Hurtful Names!



  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    Flat Back- Let me explain. I have no butt. Ppl used to always make remarks on how i should quote "push my stomach to my butt to give me a proper *kitten*
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    The names people called me I never considered hurtful. Mostly because they were completely uninspired. I am a redhead, so Carrot Top & Strawberry Shortcake. I am smart, so Nerd and Smarty. And many variations of my last name, which was lemon Lemonhead. LemonPledge. Lemon Tree. Lemon Pie.

    Actually, looking back, I realize the people that called me names were apparently not very creative. :laugh:
  • jeffreyjording
    jeffreyjording Posts: 67 Member
    Funny thing is nobody made fun of me when I was overweight. I get called Jefferexic stick man, bony etc now that am thin.
  • melissa5604
    I am American , and lived on the Island of Borneo, which is part of Malaysia for 4 yrs. The people there are tiny. I picked up some of the language , and would hear people saying I looked like a dugong..:sad:

    A dugong is a sea cow. :(

    My mom is and has always been tiny...all her kids except one have been overweight at one time or another and she has no qualms about calling us fat.

    And once , right after a pregnancy, I was at the beach, and some guy was driving by , and yelled pig out the window. He better be glad he was in a gar and moving , cause my hormones were CRAZY and I wanted to HURT him , lol.
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    Hmm..I remember my dad singing that "roly poly, daddy's little fatty" song..which he claims he was just singing, not aiming at me..but I was swimming..still think it was about me.
    A boy told me to lay off the burger king after comparing me to my naturally really thin friend.
    Little brother told me I was too big to be in the bouncy house at my son's party..even after all the big guys had been on it.
    I was talking about something (idk what now) was "going to make me fat" then added "well, fat-ter" and my dad said "Yeah..I was about to say.." Like REALLY?! so wrong to come from a parent.
    I got told loads of times that I'd be really attractive if I lost some weight..and I wasn't even fat..had a little extra weight but didn't even consider myself chubby back then. Ugh.
  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    whale, fat, flabby, buxom wench, vikky pollard (although i dress very well, hate track suits and pink!), lazy, ugly the list goes on

    my grandad is the worst wont see him years and the first thing he'll say is 'you've put on weight, better stay off the cakes' for one i've lost 2 1/2 stone you wrinkly git! second i dont eat cakes that often anyway! i hate that man

    and a nurse asked me while i was wairing for my friend to have her baby scan if i was next! i was only a size 16 at the time!
  • JennPrebs
    JennPrebs Posts: 111 Member
    I remember kids poking fun since i was chubby but i had a phase when i was normal weight then puffed out big time in the later years of high school. I just hate so much when people say stuff like " you know people like you". " you know if your bigger". I live in florida and say its hot and my family would tell me im only hot cause im overweight and people like you sweat more.... Feels like i am a leaper sometimes. The worse thing is the family downers " you know Jennifer you work out all the time and barely eat why are you still so big?" Most people in my life are cruel when it comes to my weight. I think my weight loss has been so successful lately cause ive been living in another state with my boyfriend away from all the negativity. I do have to go back home and go to school i am terrified ... But screw them of they still think im fat whatever my man loves me :) for me.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Does Fatty Mc-Fat-Fat count if it's used by a close friend and makes me laugh and always gets me to work out?? lol

    My personality always seemed to make up for it....never called names - except when my daughter told me I was Fat haha
    We call out 7 month old son Fatty McFatFat LOL!
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Chunky by my mom (I was only a size 9 and 13 or so years old :/ Now that I look back I was very thin and she has a very bad complex about weight)

    I carry my weight well, so I was never called anything bad straight out unless someone was saying it out of anger because they were hurt at me or something. Just remember the one thing that sticks out more is the compliments that you get from your hard work. When I was in high school I started to work out and I was so self conscious I didn't even realize I had lost 20+lbs. Until one day I will never forget a girl I always admired for her curves and how thin she looked (to me) said wow Jolene you lost weight. You look nice, what did you do to lose it? I told her and was so proud of myself I walked with my head held higher than a long time that day! :] To think I thought she was looking at me thinking how much better she was than me and she really was thinking the same way I was.
  • Cathyes24
    Cathyes24 Posts: 71 Member
    Side of Beef (by my Mom)

    Fat Pig (by my Siblings)

    No Strangers / classmates that I remember called me names. What my Mom & Silings called me many many moons ago sticks & I' ll never forget :-(
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    From my dad: "whats all this cheesecake" as he grabbed my love handles

    From my ex boyfriend "i thought you worked out" as he grabbed my belly.

    No grabbing >.>
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I don't think my mother has ever said anything beyond "It looks like you've put on some weight" And she's the only one who would. I am so looking forward to Christmas when I see her and I've lost more weight than I already have.

    I live on the "South Side" of Chicago where it's common to see Curvy and larger women...though I haven't had any random guys stop and tell me how gorgeous my curves are in the past few years :( Guess I just got lumpy instead of staying curvy
    True! I live on the southside of Chicago too and my mom used to be very skinny so she was more particular
  • hayleymc3
    hayleymc3 Posts: 128 Member
    Ugly and "the big one."
  • hayleymc3
    hayleymc3 Posts: 128 Member
    Does Fatty Mc-Fat-Fat count if it's used by a close friend and makes me laugh and always gets me to work out?? lol

    My personality always seemed to make up for it....never called names - except when my daughter told me I was Fat haha
    We call out 7 month old son Fatty McFatFat LOL!

    Might wanna rethink that before he understands what it means.
  • fitambitious
    fitambitious Posts: 57 Member
    1) "Parvatham" - It means 'a really wide mountain' in our local language
    2) Baby Elephant
    3) Pumpkin head
    These are the three names I can remember now. Ofcourse, then there is "fatty"
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Does Fatty Mc-Fat-Fat count if it's used by a close friend and makes me laugh and always gets me to work out?? lol

    My personality always seemed to make up for it....never called names - except when my daughter told me I was Fat haha
    We call out 7 month old son Fatty McFatFat LOL!

    Might wanna rethink that before he understands what it means.

    No I wont rethink it because I am going to tell my kids straight out that being a size doesnt make you ugly or attractive etc. it is about perception. Plus they are being home schooled so I will have built all that self esteem up before he is out in the world much even. Also, even if he is thin I will call him Tubzy because that is his nickname and he will know he was a tubby adorable baby. Who doesn't love a fat baby with little rolls? Lol I also sing the rolly polly some someone mentioned. He falls asleep to it.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    When I was slim in High School I got called Midget, Skinny ***** and Tits on A Stick all the time.
    Now that I'm chunky I been called Oompa Loompa, Christmas Pudding, "as wide as you are tall". Oh the joys of being short and fat.
    Then there was the obnoxious teenage boy who yelled out of his car "you don't need to go there you tubby fat-*kitten* *****". It was the day before my c-section and I was going into McDonalds to use the toilet. After wiping away my tears in the loo I went and bought a coffee and muffin from the McCafe to "cheer myself up", lol.

    What gets me is the amount of larger people who think that it's ok to call you fat names just because they're fat too.
    It's NOT ok with me.
    I'm sorry that person was so rude! It is difficult enough to be pregnant and feel fat without people being so rude. I want Pudding now? :/
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    In grade 5 a boy at school called me a fat pig, i went home and cried for days and refused to go to school.

    My old netball team had two people called abbey so i was known as 'big abbey' and she was known as 'little abbey' we were basically the same height.

    I was sexually assaulted when i was younger and when my sister found out she said 'but who would want to touch you?'

    I was upset at my dad for some reason last year and when he came to talk to me about it all he said was ' are you crying because of your weight?'

    The many many times people have yelled out the generic fat names out of their cars

    Oh and just the other day my mums ex boyfriend called me a fat slut.

    My ex boyfriend set up a facebook page called 'Abbey is a fat whale'

    My last boyfriend and i were laying in his bed with err..not so many clothes on and he said to me 'You have nice curves' while he ran his hand down my side. It was actually a compliment but i got so upset about it.

    My weight has always been the thing thats gotten to me most, even when i was thin. I'll always remember these times and ill use them as my motivation.

    This is the worst I've read and nearly made me tear up for you. xoxo You are one strong person to deal with all of it. I would love to add you if it's okay. :] It is an inspiration just that you worked through all of that because my husband struggles a lot with the torment and names he was called when he was little.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Chicken legs.

    ...crap, they still call me that. :/
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    My mom used to call me "big boy" I don't know why but that one was painful. Now she has to eat those words everytime she sees me.