Hurtful Names!



  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member
    Two Ton Toni and Wide pockets
  • AnnKneeNorth
    Just reading through these comments makes me so very sad!

    Especially by the moms that would say hurtful things. Being a mom, I would never ever say anything hurtful towards my kids. Moms are supposed to be the ones that "love you no matter what shape you are"!

    When I was younger I was called Thunder Thighs, when I think back on it now, I did have very large legs, BUT that was because I was in swim team and I used them an aweful lot!! My waist was tiny! we are talking like 19"! I had a very hour glass figure.

    In my 20's I always viewed this as a bad thing. I had my first child when I was 21 and my second when I was 29. The births of my children never made me put weight on. It was other factors in life. ONE huge one was not feeling like I was attractive because of others perception on me.

    I have realized that no matter what anyone says, the only thing that matters is how I truly feel about myself! I was 211 and was fine with myself, I was working out 6 days a week and felt great! Now I am 19 pounds less and still feel great everyday!

    Today I can say I love me, a lot of it has to do with my energy level, but also it has a lot to do with how I view myself!
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    AUGUSTUS ..... AS IN GLOOP, which really was a wake up name!

    the name still gets bouced but only off a certain poisonous person in work - he just gets ignored


    TYRONE - the gettaway driver in lock,stock & 2 smoking barrels
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    Larda and Larva (my name is Lara). As a kid my mom would look in the garbage can to see what I had eaten that day and my dad told me I was so fat and ugly that I would never find a man that would love me. :( Mom was obese. hmm projection?? Dad had issues with her, obviously. I cut judgemental and cruel mom out of my life. Dad is hanging by a thread. Cutting them out cut a lot of the weight off. Still hurts, but I live with it.
  • butterflyqueen1984
    butterflyqueen1984 Posts: 141 Member
    My parents have always said 'you take after your dad big boned' (more like my dad is fat! Cause my mum is always buying him cakes and now he is diabetic!) but my school friends use to say fatty bum bum
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I grew up in Southern California. The body image ideal there is seriously f'd up!!! "I'm so fat" comes out of every single girls mouth several times a day. It is really sick actually. I felt so judged as a child. I live in Denmark now and people let you live as is and do not judge. It feels so good to be free to be me here. This is the first time I have ever felt safe enough to lose weight and keep up with being healthy for myself. I am stubborn and cannot be pushed or shamed into anything!!.I have to be ready before anything sticks. It should be about health and not looks anyway, and people should be encouraged instead of made fun of. There are a lot of bad people in this world, I am not living in my mom's fantasy world that everyone is pretty much good. The worst ones are the ones who shame their own children instead of supporting them and living by setting the good example. My kids will never have weight issues because I love them unconditionally and feed them right and I teach them how to eat right and exercise not by preaching but by doing it myself, imagine that. Just because you are thin doesn't mean you are healthy, and if you eat like crap it will catch up to you eventually.
  • kuzurichan
    It has nothing to do with being fat. But "dumb/stupid" hurts me every time someone uses it.

    I'm not stupid. Far from it. But in social situations, I may seem that way because of Asperger's Syndrome and ADHD. I guess it says more about the people who use such words, but it gets to me. Bah.
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    By my dear sister, (who incidentally was twice as large as me at the time :huh: ) "Here comes Miss Roly Poly".

    I had great pleasure in donating some of my fat clothes to her earlier this year :devil: Mwahahahaha!
  • Kap10
    Kap10 Posts: 229 Member
    That is horrible and obviously untrue.

    For me no specific name, but someone who said "Kap ate all the pies!" I don't normally swear at people, but he was only a loose acquaintance, and that hurt, so i told him to F off.

    Oh the one specific name which will turn me into the Hulk and destroy you, unless you are bigger than me in which case, I'll just get beaten up "Paki"

    That....that pretty much sums it up.

  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    By my dear sister, (who incidentally was twice as large as me at the time :huh: ) "Here comes Miss Roly Poly".

    I had great pleasure in donating some of my fat clothes to her earlier this year :devil: Mwahahahaha!
    Lmso ^
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    Amazon Queen...... ooohit just burns my *kitten* when i still hear that from my vertically challenged sisters!!!!!
  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    lets see

    "fat f**cker"
    "big guy" (I'm 5'6" max)
    "big boned"
    "fat white honkey mother f**cker *kitten*" I can only change the first part and assure you that the last part is unture, all the rest is in the eye of the beholder.
  • shireengool
    shireengool Posts: 73 Member
    I was never called any names, in my country that just doesnt happen, ppl may tal behind your back, but no one will ever hurt your feelings in that way, reading all the stories above, made me very thankful for the kind considerate ppl here. we also dont have bullies in schools, i only saw that on TV.

    The only person who really hurts me about being fat, is my mother, and its always something very indirect. we are moslims and we are not supposed to wear tight revealing clothes, but my skinny sister can always get away with that, and if i talk to my mother she will say my sister has nothing to reveal. she is not flat, i actually think she has a perfect body. She gets to go with my mother to weddings and soicial events, and we stay behind :laugh: we are 4 girls 2 fat, and 2 skinny, only bcoz they can eat double what we eat and never gain a single pound. both my parents are fat. My mother hates fat ppl, even if it was on TV she has to say something not nice, i guess thats her way of telling us we need to lose weight, she can not be on a diet for half a day, and when we go on a diet we always come home to find fatty foods waiting for us.

    In my country, when someone want to describe someone as fat, they say he is healthy :laugh:
  • dmnj33
    dmnj33 Posts: 63 Member
    Lard *kitten* and beach whale hurt the most for me.
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    Dumbo :(
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Im in shock and dismayed that anyone would call another these names!! Please tell me it's not people in your family or close friends? I cant imagine associating with anyone that would talk to another in this manner. I dont even know what to say really.

    It's ridiculous that anyone thinks they can talk to or about someone like this. It is the epitome of disrespectful and rudeness at its most disgusting.

    Im sorry people treated any of you in this way. Its just wrong on so many levels.
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    The worst one I can recall was from elementary and it wasn't a name, it was a sentence. "You're so ugly, why don't you just kill yourself."
  • issystclaire
    issystclaire Posts: 113 Member
    I know everyone has to find different ways to motivate themselves - but personally, I do not think meditating on any time someone was hurtful to you is the healthiest way to do it.

    "Fat" or not - anyone calling you names is plain and simple, a bully - and does not deserve any recognition. You should learn to love yourself at any size - and if you need to make a change to your weight/lifestyle, etc, do so for only the right reasons; to have a longer, healthier and more fulfilling life - not because someone was an *kitten* to you.

    No matter what you do, don't do, look like, don't look like, etc there will always be someone there ready to **** on it, because that is just how mean and nasty some people are. So why even waste a second thinking about it or giving them any attention?
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
  • jeffryjirraf
    jeffryjirraf Posts: 179 Member
    well I only tended to get hassle from neds, whose insults mostly revolve around being gay. Also they get jealous of people with a girlfriend.

    So when I was fat(ter) they would call me "a poof" despite the fact I was the one with the girl. Bizarre...