People wearing too much makeup...



  • moonsforeyes
    I love this.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member

    A thousand, thousand times this.

    Women who choose NOT to wear makeup should not be made to feel as if they aren't 'presenting' themselves well. That's nonsense. But women ARE made to feel as if makeup is a MUST. In big corporations and professional environments women are OFTEN pressured to wear makeup because without makeup they're considered to be 'unpolished'. Well that's nonsense and as a woman I absolutely hate it.

    Isn't it bad enough I feel I'm not pretty because I'm fat? Now I have to feel like I'm not pretty because I don't wear make up too? REALLY?

    I completely agree with you. The polished makeup thing must go. It's like there's some sort of programming out there that pushes women to wear makeup for everything from interviews to other business situations. In other words, we have no power unless we show our pretty side as opposed to using our brains. Men wear a nice suit, dress well, and go to interviews...we doll ourselves up and have to wear high heels that will kill our feet. It makes no sense. I look around at work and see women with makeup and high heels and they wear them for 8 hours....the guys...they're the smart ones wearing nice comfy loafers and they aren't as stressed out.

    I've always been more of a Tomboy and I admit, I see a woman wearing full makeup hiking and I think "Are you nuts?" Usually, it's because I know the majority of it will melt off and also it's just not good for the skin if you're sweating. It's like women who wear makeup to go tubing or snorkeling. I don't do that. You'll never see a guy wearing foundation on a hike. The point is to enjoy the hike - not look like a super model during the hike. I also know I like guys who are more outdoorsy. The last thing I want to do is date someone who'll be upset if I don't look like a model every time I go out. I like me and hope he'll like me too - with or without makeup (preferably without).
  • Goddessmaker1
    Goddessmaker1 Posts: 114 Member
    As a former MUA-makeup artist too much is relative. What is too much for one is just enough for others. When it's poorly applied that is when there is a issue. Makeup is a creative medium for me. I'm a canvas and the mu is my paint. I need some folks to get a life about what is right and wrong. Men don't know what is good or not either. I prefer a man who likes a woman who indulges in female pleasures ie shoes,clothing,hair and of course makeup and nail polish. How you present yourself to the world is up to you. But a bit of mascara won't destroy you nor make you look unnatural. It will actually make you look a bit more bright eyed and bushy tailed.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    So you see someone with a lot of makeup on.

    So get over yourself and next time, keep your mouth shut.

    Well, damn! All I did was see someone with a lot of makeup on! :angry:
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Makeup is a creative medium for me. I'm a canvas and the mu is my paint. I need some folks to get a life about what is right and wrong. Men don't know what is good or not either. I prefer a man who likes a woman who indulges in female pleasures ie shoes,clothing,hair and of course makeup and nail polish.

    I think this is the each his own...some like it...some don't. Some of us see makeup and the whole bit as "female pleasures" while others see it as torture or worse. I prefer clothing that is comfortable, made of cotton (not artificial) and when and if I do wear makeup, it's a very, very light amount and usually mineral based. You couldn't pay me to wear nails...they bother me when I type and it's just too much money and work. I do like clothing that looks good...but I don't see that as a feminine pleasure because lots of guys like nice clothes too. As for shoes - I go for quality, comfort and look...if it won't catch me in them. My feet are my temple...without them I can do nothing so I protect them by only putting them in the best. :laugh:
  • tbruegg
    tbruegg Posts: 283 Member
    Some of us are just plain janes without makeup. Such as eyebrows so blonde looks like there are none same with eyelashes. Very fair skin not a touch of pink anywhere in ones complection. So I have worn makeup all my life it's as common as puting on clothes.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    I seriously don't get it. I wear makeup when I feel it is appropriate, in the evening when going out, different makeup for business during the day (much lighter), I go without it a good deal of the time when I am not going anywhere. I never wear it at the gym.

    It takes me about 5 minutes to put it on, it adds a finishing accent to an outfit, tying colors together to bring out a particular look I am going for. Seriously I don't think a little color makes me look that different, just accents that which is already there, and I don't wear it for the men anyway. I simply like the artistry of cosmetics, just as I like the artistry of many other things.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    So you see someone with a lot of makeup on.

    So get over yourself and next time, keep your mouth shut.

    Well, damn! All I did was see someone with a lot of makeup on! :angry:
    Ah! But did you see the 'someone' or the 'makeup'?
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    So you see someone with a lot of makeup on.

    So get over yourself and next time, keep your mouth shut.

    Well, damn! All I did was see someone with a lot of makeup on! :angry:
    Ah! But did you see the 'someone' or the 'makeup'?

    Do you ever really see the person, or simply the projection of your bias upon them.

    And hopefully that ends the puerile and sophomoric "analysis" of human nature in this thread.

    (But probably not.)
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I love putting on eye-makeup! Matching eye shadows to my outfit, nail polish, going to the tanner, going clothes shopping, wearing high heels, getting my hair done..etc. I love going with my friends to get pedicures. It's so fun. I love it! If you don't, you don't have to hang out with me or know me, if you don't want to.

    Seriously? Matching eye shadow to your outfit is...not good. I'm trying to be polite here.

    A friend told me that. something about only wear 'your colors' on your eyes... my response was "what if I only wear 'my colors' for my clothes? then I am matching my outfit and still wering 'my colors'. The eyeshadow colors she said are 'my colors' are pretty much in tune with the clothes colors I wear anyway. (But I only wear eyeshadow about once a month, time is an issue for me. I'd seriously rather sleep an extra 3 minutes.)
    Sorry to say, but if you restrict your make-up to "your colors" for the purpose of coming off/looking a certain way, that sort of ruins the argument of you using it for self expression. You aren't really expressing yourself when you stifle it because someone says "That's not your color". Just my opinion.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    EVERYBODY can use a little MAKE UP! =D
    I disagree.
    Me too
  • karmaology
    I used to be super into makeup. All I remember was watching MichellePhan videos and walking around with a freshly painted face on all day :laugh: Thank God I have gotten way better at cosmetics and in fact I'd like to go to cosmetology school soon. :drinker: :heart: But I totally agree! People get way too judgy when it comes to stuff they don't understand.
  • karmaology
    I don't see what's so wrong with it. Make-up magnifies/intensifies your beauty. What's up with all the hate? :ohwell:
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    To all the "who cares what other people do?" attitudes: personal actions do not exist in a vacuum. The things you do have an effect. If one woman puts on makeup because she thinks it makes her look and feel better, then another woman may see her, think the same, and also put on makeup, and so on. A feedback gets created where a made-up face becomes the standard of what looks better, so more women who don't wear it are made to feel insecure and end up wearing it. It is completely understandable that women would feel they are supposed to or need to wear it, but unfortunately they are then judged and criticized for not having confidence. It's hardly their fault when the public standard of what women should look like has become far from natural (look at any media) and they conform to that standard. However, they should recognize that by doing so, they inadvertently promote the standard and pressure others to buy into it.

    And as for "who cares, it's just makeup" attitudes, nearly $170 billion US is spent globally on cosmetics and perfume each year. That's hardly trivial.

    Love this one.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member

    A thousand, thousand times this.

    Women who choose NOT to wear makeup should not be made to feel as if they aren't 'presenting' themselves well. That's nonsense. But women ARE made to feel as if makeup is a MUST. In big corporations and professional environments women are OFTEN pressured to wear makeup because without makeup they're considered to be 'unpolished'. Well that's nonsense and as a woman I absolutely hate it.

    Isn't it bad enough I feel I'm not pretty because I'm fat? Now I have to feel like I'm not pretty because I don't wear make up too? REALLY?

    I completely agree with you. The polished makeup thing must go. It's like there's some sort of programming out there that pushes women to wear makeup for everything from interviews to other business situations. In other words, we have no power unless we show our pretty side as opposed to using our brains. Men wear a nice suit, dress well, and go to interviews...we doll ourselves up and have to wear high heels that will kill our feet. It makes no sense. I look around at work and see women with makeup and high heels and they wear them for 8 hours....the guys...they're the smart ones wearing nice comfy loafers and they aren't as stressed out.

    I've always been more of a Tomboy and I admit, I see a woman wearing full makeup hiking and I think "Are you nuts?" Usually, it's because I know the majority of it will melt off and also it's just not good for the skin if you're sweating. It's like women who wear makeup to go tubing or snorkeling. I don't do that. You'll never see a guy wearing foundation on a hike. The point is to enjoy the hike - not look like a super model during the hike. I also know I like guys who are more outdoorsy. The last thing I want to do is date someone who'll be upset if I don't look like a model every time I go out. I like me and hope he'll like me too - with or without makeup (preferably without).
    I don't even wear make-up to interviews. I only ever wear it out of boredom or to wake me up (I find eyeliner/mascara keep me from closing my eyes because it makes mine stick? Lol). If I wear any it is eyeliner, mascara, lip gloss, and nothing else maybe once every 4 months. Plus, only one of those times would be out of the house and the other would be because I feel tired or it is sitting there on a shelf in the bathroom and I am up at 3am and want to paint stuff on myself and take pictures. lmso.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I don't see what's so wrong with it. Make-up magnifies/intensifies your beauty. What's up with all the hate? :ohwell:
    Just one more to say! lol. I don't agree with you. I prefer people without make up and I think it is a matter of opinion, what beautiful is.
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    I use make-up to cover the dark circles from sleep deprivation and put a bit of colour in my cheeks. Im no painted lady but jeez, the crack *kitten* look is so last year...
  • heagler870
    heagler870 Posts: 280 Member
    Here is my straight forward OPINION on this subject. Remember what they say about opinions now.... Everyone's got one. I believe that every one of those reasons for wearing makeup can be valid for an individual. I think that anyone that would say something to someone for wearing too much makeup is probably insecure with themselves. I mean come one, if you see someone with a god awful amount of make up on you are going to think in your head that it's too much. I mean, to me that is just human nature. I don't think it's judgmental to think those things, maybe if you start thinking yourself better than that person for wearing that much then yes, that is judgmental. I think it takes it to a whole new ballpark to say something to that person about the make they are wearing. If you are thinking that in your head what possesses you that much to tell them? Why do you care so much to tell them? I guess some people are just mean like that. And some people may say that telling someone that they have too much make up on is just being honest, yeah, it is honest if you think it's too much but who cares about your honesty on someone else's choice that doesn't affect you or anyone else? In one part it says "if you see someone with lots of makeup on do not tell them, they don't care what you think." Well I don't believe that's true, at least not entirely true. If someone tells someone that another person has too much makeup on it could really hurt their feelings. Not saying that's true for everyone as I know there are A LOT of people out there that won't give a rat's *kitten* but some will care. Okay those are just a few thoughts reflecting on some of what I read.

    Also, it kind of made me ponder as to why I wear make up. I don't wear much makeup, just foundation and powder. I keep it simple. But it really made me think. I think I may be a little insecure with myself. I mean, being fat now and even more so before when I was 80 pounds heavier you are just really insecure and self conscious about yourself, at least I was. I have become slightly more confident since I've lost weight but not completely, I am getting there though! I know when I was 80 pounds heavier and even now I wear makeup because it makes my skin look slightly better. I had severe acne when I was a child and up into my teens. So badly that I had to take Accutane. I have acne scars from my acne and I am self conscious about those. Those scars are a huge factor in why I wear makeup. I know this doesn't work but I sometimes pretty up my eyes with my make up because I feel like I will be prettier and maybe attract a man. <~~~~ I know that is not a very good reason to wear more make up but that is my thinking. It doesn't actually work but it makes me feel more pretty and gives me a bit of a confidence boost. I guess there is more than one reason behind why I wear makeup. This was a good article! Thanks for sharing!!!
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    I used to wear a lot of makeup because I was insecure. I have always had acne and the MAC Foundation I used covered it up pretty well. I could not imagine going into a professional work meeting without it. A few years ago, I had acne which was different from the usual type and this would not go away after three months and was spreading to the other side of my face. I looked like a freak and my Mac would not cover this awful patch of skin. Thankfully I was able to get some treatment from my Doctor which made me feel human again however the only downside was I could not wear makeup for four months. I almost had a panic attack as I could not imagine going into work without it. It was tough at first as I felt like everyone was staring and I didnt feel confident, However once I started seeing the results from the treatment, I started to feel better. After the treatment was over, I got so used to not wearing makeup that I decided not to use it. It has been a few years now and I only wear it moisturiser daily and makeup for parties and special occasions.

    I would never judge someone for wearing too much makeup as there were many times in the past where I did not feel confident enough to go out without it.
  • NotThePest
    Cause a lot of men want to e lied to. We, men and women, are usually in the people reconstruction business. We don't see them for who they are but for who we "think" we can make them out to be. Wrong, wrong, wrong, what you see is what you get. "If it is faked in the front end, it will be faked in the back, you just missed it if you come up surprised.