People wearing too much makeup...



  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    Why the hate against makeup? Did you guys never do paint by the numbers, or color in coloring books? Damn, applying makeup is like Crayola for adults.

  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member

    ^^ Me too.

    I think you can have a healthy relationship with your make up, or any unhealthy one.
    Make up should be fun, not a weird crutch that covers up what you think makes you imperfect.

    If you rely on it heavily, detest your face without it, feel you can't be seen without it on etc., you need a reality check.

    If you use it to enhance what you've got, not to hide it, you're good to go.

    I wear make up probably 70% of the time. Sometimes I go a whole week without it though, and I still go to work, grocery shopping, see my boyfriend etc.. I try to go at least one day a week with nothing, to remind myself it's possible and it's important to be able to do it.

    One other important thing, sometimes it's better to solve what is creating the problem rather than cover it up. I covered up the bags under my eyes for eons, until finally I realized maybe I should just eat & sleep better. Solving is better than hiding ladies!

    I don't wear it to hide bags or cover blemishes. I have healthy skin. I get the sleep I need. I eat well. I just don't like the way I look. I actually *like* my face. I wear makeup to enhance my decent face and distract from the trainwreck below the neck........ which I am improving...... but until it is where I want it, I will try to make people not notice it so much. From the armpits up, I am HOT..... and that is where it stops.
  • Ivy_leaves
    Ivy_leaves Posts: 103 Member
    I don't like wearing makeup, except some days when I wear eyeliner and even more rarely put on some mascara.
    I don't think I am inferior or superior to anyone because of it though.
    It's all just personal choice, and I am completely unaware of any case where wearing or not wearing make up caused any harm.
    So ya, pretty much agreed. Just do what works for you, and there's no need to judge something as simple as make up.
    I don't see how people even have the extra time or energy to spend worrying about something so minute that does not affect them. ;/
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    Some people just suck at putting on makeup. Make up should enhance your beauty, not give you a clown face.
  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
    I don't like a lot of make up on myself personally. I am half and half. It's not because I don't care about the way I look, but because I actually accept myself with or without make up. I feel confident enough to actually like myself both ways. When I do wear make up, it's just my eyes. Eyeshadow. Eye liner on the edges. And powder. Powder, however, I've grown to HAVE it at all times. Regardless if I have my eyes done or not. Dunno why. Maybe because I started early with powder. It was my first "make up tool". Hehe.

    Which should probably answer why people wear too much make up. They experienced it VERY YOUNG.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    I don't like a lot of make up on myself personally. I am half and half. It's not because I don't care about the way I look, but because I actually accept myself with or without make up. I feel confident enough to actually like myself both ways. When I do wear make up, it's just my eyes. Eyeshadow. Eye liner on the edges. And powder. Powder, however, I've grown to HAVE it at all times. Regardless if I have my eyes done or not. Dunno why. Maybe because I started early with powder. It was my first "make up tool". Hehe.

    Which should probably answer why people wear too much make up. They experienced it VERY YOUNG.

    wearing outside the house and "dress up" - powder and chapstick! I was finially allowed in seventh grade to wear them. :) I learned to do makeup after lots of bad embarrassing mistakes. then through being taught (magazines, friends, mary kay, artistry, later on internet)
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    Personally, I only wear a little bit of eye shadow and eye liner, that's it. On the weekends, I don't even bother putting make-up on and I have no problems going to the store or hanging out with friends without wearing make-up. I feel just as confident with and without make-up. My mom and sister are opposite, as they always have to have make-up on even if they are just staying home all day.

    I think make-up should be worn to enhance aspects of a womans face, and not caked on. I remember a friend of mine in high school would constantly apply mascara and had the "taranchela" eyelash look. One day her eyes became infected and she couldn't wear make-up for a week. She looked more beautiful without all that mascara and even after the infection went away, she just put on one coat of mascara and that was it.

    I think the "Tammy Faye Baker" look is just rediculous too. People, especially women, are so caught up in looks that we feel we have to do this to be and feel beautiful. We don't need a lot of make-up, push up bras, butt pads, fake eyelashes, hair extensions, fake tans, and a skinny body to be beautiful. Hollywood can kiss my *kitten*.

    Did anyone ever watch Fresh Prince of Bel Air? There was one episode where Will Smith experiences his first earthquake and he's hidding under a table with his girlfriend. He realizes then that his girlfriend has a wig, fake nails, and fake lashes. He makes a little song about how he doesn't even know who she is because of all the fakeness she did to herself.

    Just be yourself women.
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    To the men who say they like the "natural" look- naturally, my skin is pale yet still red and blotchy and kind of washed out, and my eyebrows and eyelashes are so pale that I look like the dude in "Dark Side of the Moon" when he shaves off his eyebrows.

    You mean Bob Geldof, and it was "The Wall"


    haha yeah him! ermergerd, it's like looking in a mirror.
  • Queenb1212
    Queenb1212 Posts: 108 Member
    I love natural looking makeup...although I have adult acne, but ladies you do YOU. We all express ourselves differently. Some express themselves with makeup, other women express themselves in other ways. Appreciate how God has made you. Society plays a big part on what people think YOU should look, think, and do with your own body...from lipo suction, implants, to what women should look like from models in magazines. My truth is...BE YOU!!! Not one of us are perfect in some way or another (whether it's inside or out). We were all uniquely made, your issue is just that ...your "IS U". As for the men, thank GOD, He blessed me with a loving husband doesn't challenge me when I express myself (I'm only talking about makeup, clothing, lip gloss (haha), etc.) and loves every fabulously chuncky part of me (as I do him, but he's tall & at his goal weight)...AND when I lose this weight that means I will have even more to give him. We have been married for 19 years and we still love on each other.

    Respectfully, I wish he would try to tell me what to wear and how to wear it....REALLY!!. Come on now! Do YOU and let's just love and appreciate the uniqueness of one another.
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    To the men who say they like the "natural" look- naturally, my skin is pale yet still red and blotchy and kind of washed out, and my eyebrows and eyelashes are so pale that I look like the dude in "Dark Side of the Moon" when he shaves off his eyebrows. I'll bet you dollars to donuts that when I put on a little powder to even out my skin tone, blush, blonde eyebrow pencil, brown mascara and lipgloss that is the same color as my gums (the trick to natural lip color), my husband and male friends think I'm makeup free. When i'm ACTUALLY makeup free I get "Are you sick, tired, hungover, etc". I don't take it personally because for me, the no-makeup look just looks worn-out. My mom and best friend have the same problem. Now for my dark-haired friends, they can easily go makeup free, because you can see their eyebrows and eyelashes, and olive complexions tend to have a bit more color in the cheeks. But I begrudge no one their makeup! (unless the lip liner is darker then the lipstick, because then your mouth looks like a *kitten*). Oh and makeup at the gym- ridiculous. If you're at the gym and your makeup isn't sweating off, you're doing it wrong.

    hahaha love the lip liner part lol hilarious! My makeup sweats off at the gym and it doesn't bother me at all. I go straight from work to the gym so I don't have to worry about taking it off.

    ditto for my sister. If she doesn't she knows she might not go or have time. So she goes with make up if she wore it that day but it sweats off.

    Maybe it's because i'm a hot yoga fiend, if there is even a teensy bit of mascara left on my eyes when I go to class it stings and burns and runs all over my eyes makes me look like a beaten housewife. And if I wear foundation to class you can bet your sweet *kitten* that I'll be braking out like a teenager the next day- even if I wash my face after. It's awesome to see all my yoga friends outside of class, because we're all in there sweating, red-faced, hair up in a knot, looking like poop, but give us a shower, a blow-dryer and our makeup bags- omg, goddess transformation.
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    To the men who say they like the "natural" look- naturally, my skin is pale yet still red and blotchy and kind of washed out, and my eyebrows and eyelashes are so pale that I look like the dude in "Dark Side of the Moon" when he shaves off his eyebrows. I'll bet you dollars to donuts that when I put on a little powder to even out my skin tone, blush, blonde eyebrow pencil, brown mascara and lipgloss that is the same color as my gums (the trick to natural lip color), my husband and male friends think I'm makeup free. When i'm ACTUALLY makeup free I get "Are you sick, tired, hungover, etc". I don't take it personally because for me, the no-makeup look just looks worn-out. My mom and best friend have the same problem. Now for my dark-haired friends, they can easily go makeup free, because you can see their eyebrows and eyelashes, and olive complexions tend to have a bit more color in the cheeks. But I begrudge no one their makeup! (unless the lip liner is darker then the lipstick, because then your mouth looks like a *kitten*). Oh and makeup at the gym- ridiculous. If you're at the gym and your makeup isn't sweating off, you're doing it wrong.

    hahaha love the lip liner part lol hilarious! My makeup sweats off at the gym and it doesn't bother me at all. I go straight from work to the gym so I don't have to worry about taking it off.

    ditto for my sister. If she doesn't she knows she might not go or have time. So she goes with make up if she wore it that day but it sweats off.

    Maybe it's because i'm a hot yoga fiend, if there is even a teensy bit of mascara left on my eyes when I go to class it stings and burns and runs all over my eyes makes me look like a beaten housewife. And if I wear foundation to class you can bet your sweet *kitten* that I'll be braking out like a teenager the next day- even if I wash my face after. It's awesome to see all my yoga friends outside of class, because we're all in there sweating, red-faced, hair up in a knot, looking like poop, but give us a shower, a blow-dryer and our makeup bags- omg, goddess transformation.

    And also, to clarify- I'm not talking about heading straight to the gym after work, i'm talking about the girls that do their hair and makeup BEFORE going to the gym and then slowly walk on a treadmill.
  • I love wearing make-up, it makes me feel confident. Some people have nooo idea what some girls look like without make-up. But without make-up, I look really tired and/or high.
    Which I'm neither at all. I just have really pale skin, dark circles from genetics, and wide eyes. -.-
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Some girls are TOO talented with their make up. One day you see them and they look like Scarlet Johansen, the next time you see them without make up and they look like Kathy Griffin. Thats false advertising man lol.

    Thankfully I am not on the market for women because I sympathize. With all the padded bras, padded butts, compression undergarments and makeup you never know what you are getting.

    Bets are if you find her attractive with all that stuff on, you'll still find her attractive without any of it. Does finding out she's in a push-up bra suddenly make her less valuable because her boobs are a cup size smaller?
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Ever since I figured out eyeliner I wear it every day. Though I look about the same without it... No one but me really notices. =/
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Different things make different people feel confident. Some people feel horrible all day if their hair is in a pony tail, if you're wearing pants that don't fit properly, not wearing a new outfit etc. Makeup does give confidence and there's nothing wrong with that.

    I've never met a woman who got their makeup done and didn't feel great about themselves that day.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Ever since I figured out eyeliner I wear it every day. Though I look about the same without it... No one but me really notices. =/

    I'm sure it's noticable (unless you're using light brown), people just rarely comment on makeup. :P
  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    Riddle Me This, Fellas:

    If "most men do not prefer women who wear a lot of makeup" then why are all the generally accepted as drop-dead sexy ladies in the movies, magazines, strip clubs, and sex industry all completely made up in a full face of makeup?

    And why do the men spend so much time and money on their interest in these ladies?

    And why are these industries and women so successful?


    I trust I have made my point.

    Carry on.

  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Riddle Me This, Fellas:

    If "most men do not prefer women who wear a lot of makeup" then why are all the generally accepted as drop-dead sexy ladies in the movies, magazines, strip clubs, and sex industry all completely made up in a full face of makeup?

    And why do the men spend so much time and money on their interest in these ladies?

    And why are these industries and women so successful?


    I trust have made my point.

    Carry on.

    Hahaha, exactly. It's one of those things that men say to sound like 'nice guys' typically.. same as the guys who say "I love curvy women, that woman is too skinny!" etc. No makeup can be attractive too, but wearing makeup isn't as much of a turn off as so many guys claim.
  • ali_b83
    ali_b83 Posts: 324 Member
    I love my makeup. I don't care if I wear a "lot", because 95% of the time I wear none, and am in gym clothes and covered in baby slobber. So when I do put it on, hell yeah I'm going to put on more than mascara! :bigsmile:
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    Riddle Me This, Fellas:

    If "most men do not prefer women who wear a lot of makeup" then why are all the generally accepted as drop-dead sexy ladies in the movies, magazines, strip clubs, and sex industry all completely made up in a full face of makeup?

    And why do the men spend so much time and money on their interest in these ladies?

    And why are these industries and women so successful?


    I trust have made my point.

    Carry on.


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