Some people...



  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    This is going to sound old fashioned, but...

    Refinement is now something that is in the minority.

    With the propensity of the "me first" attitude comes a reduction in the amount of manners, self awareness, and sympathy/empathy & caring about the feelings of others.

    I can't tell you how many women look at me in shock when I insist on opening the door for them.

    Amazing. I am truly embarrassed for what my gender has become.

    very true.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    UGH! So sorry! I sort of work in customer service and I try to be the best at it. Sometimes you have to take a firm hand with the customers though. I am a system analyst so my "customers" are the system business owners and downstream users. doesn't really matter WHO your customer is...they're still technically "customers" and they can get irate if the data isn't what they expected or the file isn't how they expected to get it....

    My deepest sympathies; people can be rude (and that does include those providing the customer service) -- nothing like taking items up to the clerk to check out, you great them and smile and they ignore you, scan your items and tell you how much you owe without looking at you. "Thank you and you have a great day too!":smile: Maybe they had one of those irate customers before us??? I usually cut people slack because I don't know what they had to deal with prior to meeting me, husband can't stand rude people and he's not as lenient with their rudeness.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Why do you need a name to give change for legal tender?

    In case it's a fake 100

    You don't have the little pen to write on it and check? Seriously you are a bank. If you can't tell that, we're in trouble.

    Seriously, she's not the bank president. She has to do what her superiors tell her to do. If that's bank procedure, she has no say in the matter. Whether it makes sense to the customer or not, NOBODY should treat a customer service worker like that simply because she is doing her job the way her superiors have told her to.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I have to vent on this because it really bothers me. WHY do people have to be so rude for no reason. I work at a bank and a person just came through the drive through and sent in a 100 dollar bill. I asked did you just want change for this ma'am? And she replied yes. So then I had to ask her for her name or account number. She didn't reply, so I asked her again. And she yelled at me why do you need my name? I said its manditory that we put it in the system so in case there are any problems and you were to come back we can go back in the system and see exactly what happened. She then yelled at me this is so stupid, just give me the $100 back if you can't do my transaction. I said ma'am I would be more than happy to do this for you I just have to put in your name. She then screamed her name at me and yelled God this is so stupid! I left the speaker on to hear what she was saying still and she just sat out there venting how stupid she thought this was to have to go through. I then sent her back her change and told her thank you have a great day. She gave me the look, shook her head, and drove off with her change.

    Really? I still don't get the issue here... Why couldn't you simply tell me your name and go on with your life. It's these kind of people who you always get that make you HATE working in customer service. That and the customers who you get all day that look at you like your a complete moron for saying good morning to them, or have a good day or night. I could just strangle people sometimes...:grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad:

    Little late on this one, but girl I feel you there. I work at a bank an I hate people like that. AND lazy ones. "I can't spell good, can you fill out my withdrawal slip for me?" You mean to tell me you cant spell twenty? Or One Hundred?! GAH!

    I'm afraid I'd have to misspell one hundred to one dollar or twenty to two dollars..oops guess I can't spell either.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    People can be really ridiculous. My mom works at a bank with higher end clients and they yell at her because their account went into the negative due to their spending spree. I mean..really? That's your fault. I've worked in customer service in the past and I have had to bite my tongue over how crazy people can get. I've been at the store before where the person in front of me was going off on the other person who was helping them. I said something. I was like..are you serious? This person is helping you and you're being a psycho. I don't always bust in with my two cents, but I hate to see people treated like crap by the person who they are trying to help.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    This is going to sound old fashioned, but...

    Refinement is now something that is in the minority.

    With the propensity of the "me first" attitude comes a reduction in the amount of manners, self awareness, and sympathy/empathy & caring about the feelings of others.

    I can't tell you how many women look at me in shock when I insist on opening the door for them.

    Amazing. I am truly embarrassed for what my gender has become.

    I'm amazed at how many of my gender don't bother to smile and say thank you when a man acts like a gentleman. Seriously, I make it a point to look a man (or boy) in the eye and say thank you when they open the door for me. So, thank you, for being a gentleman. :flowerforyou:
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    Ive worked in retail or some sort of customer service all my life and Im now a store manager and for those that dont know CUSTOMERS ARE NOT ALWAYS RIGHT but unfortunately you just have to sit there and take it. I find mostly there are two types of customers...those that have worked customer service and understand the pressures that employees working those jobs face and those that have never worked customer service and think they get to order you around because " you work a pathetic customer service job ", as if that is the only job you can get. For you that are the later group, just remember that most customer service jobs pay little more than minimum wage which is lil more than 7.50 an hour in most states so they more than likely make about 30thousand dollars less than your BMW driving smartass does. Dont forget, that your not the only customer they see in a day and that the past 30 customers that employee may have seen, all b!tched at them for one reason or another. Just relax and treat others as you would like to be treated:) YOU , are not the only person living in your world so just chill...its common manners to be respectful- well, it may not be in your world, but it is no more than southern hospitality in my world. Sorry....I will get off my soap box now, time for me to go piss some customers off, lmao.

    im quoting myself here, lol....anyway just a special note...

    Dont bother coming into my store like you own it...YOU DONT. Dont come in waving your arms yelling kicking and screaming like a 5 year old cause you will get what i 5 year old gets...a nice fat TIME OUT. As I said, be goes a long way! you can get a lot more with sugar than you can with spice
  • MonicaLee92
    I have to vent on this because it really bothers me. WHY do people have to be so rude for no reason. I work at a bank and a person just came through the drive through and sent in a 100 dollar bill. I asked did you just want change for this ma'am? And she replied yes. So then I had to ask her for her name or account number. She didn't reply, so I asked her again. And she yelled at me why do you need my name? I said its manditory that we put it in the system so in case there are any problems and you were to come back we can go back in the system and see exactly what happened. She then yelled at me this is so stupid, just give me the $100 back if you can't do my transaction. I said ma'am I would be more than happy to do this for you I just have to put in your name. She then screamed her name at me and yelled God this is so stupid! I left the speaker on to hear what she was saying still and she just sat out there venting how stupid she thought this was to have to go through. I then sent her back her change and told her thank you have a great day. She gave me the look, shook her head, and drove off with her change.

    Really? I still don't get the issue here... Why couldn't you simply tell me your name and go on with your life. It's these kind of people who you always get that make you HATE working in customer service. That and the customers who you get all day that look at you like your a complete moron for saying good morning to them, or have a good day or night. I could just strangle people sometimes...:grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad:

    Little late on this one, but girl I feel you there. I work at a bank an I hate people like that. AND lazy ones. "I can't spell good, can you fill out my withdrawal slip for me?" You mean to tell me you cant spell twenty? Or One Hundred?! GAH!

    Oh my goodness! I get that all the time. Or the people who refuse to learn how to write a check and you have to write it out for them everytime!
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    I have to vent on this because it really bothers me. WHY do people have to be so rude for no reason. I work at a bank and a person just came through the drive through and sent in a 100 dollar bill. I asked did you just want change for this ma'am? And she replied yes. So then I had to ask her for her name or account number. She didn't reply, so I asked her again. And she yelled at me why do you need my name? I said its manditory that we put it in the system so in case there are any problems and you were to come back we can go back in the system and see exactly what happened. She then yelled at me this is so stupid, just give me the $100 back if you can't do my transaction. I said ma'am I would be more than happy to do this for you I just have to put in your name. She then screamed her name at me and yelled God this is so stupid! I left the speaker on to hear what she was saying still and she just sat out there venting how stupid she thought this was to have to go through. I then sent her back her change and told her thank you have a great day. She gave me the look, shook her head, and drove off with her change.

    Really? I still don't get the issue here... Why couldn't you simply tell me your name and go on with your life. It's these kind of people who you always get that make you HATE working in customer service. That and the customers who you get all day that look at you like your a complete moron for saying good morning to them, or have a good day or night. I could just strangle people sometimes...:grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad:

    Little late on this one, but girl I feel you there. I work at a bank an I hate people like that. AND lazy ones. "I can't spell good, can you fill out my withdrawal slip for me?" You mean to tell me you cant spell twenty? Or One Hundred?! GAH!

    Oh my goodness! I get that all the time. Or the people who refuse to learn how to write a check and you have to write it out for them everytime!

    Are you serious?? are there really ppl that dont know how to write a check..thats freakin sad!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Why do you need a name to give change for legal tender?

    In case it's a fake 100

    You don't have the little pen to write on it and check? Seriously you are a bank. If you can't tell that, we're in trouble.

    Good grief...

    I think the point is that those are the rules her company has set and she has to abide by them. There's no reason for people to be terrible to her about it. You can ask why she's doing something a certain way without being evil, like that lady was.

    It's an ignorant policy. If they are concerned about somebody questioning a transaction later, give the woman a receipt with an identifying number on it (probably happens already). If she doesn't have it, she has no recourse. Honestly there is no reason for a bank, or any other establishment, to get a name to do a legal money transaction with cash (unless it is large sums that fall under regulation). Certainly the woman could have questioned it logically - but the teller should be questioning it logically too. The rote 'it's our policy' response is bs. She is responsible for the policy that makes no sense because she is enforcing it. If she can't explain it with a reasonable explanation other than 'it's our policy' - she drew first blood in the rudeness department, IMHO.

    "It's our policy" is not BS. It could cost her job if she didn't follow it!!!! I have never been to a bank that did transactions for non-customers. I've always been asked for name or account number and it's not a big deal unless you are a *kitten* about it.
  • LesleeBeAlive
    I have to vent on this because it really bothers me. WHY do people have to be so rude for no reason. I work at a bank and a person just came through the drive through and sent in a 100 dollar bill. I asked did you just want change for this ma'am? And she replied yes. So then I had to ask her for her name or account number. She didn't reply, so I asked her again. And she yelled at me why do you need my name? I said its manditory that we put it in the system so in case there are any problems and you were to come back we can go back in the system and see exactly what happened. She then yelled at me this is so stupid, just give me the $100 back if you can't do my transaction. I said ma'am I would be more than happy to do this for you I just have to put in your name. She then screamed her name at me and yelled God this is so stupid! I left the speaker on to hear what she was saying still and she just sat out there venting how stupid she thought this was to have to go through. I then sent her back her change and told her thank you have a great day. She gave me the look, shook her head, and drove off with her change.

    Really? I still don't get the issue here... Why couldn't you simply tell me your name and go on with your life. It's these kind of people who you always get that make you HATE working in customer service. That and the customers who you get all day that look at you like your a complete moron for saying good morning to them, or have a good day or night. I could just strangle people sometimes...:grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad:

    Little late on this one, but girl I feel you there. I work at a bank an I hate people like that. AND lazy ones. "I can't spell good, can you fill out my withdrawal slip for me?" You mean to tell me you cant spell twenty? Or One Hundred?! GAH!

    Oh my goodness! I get that all the time. Or the people who refuse to learn how to write a check and you have to write it out for them everytime!

    Are you serious?? are there really ppl that dont know how to write a check..thats freakin sad!

    It seriously should be something that is taught in High School! Like NO JOKE! People are as dumb as rocks around where I live. And then they throw a fit when they want to take out XX amount of money and I have to file paperwork on them.. REALLY?!! STFU! Lol
  • LesleeBeAlive
    Why do you need a name to give change for legal tender?

    In case it's a fake 100

    You don't have the little pen to write on it and check? Seriously you are a bank. If you can't tell that, we're in trouble.

    Good grief...

    I think the point is that those are the rules her company has set and she has to abide by them. There's no reason for people to be terrible to her about it. You can ask why she's doing something a certain way without being evil, like that lady was.

    It's an ignorant policy. If they are concerned about somebody questioning a transaction later, give the woman a receipt with an identifying number on it (probably happens already). If she doesn't have it, she has no recourse. Honestly there is no reason for a bank, or any other establishment, to get a name to do a legal money transaction with cash (unless it is large sums that fall under regulation). Certainly the woman could have questioned it logically - but the teller should be questioning it logically too. The rote 'it's our policy' response is bs. She is responsible for the policy that makes no sense because she is enforcing it. If she can't explain it with a reasonable explanation other than 'it's our policy' - she drew first blood in the rudeness department, IMHO.

    "It's our policy" is not BS. It could cost her job if she didn't follow it!!!! I have never been to a bank that did transactions for non-customers. I've always been asked for name or account number and it's not a big deal unless you are a *kitten* about it.

    Ignorant policy? I am sorry, do YOU work at a bank?!
  • MonicaLee92
    This is going to sound old fashioned, but...

    Refinement is now something that is in the minority.

    With the propensity of the "me first" attitude comes a reduction in the amount of manners, self awareness, and sympathy/empathy & caring about the feelings of others.

    I can't tell you how many women look at me in shock when I insist on opening the door for them.

    Amazing. I am truly embarrassed for what my gender has become.

    I'm amazed at how many of my gender don't bother to smile and say thank you when a man acts like a gentleman. Seriously, I make it a point to look a man (or boy) in the eye and say thank you when they open the door for me. So, thank you, for being a gentleman. :flowerforyou:

    I make sure I thank anyone who opens the door for me. People don't do that very much anymore so I think it is so sweet. So thank all of you who are nice enough to do so. :flowerforyou:
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    I have to vent on this because it really bothers me. WHY do people have to be so rude for no reason. I work at a bank and a person just came through the drive through and sent in a 100 dollar bill. I asked did you just want change for this ma'am? And she replied yes. So then I had to ask her for her name or account number. She didn't reply, so I asked her again. And she yelled at me why do you need my name? I said its manditory that we put it in the system so in case there are any problems and you were to come back we can go back in the system and see exactly what happened. She then yelled at me this is so stupid, just give me the $100 back if you can't do my transaction. I said ma'am I would be more than happy to do this for you I just have to put in your name. She then screamed her name at me and yelled God this is so stupid! I left the speaker on to hear what she was saying still and she just sat out there venting how stupid she thought this was to have to go through. I then sent her back her change and told her thank you have a great day. She gave me the look, shook her head, and drove off with her change.

    Really? I still don't get the issue here... Why couldn't you simply tell me your name and go on with your life. It's these kind of people who you always get that make you HATE working in customer service. That and the customers who you get all day that look at you like your a complete moron for saying good morning to them, or have a good day or night. I could just strangle people sometimes...:grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad:

    Little late on this one, but girl I feel you there. I work at a bank an I hate people like that. AND lazy ones. "I can't spell good, can you fill out my withdrawal slip for me?" You mean to tell me you cant spell twenty? Or One Hundred?! GAH!

    Oh my goodness! I get that all the time. Or the people who refuse to learn how to write a check and you have to write it out for them everytime!

    Are you serious?? are there really ppl that dont know how to write a check..thats freakin sad!

    It seriously should be something that is taught in High School! Like NO JOKE! People are as dumb as rocks around where I live. And then they throw a fit when they want to take out XX amount of money and I have to file paperwork on them.. REALLY?!! STFU! Lol

    LOL...high school? Agreed... ok at least teach it somewhere but its not rocket science. I learned to write a check in elementary school math class.
  • MonicaLee92
    I have to vent on this because it really bothers me. WHY do people have to be so rude for no reason. I work at a bank and a person just came through the drive through and sent in a 100 dollar bill. I asked did you just want change for this ma'am? And she replied yes. So then I had to ask her for her name or account number. She didn't reply, so I asked her again. And she yelled at me why do you need my name? I said its manditory that we put it in the system so in case there are any problems and you were to come back we can go back in the system and see exactly what happened. She then yelled at me this is so stupid, just give me the $100 back if you can't do my transaction. I said ma'am I would be more than happy to do this for you I just have to put in your name. She then screamed her name at me and yelled God this is so stupid! I left the speaker on to hear what she was saying still and she just sat out there venting how stupid she thought this was to have to go through. I then sent her back her change and told her thank you have a great day. She gave me the look, shook her head, and drove off with her change.

    Really? I still don't get the issue here... Why couldn't you simply tell me your name and go on with your life. It's these kind of people who you always get that make you HATE working in customer service. That and the customers who you get all day that look at you like your a complete moron for saying good morning to them, or have a good day or night. I could just strangle people sometimes...:grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad:

    Little late on this one, but girl I feel you there. I work at a bank an I hate people like that. AND lazy ones. "I can't spell good, can you fill out my withdrawal slip for me?" You mean to tell me you cant spell twenty? Or One Hundred?! GAH!

    Oh my goodness! I get that all the time. Or the people who refuse to learn how to write a check and you have to write it out for them everytime!

    Are you serious?? are there really ppl that dont know how to write a check..thats freakin sad!

    There are a lot of people who don't know how to. I didn't realize that until I started working here. I still can't believe it...
  • MonicaLee92
    I have to vent on this because it really bothers me. WHY do people have to be so rude for no reason. I work at a bank and a person just came through the drive through and sent in a 100 dollar bill. I asked did you just want change for this ma'am? And she replied yes. So then I had to ask her for her name or account number. She didn't reply, so I asked her again. And she yelled at me why do you need my name? I said its manditory that we put it in the system so in case there are any problems and you were to come back we can go back in the system and see exactly what happened. She then yelled at me this is so stupid, just give me the $100 back if you can't do my transaction. I said ma'am I would be more than happy to do this for you I just have to put in your name. She then screamed her name at me and yelled God this is so stupid! I left the speaker on to hear what she was saying still and she just sat out there venting how stupid she thought this was to have to go through. I then sent her back her change and told her thank you have a great day. She gave me the look, shook her head, and drove off with her change.

    Really? I still don't get the issue here... Why couldn't you simply tell me your name and go on with your life. It's these kind of people who you always get that make you HATE working in customer service. That and the customers who you get all day that look at you like your a complete moron for saying good morning to them, or have a good day or night. I could just strangle people sometimes...:grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad:

    Little late on this one, but girl I feel you there. I work at a bank an I hate people like that. AND lazy ones. "I can't spell good, can you fill out my withdrawal slip for me?" You mean to tell me you cant spell twenty? Or One Hundred?! GAH!

    Oh my goodness! I get that all the time. Or the people who refuse to learn how to write a check and you have to write it out for them everytime!

    Are you serious?? are there really ppl that dont know how to write a check..thats freakin sad!

    It seriously should be something that is taught in High School! Like NO JOKE! People are as dumb as rocks around where I live. And then they throw a fit when they want to take out XX amount of money and I have to file paperwork on them.. REALLY?!! STFU! Lol

    Haha! I know exactly what you mean here. They throw the biggest fits. It's like, how old are you? Then why are you throwing a five year old fit about this? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • LesleeBeAlive
    I have to vent on this because it really bothers me. WHY do people have to be so rude for no reason. I work at a bank and a person just came through the drive through and sent in a 100 dollar bill. I asked did you just want change for this ma'am? And she replied yes. So then I had to ask her for her name or account number. She didn't reply, so I asked her again. And she yelled at me why do you need my name? I said its manditory that we put it in the system so in case there are any problems and you were to come back we can go back in the system and see exactly what happened. She then yelled at me this is so stupid, just give me the $100 back if you can't do my transaction. I said ma'am I would be more than happy to do this for you I just have to put in your name. She then screamed her name at me and yelled God this is so stupid! I left the speaker on to hear what she was saying still and she just sat out there venting how stupid she thought this was to have to go through. I then sent her back her change and told her thank you have a great day. She gave me the look, shook her head, and drove off with her change.

    Really? I still don't get the issue here... Why couldn't you simply tell me your name and go on with your life. It's these kind of people who you always get that make you HATE working in customer service. That and the customers who you get all day that look at you like your a complete moron for saying good morning to them, or have a good day or night. I could just strangle people sometimes...:grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad:

    Little late on this one, but girl I feel you there. I work at a bank an I hate people like that. AND lazy ones. "I can't spell good, can you fill out my withdrawal slip for me?" You mean to tell me you cant spell twenty? Or One Hundred?! GAH!

    Oh my goodness! I get that all the time. Or the people who refuse to learn how to write a check and you have to write it out for them everytime!

    Are you serious?? are there really ppl that dont know how to write a check..thats freakin sad!

    It seriously should be something that is taught in High School! Like NO JOKE! People are as dumb as rocks around where I live. And then they throw a fit when they want to take out XX amount of money and I have to file paperwork on them.. REALLY?!! STFU! Lol

    Haha! I know exactly what you mean here. They throw the biggest fits. It's like, how old are you? Then why are you throwing a five year old fit about this? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    It's madness! Lol Or or or! The people that come throught the "business' window at the drive through and are not a business... then get mad because a actual business took 20 mins to count their 30K in cash.. HELLO! It's the BUSINESS window. Not the personal I have one 30 dollar checkt o cash window! Grrr:grumble:
  • MonicaLee92
    I have to vent on this because it really bothers me. WHY do people have to be so rude for no reason. I work at a bank and a person just came through the drive through and sent in a 100 dollar bill. I asked did you just want change for this ma'am? And she replied yes. So then I had to ask her for her name or account number. She didn't reply, so I asked her again. And she yelled at me why do you need my name? I said its manditory that we put it in the system so in case there are any problems and you were to come back we can go back in the system and see exactly what happened. She then yelled at me this is so stupid, just give me the $100 back if you can't do my transaction. I said ma'am I would be more than happy to do this for you I just have to put in your name. She then screamed her name at me and yelled God this is so stupid! I left the speaker on to hear what she was saying still and she just sat out there venting how stupid she thought this was to have to go through. I then sent her back her change and told her thank you have a great day. She gave me the look, shook her head, and drove off with her change.

    Really? I still don't get the issue here... Why couldn't you simply tell me your name and go on with your life. It's these kind of people who you always get that make you HATE working in customer service. That and the customers who you get all day that look at you like your a complete moron for saying good morning to them, or have a good day or night. I could just strangle people sometimes...:grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad:

    Little late on this one, but girl I feel you there. I work at a bank an I hate people like that. AND lazy ones. "I can't spell good, can you fill out my withdrawal slip for me?" You mean to tell me you cant spell twenty? Or One Hundred?! GAH!

    Oh my goodness! I get that all the time. Or the people who refuse to learn how to write a check and you have to write it out for them everytime!

    Are you serious?? are there really ppl that dont know how to write a check..thats freakin sad!

    It seriously should be something that is taught in High School! Like NO JOKE! People are as dumb as rocks around where I live. And then they throw a fit when they want to take out XX amount of money and I have to file paperwork on them.. REALLY?!! STFU! Lol

    Haha! I know exactly what you mean here. They throw the biggest fits. It's like, how old are you? Then why are you throwing a five year old fit about this? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    It's madness! Lol Or or or! The people that come throught the "business' window at the drive through and are not a business... then get mad because a actual business took 20 mins to count their 30K in cash.. HELLO! It's the BUSINESS window. Not the personal I have one 30 dollar checkt o cash window! Grrr:grumble:

    Haha! Yes we get that all the time! Or the people who go through the tube and completley fill it with change! Or want us to send like $100 in quarters through the tub.
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    sorry ya'll time for me to get my lazy butt off this thread and computer and go kick some crap around at the gym. Ya'll just remember...customers are jack wagon's just be positive and treat them with love when they are stupid, cause even stupid ppl need love, lol.

    Im out.
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    I work customer service at Walmart and we get some dillies there. I have never had anyone go really postal on me, but I've seen it happen to co-workers. But after a few unpleasant experiences, I decided to think about it this way. What does every single person, regardless of age, gender, lifestyle, etc., want?
    They want to be validated. They want to feel that they matter. That somebody gives a damn about their issue. So, as soon as somebody approaches me with a complaint, the first thing I say is "I am so sorry this happened." 99 times out of 100, they calm down immediately and say something like, "I know its not your fault but I'm so frustrated!" I sympathize and try to resolve the issue--if I can't, I say, "Well I don't have the authority to do that for you, but let me get somebody who does" and I get a manager to deal with it. That's what they get the big bucks for, right?

    Like I said, I've never had anyone go postal on me and I've worked there for over 3 years now. I have customers now who refuse to deal with anyone BUT me. Saying, "I'm so sorry" doesn't hurt me and it usually defuses and disarms the customer, because it means, "I care about what happened to you."
    Yes, some of them are jerks, morons, bullies, etc. But most of my regulars like me and I like them. And for those people that are really, truly impossible? I smile and permit myself a private little fantasy of having them beheaded at dawn the next day--and I feel MUCH better.