People wearing too much makeup...



  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    *shakes head* Women...
  • Fit_Vixen
    Fit_Vixen Posts: 201
    I wear makeup,because without it....1. I look sick 2. I feel lazy
  • cmpollard01
    Love this post! And some of us are Mary Kay consultants, so we would never leave the house without AT LEAST our mascara. :smile: The way I figure it, I can't ask customers to buy the product I provide if I look a hot mess! :bigsmile:
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    *shakes head* Women...


    lol.jk, mostly...haha! :laugh:

    my man is so nothing like those type guys. (meaning the double standard complaining all talk mouthing off trying to seem manly arrogant sarcastic jerkoffs who judge ALL WOMEN by the ones they knew.) I should clone him to share him with other gals so they don't have to pick through so many guys like that to find a good one. :drinker:
  • ukstarlight05
    I always wear eye makeup... I think of it as a mini-art project every day. I love blending colors, the way it looks, and it's my 5 mins of relaxation time while getting ready in the morning. I also feel more confident when I have my eyes done; I feel like I look sickly or dead without it. Also, I'm very blonde so if I don't at least put masacra on it looks like I have no eyelashes!!
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    I was ready to 'fight' thinking this was going to be one of those makeup bashing threads. I am a makeup artist, and while most days I go with none at all there are days when I glam it up. It all boils down to this: No one need ever explain why they wear what they wear. Everyone has the right to do what makes them feel pretty and what makes them happy (as long as they are not hurting themselves or anyone else). I don't know how some people feel they have the right to be so nasty to another human being.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I will wear foundation to cover up acne or my acne scars (when I'm pale)

    Since I'm tan most of the time, I wear no make up at all 90% of the time. I love skipping that makeup step in the mornings for work.
    So when I do go all out...My husband is like WOW :love:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    For me, I have had terrible cystic acne and my face is completely covered in tiny dents and scars. I also have a bit of redness that has always been there. I can't wear make-up to enhance, I HAVE to wear it to cover/even out.

    Not all of us have the benefit of perfect, flawless skin to wear proudly with minimal make-up.
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    i do not wear make up alot i do sometimes but not often it makes my face feel gross. i have a friend who always wears makeup and ive seen her a couple of times without any at all and she goregous but her self esteem gets to her and she thinks she has to wear it. even in highschool it was rare that i wore makeup when i did everyone was like who you lookin special for NO ONE i just felt like wearing it. but the days i do wear makeup its to cover my acne that randomly pops up after weeks of nothing and they are big red hard things like cysts ugh!
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Makeup is thee to enhanced your features, not destroying them....


    I actually saw once a 10 years old girl with her mamma wearing as much as this.... cant believe the mother let her go out like this.. and no, the mamma was well done, not clownish....

    Personnally, I like it light during the day, and a lil heavier in a evening party...
  • LeighAnna115
    I'm a big believer in happy mediums. I personally don't wear a lot of makeup, but don't begrudge those that do. We all should feel free to do what makes us happy.

    The only thing I am not a fan of is when girls cannot go a day without makeup, or they wear so much they look like a different person without it. Everyone should feel confident in what they've got! But if you enjoy lots of makeup, it's a whatever floats your boat type of thing to me. Just keep your cosmetic relationship healthy. Use makeup (or don't) because it makes you happy and feel more beautiful. NOT because you feel you have to use it to be beautiful.

    I'm also a big believer in day makeup vs. night makeup. Keep it a little more simple during the day, then if you like that sexy look turn it up before heading out with your friends for a night out.

    As far as a man's opinion goes. I use to spend a lot of time trying to figure out what guys like. But it was a pointless feat. I do what makes me happy and feel sexy, and my boyfriend says he loves it. Some studies have shown that most men like to say they prefer the natural look on women, but when given 2 different photos of the same girl side by side and asked which look is most attractive.... they pick the look with more makeup. And they say women are confusing.....
  • jesse1379
    jesse1379 Posts: 239 Member
    Riddle Me This, Fellas:

    If "most men do not prefer women who wear a lot of makeup" then why are all the generally accepted as drop-dead sexy ladies in the movies, magazines, strip clubs, and sex industry all completely made up in a full face of makeup?

    And why do the men spend so much time and money on their interest in these ladies?

    And why are these industries and women so successful?


    I trust I have made my point.

    Carry on.


    Holy Victoria Secret Batman....shes got a point here.
  • Scottish_charlene_84
    I wear makeup every day. not a great deal but i d like it and feel confident with it. i wear a little more on a night out and i feel nice generally
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Riddle Me This, Fellas:

    If "most men do not prefer women who wear a lot of makeup" then why are all the generally accepted as drop-dead sexy ladies in the movies, magazines, strip clubs, and sex industry all completely made up in a full face of makeup?

    And why do the men spend so much time and money on their interest in these ladies?

    And why are these industries and women so successful?


    I trust I have made my point.

    Carry on.


    They say crap like that to earn themselves points, or whatever. If every woman turned into a Tweety Bird pajamas in public wearer with unibrows, black roots and zombie faces, there wouldn't be many men alive going "Wow, now these women are sexy"... Give me a freaking break. It's (((((OKAY))))).
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    I'm a big believer in happy mediums. I personally don't wear a lot of makeup, but don't begrudge those that do. We all should feel free to do what makes us happy.

    The only thing I am not a fan of is when girls cannot go a day without makeup, or they wear so much they look like a different person without it. Everyone should feel confident in what they've got! But if you enjoy lots of makeup, it's a whatever floats your boat type of thing to me. Just keep your cosmetic relationship healthy. Use makeup (or don't) because it makes you happy and feel more beautiful. NOT because you feel you have to use it to be beautiful.

    I'm also a big believer in day makeup vs. night makeup. Keep it a little more simple during the day, then if you like that sexy look turn it up before heading out with your friends for a night out.

    As far as a man's opinion goes. I use to spend a lot of time trying to figure out what guys like. But it was a pointless feat. I do what makes me happy and feel sexy, and my boyfriend says he loves it. Some studies have shown that most men like to say they prefer the natural look on women, but when given 2 different photos of the same girl side by side and asked which look is most attractive.... they pick the look with more makeup. And they say women are confusing.....

    I like the "happy mediums" part. I try to stay in the grey area, zero zone, sea level, medium get it. There can always be too much or too little, bad and good, however you wish to slice it. The is always the "goldie locks zone" (just right) for almost any scenerio. Best to keep there.

    but, if some gals want a lot (drags for example or vegas show girls, whatever) then go them, if fresh naked faced gals like feeling the wind kiss their cheeks, go them. Its your life. Do it your way. You don't get another shot.
  • dg730
    dg730 Posts: 62
    I do like makeup. I wear it for family pictures and family parties and gatherings. So not very often.
    I love to see people wear it. Some of them put it on perfectly. Although I knew people that wear it every day
    for as long as I can remember and they just seem to look older with out it and the make up isn't hiding it
    as well anymore.
  • amtru2015
    amtru2015 Posts: 179 Member
    1. This is a dumb thread but im taking the bait.
    2. You put makeup on to look better...say all you want that its "not to appeal to other people's beauty standards" care about what other people think or you wouldnt wear it.
    3. makeup that is caked on looks terrible, not to mention that it rubs off on about a make out session that doesn't include foundation or lipstick smearing off on your guy??
    4. No one's saying you shouldnt wear makeup...the trick is to be able to apply the right amount in the right way to make yourself look damn fine.
    5. makeup shouldnt drastically alter your facial construction or eyebrows...thats just creepy.
  • 05saleengirl

    One of my biggest pet peeves is when girls who wear little to no makeup think they are superior to girls who do wear makeup because they think by not wearing makeup they are more confident, etc. So yeah, this post makes me happy.

    Amen girls...amen.
  • 05saleengirl
    For me, I have had terrible cystic acne and my face is completely covered in tiny dents and scars. I also have a bit of redness that has always been there. I can't wear make-up to enhance, I HAVE to wear it to cover/even out.

    Not all of us have the benefit of perfect, flawless skin to wear proudly with minimal make-up.

    Well said. I NEVER had acne in my teans. Hit my late 20s now 30s and I have some break outs. It sucks *kitten* to be honest. And I rather not have to wear makeup but I do. Caked

    You never know what someone else has going on in their life, so it's best not to judge. Above is a perfect example. She's wearing it for a reason. It's not like she can grow new skin.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I feel the same about people judging what I wear, it's none of your damn business! and if I feel confident, I'll wear it all day long. the ONLY ONLY time where I can see the need to make a comment is in a place of business. I work in sales and if I was on a deal with one of my co-workers who came in looking like Halloween, I'd probably ask them to tone it down because like it or not, the clients aren't just judging us on how great our proposal is, but also how we look and I wouldn't want that to take away.