first I took it as a compliment, but now that she has gotten fat and lost and repeated the cycle I never know if it is a good thing or bad thing. :/
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    chunky and pregnant (I wasn't)
  • mollz007
    mollz007 Posts: 168 Member
    Well this really isn't a hurtful name... but one of my 1st grade students asked me if I had a baby in my tummy.:mad: Another one said "I have an uncle that is fatter than you." Some kids are just rotten. But they are also just so darn cute.
  • dunlunicor
    dunlunicor Posts: 189 Member
    Not really called a name, but I was in a community theater show, and was having trouble with a dance move. I said to one of my friends in the chorus, "God, a big girl should not be moving like this!". The super-skinny b**** of a dance captain butted in to say, "Well, at least you admit it."

    I'm thinner, stronger, and a better dancer than her now.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Fat *kitten*. Over and over by a guy in the back of a patrol car being taken to jail. It was the last straw. I realized it was true. I started my weight loss quest the next day and I've never looked back. Now I'm admired and respected by the guys I work with and it's a good feeling.